
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interpretations of the primate and human fossil record often rely on the estimation of somatic dimensions from bony measures. Both somatic and skeletal variation have been used to assess how primates respond to environmental change. However, it is unclear how well skeletal variation matches and predicts soft tissue. Here, we empirically test the relationship between tissues by comparing somatic and skeletal measures using paired measures of pre- and post-mortem rhesus macaques from Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico.
    Somatic measurements were matched with skeletal dimensions from 105 rhesus macaque individuals to investigate paired signals of variation (i.e., coefficients of variation, sexual dimorphism) and bivariate codependence (reduced major axis regression) in measures of: (1) limb length; (2) joint breadth; and (3) limb circumference. Predictive models for the estimation of soft tissue dimensions from skeletons were built from Ordinary Least Squares regressions.
    Somatic and skeletal measurements showed statistically equivalent coefficients of variation and sexual dimorphism as well as high epiphyses-present ordinary least square (OLS) correlations in limb lengths (R2 >0.78, 0.82), joint breadths (R2 >0.74, 0.83) and, to a lesser extent, limb circumference (R2 >0.53, 0.68).
    Skeletal measurements are good substitutions for somatic values based on population signals of variation. OLS regressions indicate that skeletal correlates are highly predictive of somatic dimensions. The protocols and regression equations established here provide a basis for reliable reconstruction of somatic dimension from catarrhine fossils and validate our ability to compare or combine results of studies based on population data of either hard or soft tissue proxies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A defining feature of catarrhine primates is uniform trichromacy-the ability to distinguish red (long; L), green (medium; M), and blue (short; S) wavelengths of light. Although the tuning of photoreceptors is conserved, the ratio of L:M cones in the retina is variable within and between species, with human cone ratios differing from other catarrhines. Yet, the sources and structure of variation in cone ratios are poorly understood, precluding a broader understanding of color vision variability. Here, we report a large-scale study of a pedigreed population of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). We collected foveal RNA and analyzed opsin gene expression using cDNA and estimated additive genetic variance of cone ratios. The average L:M ratio and standard error was 1.03:1 ± 0.02. There was no age effect, and genetic contribution to variation was negligible. We found marginal sex effects with females having larger ratios than males. S cone ratios (0.143:1 ± 0.002) had significant genetic variance with a heritability estimate of 43% but did not differ between sexes or age groups. Our results contextualize the derived human condition of L-cone dominance and provide new information about the heritability of cone ratios and variation in primate color vision.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Previous descriptive work on deciduous dentition of primates has focused disproportionately on great apes and humans. To address this bias in the literature, we studied 131 subadult nonhominoid specimens (including 110 newborns) describing deciduous tooth morphology and assessing maximum hydroxyapatite density (MHD). All specimens were CT scanned at 70 kVp and reconstructed at 20.5-39 μm voxels. Grayscale intensity from scans was converted to hydroxyapatite (HA) density (mg HA/cm3 ) using a linear conversion of grayscale values to calibration standards of known HA density (R2 = .99). Using Amira software, mineralized dental tissues were captured by segmenting the tooth cusps first and then capturing the remainder of the teeth at descending thresholds of gray levels. We assessed the relationship of MHD of selected teeth to cranial length using Pearson correlation coefficients. In monkeys, anterior teeth are more mineralized than postcanine teeth. In tarsiers and most lemurs and lorises, postcanine teeth are the most highly mineralized. This suggests that monkeys have a more prolonged process of dental mineralization that begins with incisors and canines, while mineralization of postcanine teeth is delayed. This may in part be a result of relatively late weaning in most anthropoid primates. Results also reveal that in lemurs and lorises, MHD of the mandibular first permanent molar (M1 ) negatively correlates with cranial length. In contrast, the MHD of M1 positively correlates with cranial length in monkeys. This supports the hypothesis that natural selection acts independently on dental growth as opposed to mineralization and indicates clear phylogenetic differences among primates.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Integration of the sphenoid and ethmoid bones during early postnatal development is poorly described in the literature. A uniquely prolonged patency of sphenoethmoidal synchondrosis or prespheno-septal synchondrosis (PSept) has been attributed to humans. However, the sphenoethmoidal junction has not been studied using a comparative primate sample. Here, we examined development of the sphenoethmoidal interface using ontogenetic samples of Old and New World monkeys, strepsirrhine primates (lemurs and lorises), and a comparative sample of other mammals. Specimens ranging from late fetal to 1 month postnatal age were studied using histology, immunohistochemistry, and micro-computed tomography methods. Our results demonstrate that humans are not unique in anterior cranial base growth at PSept, as it is patent in all newborn primates. We found two distinctions within our sample. First, nearly all primates exhibit an earlier breakdown of the nasal capsule cartilage that abuts the orbitosphenoid when compared to nonprimates. This may facilitate earlier postnatal integration of the basicranium and midface and may enhance morphological plasticity in the region. Second, the PSept exhibits a basic dichotomy between strepsirrhines and monkeys. In strepsirrhines, the PSept has proliferating chondrocytes that are primarily oriented in a longitudinal plane, as in other mammals. In contrast, monkeys have a convex anterior end of the presphenoid with a radial boundary of cartilaginous growth at PSept. Our findings suggest that the PSept acts as a \"pacemaker\" of longitudinal facial growth in mammals with relatively long snouts, but may also contribute to facial height and produce a relatively taller midface in anthropoid primates. Anat Rec, 300:2115-2137, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rudabánya is rare among Eurasian Miocene fossil primate localities in preserving both a hominid and pliopithecoid, and as such provides the unique opportunity to reconstruct the nature of sympatry and niche partitioning in these taxa. Rudapithecus and Anapithecus have similar locomotor and positional behavior and overlapping body mass ranges. While prior analyses of molar occlusal anatomy and microwear identify Rudapithecus as a soft-object frugivore, reconstructing the dietary behavior of Anapithecus has been more problematic. This taxon has been interpreted to be more folivorous by some, and more frugivorous by others. Here, we use high-resolution polynomial curve fitting (HR-PCF) to quantify and evaluate the mesiodistal and cervico-incisal curvatures of the incisor crowns of Rudapithecus and Anapithecus to identify diet-specific morphological variation in these taxa. Results are consistent with the interpretation that Anapithecus and Rudapithecus were primarily frugivorous and had diets that included similar resource types. However, Anapithecus may have consumed greater amounts of foliage, similar to extant mixed folivore-frugivores (i.e., Gorilla gorilla gorilla, Symphalangus syndactylus), while Rudapithecus generated elevated compressive loads in the incisor region consistent with a specialized role for the anterior dentition in food processing (i.e., removal of tough protective fruit pericarps). We interpret these findings in light of the paleoecology at Rudabánya and conclude that, if these taxa were indeed sympatric, Anapithecus may have used additional leaf consumption as a seasonal fallback resource to avoid direct competition with Rudapithecus. Conversely, Rudapithecus may have relied on less preferred and harder fruiting resources as a seasonal fallback resource during periods of fruit scarcity.





