body proportions

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Persons with specific phobias typically generalize the dangerousness of the phobic animal to all members of its species, possibly as a result of malfunctioning brain circuitry normally providing quick and dirty identification of evolutionary-relevant stimuli. An objective assessment of which perceptual features make an animal more or less scary to phobic and non-phobic people would help overcome the limitations of the few studies available so far, based on self-reports.
    UNASSIGNED: To achieve this aim, we built an augmented reality setting where volunteers with different levels of fear of spiders were asked to make holographic spiders that look either dangerous or harmless. To reach this goal, a computerized interface allowed participants to modify the spider\'s perceptual features (hairiness, body/leg size, and locomotion) in real time.
    UNASSIGNED: On average, the dangerous spiders were made hairy, thick, and moving according to spider-like locomotion; coherently, the harmless spiders were made hairless, slim, and moving according to a butterfly-like locomotion. However, these averaged preferences could not fully describe the complex relationship between perceptual preferences with each other and with arachnophobia symptoms. An example of a key finding revealed by cluster analysis is the similarity in perceptual preferences among participants with little or no fear of spiders, whereas participants with more arachnophobia symptoms expressed more varying preferences.
    UNASSIGNED: Perceptual preferences toward the spider\'s features were behaviorally assessed through an observational study, objectively confirming a generalization effect characterizing spider-fearful participants. These results advance our knowledge of phobic preferences and could be used to improve the acceptability of exposure therapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interpretations of the primate and human fossil record often rely on the estimation of somatic dimensions from bony measures. Both somatic and skeletal variation have been used to assess how primates respond to environmental change. However, it is unclear how well skeletal variation matches and predicts soft tissue. Here, we empirically test the relationship between tissues by comparing somatic and skeletal measures using paired measures of pre- and post-mortem rhesus macaques from Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico.
    Somatic measurements were matched with skeletal dimensions from 105 rhesus macaque individuals to investigate paired signals of variation (i.e., coefficients of variation, sexual dimorphism) and bivariate codependence (reduced major axis regression) in measures of: (1) limb length; (2) joint breadth; and (3) limb circumference. Predictive models for the estimation of soft tissue dimensions from skeletons were built from Ordinary Least Squares regressions.
    Somatic and skeletal measurements showed statistically equivalent coefficients of variation and sexual dimorphism as well as high epiphyses-present ordinary least square (OLS) correlations in limb lengths (R2 >0.78, 0.82), joint breadths (R2 >0.74, 0.83) and, to a lesser extent, limb circumference (R2 >0.53, 0.68).
    Skeletal measurements are good substitutions for somatic values based on population signals of variation. OLS regressions indicate that skeletal correlates are highly predictive of somatic dimensions. The protocols and regression equations established here provide a basis for reliable reconstruction of somatic dimension from catarrhine fossils and validate our ability to compare or combine results of studies based on population data of either hard or soft tissue proxies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Faces and bodies both provide cues to age and cuteness, but little work has explored their interaction in cuteness perception. This study examines the interplay of facial and bodily cues in the perception of cuteness, particularly when these cues convey conflicting age information. Participants rated the cuteness of face-body composites that combined either a child or adult face with an age-congruent or incongruent body alongside manipulations of the head-to-body height ratio (HBR). The findings from two experiments indicated that child-like facial features enhanced the perceived cuteness of adult bodies, while child-like bodily features generally had negative impacts. Furthermore, the results showed that an increased head size significantly boosted the perceived cuteness for child faces more than for adult faces. Lastly, the influence of the HBR was more pronounced when the outline of a body\'s silhouette was the only available information compared to when detailed facial and bodily features were presented. This study suggests that body proportion information, derived from the body\'s outline, and facial and bodily features, derived from the interior surface, are integrated to form a unitary representation of a whole person in cuteness perception. Our findings highlight the dominance of facial features over bodily information in cuteness perception, with facial attributes serving as key references for evaluating face-body relationships and body proportions. This research offers significant insights into social cognition and character design, particularly in how people perceive entities with mixed features of different social categories, underlining the importance of congruency in perceptual elements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: : In this cross-sectional study, we aimed to evaluate auxological measurements and detailed body proportions of recombinant human growth hormone (GH)-treated patients with Turner syndrome (TS) and compare them with a group of healthy females.
    METHODS: We evaluated 42 patients with TS who received GH treatment and 20 healthy controls. Anthropometric measurements were taken and target height, body mass index (BMI), arm span-height difference, extremity-to-trunk ratio, and Manouvrier\'s skelic index were calculated.
    RESULTS: : The median (min-max) age of the patients at the time of evaluation was 13.6 (4.3-20.7) years, and the control group was 12.9 (3.8-23.7) years. Height, sitting height, and arm span of TS patients were significantly lower than those of the control group. Sitting height/height ratio (SHR) was in normal ranges in both groups and BMI was significantly higher in TS patients when compared to the control group. According to Manouvrier\'s skelic index, TS patients had shorter legs than the control group (p = 0.001). The extremity-trunk ratio was significantly decreased in TS patients compared to healthy controls (p < 0.001). There was no significant difference between the karyotype groups in terms of these indexes.
    CONCLUSIONS: TS patients had short stature, increased BMI and waist circumference, normal head circumference, and decreased extremity-trunk ratio. Sitting height and leg length were short; however, the SHR standard deviation score (SDS) was in the normal range. Despite being treated with GH, TS patients had disproportionate short stature. The disproportion in TS patients was similar to short-stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, which is considered to be SHOX haploinsufficiency in the etiopathogenesis of short stature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The research aimed to determine how socioeconomic factors influence the body structure and health behaviors of children in a suburban commune.
    METHODS: Data from 376 children aged 6.78 to 11.82 years from Jabłonna, Poland, were analyzed. A questionnaire was used to gather information regarding the socioeconomic status and dietary habits of these children, and physical measurements such as height, weight, pelvic width, shoulder width, chest, waist, hip, and arm circumferences, and three skinfolds were taken. Hip index, pelvi-acromial index, Marty\'s index, BMI (body mass index), WHR (waist-hip ratio), and the sum of three skinfolds were calculated. One-way analysis of variance, Student\'s t-test, and X2 test with p < 0.05 were used.
    RESULTS: The size of the family and the level of education and occupation of the fathers had a significant impact on the body proportions of the children. Children from larger centers with more educated parents were seen to have healthier eating habits and higher levels of physical activity, and their parents were less likely to smoke cigarettes.
    CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that the development environment of the parents, such as their level of education and profession, play a more important role than the size of birthplace.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Conditions in the early stages of life shape body size and proportions. This study includes individuals who came from different socio-economic conditions and worked in physically demanding jobs in childhood. By determining the body sizes of these individuals and evaluating the proportional relationships between several groups, the goal was to understand the effect levels of socio-economic levels and working conditions on the body. For this purpose, an anthropometric study was conducted on 623 males and females between the ages of 20 and 45 living in Samsun, Turkey. The study sample consisted of four different groups. It was divided into two main groups of high and low socio-economic level, and the low socio-economic group was divided into two subgroups of heavy-worker and nonheavy-worker. The results demonstrated that socio-economic differences in the size and proportions of the individuals were statistically significant (p<0.05). The high socio-economic group had the highest values in all measures. External factors affected the lower limbs more than the upper limbs. The measurement most affected by these factors was leg length. Longer legs characterized the high socio-economic group, while longer arms characterized both low socio-economic groups. The relative differences observed can be said to derive from the distal limbs. This finding was valid for both sexes. The average values were close to each other in the low socio-economic group, for which the aim was to comprehend the effects of heavy working conditions. However, differences in proportional relationships were more significant. In this context, it was seen that heavy labour also affected growth, in addition to the well-known factors encountered during the growth period, such as nutrition, health, and illness. The observed changes were more significant in males than in females. Thus, it can be said that males were more affected by physiological and physical conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Overall body proportions and relative limb length are highly characteristic for most insect taxa. In case of the legs, limb length has mostly been discussed with regard to parameters of locomotor performance and, in particular cases, as an adaptation to environmental factors or to the mating system. Here, we compare three species of stick and leaf insects (Phasmatodea) that differ strongly in the length ratio between antennae and walking legs, with the antennae of Medauroidea extradentata being much shorter than its legs, nearly equal length of antennae and legs in Carausius morosus, and considerably longer antennae than front legs in Aretaon asperrimus. We show that that relative limb length is directly related to the near-range exploration effort, with complementary function of the antennae and front legs irrespective of their length ratio. Assuming that these inter-species differences hold for both sexes and all developmental stages, we further explore how relative limb length differs between sexes and how it changes throughout postembryonic development. We show that the pattern of limb-to-body proportions is species-characteristic despite sexual dimorphism, and find that the change in sexual dimorphism is strongest during the last two moults. Finally, we show that antennal growth rate is consistently higher than that of front legs, but differs categorically between the species investigated. Whereas antennal growth rate is constant in Carausius, the antennae grow exponentially in Medauroidea and with a sudden boost during the last moult in Aretaon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective. Prediction of body composition from bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) measurements using mixture theory-based biophysical modelling invokes a factor (KB) to account for differing body geometry (or proportions) between individuals. To date, a single constant value is commonly used. The aim of this study was to investigate variation inKBacross individuals and to develop a procedure for estimating an individualizedKBvalue.Approach.Publicly available body dimension data, primarily from the garment industry, were used to calculateKBvalues for individuals of varying body sizes across the life-span. The 3D surface relationship between weight, height andKB, was determined and used to create look-up tables to enable estimation ofKBin individuals based on height and weight. The utility of the proposed method was assessed by comparing fat-free mass predictions from BIS using either a constantKBvalue or the individualized value.Results.ComputedKBvalues were well fitted to height and weight by a 3D surface (R2 = 0.988). Body composition was predicted more accurately compared to reference methods when using individualizedKBthan a constant value in infants and children but improvement in prediction was less in adults particularly those with high body mass index.Significance.Prediction of body composition from BIS and mixture theory is improved by using an individualized body proportion factor in those of small body habitus, e.g. children. Improvement is small in adults or non-existent in those of large body size. Further improvements may be possible by incorporating a factor to account for trunk size, i.e. waist circumference.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Children with infantile nephropathic cystinosis (INC), an inherited lysosomal storage disease resulting in cystine accumulation in all body cells, are prone to progressive chronic kidney disease (CKD), impaired growth and reduced weight gain; however, systematic anthropometric analyses are lacking. In this prospective multicenter study we investigated linear growth, body proportion, body mass index (BMI), upper arm fat area (UFA) and biochemical parameters in 43 pediatric INC patients with CKD stages 1 to 5 and 49 age-matched CKD controls, with 193 annual measurements. INC patients showed more impaired height than CKD controls (-1.8 vs -0.7 z-score; P < .001), despite adequate cysteamine therapy, treatment for Fanconi syndrome and more frequent use of growth hormone. Only the youngest INC patients shared the same body pattern with CKD controls characterized by preferential impairment of leg length and rather preserved trunk length. In late-prepuberty, body pattern changed only in INC patients due to improved leg growth and more impaired trunk length. Mean UFA z-score in INC patients was slightly reduced in early childhood and progressively decreased thereafter reaching -0.8 z-score in adolescence, while CKD controls showed a steady increase in standardized BMI and UFA especially during adolescent age. Menarche in female INC patients was significantly delayed compared to CKD controls. Our data indicate that with age and progression of disease, pediatric INC patients undergo unique changes of body growth and fat stores that are distinct from those with CKD stemming from other causes, suggesting other factors apart from CKD to contribute to this development. Pediatric patients with infantile nephropathic cystinosis display more severe impaired linear growth than other peer CKD patients, despite of cysteamine treatment, supplementation for Fanconi syndrome, and more frequent use of growth hormone, with a distinct change of body proportions and overall lower body fat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the current study, the authors attempt to thoroughly investigate the concept of beauty from different perspectives in different historical periods and offer their personal thoughts about it.
    The authors performed a comprehensive and across-the-board literature review about \'beauty\', including beauty from a philosophical perspective, beauty perception by human mind, beauty from a biopsychological perspective, beauty of the face, body and breast, models of beauty and beauty in cosmetic surgery.
    From Plato to modern neuro-psychological studies, the concept of beauty has always been a theme for adamant debates and passionate thoughts. Different aspects of beauty, from intellectual to pure physical, have received a tremendous amount of attention. The true definition of the concept of beauty is still ambiguous, and there is not a unanimous explanation for it. It seems that the definition of beauty differs in every individual\'s mind and over the history of humankind.
    Although beauty is a very important concept and the seek for achieving it is a very natural behavior, one must remember that the importance of beauty should not overshadow the fact that every human being is made up of similar internal organs. We strongly encourage the reader to look beyond the hedge, to be aware that each of us is made up of internal organs, beyond the external appearance. Level of Evidence V This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine Ratings, please refer to Table of Contents or online Instructions to Authors





