closed-state inactivation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Voltage-gated sodium channels (Nav) undergo conformational shifts in response to membrane potential changes, a mechanism known as the electromechanical coupling. To delineate the structure-function relationship of human Nav channels, we have performed systematic structural analysis using human Nav1.7 as a prototype. Guided by the structural differences between wild-type (WT) Nav1.7 and an eleven mutation-containing variant, designated Nav1.7-M11, we generated three additional intermediate mutants and solved their structures at overall resolutions of 2.9-3.4 Å. The mutant with nine-point mutations in the pore domain (PD), named Nav1.7-M9, has a reduced cavity volume and a sealed gate, with all voltage-sensing domains (VSDs) remaining up. Structural comparison of WT and Nav1.7-M9 pinpoints two residues that may be critical to the tightening of the PD. However, the variant containing these two mutations, Nav1.7-M2, or even in combination with two additional mutations in the VSDs, named Nav1.7-M4, failed to tighten the PD. Our structural analysis reveals a tendency of PD contraction correlated with the right shift of the static inactivation I-V curves. We predict that the channel in the resting state should have a \"tight\" PD with down VSDs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The voltage-gated ion channel activity depends on both activation (transition from the resting state to the open state) and inactivation. Inactivation is a self-restraint mechanism to limit ion conduction and is as crucial to membrane excitability as activation. Inactivation can occur when the channel is open or closed. Although open-state inactivation is well understood, the molecular basis of closed-state inactivation has remained elusive. We report cryo-EM structures of human KV4.2 channel complexes in inactivated, open, and closed states. Closed-state inactivation of KV4 involves an unprecedented symmetry breakdown for pore closure by only two of the four S4-S5 linkers, distinct from known mechanisms of open-state inactivation. We further capture KV4 in a putative resting state, revealing how voltage sensor movements control the pore. Moreover, our structures provide insights regarding channel modulation by KChIP2 and DPP6 auxiliary subunits. Our findings elucidate mechanisms of closed-state inactivation and voltage-dependent activation of the KV4 channel.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kv4.2 subunits, encoded by KCND2, serve as the pore-forming components of voltage-gated, inactivating ISA K+ channels expressed in the brain. ISA channels inactivate without opening in response to subthreshold excitatory input, temporarily increasing neuronal excitability, the back propagation of action potentials, and Ca2+ influx into dendrites, thereby regulating mechanisms of spike timing-dependent synaptic plasticity. As previously described, a de novo variant in Kv4.2, p.Val404Met, is associated with an infant-onset developmental and epileptic encephalopathy in monozygotic twin boys. The p.Val404Met variant enhances inactivation directly from closed states, but dramatically impairs inactivation after channel opening. We now report the identification of a closely related, novel, de novo variant in Kv4.2, p.Val402Leu, in a boy with an early-onset pharmacoresistant epilepsy that evolved to an epileptic aphasia syndrome (Continuous Spike Wave during Sleep Syndrome). Like p.Val404Met, the p.Val402Leu variant increases the rate of inactivation from closed states, but significantly slows inactivation after the pore opens. Although quantitatively the p.Val402Leu mutation alters channel kinetics less dramatically than p.Val404Met, our results strongly support the conclusion that p.Val402Leu and p.Val404Met cause the clinical features seen in the affected individuals and underscore the importance of closed state inactivation in ISA channels in normal brain development and function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    N-type voltage-gated calcium (CaV) channels mediate Ca2+ influx at presynaptic terminals in response to action potentials and play vital roles in synaptogenesis, release of neurotransmitters, and nociceptive transmission. Here, we elucidate a cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of the human CaV2.2 complex in apo, ziconotide-bound, and two CaV2.2-specific pore blockers-bound states. The second voltage-sensing domain (VSD) is captured in a resting-state conformation, trapped by a phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) molecule, which is distinct from the other three VSDs of CaV2.2, as well as activated VSDs observed in previous structures of CaV channels. This structure reveals the molecular basis for the unique inactivation process of CaV2.2 channels, in which the intracellular gate formed by S6 helices is closed and a W-helix from the domain II-III linker stabilizes closed-state inactivation. The structures of this inactivated, drug-bound complex lay a solid foundation for developing new state-dependent blockers for treatment of chronic pain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The segment 4 (S4) voltage sensor in voltage-gated sodium channels (Navs) have domain-specific functions, and the S4 segment in domain DIV (DIVS4) plays a key role in the activation and fast inactivation processes through the coupling of arginine residues in DIVS4 with residues of putative gating charge transfer center (pGCTC) in DIVS1-3. In addition, the first four arginine residues (R1-R4) in Nav DIVS4 have position-specific functions in the fast inactivation process, and mutations in these residues are associated with diverse phenotypes of Nav-related diseases (sodium channelopathies). R1 and R2 mutations commonly display a delayed fast inactivation, causing a gain-of-function, whereas R3 and R4 mutations commonly display a delayed recovery from inactivation and profound use-dependent current attenuation, causing a severe loss-of-function. In contrast, mutations of residues of pGCTC in Nav DIVS1-3 can also alter fast inactivation. Such alterations in fast inactivation may be caused by disrupted interactions of DIVS4 with DIVS1-3. Despite fast inactivation of Navs occurs from both the open-state (open-state inactivation; OSI) and closed state (closed-state inactivation; CSI), changes in CSI have received considerably less attention than those in OSI in the pathophysiology of sodium channelopathies. CSI can be altered by mutations of arginine residues in DIVS4 and residues of pGCTC in Navs, and altered CSI can be an underlying primary biophysical defect of sodium channelopathies. Therefore, CSI should receive focus in order to clarify the pathophysiology of sodium channelopathies.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    SCN5A variants can be associated with overlapping phenotypes such as Brugada syndrome (BrS), sinus node dysfunction and supraventricular tachyarrhythmias. Our genetic screening of SCN5A in 65 consecutive BrS probands revealed two patients with overlapping phenotypes: one carried an SCN5A R1632C (in domain IV-segment 4), which we have previously reported, the other carried a novel SCN5A N1541D (in domain IV-segment 1).
    We sought to reveal whether or not these variants are associated with the same biophysical defects.
    Wild-type (WT) or mutant SCN5A was expressed in tsA201-cells, and whole-cell sodium currents (hNav1.5/INa) were recorded using patch-clamp techniques.
    The N1541D-INa density, when assessed from a holding potential of -150 mV, was not different from WT-INa as with R1632C-INa, indicating that SCN5A N1541D did not cause trafficking defects. The steady-state inactivation curve of N1541D-INa was markedly shifted to hyperpolarizing potentials in comparison to WT-INa (V1/2-WT: -82.3 ± 0.9 mV, n = 15; N1541D: -108.8 ± 1.6 mV, n = 26, P < .01) as with R1632C-INa. Closed-state inactivation (CSI) was evaluated using prepulses of -90 mV for 1460 ms. Residual N1541D-INa and R1632C-INa were markedly reduced in comparison to WT-INa (WT: 63.8 ± 4.6%, n = 18; N1541D: 15.1 ± 2.3%, n = 19, P < .01 vs WT; R1632C: 5.3 ± 0.5%, n = 15, P < .01 vs WT). Entry into CSI of N1541D-INa was markedly accelerated, and that of R1632C-INa was weakly accelerated in comparison to WT-INa (tau-WT: 65.8 ± 7.4 ms, n = 18; N1541D: 13.7 ± 1.1 ms, n = 19, P < .01 vs WT; R1632C: 39.5 ± 2.9 ms, n = 15, P < .01 vs WT and N1541D). Although N1541D-INa recovered from closed-state fast inactivation at the same rate as WT-INa, R1632C-INa recovered very slowly (tau-WT: 1.90 ± 0.16 ms, n = 10; N1541D: 1.72 ± 0.12 ms, n = 10, P = .41 vs WT; R1632C: 53.0 ± 2.5 ms, n = 14, P < .01 vs WT and N1541D).
    Both N1541D-INa and R1632C-INa exhibited marked enhancement of CSI, but through different mechanisms. The data provided a novel understanding of the mechanisms of CSI of INa. Clinically, the enhanced CSI of N1541D-INa leads to a severe loss-of-function of INa at voltages near the physiological resting membrane potential (~-90 mV) of cardiac myocytes; this can be attributable to the patient\'s phenotypic manifestations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A de novo mutation in the KCND2 gene, which encodes the Kv4.2 K+ channel, was identified in twin boys with intractable, infant-onset epilepsy and autism. Kv4.2 channels undergo closed-state inactivation (CSI), a mechanism by which channels inactivate without opening during subthreshold depolarizations. CSI dynamically modulates neuronal excitability and action potential back propagation in response to excitatory synaptic input, controlling Ca2+ influx into dendrites and regulating spike timing-dependent plasticity. Here, we show that the V404M mutation specifically affects the mechanism of CSI, enhancing the inactivation of channels that have not opened while dramatically impairing the inactivation of channels that have opened. The mutation gives rise to these opposing effects by increasing the stability of the inactivated state and in parallel, profoundly slowing the closure of open channels, which according to our data, is required for CSI. The larger volume of methionine compared with valine is a major factor underlying altered inactivation gating. Our results suggest that V404M increases the strength of the physical interaction between the pore gate and the voltage sensor regardless of whether the gate is open or closed. Furthermore, in contrast to previous proposals, our data strongly suggest that physical coupling between the voltage sensor and the pore gate is maintained in the inactivated state. The state-dependent effects of V404M on CSI are expected to disturb the regulation of neuronal excitability and the induction of spike timing-dependent plasticity. Our results strongly support a role for altered CSI gating in the etiology of epilepsy and autism in the affected twins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inactivation path of voltage gated sodium channel has been studied here under various voltage protocols as it is the main governing factor for the periodic occurrence and shape of the action potential. These voltage protocols actually serve as non-equilibrium response spectroscopic tools to study the ion channel in non-equilibrium environment. In contrast to a lot of effort in finding the crystal structure based molecular mechanism of closed-state(CSI) and open-state inactivation(OSI); here our approach is to understand the dynamical characterization of inactivation. The kinetic flux as well as energetic contribution of the closed and open- state inactivation path is compared here for voltage protocols, namely constant, pulsed and oscillating. The non-equilibrium thermodynamic quantities used in response to these voltage protocols serve as improved characterization tools for theoretical understanding which not only agrees with the previously known kinetic measurements but also predict the energetically optimum processes to sustain the auto-regulatory mechanism of action potential and the consequent inactivation steps needed. The time dependent voltage pattern governs the population of the conformational states which when couple with characteristic rate parameters, the CSI and OSI selectivity arise dynamically to control the inactivation path. Using constant, pulsed and continuous oscillating voltage protocols we have shown that during depolarization the OSI path is more favored path of inactivation however, in the hyper-polarized situation the CSI is favored. It is also shown that the re-factorisation of inactivated sodium channel to resting state occurs via CSI path. Here we have shown how the subtle energetic and entropic cost due to the change in the depolarization magnitude determines the optimum path of inactivation. It is shown that an efficient CSI and OSI dynamical profile in principle can characterize the open-state drug blocking phenomena.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Haloperidol is commonly used in clinical practice to treat acute and chronic psychosis, but it also has been associated with adverse cardiovascular events. We investigated the effects of haloperidol on Kv4.3 currents stably expressed in CHO cells using a whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Haloperidol did not significantly inhibit the peak amplitude of Kv4.3, but accelerated the decay rate of inactivation of Kv4.3 in a concentration-dependent manner. Thus, the effects of haloperidol on Kv4.3 were estimated from the integral of the Kv4.3 currents during the depolarization pulse. The Kv4.3 was decreased by haloperidol in a concentration-dependent manner with an IC50 value of 3.6 μM. Haloperidol accelerated the decay rate of Kv4.3 inactivation and activation kinetics in a concentration-dependent manner, thereby decreasing the time-to-peak. Haloperidol shifted the voltage dependence of the steady-state activation and inactivation of Kv4.3 in a hyperpolarizing direction. Haloperidol also caused an acceleration of the closed-state inactivation of Kv4.3. Haloperidol produced a use-dependent block of Kv4.3, which was accompanied by a slowing of recovery from the inactivation of Kv4.3. These results suggest that haloperidol blocks Kv4.3 by both interacting with the open state of Kv4.3 channels during depolarization and accelerating the closed-state inactivation at subthreshold membrane potentials.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    We studied the consequences of the Nav1.4 mutation R1448H that is situated in the fourth voltage sensor of the channel and causes paramyotonia, a cold-induced myotonia followed by weakness. Previous work showed that the mutation uncouples inactivation from activation. We measured whole-cell Na(+) currents at 10, 15, 20, and 25°C using HEK293 cells stably transfected with wildtype (WT) and R1448H Na(+) channels. A Markov model was developed the parameters of which reproduced the data measured on WT and R1448H channels in the whole voltage and temperature range. It required an additional transient inactivated state and an additional closed-state inactivation transition not previously described. The model was used to predict single-channel properties, free energy barriers and temperature dependence of rates. It allowed us to draw the following conclusions: i) open-state inactivation results from a two-step process; ii) the channel re-openings that cause paramyotonia originate from enhanced deactivation/reactivation and not from destabilized inactivation; iii) the closed-state inactivation of R1448H is strikingly enhanced. We assume that latter explains the episodic weakness following cold-induced myotonia.





