
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    FANCM is a multifunctional DNA repair enzyme that acts as a sensor and coordinator of replication stress responses, especially interstrand crosslink (ICL) repair mediated by the Fanconi anaemia (FA) pathway. Its specialised ability to bind and remodel branched DNA structures enables diverse genome maintenance activities. Through ATP-powered \"branchpoint translocation\", FANCM can promote fork reversal, facilitate replication traverse of ICLs, resolve deleterious R-loop structures, and restrain recombination. These remodelling functions also support a role as sensor of perturbed replication, eliciting checkpoint signalling and recruitment of downstream repair factors like the Fanconi anaemia FANCI:FANCD2 complex. Accordingly, FANCM deficiency causes chromosome fragility and cancer susceptibility. Other recent advances link FANCM to roles in gene editing efficiency and meiotic recombination, along with emerging synthetic lethal relationships, and targeting opportunities in ALT-positive cancers. Here we review key properties of FANCM\'s biochemical activities, with a particular focus on branchpoint translocation as a distinguishing characteristic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human genetic variants that introduce an AG into the intronic region between the branchpoint (BP) and the canonical splice acceptor site (ACC) of protein-coding genes can disrupt pre-mRNA splicing. Using our genome-wide BP database, we delineated the BP-ACC segments of all human introns and found extreme depletion of AG/YAG in the [BP+8, ACC-4] high-risk region. We developed AGAIN as a genome-wide computational approach to systematically and precisely pinpoint intronic AG-gain variants within the BP-ACC regions. AGAIN identified 350 AG-gain variants from the Human Gene Mutation Database, all of which alter splicing and cause disease. Among them, 74% created new acceptor sites, whereas 31% resulted in complete exon skipping. AGAIN also predicts the protein-level products resulting from these two consequences. We performed AGAIN on our exome/genomes database of patients with severe infectious diseases but without known genetic etiology and identified a private homozygous intronic AG-gain variant in the antimycobacterial gene SPPL2A in a patient with mycobacterial disease. AGAIN also predicts a retention of six intronic nucleotides that encode an in-frame stop codon, turning AG-gain into stop-gain. This allele was then confirmed experimentally to lead to loss of function by disrupting splicing. We further showed that AG-gain variants inside the high-risk region led to misspliced products, while those outside the region did not, by two case studies in genes STAT1 and IRF7. We finally evaluated AGAIN on our 14 paired exome-RNAseq samples and found that 82% of AG-gain variants in high-risk regions showed evidence of missplicing. AGAIN is publicly available from and






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fukutin (FKTN) c.647+2084G>T creates a pseudo-exon with a premature stop codon, which causes Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy (FCMD). We aimed to ameliorate aberrant splicing of FKTN caused by this variant. We screened compounds focusing on splicing regulation using the c.647+2084G>T splicing reporter and discovered that the branchpoint, which is essential for splicing reactions, could be a potential therapeutic target. To confirm the effectiveness of branchpoints as targets for exon skipping, we designed branchpoint-targeted antisense oligonucleotides (BP-AONs). This restored normal FKTN mRNA and protein production in FCMD patient myotubes. We identified a functional BP by detecting splicing intermediates and creating BP mutations in the FKTN reporter gene; this BP was non-redundant and sufficiently blocked by BP-AONs. Next, a BP-AON was designed for a different FCMD-causing variant, which induces pathogenic exon trapping by a common SINE-VNTR-Alu-type retrotransposon. Notably, this BP-AON also restored normal FKTN mRNA and protein production in FCMD patient myotubes. Our findings suggest that BPs could be potential targets in exon-skipping therapeutic strategies for genetic disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pre-messenger RNA splicing is initiated with the recognition of a single-nucleotide intronic branchpoint (BP) within a BP motif by spliceosome elements. Forty-eight rare variants in 43 human genes have been reported to alter splicing and cause disease by disrupting BP. However, until now, no computational approach was available to efficiently detect such variants in massively parallel sequencing data. We established a comprehensive human genome-wide BP database by integrating existing BP data and generating new BP data from RNA sequencing of lariat debranching enzyme DBR1-mutated patients and from machine-learning predictions. We characterized multiple features of BP in major and minor introns and found that BP and BP-2 (two nucleotides upstream of BP) positions exhibit a lower rate of variation in human populations and higher evolutionary conservation than the intronic background, while being comparable to the exonic background. We developed BPHunter as a genome-wide computational approach to systematically and efficiently detect intronic variants that may disrupt BP recognition. BPHunter retrospectively identified 40 of the 48 known pathogenic BP variants, in which we summarized a strategy for prioritizing BP variant candidates. The remaining eight variants all create AG-dinucleotides between the BP and acceptor site, which is the likely reason for missplicing. We demonstrated the practical utility of BPHunter prospectively by using it to identify a novel germline heterozygous BP variant of STAT2 in a patient with critical COVID-19 pneumonia and a novel somatic intronic 59-nucleotide deletion of ITPKB in a lymphoma patient, both of which were validated experimentally. BPHunter is publicly available from and






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Branchpoint elements are required for intron removal, and variants at these elements can result in aberrant splicing. We aimed to assess the value of branchpoint annotations generated from recent large-scale studies to select branchpoint-abrogating variants, using hereditary cancer genes as model.
    We identified branchpoint elements in 119 genes associated with hereditary cancer from 3 genome-wide experimentally-inferred and 2 predicted branchpoint data sets. We then identified variants that occur within branchpoint elements from public databases. We compared conservation, unique variant observations, and population frequencies at different nucleotides within branchpoint motifs. Finally, selected minigene assays were performed to assess the splicing effect of variants at branchpoint elements within mismatch repair genes.
    There was poor overlap between predicted and experimentally-inferred branchpoints. Our analysis of cancer genes suggested that variants at -2 nucleotide, -1 nucleotide, and branchpoint positions in experimentally-inferred canonical motifs are more likely to be clinically relevant. Minigene assay data showed the -2 nucleotide to be more important to branchpoint motif integrity but also showed fluidity in branchpoint usage.
    Data from cancer gene analysis suggest that there are few high-risk alleles that severely impact function via branchpoint abrogation. Results of this study inform a general scheme to prioritize branchpoint motif variants for further study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is possible to estimate the prior probability of pathogenicity for germline disease gene variants based on bioinformatic prediction of variant effect/s. However, routinely used approaches have likely led to the underestimation and underreporting of variants located outside donor and acceptor splice site motifs that affect messenger RNA (mRNA) processing. This review presents information about hereditary cancer gene germline variants, outside native splice sites, with experimentally validated splicing effects. We list 95 exonic variants that impact splicing regulatory elements (SREs) in BRCA1, BRCA2, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and PMS2. We utilized a pre-existing large-scale BRCA1 functional data set to map functional SREs, and assess the relative performance of different tools to predict effects of 283 variants on such elements. We also describe rare examples of intronic variants that impact branchpoint (BP) sites and create pseudoexons. We discuss the challenges in predicting variant effect on BP site usage and pseudoexonization, and suggest strategies to improve the bioinformatic prioritization of such variants for experimental validation. Importantly, our review and analysis highlights the value of considering impact of variants outside donor and acceptor motifs on mRNA splicing and disease causation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How have the branchpoint motifs evolved in organisms of different complexity? Here we identified and examined the consensus motifs (R1C2T3R4A5Y6, R: A or G, Y: C or T) of 898 fungal genomes. In Ascomycota unicellular yeasts, the G4/A4 ratio is mostly (98%) below 0.125 but increases sharply in multicellular species by about 40 times on average, and in the more complex Basidiomycota, it increases further by about 7 times. The global G4 increase is consistent with A4 to G4 transitions in evolution. Of the G4/A4-interacting amino acids of the branchpoint binding protein MSL5 (SF1) and the HSH155 (SF3B1), as well as the 5\' splice sites (SS) and U2 snRNA genes, the 5\' SS G3/A3 co-vary with the G4 to some extent. However, corresponding increase of the G4-complementary GCAGTA-U2 gene is rare, suggesting wobble-base pairing between the G4-containing branchpoint motif and GTAGTA-U2 in most of these species. Interestingly, the G4/A4 ratio correlates well with the abundance of alternative splicing in the two phyla, and G4 enriched significantly at the alternative 3\' SS of genes in RNA metabolism, kinases and membrane proteins. Similar wobble nucleotides also enriched at the 3\' SS of multicellular fungi with only thousands of protein-coding genes. Thus, branchpoint motifs have evolved U2-complementarity in unicellular Ascomycota yeasts, but have gradually gained more wobble base-pairing nucleotides in fungi of higher complexity, likely to destabilize branchpoint motif-U2 interaction and/or branchpoint A protrusion for alternative splicing. This implies an important role of relaxing the branchpoint signals in the multicellularity and further complexity of fungi.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A precise genetic diagnosis is the single most important step for families with genetic disorders to enable personalized and preventative medicine. In addition to genetic variants in coding regions (exons) that can change a protein sequence, abnormal pre-mRNA splicing can be devastating for the encoded protein, inducing a frameshift or in-frame deletion/insertion of multiple residues. Non-coding variants that disrupt splicing are extremely challenging to identify. Stemming from an initial clinical discovery in two index Australian families, we define 25 families with genetic disorders caused by a class of pathogenic non-coding splice variant due to intronic deletions. These pathogenic intronic deletions spare all consensus splice motifs, though they critically shorten the minimal distance between the 5\' splice-site (5\'SS) and branchpoint. The mechanistic basis for abnormal splicing is due to biophysical constraint precluding U1/U2 spliceosome assembly, which stalls in A-complexes (that bridge the 5\'SS and branchpoint). Substitution of deleted nucleotides with non-specific sequences restores spliceosome assembly and normal splicing, arguing against loss of an intronic element as the primary causal basis. Incremental lengthening of 5\'SS-branchpoint length in our index EMD case subject defines 45-47 nt as the critical elongation enabling (inefficient) spliceosome assembly for EMD intron 5. The 5\'SS-branchpoint space constraint mechanism, not currently factored by genomic informatics pipelines, is relevant to diagnosis and precision medicine across the breadth of Mendelian disorders and cancer genomics.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stable recognition of the intron branchpoint (BP) by the U2 snRNP to form the pre-spliceosome is the first ATP-dependent step of splicing. Genetic and biochemical data from yeast indicate that Cus2 aids U2 snRNA folding into the stem IIa conformation prior to pre-spliceosome formation. Cus2 must then be removed by an ATP-dependent function of Prp5 before assembly can progress. However, the location from which Cus2 is displaced and the nature of its binding to the U2 snRNP are unknown. Here, we show that Cus2 contains a conserved UHM (U2AF homology motif) that binds Hsh155, the yeast homolog of human SF3b1, through a conserved ULM (U2AF ligand motif). Mutations in either motif block binding and allow pre-spliceosome formation without ATP. A 2.0 Å resolution structure of the Hsh155 ULM in complex with the UHM of Tat-SF1, the human homolog of Cus2, and complementary binding assays show that the interaction is highly similar between yeast and humans. Furthermore, we show that Tat-SF1 can replace Cus2 function by enforcing ATP dependence of pre-spliceosome formation in yeast extracts. Cus2 is removed before pre-spliceosome formation, and both Cus2 and its Hsh155 ULM binding site are absent from available cryo-EM structure models. However, our data are consistent with the apparent location of the disordered Hsh155 ULM between the U2 stem-loop IIa and the HEAT repeats of Hsh155 that interact with Prp5. We propose a model in which Prp5 uses ATP to remove Cus2 from Hsh155 such that extended base-pairing between U2 snRNA and the intron BP can occur.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although branchpoint recognition is an essential component of intron excision during the RNA splicing process, the branchpoint itself is frequently assumed to be a basal, rather than regulatory, sequence feature. However, this assumption has not been systematically tested due to the technical difficulty of identifying branchpoints and quantifying their usage. Here, we analyzed ∼1.31 trillion reads from 17,164 RNA sequencing data sets to demonstrate that almost all human introns contain multiple branchpoints. This complexity holds even for constitutive introns, 95% of which contain multiple branchpoints, with an estimated five to six branchpoints per intron. Introns upstream of the highly regulated ultraconserved poison exons of SR genes contain twice as many branchpoints as the genomic average. Approximately three-quarters of constitutive introns exhibit tissue-specific branchpoint usage. In an extreme example, we observed a complete switch in branchpoint usage in the well-studied first intron of HBB (β-globin) in normal bone marrow versus metastatic prostate cancer samples. Our results indicate that the recognition of most introns is unexpectedly complex and tissue-specific and suggest that alternative splicing catalysis typifies the majority of introns even in the absence of differences in the mature mRNA.





