blood group conversion

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To overcome incompatibility issues and increase the possibility of blood transfusion, technologies that enable efficient conversion of A- and B-type red blood cells to the universal donor O-type is desirable. Although several blood type-converting enzymes have been identified, detailed understanding about their molecular functions is limited. α-Galactosidase from Bifidobacterium bifidum JCM 1254 (AgaBb), belonging to glycoside hydrolase (GH) 110 subfamily A, specifically acts on blood group B antigen. Here we present the crystal structure of AgaBb, including the catalytic GH110 domain and part of the C-terminal uncharacterized regions. Based on this structure, we deduced a possible binding mechanism of blood group B antigen to the active site. Site-directed mutagenesis confirmed that R270 and E380 recognize the fucose moiety in the B antigen. Thermal shift assay revealed that the C-terminal uncharacterized region significantly contributes to protein stability. This region is shared only among GH110 enzymes from B. bifidum and some Ruminococcus species. The elucidation of the molecular basis for the specific recognition of blood group B antigen is expected to lead to the practical application of blood group conversion enzymes in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    α-Galactosidases are exoglycosidases that are active on galactose-containing side chains in oligosaccharides, polysaccharides, glycolipids, and glycoproteins. α-Galactosidases are gaining increased interest in human medicine, especially in the enzyme replacement therapy for Fabry\'s disease. α-Galactosidases with regioselectivity toward α-1,3-linked galactose find application in xenotransplantation and blood group transformation. The use of α-galactosidases as a therapeutic agent in alleviating the postprandial symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome is much acclaimed. The excellent therapeutic applications of α-galactosidases have led to an upwelling of worldwide research interventions to identify novel α-galactosidases with improved catalytic efficiency. In addition to these therapeutic applications, α-galactosidases also have interesting applications in the industrial sectors like food, feed, probiotics, sugar, and paper pulp. The current review focuses on the diverse therapeutic applications of α-galactosidases and their prospects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Production of red blood cells (RBCs) without immunogenicity of blood group antigens is of special interest in blood transfusion therapy in clinical chemistry. In this study, a selective cell surface engineering method was developed for the preparation of antigen-shielded RBCs based on molecular imprinting. Using an epitope imprinting method, biocompatible molecularly imprinted nanogels (MIgels) were prepared with a high affinity to the blood group antigens of RBCs. The antigen-shielded RBCs could avoid the agglutination caused by blood group mismatch, resulting in the antigen-shielded RBCs in efficiently substituting RBCs in case of a shortage of blood supply. Moreover, the antigen-shielded RBCs could maintain the normal physiological structure and functions of the original RBCs. We believe that the selective cell surface engineering presented in this work may offer significant benefits in specific cell protection for biomedical application.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    α-Galactosidase, (E.C. is an exoglycosidase that target galactooligosaccharides such as raffinose, melibiose, stachyose and branched polysaccharides like galactomannans and galacto-glucomannans by catalysing the hydrolysis of α-1,6 linked terminal galactose residues. The enzyme has been isolated and characterized from microbial, plant and animal sources. This ubiquitous enzyme possesses physiological significance and immense industrial potential. Optimization of the growth conditions and efficient purification strategies can lead to a significant increase in the enzyme production. To boost commercial productivity, cloning of novel α-galactosidase genes and their heterologous expression in suitable host has gained popularity. Enzyme immobilization leads to its greater reutilization, superior thermostability, pH tolerance and increased activity. The enzyme is well explored in food industry in the removal of raffinose family oligosaccharides (RFOs) in soymilk and sugar crystallization process. It also improves animal feed quality and biomass processing. Applications of the enzyme is in the area of biomedicine includes therapeutic advances in treatment of Fabry disease, blood group conversion and removal of α-gal type immunogenic epitopes in xenotransplantation. With considerable biotechnological applications, this enzyme has been vastly commercialized and holds greater future prospects.





