
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The sense of smell is tightly linked to emotions, a link that is thought to rely on the direct synaptic connections between the olfactory bulb (OB) and nuclei of the amygdala. However, there are multiple pathways projecting olfactory information to the amygdala, and their unique functions are unknown. The pathway via the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract (NLOT) that receives input from olfactory regions and projects to the basolateral amygdala (BLA) is among them. NLOT has been very little studied, and consequentially its function is unknown. Furthermore, formulation of informed hypotheses about NLOT function is at this stage limited by the lack of knowledge about its connectivity and physiological properties. Here, we used virus-based tracing methods to systematically reveal inputs into NLOT, as well as NLOT projection targets in mice of both sexes. We found that the NLOT is interconnected with several olfactory brain regions and with the BLA. Some of these connections were reciprocal, and some showed unique interhemispheric patterns. We tested the excitable properties of NLOT neurons and the properties of each of the major synaptic inputs. We found that the NLOT receives powerful input from the piriform cortex, tenia tecta, and the BLA but only very weak input from the OB. When input crosses threshold, NLOT neurons respond with calcium-dependent bursts of action potentials. We hypothesize that this integration of olfactory and amygdalar inputs serves behaviors that combine smell and emotion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The importance of visual cues for navigation and goal-directed behavior is well established, although the neural mechanisms supporting sensory representations in navigational circuits are largely unknown. Navigation is fundamentally dependent on the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC), which receives direct projections from neocortical visual areas, including the retrosplenial cortex (RSC). Here, we perform high-density recordings of MEC neurons in awake, head-fixed mice presented with simple visual stimuli and assess the dynamics of sensory-evoked activity. We find that a large fraction of neurons exhibit robust responses to visual input. Visually responsive cells are located primarily in layer 3 of the dorsal MEC and can be separated into subgroups based on functional and molecular properties. Furthermore, optogenetic suppression of RSC afferents within the MEC strongly reduces visual responses. Overall, our results demonstrate that the MEC can encode simple visual cues in the environment that may contribute to neural representations of location necessary for accurate navigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The retinal neural circuit is intricately wired for efficient processing of visual signals. This is well-supported by the specialized connections between retinal neurons at both the functional and ultrastructural levels. Through 3D electron microscopic (EM) reconstructions of retinal neurons and circuits we have learnt much about the specificities of connections within the retinal layers including new insights into how retinal neurons establish connections and perform sophisticated visual computations. This mini-review will summarize the retinal circuitry and provide details about the novel insights EM connectomics has brought into our understanding of the retinal circuitry. We will also discuss unresolved questions about the retinal circuitry that can be addressed by EM connectomics in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Here, we present a method for expressing multiple open reading frames (ORFs) from single transcripts using the leaky scanning model of translation initiation. In this approach termed \"stoichiometric expression of mRNA polycistrons by eukaryotic ribosomes\" (SEMPER), adjacent ORFs are translated from a single mRNA at tunable ratios determined by their order in the sequence and the strength of their translation initiation sites. We validate this approach by expressing up to three fluorescent proteins from one plasmid in two different cell lines. We then use it to encode a stoichiometrically tuned polycistronic construct encoding gas vesicle acoustic reporter genes that enables efficient formation of the multi-protein complex while minimizing cellular toxicity. We also demonstrate that SEMPER enables polycistronic expression of recombinant monoclonal antibodies from plasmid DNA and of two fluorescent proteins from single mRNAs made through in vitro transcription. Finally, we provide a probabilistic model to elucidate the mechanisms underlying SEMPER. A record of this paper\'s transparent peer review process is included in the supplemental information.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biosensing for diagnostics has risen rapidly in popularity over the past decades. With the discovery of new nanomaterials and morphologies, sensitivity is being constantly improved enough for reliable detection of trace biomarkers in human samples, like serum or sweat. This precision has enabled detailed research on the efficacy of biosensors. However, current biosensors suffer from reduced speed of operation. To make better use of this sensitivity, the development of a conductometric biosensor with in-situ use of an Laser Emitting Device (LED) display can provide rapid determination of sample results, steadily pushing biosensors toward more clinical, point-of-care (POC) applications. In this research, a simple LED was used for facile optical determination and visual output of an ultrasensitive bio-signal amplification circuit was made to interface with a B-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) biosensor. Tuning circuit gain enables an elegant method for adjustable separation of concentrations into 3 discrete categories: sub-threshold, analog, and saturation regions. These regions corresponded to 0 < [C] < 500 pg/mL (25, 100, 250 pg/mL, LED off), 500 < [C] < 1000 pg/mL (LED varying intensity), and 1000 pg/mL < [C] (LED full intensity). System efficacy was tested using human blood serum samples from University of Pittsburgh Medical Center patients, which were able to be accurately detected and sorted for rapid low cost and power. determination without need for complex digital elements. Additional specificity testing suggests insignificant impact of non-target biomarkers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nucleic acids exhibit exceptional functionalities for both molecular recognition and catalysis, along with the capability of predictable assembly through strand displacement reactions. The inherent programmability and addressability of DNA probes enable their precise, on-demand assembly and accurate execution of hybridization, significantly enhancing target detection capabilities. Decades of research in DNA nanotechnology have led to advances in the structural design of functional DNA probes, resulting in increasingly sensitive and robust DNA sensors. Moreover, increasing attention has been devoted to enhancing the accuracy and sensitivity of DNA-based biosensors by integrating multiple sensing procedures. In this review, we summarize various strategies aimed at enhancing the accuracy of DNA sensors. These strategies involve multiple guarantee procedures, utilizing dual signal output mechanisms, and implementing sequential regulation methods. Our goal is to provide new insights into the development of more accurate DNA sensors, ultimately facilitating their widespread application in clinical diagnostics and assessment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High spinal cord injury (SCI) leads to persistent and debilitating compromise in respiratory function. Cervical SCI not only causes the death of phrenic motor neurons (PhMNs) that innervate the diaphragm, but also damages descending respiratory pathways originating in the rostral ventral respiratory group (rVRG) located in the brainstem, resulting in denervation and consequent silencing of spared PhMNs located caudal to injury. It is imperative to determine whether interventions targeting rVRG axon growth and respiratory neural circuit reconnection are efficacious in chronic cervical contusion SCI, given that the vast majority of individuals are chronically-injured and most cases of SCI involve contusion-type damage to the cervical region. We therefore employed a rat model of chronic cervical hemicontusion to test therapeutic manipulations aimed at reconstructing damaged rVRG-PhMN-diaphragm circuitry to achieve recovery of respiratory function. At a chronic time point post-injury, we systemically administered: an antagonist peptide directed against phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), a central inhibitor of neuron-intrinsic axon growth potential; an antagonist peptide directed against receptor-type protein tyrosine phosphatase sigma (PTPσ), another important negative regulator of axon growth capacity; or a combination of these two peptides. PTEN antagonist peptide (PAP4) promoted partial recovery of diaphragm motor activity out to nine months post-injury (though this effect depended on the anesthetic regimen used during recording), while PTPσ peptide did not impact diaphragm function after cervical SCI. Furthermore, PAP4 promoted robust growth of descending bulbospinal rVRG axons caudal to the injury within the denervated portion of the PhMN pool, while PTPσ peptide did not affect rVRG axon growth at this location that is critical to control of diaphragmatic respiratory function. In conclusion, we find that, when PTEN inhibition is targeted at a chronic time point following cervical contusion, our non-invasive PAP4 strategy can successfully promote significant regrowth of damaged respiratory neural circuitry and also partial recovery of diaphragm motor function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Purpose:There are a variety of commercially made ultrasound training phantoms available for educational purposes. A new concept in phantoms is presented that utilises a low-cost method to create a reusable phantom.
    UNASSIGNED: A closed electric circuit was combined with insulating material to create a novel phantom that can be used to practise needle tracking under ultrasound guidance on repeated occasions. A tricolour light-emitting diode (LED) illuminates when the needle (under ultrasound gudiance) contacts one of three metal objects embedded in the phatom material.
    UNASSIGNED: This prototype model provides a simple solution for trianing ultrasound needle guidance is particularly geared towards programmes with a high volume of users. This protoype provides a starting point for a new concept in educational phantom trainers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the natural world, animals make decisions on an ongoing basis, continuously selecting which action to undertake next. In the lab, however, the neural bases of decision processes have mostly been studied using artificial trial structures. New experimental tools based on the genetic toolkit of model organisms now make it experimentally feasible to monitor and manipulate neural activity in small subsets of neurons during naturalistic behaviors. We thus propose a new approach to investigating decision processes, termed reverse neuroethology. In this approach, experimenters select animal models based on experimental accessibility and then utilize cutting-edge tools such as connectomes and genetically encoded reagents to analyze the flow of information through an animal\'s nervous system during naturalistic choice behaviors. We describe how the reverse neuroethology strategy has been applied to understand the neural underpinnings of innate, rapid decision making, with a focus on defensive behavioral choices in the vinegar fly Drosophila melanogaster.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Retinal prosthetics are one of the leading therapeutic strategies to restore lost vision in patients with retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration. Much work has described patterns of spiking in retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in response to electrical stimulation, but less work has examined the underlying retinal circuitry that is activated by electrical stimulation to drive these responses. Surprisingly, little is known about the role of inhibition in generating electrical responses or how inhibition might be altered during degeneration. Using whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings during subretinal electrical stimulation in the rd10 and wild-type (wt) retina, we found electrically evoked synaptic inputs differed between ON and OFF RGC populations, with ON cells receiving mostly excitation and OFF cells receiving mostly inhibition and very little excitation. We found that the inhibition of OFF bipolar cells limits excitation in OFF RGCs, and a majority of both pre- and postsynaptic inhibition in the OFF pathway arises from glycinergic amacrine cells, and the stimulation of the ON pathway contributes to inhibitory inputs to the RGC. We also show that this presynaptic inhibition in the OFF pathway is greater in the rd10 retina, compared with that in the wt retina.





