chromatin structure

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epigenetic alterations, such as those in chromatin structure and DNA methylation, have been extensively studied in a number of tumor types. But oral cancer, particularly oral adenocarcinoma, has received far less attention. Here, we combined laser-capture microdissection and muti-omics mini-bulk sequencing to systematically characterize the epigenetic landscape of oral cancer, including chromatin architecture, DNA methylation, H3K27me3 modification, and gene expression. In carcinogenesis, tumor cells exhibit reorganized chromatin spatial structures, including compromised compartment structures and altered gene-gene interaction networks. Notably, some structural alterations are observed in phenotypically non-malignant paracancerous but not in normal cells. We developed transformer models to identify the cancer propensity of individual genome loci, thereby determining the carcinogenic status of each sample. Insights into cancer epigenetic landscapes provide evidence that chromatin reorganization is an important hallmark of oral cancer progression, which is also linked with genomic alterations and DNA methylation reprogramming. In particular, regions of frequent copy number alternations in cancer cells are associated with strong spatial insulation in both cancer and normal samples. Aberrant methylation reprogramming in oral squamous cell carcinomas is closely related to chromatin structure and H3K27me3 signals, which are further influenced by intrinsic sequence properties. Our findings indicate that structural changes are both significant and conserved in two distinct types of oral cancer, closely linked to transcriptomic alterations and cancer development. Notably, the structural changes remain markedly evident in oral adenocarcinoma despite the considerably lower incidence of genomic copy number alterations and lesser extent of methylation alterations compared to squamous cell carcinoma. We expect that the comprehensive analysis of epigenetic reprogramming of different types and subtypes of primary oral tumors can provide additional guidance to the design of novel detection and therapy for oral cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Many plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) were shown to intercalate into DNA helix or interact with DNA grooves. This may influence histone-DNA interactions changeing chromatin structure and genome functioning.
    METHODS: Nucleosome stability and linker histone H1.2, H1.4 and H1.5 localizations were studied in HeLa cells after the treatment with 15 PSMs, which are DNA-binders and possess anticancer activity according to published data. Chromatin remodeler CBL0137 was used as a control. Effects of PSMs were studied using fluorescent microscopy, flowcytometry, quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), western-blotting.
    RESULTS: We showed that 1-hour treatment with CBL0137 strongly inhibited DNA synthesis and caused intensive linker histone depletion consistent with nucleosome destabilization. None of PSMs caused nucleosome destabilization, while most of them demonstrated significant influence on linker histone localizations. In particular, cell treatment with 11 PSMs at non-toxic concentrations induced significant translocation of the histone H1.5 to nucleoli and most of PSMs caused depletion of the histones H1.2 and H1.4 from chromatin fraction. Curcumin, resveratrol, berberine, naringenin, and quercetin caused significant redistribution of all three variants of the studied linker histones showing some overlap of PSM effects on linker histone DNA-binding. We demonstrated that PSMs, which induced the most significant redistribution of the histone H1.5 (berberine, curcumin and naringenin), influence the proportion of cells synthesizing DNA, expressing or non-expressing cyclin B and influence cell cycle distribution. Berberine induction of H1.5 translocations to nucleoli was shown to occur independently on the phases of cell cycle (metaphase was not analyzed).
    CONCLUSIONS: For the first time we revealed PSM influence on linker histone location in cell nuclei that opens a new direction of PSM research as anticancer agents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The H2B.8 variant has been diverged from other variants by its extended N-terminal region that possesses a conserved domain. We generated transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing H2B.9 (class I), H2B.5 (class II) and H2B.8 (class III) fused to GFP under the 35 S promoter and studied their nuclear distribution and function. H2B.8-GFP showed peculiar nuclear localization at chromocenters in all cell types examined, while H2B.5-GFP and H2B.9-GFP displayed various patterns often dependent on cell types. H2B variants faithfully assembled onto nucleosomes showing no effect on nuclear organization; H2B.8-GFP appeared as three distinct isoforms in which one isoform appeared to be SUMOylated. Interestingly, transient expression in protoplasts revealed H2B.8 nuclear localization distinct from transgenic plants as it was restricted to the nuclear periphery generating a distinctive ring-like appearance accompanied by nuclear size reduction. This unique appearance was abolished by deletion of the N-terminal conserved domain or when H2B.8-GFP is transiently expressed in ddm1 protoplasts. GFP-TRAP-coupled proteome analysis uncovered H2B.8-partner proteins including H2A.W.12, which characterizes heterochromatin. Thus, our data highlight H2B.8 as a unique variant evolved in angiosperms to control chromatin compaction/aggregation and uncover cis- and trans-regulatory elements underlying its nuclear distribution and function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bone metabolism plays a crucial role in maintaining normal bone tissue homeostasis and function. Imbalances between bone formation and resorption can lead to osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and other bone diseases. The dynamic and complex process of bone remodeling is driven by various factors, including epigenetics. Histone modification, one of the most important and well-studied components of epigenetic regulation, has emerged as a promising area of research in bone metabolism. Different histone proteins and modification sites exert diverse effects on osteogenesis and osteoclastogenesis. In this review, we summarize recent progress in understanding histone modifications in bone metabolism, including specific modification sites and potential regulatory enzymes. Comprehensive knowledge of histone modifications in bone metabolism could reveal new therapeutic targets and treatment strategies for bone diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The three-dimensional structure of chromatin has emerged as an important feature of eukaryotic gene regulation. Recent technological advances in DNA sequencing-based assays have revealed locus- and chromatin state-specific structural patterns at the length scale of a few nucleosomes (~1 kb). However, interpreting these data sets remains challenging. Radiation-induced correlated cleavage of chromatin (RICC-seq) is one such chromatin structure assay that maps DNA-DNA-contacts at base pair resolution by sequencing single-stranded DNA fragments released from irradiated cells. Here, we develop a flexible modeling and simulation framework to enable the interpretation of RICC-seq data in terms of oligonucleosome structure ensembles. Nucleosomes are modeled as rigid bodies with excluded volume and adjustable DNA wrapping, connected by linker DNA modeled as a worm-like chain. We validate the model\'s parameters against cryo-electron microscopy and sedimentation data. Our results show that RICC-seq is sensitive to nucleosome spacing, nucleosomal DNA wrapping, and the strength of inter-nucleosome interactions. We show that nucleosome repeat lengths consistent with orthogonal assays can be extracted from experimental RICC-seq data using a 1D convolutional neural net trained on RICC-seq signal predicted from simulated ensembles. We thus provide a suite of analysis tools that add quantitative structural interpretability to RICC-seq experiments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pervasive transcription of the mammalian genome produces hundreds of thousands of noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs). Numerous studies have suggested that some of these ncRNAs regulate multiple cellular processes and play important roles in physiological and pathological processes. Notably, a large subset of ncRNAs is enriched on chromatin and participates in regulating gene expression and the dynamics of chromatin structure and status. In this review, we summarize recent advances in the functional study of chromatin-associated ncRNAs and mechanistic insights into how these ncRNAs associate with chromatin. We also discuss the potential future challenges which still need to be overcome in this field.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The rapid development of high-throughput chromatin conformation capture (Hi-C) technology provides rich genomic interaction data between chromosomal loci for chromatin structure analysis. However, existing methods for identifying topologically associated domains (TADs) based on Hi-C data suffer from low accuracy and sensitivity to parameters. In this context, a TAD identification method based on spatial density clustering was designed and implemented in this paper. The method preprocessed the raw Hi-C data to obtain normalized Hi-C contact matrix data. Then, it computed the distance matrix between loci, generated a reachability graph based on the core distance and reachability distance of loci, and extracted clustering clusters. Finally, it extracted TAD boundaries based on clustering results. This method could identify TAD structures with higher coherence, and TAD boundaries were enriched with more ChIP-seq factors. Experimental results demonstrate that our method has advantages such as higher accuracy and practical significance in TAD identification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The incorporation of histone variants has structural ramifications on nucleosome dynamics and stability. Due to their unique sequences, histone variants can alter histone-histone or histone-DNA interactions, impacting the folding of DNA around the histone octamer and the overall higher-order structure of chromatin fibers. These structural modifications alter chromatin compaction and accessibility of DNA by transcription factors and other regulatory proteins to influence gene regulatory processes such as DNA damage and repair, as well as transcriptional activation or repression. Histone variants can also generate a unique interactome composed of histone chaperones and chromatin remodeling complexes. Any of these perturbations can contribute to cellular plasticity and the progression of human diseases. Here, we focus on a frequently overlooked group of histone variants lying within the four human histone gene clusters and their contribution to breast cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emergence of aerobic respiration created unprecedented bioenergetic advantages, while imposing the need to protect critical genetic information from reactive byproducts of oxidative metabolism (i.e., reactive oxygen species, ROS). The evolution of histone proteins fulfilled the need to shield DNA from these potentially damaging toxins, while providing the means to compact and structure massive eukaryotic genomes. To date, several metabolism-linked histone post-translational modifications (PTMs) have been shown to regulate chromatin structure and gene expression. However, whether and how PTMs enacted by metabolically produced ROS regulate adaptive chromatin remodeling remain relatively unexplored. Here, we review novel mechanistic insights into the interactions of ROS with histones and their consequences for the control of gene expression regulation, cellular plasticity, and behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cardiac development is a fine-tuned process governed by complex transcriptional networks, in which transcription factors (TFs) interact with other regulatory layers. In this chapter, we introduce the core cardiac TFs including Gata, Hand, Nkx2, Mef2, Srf, and Tbx. These factors regulate each other\'s expression and can also act in a combinatorial manner on their downstream targets. Their disruption leads to various cardiac phenotypes in mice, and mutations in humans have been associated with congenital heart defects. In the second part of the chapter, we discuss different levels of regulation including cis-regulatory elements, chromatin structure, and microRNAs, which can interact with transcription factors, modulate their function, or are downstream targets. Finally, examples of disturbances of the cardiac regulatory network leading to congenital heart diseases in human are provided.





