
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Saccharomyces cerevisiae CECA was a potential indigenous Chinese wine yeast that can produce aroma and flavor in Cabernet Sauvignon wines. High-throughput sequencing combined with metabolite analysis was applied to analyze the effects of CECA inoculation on the native microbial community interaction and metabolism during Cabernet Sauvignon wine fermentation.
    RESULTS: Fermentations were performed with three different inoculant strategies: spontaneous fermentation without inoculation, inoculation with CECA after grape must sterilization, and direct inoculation of CECA. Results showed that the diversity of bacteria (P = 0.033) is more sensitive to CECA inoculation than fungi (P = 0.563). In addition, CECA inoculation altered the species composition of core microorganisms (relative abundance >1%) and the keystone species (accounting for the top 1% of the most important interactions), as well as of the biomarkers (linear discriminant analysis > 3.0, P < 0.05). Furthermore, the inoculation could change the cluster of metabolites, and these differential metabolite sets were correlated with four fungal taxa of Issatchenkia, Issatchenkia orientalis, Saccharomycetales, Saccharomycetes and two bacterial taxa of Pantoea, Tatumella ptyseos, were significantly correlated. Inoculated fermentation also altered the correlation between dominant microorganisms and aroma compounds, giving Cabernet Sauvignon wines more herbal, floral, fruity, and cheesy aromas.
    CONCLUSIONS: Saccharomyces cerevisiae CECA and dimethyl dicarbonate (DMDC) inhibition treatments significantly altered the microbial community structure of Cabernet Sauvignon wines, which in turn affected the microbial-metabolite correlation. These findings will help winemakers to control the microbial dynamics and functions during wine fermentation, and be more widely used in regional typical wine fermentations. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The enteric nervous system (ENS) is principally derived from vagal neural crest cells that migrate caudally along the entire length of the gastrointestinal tract, giving rise to neurons and glial cells in two ganglionated plexuses. Incomplete migration of enteric neural crest-derived cells (ENCDC) leads to Hirschsprung disease, a congenital disorder characterized by the absence of enteric ganglia along variable lengths of the colorectum. Our previous work strongly supported the essential role of the avian ceca, present at the junction of the midgut and hindgut, in hindgut ENS development, since ablation of the cecal buds led to incomplete ENCDC colonization of the hindgut. In situ hybridization shows bone morphogenetic protein-4 (BMP4) is highly expressed in the cecal mesenchyme, leading us to hypothesize that cecal BMP4 is required for hindgut ENS development. To test this, we modulated BMP4 activity using embryonic intestinal organ culture techniques and retroviral infection. We show that overexpression or inhibition of BMP4 in the ceca disrupts hindgut ENS development, with GDNF playing an important regulatory role. Our results suggest that these two important signaling pathways are required for normal ENCDC migration and enteric ganglion formation in the developing hindgut ENS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This trial was carried out to find out the effects of the parent flock and hatching time of broiler chickens on the production traits and bacteriota development of animals. Two sets of 730 hatching eggs were collected from two different parent flocks with ages of 25 and 50 weeks. In the hatchery, both groups were divided into two subgroups: those hatched during the first 10 and the subsequent 10 h of the hatching window. A feeding trial was carried out afterwards, using the four treatments in six replicate floor pens and feeding commercial starter, grower, and finisher diets that contained all the nutrients according to the breeder\'s recommendations. The day-old chickens of the older parent flock and those hatched later were heavier, and this advantage remained until the end of the production period. The different ages and origins of the parent flocks failed to modify the microbiological parameters of the chicken\'s ceca; however, the hatching time significantly influenced the different bacteriota diversity indices: the late-hatched chickens showed higher Bacteroidetes and lower Firmicutes and Actinobacteria abundances at day 11. These treatments resulted in differences in the main families, Ruminococcaceae, Lactobacillaceae, and Bacteroidaceae. These differences could not be found at day 39.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Broilers in intensive systems may lack commensal microbes that have coevolved with chickens in nature. This study evaluated the effects of microbial inocula and delivery methods applied to day-old chicks on the development of the cecal microbiota. Specifically, chicks were inoculated with cecal contents or microbial cultures, and the efficacies of three delivery methods (oral gavage, spraying inoculum into the bedding, and cohousing) were evaluated. Also, a competitive study evaluated the colonization ability of bacteria sourced from extensive or intensive poultry production systems. The microbiota of inoculated birds presented higher phylogenetic diversity values (PD) and higher relative abundance values of Bacteroidetes, compared with a control. Additionally, a reduction in the ileal villus height/crypt depth ratio and increased cecal IL-6, IL-10, propionate, and valerate concentrations were observed in birds that were inoculated with cecal contents. Across the experiments, the chicks in the control groups presented higher relative abundance values of Escherichia/Shigella than did the inoculated birds. Specific microbes from intensively or extensively raised chickens were able to colonize the ceca, and inocula from intensive production systems promoted higher relative abundance values of Escherichia/Shigella. We concluded that Alistipes, Bacteroides, Barnesiella, Mediterranea, Parabacteroides, Megamonas, and Phascolarctobacterium are effective colonizers of the broiler ceca. In addition, oral gavage, spray, and cohousing can be used as delivery methods for microbial transplantation, as indicated by their effects on the cecal microbiota, intestinal morphology, short-chain fatty acids concentration, and cytokine/chemokine levels. These findings will guide future research on the development of next-generation probiotics that are able to colonize and persist in the chicken intestinal tract after a single exposure. IMPORTANCE The strict biosecurity procedures employed in the poultry industry may inadvertently hinder the transmission of beneficial commensal bacteria that chickens would encounter in natural environments. This research aims at identifying bacteria that can colonize and persist in the chicken gut after a single exposure. We evaluated different microbial inocula that were obtained from healthy adult chicken donors as well as three delivery methods for their effects on microbiota composition and bird physiology. In addition, we conducted a competitive assay to test the colonization abilities of bacteria sourced from intensively versus extensively raised chickens. Our results indicated that some bacteria are consistently increased in birds that are exposed to microbial inoculations. These bacteria can be isolated and employed in future research on the development of next-generation probiotics that contain species that are highly adapted to the chicken gut.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method was coupled with a DNA extraction to enumerate Campylobacter spp. from poultry gastrointestinal tract samples. Three experiments were conducted that included: 1) Development of a DNA standard curve related to bacterial DNA primers; 2) Design of a cell/genomic DNA extraction protocol to isolate Campylobacter spp. DNA from complex samples such as poultry feces; and 3) Comparison of PCR quantification to standard plate count methodology. The standard curve using primers for Campylobacter spp. was created for DNA extracted from environmental isolates with a linear range (R2 > 0.95) and with a high specificity for C. coli and C. jejuni recovered from poultry, swine and laboratory isolates. A 2-step extraction process of bacterial DNA from poultry feces was developed in which the cells were first concentrated using a gradient-centrifugation step followed by comparison of 4 DNA extraction methods. Two commercial DNA extraction methods (Zymo Research Quick DNA, and Invitrogen magnetic separation), a traditional phenol-chloroform DNA extraction method using proteinase K to inactivate DNAses, and an in-house isolation method for DNA extraction based on chaotropic salts were used. The middle gradient layer recovered 89% to 98% of the bacteria cells from the sample, with recovery dependent upon the Campylobacter genus. The 4 DNA extractions methods recovered 112 to 302 ug/nL of DNA. Finally, the qPCR and standard plate methods were highly correlated for enumerating Campylobacter spp. in the 2.0 to 8.0-log CFU range. Analyses of the results from this study demonstrate that the combination of the standard curve for Campylobacter spp. DNA primers, the gradient cell concentration method and DNA extraction techniques with qPCR can be used to enumerate Campylobacter spp. from poultry samples with findings similar those of traditional plate count methodology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The first two weeks of post-hatch (PH) growth in broilers (meat-type birds) are critical for gut development and microbiota colonization. In the current broiler production system, chicks may not receive feed and water for 24 to 72 h due to variations in hatching time and hatchery management. Post-hatch feed delay affects body weight, feed efficiency, mortality, and gut development. The goal of this study was to investigate changes in the microbiome in broiler chickens early PH and the effect of delayed access to feed on the microbiota.
    Chicks either received feed and water immediately after hatch or access to feed was delayed for 48 h to mimic commercial hatchery settings (treatment, TRT). Both groups were sampled (n = 6) at -48, 0, 4 h, and 1 (24 h), 2 (48 h), 3 (72 h), 4 (96 h), 6 (144 h), 8 (192 h), 10 (240 h), 12 (288 h) and 14 (336 h) days PH. Ileal (IL) and cecal (CE) epithelial scrapings (mucosal bacteria, M) and digesta (luminal bacteria, L) were collected for microbiota analysis. Microbiota was determined by sequencing the V3-V4 region of bacterial 16S rRNA and analyzed using QIIME2. The microbiota of early ileal and cecal samples were characterized by high abundance of unclassified bacteria. Among four bacterial populations (IL-L, IL-M, CE-L, CE-M), IL-M was the least affected by delayed access to feed early PH. Both alpha and beta diversities were affected by delayed access to feed PH in IL-L, CE-M and CE-L. However, the development effect was more pronounced. In all four bacterial populations, significant changes due to developmental effect (time relative to hatch) was observed in taxonomic composition, with transient changes of bacterial taxa during the first two weeks PH. Delayed access to feed has limited influence on bacterial composition with only a few genera and species affected in all four bacterial populations. Predicted function based on 16S rRNA was also affected by delayed access to feed PH with most changes in metabolic pathway richness observed in IL-L, CE-L and CE-M.
    These results show transient changes in chicken microbiota biodiversity during the first two weeks PH and indicate that delayed access to feed affects microbiota development. Proper microbiota development could be an important factor in disease prevention and antibiotic use in broiler chickens. Moreover, significant differences in response to delayed access to feed PH between luminal and mucosal bacterial populations strongly suggests the need for separate analysis of these two populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Outbreaks of histomonosis in turkeys are typically initiated by the ingestion of contaminated embryonated eggs of Heterakis gallinarum, potentially present in earthworms and mechanical vectors. Once an outbreak is started, infected turkeys can transmit the disease by horizontal transmission. Factors influencing horizontal transmission of histomonosis are poorly understood. Replication of horizontal transmission in experimental conditions has not been consistent, presenting an obstacle in searching for alternatives to prevent or treat the disease. Two pilot experiments and three validation experiments were conducted in the present study. In pilot experiment 1, one isolate of Histomonas meleagridis (named Buford) was used. Turkeys were fed a low-nutrient density diet corn-soy based (LOW-CS) and raised in floor pens. In pilot experiment 2, another isolate of H. meleagridis was used (named PHL). Turkeys were fed a low-nutrient density diet with the addition of wheat middlings (LOW-WM) and raised in floor pens. In experiment 3, conducted on floor pens, both isolates and diets were used in different groups. In experiment 4, turkeys were raised on battery cages and only the PHL isolate was used. Both diets (LOW-WM and LOW-CS) were used, in addition to a diet surpassing the nutritional needs of young poults (turkey starter, TS). In experiment 5, conducted in battery cages, only the PHL isolate was used, and the LOW-WM and TS diets were in different groups. The horizontal transmission was achieved only with the PHL isolate from all experiments. The transmission rate varied among experimental diets, with the TS diet having the lowest transmission rate in experiments 4 and 5. Variation was observed between experiments and within experimental groups.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Postbiotic feed additives may aid foodborne pathogen reduction during poultry rearing. The study objective was to evaluate a postbiotic additive in parallel to an industry control diet and the subsequent associated burden of Salmonella enterica on a single, commercial broiler farm in Honduras. Twelve houses were matched and assigned the standard diet (CON) or standard diet plus postbiotic (SCFP). New litter was placed in each house and retained across flock cycles with sampling prior to each chick placement and three consecutive rearing cycles. At ~33-34 days, 25 ceca were collected on-farm from each house, treatment, and cycle. Salmonella prevalence in litter for CON (30.6%) and SCFP (27.8%) were equivalent; however, Salmonella load within positive samples was lower (p = 0.04) for SCFP (3.81 log10 MPN/swab) compared to CON (5.53 log10 MPN/swab). Cecal prevalence of Salmonella was lower (p = 0.0006) in broilers fed SCFP (3.4%) compared to CON (12.2%). Salmonella load within positive ceca were numerically reduced (p = 0.121) by 1.45 log10 MPN/g for SCFP (2.41 log10 MPN/g) over CON (3.86 log10 MPN/g). Estimated burden was lower (p = 0.003) for SCFP flocks (3.80 log10 MPN) compared to CON (7.31 log10 MPN). These data demonstrate the preharvest intervention potential of postbiotics to reduce Salmonella enterica in broiler chickens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multiomic analyses reported here involved two lines of chickens, from a common founder population, that had undergone long-term selection for high (HWS) or low (LWS) 56-day body weight. In these lines that differ by around 15-fold in body weight, we observed different compositions of intestinal microbiota in the holobionts and variation in DNA methylation, mRNA expression, and microRNA profiles in the ceca. Insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA-binding protein 1 (IGF2BP1) was the most upregulated gene in HWS ceca with its expression likely affected by the upregulation of expression of gga-miR-2128 and a methylated region near its transcription start site (388 bp). Correlation analysis showed that IGF2BP1 expression was associated with an abundance of microbes, such as Lactobacillus and Methanocorpusculum. These findings suggest that IGF2BP1 was regulated in the hologenome in adapting to long-term artificial selection for body weight. Our study provides evidence that adaptation of the holobiont can occur in the microbiome as well as in the epigenetic profile of the host. IMPORTANCE The hologenome concept has broadened our perspectives for studying host-microbe coevolution. The multiomic analyses reported here involved two lines of chickens, from a common founder population, that had undergone long-term selection for high (HWS) or low (LWS) 56-day body weight. In these lines that differ by around 15-fold in body weight, we observed different compositions of intestinal microbiota in the holobionts, and variation in DNA methylation, mRNA expression, and microRNA profiles in ceca. The insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA-binding protein 1 (IGF2BP1) was the most upregulated gene in HWS ceca with its expression likely affected by a methylated region near its transcription start site and the upregulation of expression of gga-miR-2128. Correlation analysis also showed that IGF2BP1 expression was associated with the abundance of microbes, such as Lactobacillus and Methanocorpusculum. These findings suggest that IGF2BP1 was regulated in the hologenome in response to long-term artificial selection for body weight. Our study shows that the holobiont may adapt in both the microbiome and the host\'s epigenetic profile.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Foodborne salmonellosis is commonly associated with poultry and poultry products, necessitating continued development of pre- and postharvest food safety interventions and risk management strategies. Evaluation of technologies and strategies is limited by availability of cost-effective, rapid laboratory methods. The objective of this study was to evaluate a commercial qualitative PCR assay and its novel quantitative application to detect and enumerate Salmonella in poultry ceca as an analytical matrix. Ceca were collected at harvest, the contents were homogenized, and paired samples were evaluated with buffered peptone water (BPW) and BAX MP + Supplement (MPS) preenrichment broths followed by PCR screening with a BAX System Q7 PCR and by culture isolation. Additional ceca were inoculated with Salmonella to develop a standard curve for the BAX System SalQuant quantitative PCR application (QA), and estimates were obtained by the QA and most-probable-number (MPN) methods. For preenrichment media, PCR outcomes were equivalent to those of culture isolation for detecting Salmonella in ceca with 95.65 and 87.88% sensitivity and 82.00 and 100.00% specificity (P = 0.074) for BPW and MPS, respectively. However, at the sample level, BPW performed significantly worse (47.92%) than did MPS (68.75%) for overall isolation of Salmonella (P < 0.0001). After standard curve development, the mean QA estimates obtained for the inoculated samples were 1.14 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.62 to 1.66), 1.79 (1.50 to 2.08), 2.91 (2.65 to 3.17), and 3.76 (3.26 to 4.25) log CFU/mL for each targeted inoculation of 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 log CFU/mL, respectively, and were within or comparable to the 95% CI values of paired MPN estimates. These data support the use of MPS for the detection and isolation of Salmonella enterica from poultry ceca when screening with PCR and indicate that QA may be useful as an alternative tool to estimate Salmonella loads in poultry ceca, which may support preharvest food safety interventions.





