chronic inflammatory diseases

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The intestinal barrier, a critical component of the body\'s defense system, plays a vital role in maintaining homeostasis by preventing the translocation of harmful substances from the gut lumen into the bloodstream. Disruptions in this barrier, often characterized by increased intestinal permeability, are increasingly recognized as contributors to the development and progression of various Chronic Inflammatory Disorders (CIDs). Zonulin, a key regulator of intestinal Tight Junctions (TJs), has emerged as a pivotal player in this process. Dysregulation of zonulin, leading to increased intestinal permeability, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a wide range of CIDs, including Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), celiac disease, and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). This review examines the intricate relationship between zonulin and intestinal permeability, emphasizing its role in regulating TJ integrity and its association with various CIDs. Recent research has demonstrated the therapeutic potential of targeting zonulin, specifically through the use of larazotide acetate, a zonulin antagonist. Preclinical and clinical studies have shown promising results in improving gut barrier integrity and reducing inflammation in patients with CIDs. These findings underscore the significance of zonulin as a potential biomarker for intestinal barrier function and a promising therapeutic target for managing CIDs. Further research is needed to elucidate the precise mechanisms of action of zonulin antagonists and evaluate their efficacy and safety in clinical trials. A deeper understanding of the complex interplay among zonulin, intestinal permeability, and CIDs is crucial, paving the way for novel therapeutic strategies and personalized approaches to patient care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Smoke derived from combustible cigarettes (CCs) contains numerous harmful chemicals that can impair the viability, proliferation, and activation of immune cells, affecting the progression of chronic inflammatory diseases. In order to avoid the detrimental effects of cigarette smoking, many CC users have replaced CCs with heated tobacco products (HTPs). Due to different methods of tobacco processing, CC-sourced smoke and HTP-derived aerosols contain different chemical constituents. With the exception of nicotine, HTP-sourced aerosols contain significantly lower amounts of harmful constituents than CC-derived smoke. Since HTP-dependent effects on immune-cell-driven inflammation are still unknown, herein we used flow cytometry analysis, intracellular staining, and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to determine the impact of CCs and HTPs on systemic inflammatory response in patients suffering from ulcerative colitis (UC), diabetes mellitus (DM), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Both CCs and HTPs significantly modulated cytokine production in circulating immune cells, affecting the systemic inflammatory response in COPD, DM, and UC patients. Compared to CCs, HTPs had weaker capacity to induce the synthesis of inflammatory cytokines (IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-5, IL-6, IL-12, IL-23, IL-17, TNF-α), but more efficiently induced the production of immunosuppressive IL-10 and IL-35. Additionally, HTPs significantly enhanced the synthesis of pro-fibrotic TGF-β. The continuous use of CCs and HTPs aggravated immune-cell-driven systemic inflammation in COPD and DM patients, but not in UC patients, suggesting that the immunomodulatory effects of CC-derived smoke and HTP-sourced aerosols are disease-specific, and need to be determined for specific immune-cell-driven inflammatory diseases.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Fibroblast activation protein (FAP) is mainly found on the surface of activated fibroblasts but is not expressed on the surface of inactive fibroblasts. Selective FAP inhibitors (FAPI), which are coupled to a radioactive tracer, can be used to quantify profibrotic and proinflammatory fibroblasts in patients using FAPI positron emission tomography (PET) computed tomography (CT). Following initial applications in neoplastic diseases, FAPI-PET/CT is also increasingly being applied in rheumatological diseases. The first studies have shown that in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) FAPI accumulates in actively fibrotically remodeled pulmonary and myocardial areas, that a high FAPI accumulation is associated with the risk of short-term progression and that this accumulation in the lungs regresses after successful treatment. In cases of immunoglobulin 4 (IgG4)-associated diseases (IgG4 rheumatic disease, RD), the FAPI signal correlates with the histological accumulation of activated fibroblasts and a poorer response to treatment to inhibit inflammation. Fibroblasts in chronically inflamed tissue, such as patients with inflammatory joint diseases, vasculitis or myositis, also express FAP and can be quantified by FAPI-PET/CT. The treatment-induced change of the phenotype from a destructive IL-6+/MMP3+THY1+ fibroblast subtype to an inflammation inhibiting CD200+DKK3+ subtype can be mechanistically demonstrated using FAPI-PET/CT. These studies provide indications that FAPI-PET/CT enables quantification of the tissue response in patients with fibrosing and chronic inflammatory diseases and can be used for patient stratification; however, further studies are essential for validation of the use of FAPI-PET/CT as a molecular imaging marker.
    UNASSIGNED: „Fibroblast activation protein“ (FAP) ist hauptsächlich auf der Oberfläche von aktivierten Fibroblasten, nicht jedoch auf der von ruhenden Fibroblasten exprimiert ist. Selektive FAP-Inhibitoren (FAPI), die an einen radioaktiven Tracer gekoppelt sind, können genutzt werden, um mittels FAPI-PET/CT (Positronenemissionstomographie/Computertomographie) profibrotische und proentzündliche Fibroblasten im Patienten zu quantifizieren. Nach ersten Anwendungen bei neoplastischen Erkrankungen wird FAPI-PET/CT auch zunehmend bei rheumatologischen Erkrankungen angewendet. Erste Studien zeigen, dass FAPI bei Patienten mit systemischer Sklerose (SSc) in aktiv fibrotisch umgebauten Lungen- und Myokardarealen akkumuliert, eine hohe FAPI-Akkumulation mit dem Risiko der Kurzzeitprogression assoziiert ist und diese Akkumulation in der Lunge bei erfolgreicher Therapie zurückgeht. Bei Ig(Immunglobulin)G4-assoziierten Erkrankungen (IgG4-RD) korreliert das FAPI-Signal mit der Akkumulation aktivierter Fibroblasten in der Histologie und einem schlechteren Ansprechen auf entzündungshemmende Behandlungen. Auch Fibroblasten in chronisch entzündeten Geweben wie bei Patienten mit entzündlichen Gelenkerkrankungen, Vaskulitiden oder Myositiden exprimieren FAP und können mittels FAPI-PET quantifiziert werden. Mechanistisch kann die Therapie-induzierte Änderung des Phänotyps von einem destruktiven IL(Interleukin)-6+/MMP(Matrix-Metalloproteinase)3+THY1(Thy-1-Membran-Glykoprotein)+-Fibroblastensubtyp zu einem entzündungshemmenden CD(„cluster of differentiation“)200+DKK(Dickkopf)3+-Subtyp mittels FAPI-PET/CT dargestellt werden. Diese Studien liefern Hinweise, dass FAPI-PET/CT eine Quantifizierung der Gewebeantwort bei Patient:innen mit fibrosierenden und mit chronisch entzündlichen Erkrankungen ermöglicht und zur Patientenstratifizierung eingesetzt werden kann. Allerdings sind weitere Studien zur Validierung des Einsatzes von FAPI-PET/CT als molekularer Imaging-Biomarker unabdingbar.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vitamin D3 deficiency and insufficiency are becoming a common global issue for us, especially in the most industrially developed countries. The only acknowledged activity of vitamin D3 in vertebrates is to promote the absorption of calcium and, therefore, allow for the mineralization of bones. Accordingly, its deficiency is associated with diseases such as rickets. Other numerous vital functions associated with vitamin D3 are yet to be considered, and the function of vitamin D2 in plants is unknown. Thus, 100 years after its discovery, the importance of vitamin D still seems to be unacknowledged (except for rickets), with little attention given to its decrease throughout the world. In this review, I suggest that vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency may be linked to the westernized lifestyle in more developed countries. Furthermore, I suggest that, rather than the calcemic activity, the main function of vitamin D is, in general, that of strengthening living organisms. I conclude with the hypothesis that vitamin D deficiency may represent a marker for a greater risk of chronic inflammatory diseases and a shorter life expectancy.






  • 文章类型: Published Erratum
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1354500.].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The excessive production of various reactive oxidant species over endogenous antioxidant defense mechanisms leads to the development of a state of oxidative stress, with serious biological consequences. The consequences of oxidative stress depend on the balance between the generation of reactive oxidant species and the antioxidant defense and include oxidative damage of biomolecules, disruption of signal transduction, mutation, and cell apoptosis. Accumulating evidence suggests that oxidative stress is involved in the physiopathology of various debilitating illnesses associated with chronic inflammation, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, or neurodegenerative processes, that need continuous pharmacological treatment. Oxidative stress and chronic inflammation are tightly linked pathophysiological processes, one of which can be simply promoted by another. Although, many antioxidant trials have been unsuccessful (some of the trials showed either no effect or even harmful effects) in human patients as a preventive or curative measure, targeting oxidative stress remains an interesting therapeutic approach for the development of new agents to design novel anti-inflammatory drugs with a reliable safety profile. In this regard, several natural antioxidant compounds were explored as potential therapeutic options for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases. Several metalloenzymes, such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase, are among the essential enzymes that maintain the low nanomolar physiological concentrations of superoxide (O2•-) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), the major redox signaling molecules, and thus play important roles in the alteration of the redox homeostasis. These enzymes have become a striking source of motivation to design catalytic drugs to enhance the action of these enzymes under pathological conditions related to chronic inflammation. This review is focused on several major representatives of natural and synthetic antioxidants as potential drug candidates for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sinomenine (SIN), an alkaloid derived from the traditional Chinese medicine, Caulis Sinomenii, has been used as an anti-inflammatory drug in China for over 30 years. With the continuous increase in research on the pharmacological mechanism of SIN, it has been found that, in addition to the typical rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treatment, SIN can be used as a potentially effective therapeutic drug for anti-tumour, anti-renal, and anti-nervous system diseases. By reviewing a large amount of literature and conducting a summary analysis of the literature pertaining to the pharmacological mechanism of SIN, we completed a review that focused on SIN, found that the current research is insufficient, and offered an outlook for future SIN development. We hope that this review will increase the public understanding of the pharmacological mechanisms of SIN, discover SIN research trial shortcomings, and promote the effective treatment of immune diseases, inflammation, and other related diseases.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Chronic inflammatory conditions are among the most prevalent diseases worldwide. Several debilitating diseases such as atherosclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and Alzheimer\'s are linked to chronic inflammation. These conditions often develop into complex and fatal conditions, making early detection and treatment of chronic inflammation crucial. Current diagnostic methods show high variability and do not account for disease heterogeneity and disease-specific proinflammatory markers, often delaying the disease detection until later stages. Furthermore, existing treatment strategies, including high-dose anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive drugs, have significant side effects and an increased risk of infections. In recent years, superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) have shown tremendous biomedical potential. SPIONs can function as imaging modalities for magnetic resonance imaging, and as therapeutic agents due to their magnetic hyperthermia capability. Furthermore, the surface functionalization of SPIONs allows the detection of specific disease biomarkers and targeted drug delivery. This systematic review explores the utility of SPIONs against chronic inflammatory disorders, focusing on their dual role as diagnostic and therapeutic agents. We extracted studies indexed in the Web of Science database from the last 10 years (2013-2023), and applied systematic inclusion criteria. This resulted in a final selection of 38 articles, which were analyzed for nanoparticle characteristics, targeted diseases, in vivo and in vitro models used, and the efficacy of the therapeutic or diagnostic modalities. The results revealed that ultrasmall SPIONs are excellent for imaging arterial and neuronal inflammation. Furthermore, novel therapies using SPIONs loaded with chemotherapeutic drugs show promise in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. This article is categorized under: Therapeutic Approaches and Drug Discovery > Emerging Technologies Diagnostic Tools > In Vivo Nanodiagnostics and Imaging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Liver disease constitutes a significant global health concern, particularly in China where it has distinctive characteristics. China grapples with a staggering 300 million cases, predominantly due to hepatitis B and metabolic non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Additionally, hepatocellular carcinoma has become a prevalent which is a lethal type of cancer. Despite the scarcity of innovative treatment options, Chinese hepatologists and researchers have achieved notable breakthroughs in the prevention, diagnosis, management and treatment of liver diseases. Traditional Chinese medicines have found widespread application in the treatment of various liver ailments owing to their commendable pharmacological efficacy and minimal side effects. Furthermore, there is a growing body of research in extracellular vesicles, cell therapy and gene therapy, offering new hope in the fight against liver diseases. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the epidemiological characteristics of liver diseases and the diverse array of treatments that Chinese scholars and scientists have pursued in critical field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Little is known about the role of alternative splicing (AS) in regulating gene expression in Mycobacteria-infected individuals in distinct stages of infection. Pre-mRNA AS consists of the removal of introns and the assembly of exons contained in eukaryotic genes. AS events can influence transcript stability or structure with important physiological consequences. Using RNA-Seq data from peripheral blood (PB) and ileocecal valve (ICV) samples collected from Holstein cattle with focal and diffuse paratuberculosis (PTB)-associated histopathological lesions in gut tissues and without lesions (controls), we detected differential AS profiles between the infected and control groups. Four of the identified AS events were experimentally validated by reverse transcription-digital droplet PCR (RT-ddPCR). AS events in several genes correlated with changes in gene expression. In the ICV of animals with diffuse lesions, for instance, alternatively spliced genes correlated with changes in the expression of genes involved in endocytosis, antigen processing and presentation, complement activation, and several inflammatory and autoimmune diseases in humans. Taken together, our results identified common mechanisms of AS involvement in the pathogenesis of PTB and human diseases and shed light on novel diagnostic and therapeutic interventions to control these diseases.





