cell-cell adhesion

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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cadherins are calcium dependent adhesion proteins that establish and maintain the intercellular mechanical contact by bridging the gap between adjacent cells. Desmoglein-2 (Dsg2) and desmocollin-2 (Dsc2) are tissue specific cadherin isoforms of the cell-cell contact in cardiac desmosomes. Mutations in the DSG2-gene and in the DSC2-gene are related to arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) a rare but severe heart muscle disease. Here, several possible homophilic and heterophilic binding interactions of wild-type Dsg2, wild-type Dsc2, as well as one Dsg2- and two Dsc2-variants, each associated with ARVC, are investigated. Using single molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS) with atomic force microscopy (AFM) and applying Jarzynski\'s equality the kinetics and thermodynamics of Dsg2/Dsc2 interaction can be determined. The free energy landscape of Dsg2/Dsc2 dimerization exposes a high activation energy barrier, which is in line with the proposed strand-swapping binding motif. Although the binding motif is not affected by any of the mutations, the binding kinetics of the interactions differ significantly from the wild-type. While wild-type cadherins exhibit an average complex lifetime of approx. 0.3 s interactions involving a variant consistently show - lifetimes that are substantially larger. The lifetimes of the wild-type interactions give rise to the picture of a dynamic adhesion interface consisting of continuously dissociating and (re)associating molecular bonds, while the delayed binding kinetics of interactions involving an ARVC-associated variant might be part of the pathogenesis. Our data provide a comprehensive and consistent thermodynamic and kinetic description of cardiac cadherin binding, allowing detailed insight into the molecular mechanisms of cell adhesion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adhesion between epithelial cells enables the remarkable mechanical behavior of epithelial tissues during morphogenesis. However, it remains unclear how cell-cell adhesion influences mechanics in both static and dynamically flowing confluent epithelial tissues. Here, we systematically modulate E-cadherin-mediated adhesion in the Drosophila embryo and study the effects on the mechanical behavior of the germband epithelium before and during dramatic tissue remodeling and flow associated with body axis elongation. Before axis elongation, we find that increasing E-cadherin levels produces tissue comprising more elongated cells and predicted to be more fluid-like, providing reduced resistance to tissue flow. During axis elongation, we find that the dominant effect of E-cadherin is tuning the speed at which cells proceed through rearrangement events. Before and during axis elongation, E-cadherin levels influence patterns of actomyosin-dependent forces, supporting the notion that E-cadherin tunes tissue mechanics in part through effects on actomyosin. Notably, the effects of ∼4-fold changes in E-cadherin levels on overall tissue structure and flow are relatively weak, suggesting that the system is tolerant to changes in absolute E-cadherin levels over this range where an intact tissue is formed. Taken together, these findings reveal dual-and sometimes opposing-roles for E-cadherin-mediated adhesion in controlling tissue structure and dynamics in vivo, which result in unexpected relationships between adhesion and flow in confluent tissues.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Binding of autoantibodies to keratinocyte surface antigens, primarily desmoglein 3 (Dsg3) of the desmosomal complex, leads to the dissociation of cell-cell adhesion in the blistering disorder pemphigus vulgaris (PV). After the initial disassembly of desmosomes, cell-cell adhesions actively remodel in association with the cytoskeleton and focal adhesions. Growing evidence highlights the role of adhesion mechanics and mechanotransduction at cell-cell adhesions in this remodeling process, as their active participation may direct autoimmune pathogenicity. However, a large part of the biophysical transformations after antibody binding remains underexplored. Specifically, it is unclear how tension in desmosomes and cell-cell adhesions changes in response to antibodies, and how the altered tensional states translate to cellular responses. Here, we showed a tension loss at Dsg3 using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based tension sensors, a tension loss at the entire cell-cell adhesion, and a potentially compensatory increase in junctional traction force at cell-extracellular matrix adhesions after PV antibody binding. Further, our data indicate that this tension loss is mediated by the inhibition of RhoA at cell-cell contacts, and the extent of RhoA inhibition may be crucial in determining the severity of pathogenicity among different PV antibodies. More importantly, this tension loss can be partially restored by altering actomyosin based cell contractility. Collectively, these findings provide previously unattainable details in our understanding of the mechanisms that govern cell-cell interactions under physiological and autoimmune conditions, which may open the window to entirely new therapeutics aimed at restoring physiological balance to tension dynamics that regulates the maintenance of cell-cell adhesion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Collective cell invasion (CCI), a canon of most invasive solid tumors, is an emergent property of the interactions between cancer cells and their surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM). However, tumor populations invariably consist of cells expressing variable levels of adhesive proteins that mediate such interactions, disallowing an intuitive understanding of how tumor invasiveness at a multicellular scale is influenced by spatial heterogeneity of cell-cell and cell-ECM adhesion. Here, we have used a Cellular Potts model-based multiscale computational framework that is constructed on the histopathological principles of glandular cancers. In earlier efforts on homogenous cancer cell populations, this framework revealed the relative ranges of interactions, including cell-cell and cell-ECM adhesion that drove collective, dispersed, and mixed multimodal invasion. Here, we constitute a tumor core of two separate cell subsets showing distinct intra- and inter-subset cell-cell or cell-ECM adhesion strengths. These two subsets of cells are arranged to varying extents of spatial intermingling, which we call the heterogeneity index (HI). We observe that low and high inter-subset cell adhesion favors invasion of high-HI and low-HI intermingled populations with distinct intra-subset cell-cell adhesion strengths, respectively. In addition, for explored values of cell-ECM adhesion strengths, populations with high HI values collectively invade better than those with lower HI values. We then asked how spatial invasion is regulated by progressively intermingled cellular subsets that are epithelial, i.e., showed high cell-cell but poor cell-ECM adhesion, and mesenchymal, i.e., with reversed adhesion strengths to the former. Here too, inter-subset adhesion plays an important role in contextualizing the proportionate relationship between HI and invasion. An exception to this relationship is seen for cases of heterogeneous cell-ECM adhesion where sub-maximal HI patterns with higher outer localization of cells with stronger ECM adhesion collectively invade better than their relatively higher-HI counterparts. Our simulations also reveal how adhesion heterogeneity qualifies collective invasion, when either cell-cell or cell-ECM adhesion type is varied but results in an invasive dispersion when both adhesion types are simultaneously altered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell-cell adhesion plays a vital role in the development and maintenance of multicellular organisms. One of its functions is regulation of cell migration, such as occurs, e.g. during embryogenesis or in cancer. In this work, we develop a versatile multiscale approach to modelling a moving self-adhesive cell population that combines a careful microscopic description of a deterministic adhesion-driven motion component with an efficient mesoscopic representation of a stochastic velocity-jump process. This approach gives rise to mesoscopic models in the form of kinetic transport equations featuring multiple non-localities. Subsequent parabolic and hyperbolic scalings produce general classes of equations with non-local adhesion and myopic diffusion, a special case being the classical macroscopic model proposed in Armstrong et al. (J Theoret Biol 243(1): 98-113, 2006). Our simulations show how the combination of the two motion effects can unfold. Cell-cell adhesion relies on the subcellular cell adhesion molecule binding. Our approach lends itself conveniently to capturing this microscopic effect. On the macroscale, this results in an additional non-linear integral equation of a novel type that is coupled to the cell density equation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Desmosomes are intercellular junctions that regulate mechanical integrity in epithelia and cardiac muscle. Dynamic desmosome remodeling is essential for wound healing and development, yet the mechanisms governing junction assembly remain elusive. While we and others have shown that cadherin ectodomains are highly organized, how this ordered architecture emerges during assembly is unknown. Using fluorescence polarization microscopy, we show that desmoglein 2 (Dsg2) ectodomain order gradually increases during 8 h of assembly, coinciding with increasing adhesive strength. In a scratch wound assay, we observed a similar increase in order in desmosomes assembling at the leading edge of migratory cells. Together, our findings indicate that cadherin organization is a hallmark of desmosome maturity and may play a role in conferring adhesive strength.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Attachment of circulating tumor cells to the endothelial cells (ECs) lining blood vessels is a critical step in cancer metastatic colonization, which leads to metastatic outgrowth. Breast and prostate cancers are common malignancies in women and men, respectively. Here, we observe that β1-integrin is required for human prostate and breast cancer cell adhesion to ECs under shear-stress conditions in vitro and to lung blood vessel ECs in vivo. We identify IQGAP1 and neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (NWASP) as regulators of β1-integrin transcription and protein expression in prostate and breast cancer cells. IQGAP1 and NWASP depletion in cancer cells decreases adhesion to ECs in vitro and retention in the lung vasculature and metastatic lung nodule formation in vivo. Mechanistically, NWASP and IQGAP1 act downstream of Cdc42 to increase β1-integrin expression both via extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)/focal adhesion kinase signaling at the protein level and by myocardin-related transcription factor/serum response factor (SRF) transcriptionally. Our results identify IQGAP1 and NWASP as potential therapeutic targets to reduce early metastatic dissemination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Desmosomes are multiprotein adhesion complexes that link intermediate filaments to the plasma membrane, ensuring the mechanical integrity of cells across tissues, but how they participate in the wider signaling network to exert their full function is unclear. To investigate this, we carried out protein proximity mapping using biotinylation (BioID). The combined interactomes of the essential desmosomal proteins desmocollin 2a, plakoglobin, and plakophilin 2a (Pkp2a) in Madin-Darby canine kidney epithelial cells were mapped and their differences and commonalities characterized as desmosome matured from Ca2+ dependence to the mature, Ca2+-independent, hyper-adhesive state, which predominates in tissues. Results suggest that individual desmosomal proteins have distinct roles in connecting to cellular signaling pathways and that these roles alter substantially when cells change their adhesion state. The data provide further support for a dualistic concept of desmosomes in which the properties of Pkp2a differ from those of the other, more stable proteins. This body of data provides an invaluable resource for the analysis of desmosome function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    K-Ras is the most frequently mutated Ras variant in pancreatic, colon and non-small cell lung adenocarcinoma. Activating mutations in K-Ras result in increased amounts of active Ras-GTP and subsequently a hyperactivation of effector proteins and downstream signaling pathways. Here, we demonstrate that oncogenic K-Ras(V12) regulates tumor cell migration by activating the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI3-K)/Akt pathway and induces the expression of E-cadherin and neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) by upregulation of Akt3. In vitro interaction and co-precipitation assays identified PI3-Kα as a bona fide effector of active K-Ras4B but not of H-Ras or N-Ras, resulting in enhanced Akt phosphorylation. Moreover, K-Ras(V12)-induced PI3-K/Akt activation enhanced migration in all analyzed cell lines. Interestingly, Western blot analyses with Akt isoform-specific antibodies as well as qPCR studies revealed, that the amount and the activity of Akt3 was markedly increased whereas the amount of Akt1 and Akt2 was downregulated in EGFP-K-Ras(V12)-expressing cell clones. To investigate the functional role of each Akt isoform and a possible crosstalk of the isoforms in more detail, each isoform was stably depleted in PANC-1 pancreatic and H23 lung carcinoma cells. Akt3, the least expressed Akt isoform in most cell lines, is especially upregulated and active in Akt2-depleted cells. Since expression of EGFP-K-Ras(V12) reduced E-cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion by induction of polysialylated NCAM, Akt3 was analyzed as regulator of E-cadherin and NCAM. Western blot analyses revealed pronounced reduction of E-cadherin and NCAM in the Akt3-kd cells, whereas Akt1 and Akt2 depletion upregulated E-cadherin, especially in H23 lung carcinoma cells. In summary, we identified oncogenic K-Ras4B as a key regulator of PI3-Kα-Akt signaling and Akt3 as a crucial regulator of K-Ras4B-induced modulation of E-cadherin and NCAM expression and localization.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Pediatric high-grade gliomas are highly invasive and essentially incurable. Glioma cells migrate between neurons and glia, along axon tracts, and through extracellular matrix surrounding blood vessels and underlying the pia. Mechanisms that allow adaptation to such complex environments are poorly understood. N-cadherin is highly expressed in pediatric gliomas and associated with shorter survival. We found that inter-cellular homotypic N-cadherin interactions differentially regulate glioma migration according to the microenvironment, stimulating migration on cultured neurons or astrocytes but inhibiting invasion into reconstituted or astrocyte-deposited extracellular matrix. N-cadherin localizes to filamentous connections between migrating leader cells but to epithelial-like junctions between followers. Leader cells have more surface and recycling N-cadherin, increased YAP1/TAZ signaling, and increased proliferation relative to followers. YAP1/TAZ signaling is dynamically regulated as leaders and followers change position, leading to altered N-cadherin levels and organization. Together, the results suggest that pediatric glioma cells adapt to different microenvironments by regulating N-cadherin dynamics and cell-cell contacts.





