
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sugar-feeding behaviour is essential for mosquito survival and reproduction, and has been exploited to develop new control strategies, such as the attractive targeted sugar baits (ATSB). This study examined the sugar-feeding habits of the dengue vector, Aedes aegypti, in semi-field conditions to determine the optimal timing (age) of sugar meals and whether the availability of sugar sources could affect blood-feeding by these mosquitoes.
    METHODS: A series of paired-choice assays were conducted in which mosquitoes were allowed to choose between a sugar meal or a blood meal directly from a rabbit. Female 1-day-old mosquitoes were given meal choices in cages I-V and observed for feeding choice in only one cage every day for 5 days starting with cages I to V. The preference of Ae. aegypti to feed on sugar or blood and the effect of sugar source availability on blood-feeding was assessed at different chronological and physiological ages.
    RESULTS: In the first 5 days post-emergence, there was no significant difference in mosquito preference for sugar or blood meals. However, after the first gonotrophic cycle, they had a greater preference for blood over sugar (odds ratio, OR [95% confidence interval, CI] = 9.4 [6.7-13.0]; P < 0.001). Nulliparous Ae. aegypti females (≤ 5-day-old mosquitoes) were less likely to blood-feed if both sugar and blood sources were concurrently available (OR = 0.06 [0.02-0.16]; P < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Newly emerged females of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes were equally likely to choose a sugar meal or a blood meal. However, after the first gonotrophic cycle, they had a greater preference for blood over sugar. Additionally, nulliparous female mosquitoes were less likely to blood-feed when both sugar and blood sources were available. These findings provide insights into the sugar-feeding behaviour of Ae. aegypti and can inform the development and optimization of new control strategies such as using ATSB.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Mosquitoes such as Aedes aegypti must consume a blood meal for the nutrients necessary for egg production. Several transcriptome and proteome changes occur post blood meal that likely corresponds with codon usage alterations. Transfer RNA (tRNA) is the adapter molecule that reads messenger RNA (mRNA) codons to add the appropriate amino acid during protein synthesis. Chemical modifications to tRNA enhance codons\' decoding, improving the accuracy and efficiency of protein synthesis. Here, we examined tRNA modifications and transcripts associated with the blood meal and subsequent periods of vitellogenesis in A. aegypti. More specifically, we assessed tRNA transcript abundance and modification levels in the fat body at critical times post blood-feeding. Based on a combination of alternative codon usage and identification of particular modifications, we identified that increased transcription of tyrosine tRNAs is likely critical during the synthesis of egg yolk proteins in the fat body following a blood meal. Altogether, changes in both the abundance and modification of tRNA are essential factors in the process of vitellogenin production after blood-feeding in mosquitoes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Mosquitoes are the deadliest organisms in the world, killing an estimated 750,000 people per year due to the pathogens they can transmit. Mosquitoes also pose a major threat to other vertebrate animals. Culex territans is a mosquito species found in temperate zones worldwide that feeds almost exclusively on amphibians and can transmit parasites; however, little is known about its ability to transmit other pathogens, including fungi. Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is a topical pathogenic fungus that spreads through contact. With amphibian populations around the world experiencing mass die-offs and extinctions due to this pathogen, it is critical to study all potential modes of transmission. Because Cx. territans mosquitoes are in contact with their hosts for long periods of time while blood-feeding, we hypothesize that they can transmit and pick up Bd.
    METHODS: In this study, we first assessed Cx. territans ability to transfer the fungus from an infected surface to a clean one under laboratory conditions. We also conducted a surveillance study of Bd infections in frogs and mosquitoes in the field (Mountain Lake Biological station, VA, USA). In parallel, we determined Cx. territans host preference via blood meal analysis of field caught mosquitoes.
    RESULTS: We found that this mosquito species can carry the fungus to an uninfected surface, implying that they may have the ability to transmit Bd to their amphibian hosts. We also found that Cx. territans feed primarily on green frogs (Rana clamitans) and bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) and that the prevalence of Bd within the frog population at our field site varied between years.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides critical insights into understanding the role of amphibian-biting mosquitoes in transmitting pathogens, which can be applied to disease ecology of susceptible amphibian populations worldwide.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vector-borne diseases transmitted through the bites of hematophagous arthropods, such as mosquitoes, continue to be a significant threat to human health globally. Transmission of disease by biting arthropod vectors includes interactions between (1) saliva expectorated by a vector during blood meal acquisition from a human host, (2) the transmitted vector-borne pathogens, and (3) host cells present at the skin bite site. Currently, the investigation of bite-site biology is challenged by the lack of model 3D human skin tissues for in vitro analyses. To help fill this gap, we have used a tissue engineering approach to develop new stylized human dermal microvascular bed tissue approximates-complete with warm blood-built with 3D capillary alginate gel (Capgel) biomaterial scaffolds. These engineered tissues, termed a Biologic Interfacial Tissue-Engineered System (BITES), were cellularized with either human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) or human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Both cell types formed tubular microvessel-like tissue structures of oriented cells (82% and 54% for HDFs and HUVECs, respectively) lining the unique Capgel parallel capillary microstructures. Female Aedes (Ae.) aegypti mosquitoes, a prototypic hematophagous biting vector arthropod, swarmed, bit, and probed blood-loaded HDF BITES microvessel bed tissues that were warmed (34-37 °C), acquiring blood meals in 151 ± 46 s on average, with some ingesting ≳4 µL or more of blood. Further, these tissue-engineered constructs could be cultured for at least three (3) days following blood meal acquisitions. Altogether, these studies serve as a powerful proof-of-concept demonstration of the innovative BITES platform and indicate its potential for the future investigation of arthropod bite-site cellular and molecular biology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The protein ferritin, which plays an important role in the maintenance of iron homeostasis, is indispensable for iron detoxification, resistance to oxidative stress and innate immunity. Ticks, which are obligate blood-sucking ectoparasites, have to deal with a large amount of iron when they take a blood meal.
    METHODS: Sequence analysis was undertaken using bioinformatics. A recombinant (r) expression vector, rferritin, was constructed for a prokaryotic expression system. A quantitative polymerase chain reaction platform was used to detect the spatial and temporal expression patterns of target genes and their responses to a low temperature environment. Knockdown of the ferritin genes through RNA interference was used to analyze their effects on physiological parameters of ticks.
    RESULTS: Two ferritin genes, HrFer1 and HrFer2, were cloned from the tick Hyalomma rufipes. Their open reading frames are 519 base pairs (bp) and 573 bp in length, and number of coding amino acids 170 and 190, respectively. The phylogenetic tree showed that HrFer1 and HrFer2 have a close evolutionary relationship with the H subunit of ferritin. In vitro experiments showed that rHrFer1 and rHrFer2 had concentration-dependent iron chelating activity. The relative expression of the two ferritin genes was higher in the ovary and midgut of H. rufipes. RNA interference results demonstrated that HrFer1 and HrFer2 expression had a significant effect on engorged body weight, number of eggs laid, and mortality of H. rufipes, and that HrFer2 also had a significant effect on feeding duration. Furthermore, the relative expression of ferritin decreased significantly in a low temperature environment, suggesting that HrFer1 and HrFer2 play a regulatory role in the cold stress response of H. rufipes.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study improve our understanding of the involvement of ferritins in tick blood-feeding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Triatomine elimination efforts and the interruption of domestic transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi are hampered by pyrethroid resistance. Fluralaner, a long-lasting ectoparasiticide administered to dogs, substantially reduced site infestation and abundance of pyrethroid-resistant Triatoma infestans Klug (Heteroptera: Reduviidae) in an ongoing 10-month trial in Castelli (Chaco Province, Argentina). We assessed the effects of fluralaner on vector infection with T. cruzi and blood meal sources stratified by ecotope and quantified its medium-term effects on site infestation and triatomine abundance.
    METHODS: We conducted a placebo-controlled, before-and-after efficacy trial of fluralaner in 28 infested sites over a 22-month period. All dogs received either an oral dose of fluralaner (treated group) or placebo (control group) at 0 month post-treatment [MPT]. Placebo-treated dogs were rescue-treated with fluralaner at 1 MPT, as were all eligible dogs at 7 MPT. Site-level infestation and abundance were periodically assessed by timed manual searches with a dislodging aerosol. Vector infection was mainly determined by kDNA-PCR and blood meal sources were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
    RESULTS: In fluralaner-treated households, site infestation dropped from 100% at 0 MPT to 18-19% over the period 6-22 MPT while mean abundance plummeted from 5.5 to 0.6 triatomines per unit effort. In control households, infestation dropped similarly post-treatment. The overall prevalence of T. cruzi infection steadily decreased from 13.8% at 0-1 MPT (baseline) to 6.4% and subsequently 2.3% thereafter, while in domiciles, kitchens and storerooms it dropped from 17.4% to 4.7% and subsequently 3.3% thereafter. Most infected triatomines occurred in domiciles and had fed on humans. Infected-bug abundance plummeted after fluralaner treatment and remained marginal or nil thereafter. The human blood index of triatomines collected in domiciles, kitchens and storerooms highly significantly fell from 42.9% at baseline to 5.3-9.1% over the period 6-10 MPT, increasing to 36.8% at 22 MPT. Dog blood meals occurred before fluralaner administration only. The cat blood index increased from 9.9% at baseline to 57.9-72.7% over the period 6-10 MPT and dropped to 5.3% at 22 MPT, whereas chicken blood meals rose from 39.6% to 63.2-88.6%.
    CONCLUSIONS: Fluralaner severely impacted infestation- and transmission-related indices over nearly 2 years, causing evident effects at 1 MPT, and deserves larger efficacy trials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    West Nile virus (WNV) is a zoonotic disease that is endemic in North America and is known to cause a range of symptoms from mild to life threatening in humans. Culex quinquefasciatus is one of the most prominent vectors of WNV in Southern California. The goal of this study was to identify which animal species are most fed upon by these mosquitoes in various habitats in the West Valley area of San Bernardino County, California, and determine the relationship between blood-feeding patterns and WNV activity in the region. Culex quinquefasciatus specimens were collected by West Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District during 2011 from 32 different sites. The bloodmeals of 683 individuals (92.4% of those tested) were identified using the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase 1 (COI). These bloodmeals comprised 29 vertebrate species across four different habitats. Species richness (ranging from 10 to 17) was not significantly different between habitats when rarified to account for sample size. Across habitats, the highest percentage of avian bloodmeals were taken from house sparrows (18.8-39.1%) and house finches (2.6-31.5%). Bloodmeals were identified from five mammalian species, accounting for 5.1-59.2% of bloodmeals by habitat, including humans (0-4.1%). A seasonal shift towards increased mammalian bloodmeal prevalence, specifically for domestic dog and human bloodmeals, was observed in urban habitats. The WNV activity during 2011 in San Bernardino County occurred mostly in urban and suburban areas as indicated by minimum infection rate (MIR) in Culex quinquefasciatus, notable as all human bloodmeals were identified from these two habitats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) are cosmopolitan nuisance pests of great economic importance as well as vectors of many pathogens. After reports of massive blackfly biting of captive nyala antelopes in the Vienna Zoo, Austria, this study aimed to identify the species causing multiple skin lesions on the antelope hosts. The Palearctic species Simulium equinum, belonging to the medically and veterinary important Wilhelmia subgenus, was identified as the most likely causative agent. Barcoding and maximum likelihood analysis supported morphological species identification and highlighted the complex phylogeny of the subgenus Wilhelmia. Our study gives first evidence of the multi-host feeding blackfly S. equinum in the Vienna Zoo, thereby raising the question whether other hosts could also be bitten on a regular basis. The preliminary results urge for further analysis of blackfly breeding sites as well as the clarification of the host spectrum to assess the medical and veterinary importance of blackflies in the Zoo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hookworm infections cause a neglected tropical disease (NTD) affecting ~740 million people worldwide, principally those living in disadvantaged communities. Infections can cause high morbidity due to their impact on nutrient uptake and their need to feed on host blood, resulting in a loss of iron and protein, which can lead to severe anaemia and impaired cognitive development in children. Currently, only one drug, albendazole is efficient to treat hookworm infection and the scientific community fears the rise of resistant strains. As part of on-going efforts to control hookworm infections and its associated morbidities, new drugs are urgently needed. We focused on targeting the blood-feeding pathway, which is essential to the parasite survival and reproduction, using the laboratory hookworm model Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (a nematode of rodents with a similar life cycle to hookworms). We established an in vitro-drug screening assay based on a fluorescent-based measurement of parasite viability during blood-feeding to identify novel therapeutic targets. A first screen of a library of 2654 natural compounds identified four that caused decreased worm viability in a blood-feeding-dependent manner. This new screening assay has significant potential to accelerate the discovery of new drugs against hookworms.





