chemical probing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The structure of RNA molecules and their complexes are crucial for understanding biology at the molecular level. Resolving these structures holds the key to understanding their manifold structure-mediated functions ranging from regulating gene expression to catalyzing biochemical processes. Predicting RNA secondary structure is a prerequisite and a key step to accurately model their three dimensional structure. Although dedicated modelling software are making fast and significant progresses, predicting an accurate secondary structure from the sequence remains a challenge. Their performance can be significantly improved by the incorporation of experimental RNA structure probing data. Many different chemical and enzymatic probes have been developed; however, only one set of quantitative data can be incorporated as constraints for computer-assisted modelling. IPANEMAP is a recent workflow based on RNAfold that can take into account several quantitative or qualitative data sets to model RNA secondary structure. This chapter details the methods for popular chemical probing (DMS, CMCT, SHAPE-CE, and SHAPE-Map) and the subsequent analysis and structure prediction using IPANEMAP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It has become increasingly evident that the structures RNAs adopt are conformationally dynamic; the various structured states that RNAs sample govern their interactions with other nucleic acids, proteins, and ligands to regulate a myriad of biological processes. Although several biophysical approaches have been developed and used to study the dynamic landscape of structured RNAs, technical limitations have limited their application to all classes of RNA due to variable size and flexibility. Recent advances combining chemical probing experiments with next-generation- and direct sequencing have emerged as an alternative approach to exploring the conformational dynamics of RNA. In this review, we provide a methodological overview of the sequencing-based techniques used to study RNA conformational dynamics. We discuss how different techniques have enabled us to better understand the propensity of RNAs from a variety of different classes to sample multiple conformational states. Finally, we present examples of the ways these techniques have reshaped how we think about RNA structure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Influenza A viruses (IAVs) possess a segmented genome consisting of eight viral RNAs (vRNAs) associated with multiple copies of viral nucleoprotein (NP) and a viral polymerase complex. Despite the crucial role of RNA structure in IAV replication, the impact of NP binding on vRNA structure is not well understood. In this study, we employed SHAPE chemical probing to compare the structure of NS and M vRNAs of WSN IAV in various states: before the addition of NP, in complex with NP, and after the removal of NP. Comparison of the RNA structures before the addition of NP and after its removal reveals that NP, while introducing limited changes, remodels local structures in both vRNAs and long-range interactions in the NS vRNA, suggesting a potentially biologically relevant RNA chaperone activity. In contrast, NP significantly alters the structure of vRNAs in vRNA/NP complexes, though incorporating experimental data into RNA secondary structure prediction proved challenging. Finally, our results suggest that NP not only binds single-stranded RNA but also helices with interruptions, such as bulges or small internal loops, with a preference for G-poor and C/U-rich regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glycogen phosphorylase (GP) is biologically active as a dimer of identical subunits, each activated by phosphorylation of the serine-14 residue. GP exists in three interconvertible forms, namely GPa (di-phosphorylated form), GPab (mono-phosphorylated form), and GPb (non-phosphorylated form); however, information on GPab remains scarce. Given the prevailing view that the two GP subunits collaboratively determine their catalytic characteristics, it is essential to conduct GPab characterization to gain a comprehensive understanding of glycogenolysis regulation. Thus, in the present study, we prepared rabbit muscle GPab from GPb, using phosphorylase kinase as the catalyst, and identified it using a nonradioactive phosphate-affinity gel electrophoresis method. Compared with the half-half GPa/GPb mixture, the as-prepared GPab showed a unique AMP-binding affinity. To further investigate the intersubunit communication in GP, its catalytic site was probed using pyridylaminated-maltohexaose (a maltooligosaccharide-based substrate comprising the essential dextrin structure for GP; abbreviated as PA-0) and a series of specifically modified PA-0 derivatives (substrate analogs lacking part of the essential dextrin structure). By comparing the initial reaction rates toward the PA-0 derivative (Vderivative) and PA-0 (VPA-0), we demonstrated that the Vderivative/VPA-0 ratio for GPab was significantly different from that for the half-half GPa/GPb mixture. This result indicates that the interaction between the two GP subunits significantly influences substrate recognition at the catalytic sites, thereby providing GPab its unique substrate recognition profile.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Certain positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses contain elements at their 3\' termini that structurally mimic tRNAs. These tRNA-like structures (TLSs) are classified based on which amino acid is covalently added to the 3\' end by host aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. Recently, a cryoEM reconstruction of a representative tyrosine-accepting tRNA-like structure (TLSTyr) from brome mosaic virus (BMV) revealed a unique mode of recognition of the viral anticodon-mimicking domain by tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase. Some viruses in the hordeivirus genus of Virgaviridae are also selectively aminoacylated with tyrosine, yet these TLS RNAs have a different architecture in the 5\' domain that comprises the atypical anticodon loop mimic. Herein, we present bioinformatic and biochemical data supporting a distinct secondary structure for the 5\' domain of the hordeivirus TLSTyr compared to those in Bromoviridae Despite forming a different secondary structure, the 5\' domain is necessary to achieve robust in vitro aminoacylation. Furthermore, a chimeric RNA containing the 5\' domain from the BMV TLSTyr and the 3\' domain from a hordeivirus TLSTyr are aminoacylated, illustrating modularity in these structured RNA elements. We propose that the structurally distinct 5\' domain of the hordeivirus TLSTyrs performs the same role in mimicking the anticodon loop as its counterpart in the BMV TLSTyr Finally, these structurally and phylogenetically divergent types of TLSTyr provide insight into the evolutionary connections between all classes of viral tRNA-like structures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The influenza A virus genome is segmented into eight viral RNAs (vRNA). Secondary structures of vRNA are known to be involved in the viral proliferation process. Comprehensive vRNA structures in vitro, in virio, and in cellulo have been analyzed. However, the resolution of the structure map can be improved by comparative analysis and statistical modeling. Construction of a more high-resolution and reliable RNA structure map can identify uncharacterized functional structure motifs on vRNA in virion. Here, we establish the global map of the vRNA secondary structure in virion using the combination of dimethyl sulfate (DMS)-seq and selective 2\'-hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension (SHAPE)-seq with a robust statistical analysis. Our high-resolution analysis identified a stem-loop structure at nucleotide positions 39 - 60 of segment 6 and further validated the structure at nucleotide positions 87 - 130 of segment 5 that was previously predicted to form a pseudoknot structure in silico. Notably, when the cells were infected with recombinant viruses which possess the mutations to disrupt the structure, the replication and packaging of the viral genome were drastically decreased. Our results provide comprehensive and high-resolution information on the influenza A virus genome structures in virion and evidence that the functional RNA structure motifs on the influenza A virus genome are associated with appropriate replication and packaging of the viral genome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a multitude of small (<100nt) RNAs that serve diverse functional roles in biology. Key amongst these is transfer RNA (tRNA), which is among the most ancient RNAs and is part of the translational apparatus in every domain of life. Transfer RNAs are also the most heavily modified class of RNAs. They are essential and their misregulation, due to mutated sequences or loss of modification, can lead to disease. Because of the severe phenotypes associated with mitochondrial tRNA defects in particular, the desire to deliver repaired tRNAs via droplets such as lipid nanoparticles or other compartments is an active area of research. Here we describe how to use our tRNA Structure-seq method to study tRNAs and other small RNAs in two different biologically relevant contexts, peptide-rich droplets and in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemical probing of RNA 2\'-hydroxyl groups by selective 2\'-hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension (SHAPE) is a rapid and powerful approach for querying RNA structures in living cells. At reverse transcription, sites of chemical modification can be encoded as mutations in the cDNA, a process called mutational profiling (MaP), enabling their detection via high-throughput sequencing. This chapter describes how to synthesize the SHAPE probe 2-aminopyridine-3-carboxylic acid imidazolide (2A3), how to use it to probe RNA structures in living bacteria, and how to generate Illumina-compatible SHAPE-MaP sequencing libraries. The protocol further describes data analysis using the RNA Framework, from raw sequencing data processing to experimentally-driven RNA secondary structure model generation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 7SK ribonucleoprotein (RNP) is a dynamic and multifunctional regulator of RNA Polymerase II (RNAPII) transcription in metazoa. Comprised of the non-coding 7SK RNA, core proteins, and numerous accessory proteins, the most well-known 7SK RNP function is the sequestration and inactivation of the positive transcription elongation factor b (P-TEFb). More recently, 7SK RNP has been shown to regulate RNAPII transcription through P-TEFb-independent pathways. Due to its fundamental role in cellular function, dysregulation has been linked with human diseases including cancers, heart disease, developmental disorders, and viral infection. Significant advances in 7SK RNP structural biology have improved our understanding of 7SK RNP assembly and function. Here, we review progress in understanding the structural basis of 7SK RNA folding, biogenesis, and RNP assembly.





