body size traits

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Elucidating the genetic variation underlying phenotypic diversity will facilitate improving production performance in livestock species. The Tibetan sheep breed in China holds significant historical importance, serving as a fundamental pillar of Qinghai\'s animal husbandry sector. The Plateau-type Tibetan sheep, comprising 90% of the province\'s population, are characterized by their tall stature and serve as the primary breed among Tibetan sheep. In contrast, Zhashijia sheep exhibit larger size and superior meat quality. These two species provide an excellent model for elucidating the genetic basis of body size variation. Therefore, this study aims to conduct a comprehensive genome-wide association study on these two Tibetan sheep breeds to identify single nucleotide polymorphism loci and regulatory genes that influence body size traits in Tibetan sheep.
    RESULTS: In this study, the phenotypic traits of body weight, body length, body height, chest circumference, chest depth, chest width, waist angle width, and pipe circumference were evaluated in two Tibetan sheep breeds: Plateau-type sheep and Zhashijia Tibetan sheep. Whole genome sequencing generated 48,215,130 high-quality SNPs for genome-wide association study. Four methods were applied and identified 623 SNPs significantly associated with body size traits. The significantly associated single nucleotide polymorphisms identified in this study are located near or within 111 candidate genes. These genes exhibit enrichment in the cAMP and Rap1 signaling pathways, significantly affecting animal growth, and body size. Specifically, the following genes were associated: ASAP1, CDK6, FRYL, NAV2, PTPRM, GPC6, PTPRG, KANK1, NTRK2 and ADCY8.
    CONCLUSIONS: By genome-wide association study, we identified 16 SNPs and 10 candidate genes associated with body size traits in Tibetan sheep, which hold potential for application in genomic selection breeding programs in sheep. Identifying these candidate genes will establish a solid foundation for applying molecular marker-assisted selection in sheep breeding and improve our understanding of body size control in farmed animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Dezhou donkey is a famous local donkey breed in China. The aim of the present study was to identify the genes associated with the body size traits of the Dezhou donkey and facilitate the breeding activities of the donkeys. A total of 349 donkeys from 2 generations (113 individuals in F0 and 236 in F1) were analyzed with restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing. A genome-wide association study revealed that the region between 13.7 and 15.6 Mb of chromosome 13 is significantly associated with body sizes. Candidate genes related to body size development, including POLR2A, CHRNB1, FGF11, and ZBTB4, were identified. The results of GO and KEGG analysis indicated that the genes involved in many GO terms were related to metabolic processes and developmental processes. Additionally, a T>C mutation (Chr13:14312485) was found at intron 10 of the POLR2A gene. The association analysis showed significant differences among genotypes for the size traits. The body size of the individuals with the TT genotype was significantly higher than that with the CC genotype. The results showed that the polymorphism of POLR2A has the potential to be used as a marker in the breeding programs of the Dezhou donkeys.
    Body size is a crucial economic trait in donkeys, as it is closely related to meat and skin production. The aim of this study was to identify the genes and loci associated with body size traits, using the Dezhou donkey as an experimental population. The study findings make contributions to a better understanding on the molecular genetic mechanism of body size traits. The significant loci screened out in the present study may facilitate gene-assisted selection breeding and accelerate genetic selection, which is of great significance to the breeding of donkeys and the development of the donkey industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate the nucleotide variation sites (SNPs) and expression differences of the fatty acid synthase gene (FASN) in Guizhou white goats, the relationship between the variation and body size traits was investigated. In this study, DNA was extracted from the blood of 100 samples of white goats from different regions in Guizhou province, China, and the variation sites were screened using pooled sequencing by mixing DNA samples, and 242 blood samples with body size traits were used for association analysis. The allele frequency, genotype frequency, homozygosity, heterozygosity and effective gene number were calculated by using PopGene 32.0 software, the population polymorphism information content was calculated by using PIC software (Version 0.6), and the state of genetic balance of the genes was analyzed by using the chi-square test. The mRNA of FASN gene expression levels in male and female goats were investigated by using real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). The general linear mixed model of MINTAB software (Version 16.0) was used to analyze the association between FASN gene nucleotide mutation sites and body size traits. The results showed that there was one nucleotide mutation site g.141 C/T in the target fragment of FASN gene amplification, and revealed two alleles, C and T, and three genotypes CC, CT and TT. The genotype frequencies for CC, CT and TT were 0.4308, 0.4205 and 0.1487, respectively. The allele frequencies for C and T were 0.6410 and 0.3590, respectively. The genetic homozygosity (Ho) was higher than the heterozygosity (He). The χ2 test showed that the mutation site was in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium state (p > 0.05). The RT-qPCR results showed that the FASN gene had different expression levels in the longissimus dorsi muscle of male and female goats, and its expression was significantly higher in male goats than in female goats. The association analysis results showed that the mutation of the FASN gene had different effects on body size traits of male and female goats, and the presence of the populations of the T allele and the TT genotype recorded higher body size traits (body weight, heart girth and wither height) in female populations. Therefore, the site of the FASN gene can be used as a candidate marker for the early selection of growth traits in Guizhou white goats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Duroc pigs are popular crossbred terminal sires, and accurate assessment of genetic parameters in the population can help to rationalize breeding programmes. The principle aim of this study were to evaluate the genetic parameters of production (birth weight, BW; age at 115 kg, AGE; feed conversion ratio, FCR) and body size (body length, BL; body height, BH; front cannon circumference, FCC) traits of Duroc pigs. The second objective was to analyze the fit of different genetic assessment models. The variance components and correlations of BW (28,348 records), AGE (28,335 records), FCR (11,135 records), BL (31,544 records), BH (21,862 records), and FCC (14,684 records) traits were calculated by using DMU and AIREMLF90 from BLUPF90 package. In the common environment model, the heritability of BW, AGE, FCR, BL, BH, and FCC traits were 0.17 ± 0.014, 0.30 ± 0.019, 0.28 ± 0.024, 0.16 ± 0.013, 0.14 ± 0.017, and 0.081 ± 0.016, with common litter effect values of 0.25, 0.20, 0.18, 0.23, 0.19, and 0.16, respectively. According to the results of the Akaike information criterion (AIC) calculations, models with smaller AIC values have a better fit. We found that the common environment model with litter effects as random effects for estimating genetic parameters had a better fit. In this Model, the estimated genetic correlations between AGE with BW, FCR, BL, BH, and FCC traits were -0.28 (0.040), 0.76 (0.038), -0.71 (0.036), -0.44 (0.060), and -0.60 (0.073), respectively, with phenotypic correlations of -0.17, 0.52, -0.22, -0.13 and -0.24, respectively. In our analysis of genetic trends for six traits in the Duroc population from 2012 to 2021, we observed significant genetic trends for AGE, BL, and BH. Particularly noteworthy is the rapid decline in the genetic trend for AGE, indicating an enhancement in the pig\'s growth rate through selective breeding. Therefore, we believe that some challenging-to-select traits can benefit from the genetic correlations between traits. By selecting easily measurable traits, they can gain from synergistic selection effects, leading to genetic progress. Conducting population genetic parameter analysis can assist us in devising breeding strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The body size traits are major traits in livestock, which intuitively displays the development of the animal\'s bones and muscles. This study used PCR amplification, Sanger sequencing, KASPar genotyping, and quantitative real-time reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) to analyze the Single-nucleotide polymorphism and expression characteristics of Argonaute RISC catalytic component 2 (AGO2) and Plectin (PLEC) genes in Hu sheep. Two intron mutations were found in Hu sheep, which were AGO2 g.51700 A > C and PLEC g.23157 C > T, respectively. Through association analysis of two mutation sites and body size traits, it was found that AGO2 g.51700 A > C mainly affects the chest and cannon circumference of Hu sheep of while PLEC g.23157 C mainly affects body height and body length. The combined genotypes of AGO2 and PLEC genes with body size traits showed SNPs at the AGO2 g.51700 A > C and PLEC g.23157 C > T loci significantly improved the body size traits of Hu sheep. In addition, the AGO2 gene has the highest expression levels in the heart, rumen, and tail fat, and the PLEC gene is highly expressed in the heart. These two loci can provide new research ideas for improving the body size traits of Hu sheep.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Yangyuan donkey is a domestic animal breed mainly distributed in the northwest region of Hebei Province. Donkey body shape is the most direct production index, can fully reflect the donkey\'s growth status, and is closely related to important economic traits. As one of the main breeding selection criteria, body size traits have been widely used to monitor animal growth and evaluate the selection response. Molecular markers genetically linked to body size traits have the potential to accelerate the breeding process of animals via marker-assisted selection. However, the molecular markers of body size in Yangyuan donkeys have yet to be explored. In this study, we performed a genome-wide association study to identify the genomic variations associated with body size traits in a population of 120 Yangyuan donkeys. We screened 16 single nucleotide polymorphisms that were significantly associated with body size traits. Some genes distributed around these significant SNPs were considered candidates for body size traits, including SMPD4, RPS6KA6, LPAR4, GLP2R, BRWD3, MAGT1, ZDHHC15, and CYSLTR1. Gene Ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway analyses indicated that these genes were mainly involved in the P13K-Akt signaling pathway, Rap1 signaling pathway, regulation of actin cytoskeleton, calcium signaling pathway, phospholipase D signaling pathway, and neuroactive ligand-receptor interactions. Collectively, our study reported on a list of novel markers and candidate genes associated with body size traits in donkeys, providing useful information for functional gene studies and offering great potential for accelerating Yangyuan donkey breeding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to understand the influence of the non-genetic factors that include breeding year, season, and sex of growth and development traits of Qinchuan cattle and to estimate the heritability of body weight at different growth stages. The Qinchuan cattle measurement records were by the Experiment farm of the National Beef Cattle Improvement Center (Yangling, China) from 2000 to 2017. SPSS and R software were used to analyze the influence of non-genetic factors on body size traits that include body weight (BW), withers height (WH), hip height (HH), body length (BL), chest circumference (CC), abdominal girth (AG), and calf girth (CG), at birth, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months of age. Meanwhile, the single-trait animal model of DMU software was used to estimate the variance component and the heritability of body weight. The results of GLM analysis showed as follows: sex, birth year, and birth season had effects on the body size traits of Qinchuan cattle at different growth stages. Respectively, the heritability of body weight at birth, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months of age were 0.43, 0.32, 0.37, 0.32, and 0.38.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The body shape of a pig is the most direct production index, which can fully reflect the pig\'s growth status and is closely related to important economic traits. In this study, a genome-wide association study on seven body size traits, the body length (BL), height (BH), chest circumference (CC), abdominal circumference (AC), cannon bone circumference (CBC), rump width (RW), and chest width (CW), were conducted in Yorkshire pigs. Illumina Porcine 80K SNP chips were used to genotype 589 of 5,572 Yorkshire pigs with body size records, and then the chip data was imputed to sequencing data. After quality control of imputed sequencing data, 784,267 SNPs were obtained, and the averaged linkage disequilibrium (r 2) was 0.191. We used the single-trait model and the two-trait model to conduct single-step genome wide association study (ssGWAS) on seven body size traits; a total of 198 significant SNPS were finally identified according to the P-value and the contribution to the genetic variance of individual SNP. 11 candidate genes (CDH13, SIL1, CDC14A, TMRPSS15, TRAPPC9, CTNND2, KDM6B, CHD3, MUC13, MAPK4, and HMGA1) were found to be associated with body size traits in pigs; KDM6B and CHD3 jointly affect AC and CC, and MUC13 jointly affect RW and CW. These genes are involved in the regulation of bone growth and development as well as the absorption of nutrients and are associated with obesity. HMGA1 is proposed as a strong candidate gene for body size traits because of its important function and high consistency with other studies regarding the regulation of body size traits. Our results could provide valuable information for pig breeding based on molecular breeding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Body size is an important indicator of growth and health in sheep. In the present study, we performed Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) to detect significant single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with Hu sheep\'s body size. After genotyping parental (G1) and offspring (G2) generation of the nucleus herd for meat production of Hu sheep and conducting GWAS on the body height, chest circumference, body length, tail length, and tail width of the two groups, 5 SNPs associated with body height and 4 SNPs correlated with chest circumference were identified at the chromosomal significance level. No SNPs were significantly correlated to body length, tail length, and width. Four out of the 9 SNPs were found to be located within the 4 genes. KITLG and CADM2 are considered as candidate functional genes related to body height; MCTP1 and COL4A6 are candidate functional genes related to chest circumference. The 9 SNPs found in GWAS were verified using the G3 generation of the nucleus herd for meat production. Nine products were amplified around the 9 sites, and 29 SNPs were found; 3 mutation sites, G > C mutation at 134 bp downstream of s554331, T > G mutation at 19 bp upstream of s26859.1, and A > G mutation at 81 bp downstream of s26859.1, were significantly correlated to the body height. Dual-luciferase reporter gene experiments showed that the 3 SNPs could significantly impact dual-luciferase and gene transcription activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) plays a critical role in leptin-mediated regulation of energy metabolism. This study investigated genetic variation in STAT3 promoter regions and verified their contribution to bovine body size traits. We first estimated the degree of conservation in STAT3, followed by measurements of its mRNA expression during fetal and adult stages of Qinchuan cattle. We then sequenced the STAT3 promoter region to determine genetic variants and evaluate their association with body size traits. From fetus to adult, STAT3 expression increased significantly in muscle, fat, heart, liver, and spleen tissues (p < 0.01), but decreased in the intestine, lung, and rumen (p < 0.01). We identified and named five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs): SNP1-304A>C, SNP2-285G>A, SNP3-209A>C, SNP4-203A>G, and SNP5-188T>C. These five mutations fell significantly outside the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) (Chi-squared test, p < 0.05) and significantly associated with body size traits (p < 0.05). Individuals with haplotype H3H3 (CC-GG-CC-GG-CC) were larger in body size than other haplotypes. Therefore, variations in the STAT3 gene promoter regions, most notably haplotype H3H3, may benefit marker-assisted breeding of Qinchuan cattle.





