
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) is an arthropod-borne RNA virus in the genus Orbivirus, family Sedoreoviridae. Globally, seven known EHDV serotypes circulate among ruminant hosts and Culicoides species vectors. A variety of domestic and wild ruminant species are susceptible to EHDV infection, but infection outcome is highly variable between species, as well as between individuals of the same species. Thus, this disease system inherently operates at the wildlife-livestock interface. Domestic cattle are important hosts for EHDV, and while inapparent infection is the most common outcome, reports of clinical disease have increased in some parts of the world. However, fatal infection of cattle is rare. Among wildlife, white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are highly susceptible to severe and often fatal disease. Considering the paucity of data and poorly characterized pathology of EHD in cattle, white-tailed deer represent a case study for describing the field signs and necropsy lesions associated with EHD. Here we describe the field signs that commonly define EHD outbreaks in North America, a basic approach to a gross necropsy examination of white-tailed deer, description of the gross lesions that may be present, and diagnostic sample collection. Field investigations of large-scale EHD outbreaks are common in North America. The necropsy examination is an essential tool in the study of disease and when coupled with other disciplines (e.g., virology, immunology, epidemiology) has been fundamentally important to understanding EHD in North America.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past few decades, increasing populations of cervid species in the Baltic region have reduced the quality and vitality of cultivated Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands. This study evaluated the effect of bark stripping on the volume growth of spruce trees in Latvia. Data collection took place in two forest stands. In each stand, 20 Norway spruce trees were sampled, 10 with visible bark damage scars and 10 control trees. Stem discs were collected from control trees at specified heights (0 m, 0.5 m, 1 m, 1.3 m, and 2 m, and then at one-metre intervals up to the top) and from damaged trees at additional specific points relative to the damage. Each disc was sanded and scanned; tree ring widths were measured in 16 radial directions using WinDendro 2012a software. Annual volume growth reconstruction was performed for each tree. Changes in relative volume growth were analysed in interaction with scar parameters, tree type (damaged/control), and pre-damage volume using linear regression models. The significance of parameter interactions was assessed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Pairwise comparisons of estimated marginal means (EMMs) were conducted using Tukey\'s HSD post hoc test. No significant effect of bark stripping on the total stem volume increment was detected. However, the length of bark stripping scars had a significant impact on relative volume growth in the lower parts of the stems. These findings underscore the importance of further research examining a broader spectrum of cervid damage intensity and the effects of repeated damage on tree survival and growth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The success of conservation programs for the taruka (Hippocamelus antisensis d\'Orbigny), an endemic and endangered deer, depends on many factors, highlighting anthropogenic and ecological effects. Among the latter, how this herbivore interacts with forage resources is important. The objective of the study was to describe the main attributes of the diet of this deer in rangelands adjacent to agricultural areas of the foothills of the Tarapacá Region, Chile. The botanical composition of the diet (BCD) was determined by microhistology of feces and fecal nitrogen (NF, %) was measured in two contrasting seasons (rainy summer and dry winter). From the BCD and FN, their relative diversity (J) and crude protein percentage were estimated. In the BCD, Medicago sativa dominated (27.6 ± 8.2% vs. 53.9 ± 9.2%, in rainy summer and dry end winter, respectively), followed by herbaceous dicots (46.2 ± 9.4% vs. 19.4 ± 8.7%) and shrubby species (21.5 ± 7.8% vs. 23.4 ± 7.0%), from rangelands. The contribution of grasses and graminoid species was low, not exceeding 3% and 0.4% of the diet, respectively, with no differences between seasons of the year. Intake of horticultural crop species was marginal (1.3 ± 1.3%), being detected only in the wet season. Diet relative diversity was higher during the wet period (0.75 ± 0.07) compared to the dry period (0.58 ± 0.06), since in the first period it was possible to find a greater number of palatable species. There were no significant differences in the FN attributed to the time of the year (average of 1.8 ± 0.19%), which indicates that the diet of this deer would be stable in terms of its protein quality. These FN levels estimate sufficient dietary protein content to satisfy maintenance and early pregnancy, but these could be limiting during late gestation and lactation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a contagious prion disease that affects cervids in North America, Northern Europe, and South Korea. CWD is spread through direct and indirect horizontal transmission, with both clinical and preclinical animals shedding CWD prions in saliva, urine, and feces. CWD particles can persist in the environment for years, and soils may pose a risk for transmission to susceptible animals. Our study presents a sensitive method for detecting prions in the environmental samples of prairie soils. Soils were collected from CWD-endemic regions with high (Saskatchewan, Canada) and low (North Dakota, USA) CWD prevalence. Heat extraction with SDS-buffer, a serial protein misfolding cyclic amplification assay coupled with a real-time quaking-induced conversion assay was used to detect the presence of CWD prions in soils. In the prairie area of South Saskatchewan where the CWD prevalence rate in male mule deer is greater than 70%, 75% of the soil samples tested were positive, while in the low-prevalence prairie region of North Dakota (11% prevalence in male mule deer), none of the soils contained prion seeding activity. Soil-bound CWD prion detection has the potential to improve our understanding of the environmental spread of CWD, benefiting both surveillance and mitigation approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a spongiform encephalopathy disease caused by the transmission of infectious prion agents. CWD is a fatal disease that affects wild and farmed cervids in North America with few cases reported overseas. Social interaction of cervids, feeding practices by wildlife keepers and climate effects on the environmental carrying capacity all can affect CWD transmission in deer. Wildlife deer game hunting is economically important to the semi-arid South Texas region and is affected by climate change. In this paper, we model and investigate the effect of climate change on the spread of CWD using typical climate scenarios. We use a system of impulsive differential equations to depict the transmission of CWD between different age groups and gender of cervids. The carrying capacity and contact rates are assumed to depend on climate. Due to the polygamy of bucks, we use mating rates that depend on the number of bucks and does. We analyze the stability of the model and use simulations to study the effect of harvesting (culling) on eradicating the disease, given the climate of South Texas. We use typical climate change scenarios based on published data and our assumptions. For the climate indicator, we calculated and utilized the Standard Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI). We found that climate change might hinder the efforts to reduce and effectively manage CWD as it becomes endemic to South Texas. The model shows the extinction of the deer population from this region is a likely outcome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a prion disease affecting cervid species, both free-ranging and captive populations. As the geographic range continues to expand and disease prevalence continues to increase, CWD will have an impact on cervid populations, local economies, and ecosystem health. Mitigation of this \"wicked\" disease will require input from many different stakeholders including hunters, landowners, research biologists, wildlife managers, and others, working together. The NC1209 (North American interdisciplinary chronic wasting disease research consortium) is composed of scientists from different disciplines involved with investigating and managing CWD. Leveraging this broad breadth of expertise, the Consortium has created a state-of-the-science review of five key aspects of CWD, including current diagnostic capabilities for detecting prions, requirements for validating these diagnostics, the role of environmental transmission in CWD dynamics, and potential zoonotic risks associated with CWD. The goal of this review is to increase stakeholders\', managers\', and decision-makers\' understanding of this disease informed by current scientific knowledge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prion diseases, including chronic wasting disease (CWD) in cervids, are fatal neurodegenerative disorders caused by the misfolding of cellular prion proteins. CWD is known to spread among captive and free-ranging deer in North America. In 2016, an outbreak of contagious CWD was detected among wild reindeer in Norway, marking the first occurrence of the disease in Europe. Additionally, new sporadic forms of CWD have been discovered in red deer in Norway and moose in Fennoscandia. We used serial protein misfolding cyclic amplification to study the ability of Norwegian prion isolates from reindeer, red deer, and moose (two isolates), as well as experimental classical scrapie from sheep, to convert a panel of 16 brain homogenates (substrates) from six different species with various prion protein genotypes. The reindeer CWD isolate successfully converted substrates from all species except goats. The red deer isolate failed to convert sheep and goat substrates but exhibited amplification in all cervid substrates. The two moose isolates demonstrated lower conversion efficacies. The wild type isolate propagated in all moose substrates and in the wild type red deer substrate, while the other isolate only converted two of the moose substrates. The experimental classical scrapie isolate was successfully propagated in substrates from all species tested. Thus, reindeer CWD and classical sheep scrapie isolates were similarly propagated in substrates from different species, suggesting the potential for spillover of these contagious diseases. Furthermore, the roe deer substrate supported conversion of three isolates suggesting that this species may be vulnerable to prion disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Here we provide complete 3D reconstructions of the petrosal bone and bony labyrinth of four kinds of small-sized deer (Elaphodus cephalophus, Muntiacus reevesi, Muntiacus muntjak, Hydropotes inermis) based on high-resolution CT scanning, and select one musk deer (Moschus moschiferus) as a comparative object. The petrosal bone and bony labyrinth of E. cephalophus are illustrated for the first time, as well as the petrosal bones of M. reevesi and H. inermis. Some morphological characters of petrosal bone and bony labyrinth can be used to distinguish the above-mentioned species. For example, M. moschiferus shows a prominent transpromontorial sulcus and a ventral basicapsular groove on the petrosal bone; there is a bifurcate cochlear aqueduct on the bony labyrinth of E. cephalophus; there is a distinct fusion between the lateral and posterior semicircular canals on the bony labyrinth of H. inermis. Meanwhile, there are some intraspecific variations on the subarcuate fossa, the tegmen tympani, the cochlear aqueduct, as well as the endolymphatic sac. Our results further confirm that the petrosal bone and bony labyrinth have enormous potential for taxonomy. This work will provide new anatomical data for the phylogenetic study of ruminants in the future, and it will be very practical to identify the isolated ruminants\' petrosal bones that are frequently unearthed from paleontological or archeological sites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Cervidae family has a wide distribution due to its adaptation to numerous ecological environments, which allows it to develop a diverse microbial community in its digestive tract. Recently, research has focused on the taxonomic composition and functionality of the intestinal and faecal microbiota of different cervid species worldwide, as well as their microbial diversity and variation under different associated factors such as age, sex, diet, distribution, and seasonal variation. In addition, there is special interest in knowing how cervids act as reservoirs of zoonotic pathogenic microorganisms, which represent a threat to public health. This review provides a synthesis of the growing field of microbiota determination in cervids worldwide, focusing on intestinal and faecal samples using 16S next-generation sequencing. It also documents factors influencing microbial diversity and composition, the microorganisms reported as pathogenic/zoonotic, and the perspectives regarding the conservation of these species. Knowing the interactions between bacteria and cervid health can drive management and conservation strategies for these species and help develop an understanding of their evolutionary history and the interaction with emerging disease-causing microorganisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hypometabolism and hypothermia are common reactions of birds and mammals to cope with harsh winter conditions. In small mammals, the occurrence of hibernation and daily torpor is entrained by photoperiod, and the magnitude of hypometabolism and decrease of body temperature (Tb) is influenced by the dietary supply of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. We investigated whether similar effects exist in a non-hibernating large mammal, the red deer (Cervus elaphus). We fed adult females with pellets enriched with either linoleic acid (LA) or α-linolenic acid (ALA) during alternating periods of ad libitum and restricted feeding in a cross-over experimental design. Further, we scrutinized the role of photoperiod for physiological and behavioral seasonal changes by manipulating the amount of circulating melatonin. The deer were equipped with data loggers recording heart rate, core and peripheral Tb, and locomotor activity. Further, we regularly weighed the animals and measured their daily intake of food pellets. All physiological and behavioral parameters measured varied seasonally, with amplitudes exacerbated by restricted feeding, but with only few and inconsistent effects of supplementation with LA or ALA. Administering melatonin around the summer solstice caused a change into the winter phenotype weeks ahead of time in all traits measured. We conclude that red deer reduce energy expenditure for thermoregulation upon short daylength, a reaction amplified by food restriction.





