brain proteome

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    COVID-19, a complex multisystem disorder affecting the central nervous system, can also have psychiatric sequelae. In addition, clinical evidence indicates that a diagnosis of a schizophrenia spectrum disorder is a risk factor for mortality in patients with COVID-19. In this study, we aimed to explore brain-specific molecular aspects of COVID-19 by using a proteomic approach. We analyzed the brain proteome of fatal COVID-19 cases and compared it with differentially regulated proteins found in postmortem schizophrenia brains. The COVID-19 proteomic dataset revealed a strong enrichment of proteins expressed by glial and neuronal cells and processes related to diseases with a psychiatric and neurodegenerative component. Specifically, the COVID-19 brain proteome enriches processes that are hallmark features of schizophrenia. Furthermore, we identified shared and distinct molecular pathways affected in both conditions. We found that brain ageing processes are likely present in both COVID-19 and schizophrenia, albeit possibly driven by distinct processes. In addition, alterations in brain cell metabolism were observed, with schizophrenia primarily impacting amino acid metabolism and COVID-19 predominantly affecting carbohydrate metabolism. The enrichment of metabolic pathways associated with astrocytic components in both conditions suggests the involvement of this cell type in the pathogenesis. Both COVID-19 and schizophrenia influenced neurotransmitter systems, but with distinct impacts. Future studies exploring the underlying mechanisms linking brain ageing and metabolic dysregulation may provide valuable insights into the complex pathophysiology of these conditions and the increased vulnerability of schizophrenia patients to severe outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxoplasma gondii is a successful parasite capable of infecting a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including people, livestock, and wildlife. In individuals with intact immune function, T. gondii can invade the host brain tissue by altering the blood-brain barrier permeability, leading to chronic infection. Proteins play crucial regulatory roles in disease progression. By monitoring changes in proteins, a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying host resistance to infection and the potential pathogenic mechanisms of pathogens can be gained. This study analyzed differential protein expression and associated signaling pathways in mouse brain tissues during acute and chronic T. gondii infection using proteomic and bioinformatics methods. The results showed that during acute and chronic T. gondii infection stages, 74 and 498 differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) were identified in mouse brain tissue, respectively. Among them, 45 and 309 were up-regulated, while 29 and 189 were down-regulated. GO and KEGG analyses revealed that some of these DEPs were implicated in host immunity, pathogen immune evasion, and T. gondii invasion of the central nervous system, particularly interleukin production and secretion, complement system activation, and alterations in tight junction pathways. Notably, the upregulation of Rab13 was identified as a potential molecular mechanism for T. gondii to regulate blood-brain barrier permeability and facilitate central nervous system invasion. Our findings provided fundamental data for understanding host control of Toxoplasmosis infection and offered new insights into parasite immune evasion and invasion mechanisms within the central nervous system. These insights are crucial for developing strategies to prevent the establishment of chronic T. gondii infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proteins usually execute their biological functions through interactions with other proteins and by forming macromolecular complexes, but global profiling of protein complexes directly from human tissue samples has been limited. In this study, we utilized cofractionation mass spectrometry (CF-MS) to map protein complexes within the postmortem human brain with experimental replicates. First, we used concatenated anion and cation Ion Exchange Chromatography (IEX) to separate native protein complexes in 192 fractions and then proceeded with Data-Independent Acquisition (DIA) mass spectrometry to analyze the proteins in each fraction, quantifying a total of 4,804 proteins with 3,260 overlapping in both replicates. We improved the DIA\'s quantitative accuracy by implementing a constant amount of bovine serum albumin (BSA) in each fraction as an internal standard. Next, advanced computational pipelines, which integrate both a database-based complex analysis and an unbiased protein-protein interaction (PPI) search, were applied to identify protein complexes and construct protein-protein interaction networks in the human brain. Our study led to the identification of 486 protein complexes and 10054 binary protein-protein interactions, which represents the first global profiling of human brain PPIs using CF-MS. Overall, this study offers a resource and tool for a wide range of human brain research, including the identification of disease-specific protein complexes in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Some parasites are known to influence brain proteins or induce changes in the functioning of the nervous system. In this study, our objective is to demonstrate how the two-dimensional gel technique is valuable for detecting differences in protein expression and providing detailed information on changes in the brain proteome during a parasitic infection. Subsequently, we seek to understand how the parasitic infection affects the protein composition in the brain and how this may be related to changes in brain function. By analyzing de novo-expressed proteins at 2, 4, and 8 weeks post-infection compared to the brains of the control mice, we observed that proteins expressed at 2 weeks are primarily associated with neuroprotection or the initial response of the mouse brain to the infection. At 8 weeks, parasitic infection can induce oxidative stress in the brain, potentially activating signaling pathways related to the response to cellular damage. Proteins expressed at 8 weeks exhibit a pattern indicating that, as the host fails to balance the Neuro-Immuno-Endocrine network of the organism, the brain begins to undergo an apoptotic process and consequently experiences brain damage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is an essential matrix for the discovery of neurological disease biomarkers. However, the high dynamic range of protein concentrations in CSF hinders the detection of the least abundant protein biomarkers by untargeted mass spectrometry. It is thus beneficial to gain a deeper understanding of the secretion processes within the brain. Here, we aim to explore if and how the secretion of brain proteins to the CSF can be predicted. By combining a curated CSF proteome and the brain elevated proteome of the Human Protein Atlas, brain proteins were classified as CSF or non-CSF secreted. A machine learning model was trained on a range of sequence-based features to differentiate between CSF and non-CSF groups and effectively predict the brain origin of proteins. The classification model achieves an area under the curve of 0.89 if using high confidence CSF proteins. The most important prediction features include the subcellular localization, signal peptides, and transmembrane regions. The classifier generalized well to the larger brain detected proteome and is able to correctly predict novel CSF proteins identified by affinity proteomics. In addition to elucidating the underlying mechanisms of protein secretion, the trained classification model can support biomarker candidate selection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several lines of evidence indicate that ancestral diet might play an important role in determining offspring\'s metabolic traits. However, it is not yet clear whether ancestral diet can affect offspring\'s food choices and feeding behavior. In the current study, taking advantage of Drosophila model system, we demonstrate that paternal Western diet (WD) increases offspring food consumption up to the fourth generation. Paternal WD also induced alterations in F1 offspring brain proteome. Using enrichment analyses of pathways for upregulated and downregulated proteins, we found that upregulated proteins had significant enrichments in terms related to translation and translation factors, whereas downregulated proteins displayed enrichments in small molecule metabolic processes, TCA cycles, and electron transport chain (ETC). Using MIENTURNET miRNA prediction tool, dme-miR-10-3p was identified as the top conserved miRNA predicted to target proteins regulated by ancestral diet. RNAi-based knockdown of miR-10 in the brain significantly increased food consumption, implicating miR-10 as a potential factor in programming feeding behavior. Together, these findings suggest that ancestral nutrition may influence offspring feeding behavior through alterations in miRNAs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain development and function are governed by precisely regulated protein expressions in different regions. To date, multiregional brain proteomes have been systematically analyzed only for adult human and mouse brains. To understand the underpinnings of brain development and function, we generated proteomes from six regions of the postnatal brain at three developmental stages of domestic dogs (Canis familiaris), which are special among animals in terms of their remarkable human-like social cognitive abilities. Quantitative analysis of the spatiotemporal proteomes identified region-enriched synapse types at different developmental stages and differential myelination progression in different brain regions. Through integrative analysis of inter-regional expression patterns of orthologous proteins and genome-wide cis-regulatory element frequencies, we found that proteins related with myelination and hippocampus were highly correlated between dog and human but not between mouse and human, although mouse is phylogenetically closer to human. Moreover, the global expression patterns of neurodegenerative disease and autism spectrum disorder-associated proteins in dog brain more resemble human brain than in mouse brain. The high similarity of myelination and hippocampus-related pathways in dog and human at both proteomic and genetic levels may contribute to their shared social cognitive abilities. The inter-regional expression patterns of disease-associated proteins in the brain of different species provide important information to guide mechanistic and translational study using appropriate animal models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The increasing consumption of highly processed foods with high amounts of saturated fatty acids and simple carbohydrates is a major contributor to the burden of overweight and obesity. Additionally, an unhealthy diet in combination with chronic stress exposure is known to be associated with the increased prevalence of central nervous system diseases. In the present study, the global brain proteome approach was applied to explore protein alterations after exposure to the Western diet and/or stress. Female adult rats were fed with the Western diet with human snacks and/or subjected to chronic stress induced by social instability for 12 weeks. The consumption of the Western diet resulted in an obese phenotype and induced changes in the serum metabolic parameters. Consuming the Western diet resulted in changes in only 5.4% of the proteins, whereas 48% of all detected proteins were affected by chronic stress, of which 86.3% were down-regulated due to this exposure to chronic stress. However, feeding with a particular diet modified stress-induced changes in the brain proteome. The down-regulation of proteins involved in axonogenesis and mediating the synaptic clustering of AMPA glutamate receptors (Nptx1), as well as proteins related to metabolic processes (Atp5i, Mrps36, Ndufb4), were identified, while increased expression was detected for proteins involved in the development and differentiation of the CNS (Basp1, Cend1), response to stress, learning and memory (Prrt2), and modulation of synaptic transmission (Ncam1, Prrt2). In summary, global proteome analysis provides information about the impact of the combination of the Western diet and stress exposure on cerebrocortical protein alterations and yields insight into the underlying mechanisms and pathways involved in functional and morphological brain alterations as well as behavioral disturbances described in the literature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organ-specific proteins (OSPs) possess great medical potential both in clinics and in biomedical research. Applications of them-such as alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase, and troponins-in clinics have raised certain concerns of their organ specificity. The dynamics and diversity of protein expression in heterogeneous human populations are well known, yet their effects on OSPs are less addressed. Here, we used mice as a model and implemented a breadth study to examine the panorgan proteome for potential variations in organ specificity in different genetic backgrounds. Using reasonable resources, we generated panorgan proteomes of four in-bred mouse strains. The results revealed a large diversity that was more profound among OSPs than among proteomes overall. We defined a robustness score to quantify such variation and derived three sets of OSPs with different stringencies. In the meantime, we found that the enriched biological functions of OSPs are also organ-specific and are sensitive and useful to assess the quality of OSPs. We hope our breadth study can open doors to explore the molecular diversity and dynamics of organ specificity at the protein level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The neuronal basis of complex social behavior is still poorly understood. In honeybees, reproductive investment decisions are made at the colony-level. Queens develop from female-destined larvae that receive alloparental care from nurse bees in the form of ad-libitum royal jelly (RJ) secretions. Typically, the number of raised new queens is limited but genetic breeding of \"royal jelly bees\" (RJBs) for enhanced RJ production over decades has led to a dramatic increase of reproductive investment in queens. Here, we compare RJBs to unselected Italian bees (ITBs) to investigate how their cognitive processing of larval signals in the mushroom bodies (MBs) and antennal lobes (ALs) may contribute to their behavioral differences. A cross-fostering experiment confirms that the RJB syndrome is mainly due to a shift in nurse bee alloparental care behavior. Using olfactory conditioning of the proboscis extension reflex, we show that the RJB nurses spontaneously respond more often to larval odors compared with ITB nurses but their subsequent learning occurs at similar rates. These phenotypic findings are corroborated by our demonstration that the proteome of the brain, particularly of the ALs differs between RJBs and ITBs. Notably, in the ALs of RJB newly emerged bees and nurses compared with ITBs, processes of energy and nutrient metabolism, signal transduction are up-regulated, priming the ALs for receiving and processing the brood signals from the antennae. Moreover, highly abundant major royal jelly proteins and hexamerins in RJBs compared with ITBs during early life when the nervous system still develops suggest crucial new neurobiological roles for these well-characterized proteins. Altogether, our findings reveal that RJBs have evolved a strong olfactory response to larvae, enabled by numerous neurophysiological adaptations that increase the nurse bees\' alloparental care behavior.






