childhood onset schizophrenia

  • 文章类型: Letter
    Childhood Onset Schizophrenia is a rare neuropsychiatric disorder significantly associated with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome. We describe a male patient, followed from childhood to adolescence, who exhibited premorbid impairments in language, learning and social abilities, along with comorbid anxiety disorders. Over time, he gradually developed Childhood Onset Schizophrenia, with neuroradiological findings of white matter hyperintensities, a dysmorphic corpus callosum and Hippocampal Malrotation. These findings were observed in the context of a genetic diagnosis of 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome, despite the absence of the most common congenital malformations and clinical conditions typically associated with this syndrome. A remarkable aspect of this case report is the emphasis on the importance of suspecting 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome even in cases where only the neuropsychiatric phenotype of Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia and structural brain alterations, is present. While abnormalities of white matter and corpus callosum are associated with schizophrenia in patients with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome, Hippocampal Malrotation is more frequently described in patients with epilepsy and prolonged febrile seizures. Recently, only 10 adult patients with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome have been reported to have Hippocampal Malrotation, six of whom were affected by schizophrenia, with or without epilepsy. Our case report aims to extend the neuroradiological findings associated with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome and Schizophrenia, including Hippocampal Malrotation. This is the first case report in which Hippocampal Malrotation has been described in Childhood Onset Schizophrenia and 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome. We suggest that patients with Hippocampal Malrotation and Childhood Onset Schizophrenia, should have a chromosomal microarray performed to screen for 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the clinical characteristics of childhood-onset schizophrenia (COS) and early-onset schizophrenia (EOS) during the first- episode psychosis and the stable period, to examine psychopharmacological treatment approaches, and to investigate potential predictive factors for prognosis.
    METHODS: Demographic, clinical, and psychopharmacological therapy data for 31 patients diagnosed with COS and 66 with EOS were retrieved from the file records in this multicenter study. Symptom distribution and disease severity and course were evaluated twice, in the acute psychotic stage and in the latest stable phase, during follow-up using the positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS) and clinical global impression (CGI) scales.
    RESULTS: A statistically significant difference was observed between the groups\' CGI improvement rates and median last stable stage PANSS positive, negative, and general psychopathology symptom scores (p = .005, p = .031, p = .005, and p = .012, respectively). Premorbid neurodevelopmental disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder and comorbidities were more common in the COS group (p = .025 and p = .030, respectively), and treatment required greater multiple antipsychotic use in that group (p = .013). When the independent variables affecting the difference between pre- and post-treatment PANSS scores were examined using linear regression analysis, the model established was found to be statistically significant (F = 5.393; p = .001), and the group variable (p = .024), initial disease severity (p = .001), and socioeconomic level (p = .022; p = .007) emerged as predictive factors for the disease course.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although early diagnosis and treatment is an important factor in improving prognosis in schizophrenia, more specific predictors for schizophrenia need to be identified. Additionally, preventive programs and pharmacological methods need to be developed in children with neurodevelopmental problems, particularly those from low socioeconomic status families.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With proliferation in research on high-risk psychosis spectrum diseases, it is crucial to distinguish a prodrome or psychosis-like episode in children and adolescents from true psychosis. The limited role of psychopharmacology in such circumstances is well-documented, underlining the difficulties in diagnosing treatment resistance. To add to the confusion is emerging data on the head-to-head comparison trials for treatment-resistant and treatment-refractory schizophrenia. Clozapine, the gold-standard drug for resistant schizophrenia and other psychotic psychopathology, lacks FDA or manufacturer guidelines for use in the pediatric population. Possibly due to developmental pharmacokinetic (PK) considerations, clozapine-related side effects are more commonly seen in children than adults. Despite evidence of an increased risk for seizures and hematological problems in children, clozapine is widely used off-label. Clozapine reduces the severity of resistant childhood schizophrenia, aggression, suicidality, and severe non-psychotic illness. There is inconsistent prescribing, administration, and monitoring of clozapine, and limited database evidence-backed guidelines. Despite the overwhelming efficacy, problems remain regarding unambiguous indications of use and risk-benefits assessments. This article reviews the nuances in the diagnosis of treatment resistance psychosis in childhood and adolescents and its management, in particular highlighting the evidence base for clozapine in this population group.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Childhood-onset schizophrenia (COS) is a rare form of schizophrenia with an onset prior to 13 years of age. Although genetic factors play a role in COS etiology, only a few causal variants have been reported to date. This study presents a diagnostic exome sequencing (ES) in 37 Israeli Jewish families with a proband diagnosed with COS. By implementing a trio/duo ES approach and applying a well-established diagnostic pipeline, we detected clinically significant variants in 7 probands (19 %). These single nucleotide variants and indels were mostly inherited. The implicated genes were ANKRD11, GRIA2, CHD2, CLCN3, CLTC, IGF1R and MICU1. In a secondary analysis that compared COS patients to 4721 healthy controls, we observed that patients had a significant enrichment of rare loss of function (LoF) variants in LoF intolerant genes associated with developmental diseases. Taken together, ES could be considered as a valuable tool in the genetic workup for COS patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia (COS) is a rare (1/40000), severe and neurodevelopmental form of schizophrenia beginning before 13 years of age. Little is known about comorbidities and specific COS-related disorders. Thus, the objective of our study was to evaluate them from a psychiatric, neurodevelopmental and somatic perspective.
    This is an ancillary study of the GenAuDiss protocol. A standardized psychiatric interview (K-SADS-PL DSM5) and a neuropsychological assessment (WISC-V/WAIS-IV) were carried out in outpatients with COS as well as a medical history collection concerning pregnancy, perinatal period, development, biography and medical and psychiatric, personal, and family history.
    20 outpatients were included. The mean age of onset of COS was 8.90 years (+/- 2.30). Psychiatric comorbidities (DSM5) were Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (15/20 patients), Anxiety Disorders (14/20) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (13/20). The average IQ was 70.26 (+/- 18.09). A language delay and a break in school career were noted in 18/20 patients. Finally, the main associated somatic disorder was asthma (15/20 patients).
    We highlighted in our patients with COS a high frequency of comorbidities including at least one systematic psychiatric disorder. However, although COS is a severe condition impacting the patient, his family and society, its management remains essentially symptomatic. In clinical practice, it is necessary to look for all these comorbidities and to manage them in order to improve the overall quality of care.
    La schizophrénie très précoce (STP) est une forme rare (1/40000), grave et neurodéveloppementale de schizophrénie débutant avant 13 ans. Les comorbidités et atteintes associées spécifiques des STP étant peu étudiées, l’objectif de notre étude a été de les évaluer sur le plan psychiatrique, neurodéveloppemental et somatique.
    Il s’agit d’une étude ancillaire du protocole GenAuDiss. Un entretien psychiatrique standardisé (K-SADS-PL DSM5) et un bilan neuropsychologique (WISC-V/WAIS-IV) ont été effectués chez les patients atteints de STP ainsi qu’une anamnèse concernant la grossesse, la périnatalité, le développement, la biographie et les antécédents médicaux et psychiatriques, personnels et familiaux.
    20 sujets ont été inclus. L’âge moyen de début du trouble était de 8,90 ans (+/−2,30). Les comorbidités psychiatriques (DSM5) étaient le Trouble Déficitaire de l’Attention avec Hyperactivité (15/20 patients), les troubles anxieux (14/20) et le Trouble du Spectre de l’Autisme (13/20). Le QI moyen était de 70,26 (+/−18,09). Un retard de langage et une rupture de parcours scolaire étaient notés chez 18/20 patients. Enfin, l’affection somatique principale associée était l’asthme (15/20 patients).
    Nous avons mis en évidence chez nos patients atteints de STP une fréquence élevée de comorbidités dont au moins un trouble psychiatrique systématique. Or, bien que la schizophrénie infantile soit une pathologie de pronostic sévère impactant le patient, sa famille et la société, sa prise en charge demeure essentiellement symptomatique. En pratique clinique, il apparaît nécessaire de rechercher systématiquement ces comorbidités et de les prendre en charge pour améliorer la qualité globale des soins.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role of deleterious copy number variations in schizophrenia is well established while data regarding pathogenic variations remain scarce. We report for the first time a case of schizophrenia in a child with a pathogenic mutation of the chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 2 (CHD2) gene.
    The proband was the second child of unrelated parents. Anxiety and sleep disorders appeared at the age of 10 months. He presented febrile seizures and, at the age of 8, two generalized tonic-clonic seizures. At the age of 10, emotional withdrawal emerged, along with a flat affect, disorganization and paranoid ideation, without seizures. He began to talk and giggle with self. Eventually, the patient presented daily auditory and visual hallucinations. The diagnosis of childhood onset schizophrenia (DSM V) was then evoked. Brain imaging was unremarkable. Wakefulness electroencephalography showed a normal background and some bilateral spike-wave discharges that did not explain the psychosis features. A comparative genomic hybridization array (180 K, Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA) revealed an 867-kb 16p13.3 duplication, interpreted as a variant of unknown significance confirmed by a quantitative PCR that also showed its maternal inheritance. Risperidone (1,5 mg per day), led to clinical improvement. At the age of 11, an explosive relapse of epilepsy occurred with daily seizures of various types. The sequencing of a panel for monogenic epileptic disorders and Sanger sequencing revealed a de novo pathogenic heterozygous transition in CHD2 (NM_001271.3: c.4003G > T).
    This case underlines that schizophrenia may be, sometimes, underpinned by a Mendelian disease. It addresses the question of systematic genetic investigations in the presence of warning signs such as a childhood onset of the schizophrenia or a resistant epilepsy. It points that, in the absence of pathogenic copy number variation, the investigations should also include a search for pathogenic variations, which means that some of the patients with schizophrenia should benefit from Next Generation Sequencing tools. Last but not least, CHD2 encodes a member of the chromodomain helicase DNA-binding (CHD) family involved in chromatin remodeling. This observation adds schizophrenia to the phenotypic spectrum of chromodomain remodeling disorders, which may lead to innovative therapeutic approaches.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Given the greater severity and chronicity of psychiatric disorders that first declare in individuals under the age of 18, early onset schizophrenia (EOS) and its association with co-occurring psychiatric conditions deserve further investigation.
    Cluster and discriminant analyses were used to examine the heterogeneity of children and adolescents diagnosed with schizophrenia in 1 statewide system of care. A retrospective cohort design was employed, using South Carolina\'s (USA) Medicaid claims dataset covering outpatient and inpatient medical services between January, 1999 and December, 2013 to identify patients ≤17 years of age.
    Among the 613 EOS patients selected, 3 main clusters of ICD-9 psychiatric diagnoses were identified: (1) older children with schizophrenia coaggregated with a spectrum of mood/emotional dysregulation conditions; (2) younger children with coaggregated schizophrenia, mental retardation/intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorders; and (3) older children with schizophrenia and significantly fewer diagnosed co-occurring conditions. Externalizing/disruptive behavior disorders (i.e., attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder) were significantly associated with Clusters 1 and 2.
    Symptom patterns plus age of first diagnosis are important differentiators of EOS subgroups in this cohort. Earlier recognition of psychiatric symptom/syndrome patterns that frequently co-occur may enable clinicians to stratify/tailor treatment interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Childhood-onset schizophrenia is a rare pediatric onset psychiatric disorder continuous with and typically more severe than its adult counterpart. Neuroimaging research conducted on this population has revealed similarly severe neural abnormalities. When taken as a whole, neuroimaging research in this population shows generally decreased cortical gray matter coupled with white matter connectivity abnormalities, suggesting an anatomical basis for deficits in executive function. Subcortical abnormalities are pronounced in limbic structures, where volumetric deficits are likely related to social skill deficits, and cerebellar deficits that have been correlated to cognitive abnormalities. Structures relevant to motor processing also show a significant alteration, with volumetric increase in basal ganglia structures likely due to antipsychotic administration. Neuroimaging of this disorder shows an important clinical image of exaggerated cortical loss, altered white matter connectivity, and differences in structural development of subcortical areas during the course of development and provides important background to the disease state.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There are varying, often conflicting, reports with respect to altered striatal volume and morphometry in the major psychoses due to the influences of antipsychotic medications on striatal volume. Thus, disassociating disease effects from those of medication become exceedingly difficult. For the first time, using a longitudinally studied sample of structural magnetic resonance images from patients with childhood onset schizophrenia (COS; neurobiologically contiguous with the adult onset form of schizophrenia), their nonpsychotic siblings (COSSIBs), and novel shape mapping algorithms that are volume independent, we report the familial contribution of striatal morphology in schizophrenia. The results of our volumetric analyses demonstrate age-related increases in overall striatal volumes specific only to COS. However, both COS and COSSIBs showed overlapping shape differences in the striatal head, which normalized in COSSIBs by late adolescence. These results mirror previous studies from our group, demonstrating cortical thickness deficits in COS and COSSIBs as these deficits normalize in COSSIBs in the same age range as our striatal findings. Finally, there is a single region of nonoverlapping outward displacement in the dorsal aspect of the caudate body, potentially indicative of a response to medication. Striatal shape may be considered complimentary to volume as an endophenotype, and, in some cases may provide information that is not detectable using standard volumetric techniques. Our striatal shape findings demonstrate the striking localization of abnormalities in striatal the head. The neuroanatomical localization of these findings suggest the presence of abnormalities in the striatal-prefrontal circuits in schizophrenia and resilience mechanisms in COSSIBs with age dependent normalization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and childhood onset schizophrenia (COS) are pediatric neurodevelopmental disorders associated with significant morbidity. Both conditions are thought to share an underlying genetic architecture. A comparison of neuroimaging findings across ASD and COS with a focus on altered neurodevelopmental trajectories can shed light on potential clinical biomarkers and may highlight an underlying etiopathogenesis.
    METHODS: A comprehensive review of the medical literature was conducted to summarize neuroimaging data with respect to both conditions in terms of structural imaging (including volumetric analysis, cortical thickness and morphology, and region of interest studies), white matter analysis (include volumetric analysis and diffusion tensor imaging) and functional connectivity.
    RESULTS: In ASD, a pattern of early brain overgrowth in the first few years of life is followed by dysmaturation in adolescence. Functional analyses have suggested impaired long-range connectivity as well as increased local and/or subcortical connectivity in this condition. In COS, deficits in cerebral volume, cortical thickness, and white matter maturation seem most pronounced in childhood and adolescence, and may level off in adulthood. Deficits in local connectivity, with increased long-range connectivity have been proposed, in keeping with exaggerated cortical thinning.
    CONCLUSIONS: The neuroimaging literature supports a neurodevelopmental origin of both ASD and COS and provides evidence for dynamic changes in both conditions that vary across space and time in the developing brain. Looking forward, imaging studies which capture the early post natal period, which are longitudinal and prospective, and which maximize the signal to noise ratio across heterogeneous conditions will be required to translate research findings into a clinical environment.





