
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brucellosis is caused by Brucella, and Brucella melitensis is highly prevalent in small ruminants in Turkey. Our aim was to genotype 50 B. melitensis strains isolated from sheep, goat, and cattle abortion samples from different farms in seven geographical regions of Turkey between 2009 and 2017. Forty-six different genotypes were detected in 50 isolates studied according to the MLVA-16. Thirty out of 50 isolate profiles matched profiles from the database exactly, and the remaining 20 were absent. Of these 30 isolates, 93.3% were identical to human isolates previously present in the database. All B. melitensis strains belonged to the eastern Mediterranean group. Genotype 43 was the most common isolate profile, and sequence typing (ST8) was dominant and detected in 39 strains. MLST analysis revealed a novel profile in 11 strains. On comparing the sequences of ST8 and the novel ST, a glucokinase gene variation was detected. In the MLST and MLVA analyses, no distinction was made between B. melitensis biovars. Moreover, there was no significant difference between the strains based on host, region, and year. Consequently, the discrimination power of MLVA was higher than that of MLST in this study. Contrastingly, MLST was useful in distinguishing strains according to geographic origins, as determined by performer studies. Profiles determined by MLVA were the same as those in humans. This raises concerns in regard to One Health and transition between hosts, as it is clear that protecting animal health is very important for human health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brucellosis is an infectious zoonotic bacterial disease of humans and other animals. In the Republic of South Africa (RSA), animal brucellosis is widespread and the current available data on the prevalence of this disease rely solely on serological testing. The primary limitation of brucellosis serology is the lack of discriminatory powers to differentiate between Brucella species and biovars as well as the cross-reactivity observed with other Gram-negative bacteria.
    The aim of this study was to conduct a retrospective laboratory-based survey on Brucella species and biovars isolated from various animal species in SA between 2008 and 2018.
    The isolation of Brucella species and biovar typing was performed using conventional microbiological techniques.
    A total of 963 strains of Brucella species were included in this study with a frequency of detection for B. abortus (n = 883; 91.6%) followed by B. melitensis (n = 42; 4.4%), B. ovis (n = 29; 3.0%) and B. canis (n = 9; 0.9%). Of the 883 strains of B. abortus, 90.1% were typed as B. abortus biovar-1 while 5.7% as B. abortus biovar-2, and 3.3% and 0.5% were B. abortus S19 and B. abortus RB51 vaccine strains, respectively. Among the 42 B. melitensis strains, 71.4% were reported as B. melitensis biovar-1 and 26.2% as B. melitensis biovar-3 while 2.4% was B. melitensis biovar-2.
    A retrospective study, such as this one, provides useful information that can be critical in formulating policies and strategies for the control and eradication of brucellosis in animal populations in RSA.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Serotyping is the most common method to characterize field isolates of Actinobacillus (A.) pleuropneumoniae, the etiological agent of porcine pleuropneumonia. Based on serology, many farms seem to be infected and antibodies against a wide variety of serovars are detectable, but, so far it is unknown to what degree respective serovars contribute to outbreaks of clinical manifest disease. In this study, 213 German A. pleuropneumoniae field isolates retrieved for diagnostic purposes from outbreaks of porcine pleuropneumonia between 2010 and 2019 were genetically serotyped and analyzed regarding their apx-toxin gene profile using molecular methods. Serotyping revealed a prominent role of serovar 2 in clinical cases (64% of all isolates) and an increase in the detection of this serovar since 2010 in German isolates. Serovar 9/11 followed as the second most frequent serovar with about 15% of the isolates. Furthermore, very recently described serovars 16 (n = 2) and 18 (n = 8) were detected. Most isolates (93.4%) showed apx-profiles typical for the respective serovar. However, this does not hold true for isolates of serovar 18, as 75% (n = 6) of all isolates of this serovar deviated uniformly from the \"typical\" apx-gene profile of the reference strain 7311555. Notably, isolates from systemic lesions such as joints or meninges did not harbor the complete apxICABD operon which is considered typical for highly virulent strains. Furthermore, the extremely low occurrence (n = 1) of NAD independent (biovar II) isolates in German A. pleuropneumoniae was evident in our collection of clinical isolates.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In June 2019, root mat disease was observed in hydroponically cultivated tomatoes in Jinju, South Korea, which occurred in at least 30% of the plants in the greenhouse. To isolate the causal bacteria, 10 g of infested tomato root mat sample was ground with 50 mL of sterile water. A 100-µL aliquot of the homogenate was serially diluted and spread on Mannitol-Glutamate (MG) medium amended with 0.1% yeast extract (MGY) and incubated at 28°C for 48 hours. Fifteen dominant colonies that formed on the MGY medium were purified and subjected to diagnostic polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based on the virD2-ipt gene loci. Because Ti-plasmid harbors both virD2 and ipt genes, Ri-plasmid-borne Agrobacterium species with only virD2 can be differentiated using virD2-ipt PCR. To amplify virD2, the primers 5\'-ATG CCC GAT CGA GCT CAA GT-3\' and 5\'-TCG TCT GGC TGA CTT TCG TCA TAA-3\' were used; for ipt amplification, the primers 5\'-GAT CG(G/C) GTC CAA TG(C/T) TGT-3\' and 5\'-GAT ATC CAT CGA TC(T/C) CTT-3\' were used. Amplification involved an initial 94°C for 1 min and then 40 cycles at 94°C, 50°C, and 72°C for 1 min at each temperature, with a final 5-min extension at 72°C. For three strains (GNIY2, J10, and J11), virD2 PCR products, but no ipt PCR products, were identified, indicating that three strains are Ri-plasmid-borne Agrobacterium species. A pathogenicity test was performed on 2-week-old tomato plants. Bacteria isolates (GNIY2, J10, and J11) cultured overnight in LB were made into a bacterial suspension (107 cfu/mL) in 50 mM phosphate buffer. Five tomato seedling roots were cut with sterilized scissors and soaked in each bacterial suspension for 1 hour. Phosphate buffer was used as a negative control. The inoculated tomato seedlings were transplanted in new pots and placed in a greenhouse with 25°C day and 20°C night temperature set points in natural light. After 9 weeks, all inoculated tomato plants produced overgrown roots, while the negative control plants had no symptoms. To satisfy Koch\'s postulates, re-isolation was performed from the diseased tomato and was the re-isolated bacteria were subject to partial 16S rDNA sequencing. Biovar tests performed as previously described revealed that all three isolates were biovar 1. A representative strain (GNIY2) was deposited in the Korean Agricultural Culture Collection (KACC 21759). To confirm the identity, four housekeeping genes of KACC 21759 were sequenced (16S rRNA, trpE, rpoB, and recA) and deposited in GenBank (accession nos. MT071560, MT444428, MT444429, and MT444430). Multilocus sequence analysis performed as previously described showed that the KACC 21759 strain was grouped in Agrobacterium genomospecies 4. This is the first report on mat root disease caused by Agrobacterium biovar 1 in hydroponic tomatoes in South Korea.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Corynebacterium diphtheriae, the agent of diphtheria, is a genetically diverse bacterial species. Although antimicrobial resistance has emerged against several drugs including first-line penicillin, the genomic determinants and population dynamics of resistance are largely unknown for this neglected human pathogen.
    Here, we analyzed the associations of antimicrobial susceptibility phenotypes, diphtheria toxin production, and genomic features in C. diphtheriae. We used 247 strains collected over several decades in multiple world regions, including the 163 clinical isolates collected prospectively from 2008 to 2017 in France mainland and overseas territories.
    Phylogenetic analysis revealed multiple deep-branching sublineages, grouped into a Mitis lineage strongly associated with diphtheria toxin production and a largely toxin gene-negative Gravis lineage with few toxin-producing isolates including the 1990s ex-Soviet Union outbreak strain. The distribution of susceptibility phenotypes allowed proposing ecological cutoffs for most of the 19 agents tested, thereby defining acquired antimicrobial resistance. Penicillin resistance was found in 17.2% of prospective isolates. Seventeen (10.4%) prospective isolates were multidrug-resistant (≥ 3 antimicrobial categories), including four isolates resistant to penicillin and macrolides. Homologous recombination was frequent (r/m = 5), and horizontal gene transfer contributed to the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in multiple sublineages. Genome-wide association mapping uncovered genetic factors of resistance, including an accessory penicillin-binding protein (PBP2m) located in diverse genomic contexts. Gene pbp2m is widespread in other Corynebacterium species, and its expression in C. glutamicum demonstrated its effect against several beta-lactams. A novel 73-kb C. diphtheriae multiresistance plasmid was discovered.
    This work uncovers the dynamics of antimicrobial resistance in C. diphtheriae in the context of phylogenetic structure, biovar, and diphtheria toxin production and provides a blueprint to analyze re-emerging diphtheria.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Yersinia pestis is the flea-transmitted etiological agent of bubonic plague. Sylvatic plague consists of complex tripartite interactions between diverse flea and wild rodent species, and pathogen strains. Transmission by flea bite occurs primarily by the Y. pestis biofilm-mediated foregut blockage and regurgitation mechanism, which has been largely detailed by studies in the model interaction between Y. pestis KIM6+ and Xenopsylla cheopis. Here, we test if pathogen-specific traits influence this interaction by determining the dynamics of foregut blockage development in X. cheopis fleas among extant avirulent pCD1-Y. pestis strains, KIM6+ and CO92, belonging to distinct biovars, and a non-circulating mutant CO92 strain (CO92gly), restored for glycerol fermentation; a key biochemical difference between the two biovars.
    METHODS: Separate flea cohorts infected with distinct strains were evaluated for (i) blockage development, bacterial burdens and flea foregut blockage pathology, and (ii) for the number of bacteria transmitted by regurgitation during membrane feeding. Strain burdens per flea was determined for fleas co-infected with CO92 and KIM6+ strains at a ratio of 1:1.
    RESULTS: Strains KIM6+ and CO92 developed foregut blockage at similar rates and peak temporal incidences, but the CO92gly strain showed significantly greater blockage rates that peak earlier post-infection. The KIM6+ strain, however, exhibited a distinctive foregut pathology wherein bacterial colonization extended the length of the esophagus up to the feeding mouthparts in ~65% of blocked fleas; in contrast to 32% and 26%, respectively, in fleas blocked with CO92 and CO92gly. The proximity of KIM6+ to the flea mouthparts in blocked fleas did not result in higher regurgitative transmission efficiencies as all strains transmitted variable numbers of Y. pestis, albeit slightly lower for CO92gly. During competitive co-infection, strains KIM6+ and CO92 were equally fit maintaining equivalent infection proportions in fleas over time.
    CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that disparate foregut blockage pathologies exhibited by distinct extant Y. pestis strain genotypes do not influence transmission efficiency from X. cheopis fleas. In fact, distinct extant Y. pestis genotypes maintain equivalently effective blockage and transmission efficiencies which is likely advantageous to maintaining continued successful plague spread and establishment of new plague foci.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pasteurella multocida is responsible for significant economic losses in pigs worldwide. In clinically diseased pigs, most P. multocida isolates are characterised as subspecies multocida, biovar 2 or 3 and capsular type A or D; however, there is little information regarding subspecies, biovars, and other capsular types of P. multocida isolates in Korea. Here, we provided information covering an extended time period regarding P. multocida in pigs with pneumonia in Korea using phenotypic and genotypic characterisations and data associated with the minimum inhibitory concentrations.
    RESULTS: The overall prevalence of P. multocida between 2008 and 2016 was 16.8% (240/1430), with 85% of the P. multocida isolates (204/240) coinfected with other respiratory pathogens. Of the 240 isolates, 166 were included in this study; all of these P. multocida isolates were characterised as subspecies multocida and the most prevalent phenotypes were represented by biovar 3 (68.7%; n = 114) and capsular type A (69.9%; n = 116). Additionally, three capsular type F isolates were identified, with this representing the first report of such isolates in Korea. All biovar 1 and 2 isolates were capsular types F and A, respectively. The virulence-associated gene distribution was variable; all capsular type A and D isolates harboured pmHAS and hsf-1, respectively (P < 0.001), with type F (biovar 1) significantly correlated with hsf-1 (P < 0.05) and pfhA (P < 0.01), biovar 2 highly associated with pfhA and pmHAS, and biovar 3 significantly correlated with hsf-1, pmHAS, and hgbB (P < 0.001), whereas biovar 13 was related only to hgbB (P < 0.05). The highest resistance rate was found to be to oxytetracycline (63.3%), followed by florfenicol (16.3%).
    CONCLUSIONS: P. multocida subspecies multocida, biovar 3, and capsular type A was the most prevalent isolate in this study, and our findings indicated the emergence of capsular type F in Korea. Moreover, prudent use of oxytetracycline and florfenicol is required because of the identified high resistance rates. Further studies are required for continuous monitoring of the antimicrobial resistance, prevalence, and epidemiological characterisation of P. multocida, and experimental infection models are needed to define the pathogenicity of capsular type F.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this study was to identify twelve Brucella abortus isolates of bovine origin from the department of Nariño in Colombia up to the biovar level. These isolates are included in the collection of the Germplasm Bank of Microorganisms of Animal Health Interest - Bacteria and Virus (BGSA-BV). The identification was carried out through conventional methods such as macro and microscopic morphological descriptions, enzymatic activity, biochemical profile, substrate use and sensitivity to dyes. Complementary genotypic characterization was carried out using multiplex PCR for B. abortus, Brucella melitensis, Brucella ovis, and Brucella suis-Erytritol (AMOS-ERY-PCR), RFLP-IS711, by southern blot hybridization, as well as by the multiple locus variable number of tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) using the ery gene and the insertion sequence IS711 and variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) as molecular markers. The results of the phenotypic and molecular characterization allowed to identify twelve isolates as B. abortus biovar 4 as well as to differentiate field from vaccine strains. This is the first study on the phenotypic and molecular identification of B. abortus isolates in Colombia. It was concluded that the phenotypic and molecular identification of twelve isolates as B. abortus biovar 4 could be achieved using conventional and molecular techniques with enough resolution power. The identification of these isolates to the biovar level in taxonomic and epidemiological terms will allow the use of this genetic resource as reference strains in future research. This finding constitutes the basis for identifying biotypes not previously reported in the country that might be useful to support brucellosis survey programs in Colombia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clinical isolates belonging to Corynebacterium diphtheriae biovar Belfanti were characterized by genomic sequencing and biochemical and chemotaxonomic analyses. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that biovar Belfanti represents a branch that is clearly demarcated from C. diphtheriae strains of biovars Mitis and Gravis. The average nucleotide identity of isolates of biovar Belfanti with C. diphtheriae type strain NCTC 11397T (biovar Gravis) was 94.85 %. The inability to reduce nitrate differentiated biovar Belfanti from other strains of C. diphtheriae. On the basis of these results, we propose the name Corynebacterium belfantii sp. nov. for the group of strains previously considered as C. diphtheriaebiovar Belfanti. The type strain of C. belfantii is FRC0043T (=CIP 111412T=DSM 105776T). Strains of C. belfantii were isolated mostly from human respiratory samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial wilt of Curcuma alismatifolia (Patumma) caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is a major disease affecting the quality of rhizome exports. Traditionally, R. solanacearum is classified into five races based on differences in host range and six biovars based on biochemical properties. Recently a classification scheme based on phylotypes and sequevars was presented by the scientific community as a tool for determining phylogenetic relationships within R. solanacearum. This study used traditional and molecular methods to identify R. solanacearum strains from Patumma. All the strains were identified as biovar 4. A phylotype-specific multiplex PCR-based phylotyping of all the isolates detected the phylotype I-specific amplicon of 144 bp and the R. solanacearum-specific 281 bp amplicon. Phylogenetic analyses of endoglucanase (egl) sequences clustered all three strains of Patumma into phylotype I, sequevar 48 with reference strains M2 and M6. The study determined that the R. solanacearum strains from Patumma belong to biovar 4, phylotype I that originated from Asia, and sequevar 48.
    CONCLUSIONS: Phylotype and sequevar of Ralstonia solanacearum were associated with geographic region and geographic distribution. This is the first study to identify phylotype and sequevar of R. solanacearum from Patumma in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This will be useful for study of disease epidemiology and could help management for control of bacterial wilt diseases in this host.





