biological motion

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to detect animates (as compared with inanimates) rapidly is advantageous for human survival. Due to its relevance, not only the adult human brain has evolved specific neural mechanisms to discriminate animates, but it has been proposed that selection finely tuned the human visual attention system to prioritize visual cues that signal the presence of living things. Among them, animate motion-i.e., the motion of animate entities -, is one of the most powerful cues that triggers humans\' attention. From a developmental point of view, whether such specialization is inborn or acquired through experience is a fascinating research topic. This mini-review aims to summarize and discuss recent behavioral and electrophysiological research that suggests that animate motion has an attentional advantage in the first year of life starting from birth. Specifically, the rationale underlying this paper concerns how attention deployment is affected by animate motion conveyed both by the movement of a single dot and, also, when the single dot is embedded in a complex array, named biological motion. Overall, it will highlight the importance of both inborn predispositions to pay attention preferentially to animate motion, mainly supported by subcortical structures, and the exposure to certain experiences, shortly after birth, to drive the cortical attentional visual system to become the way it is in adults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a neurodevelopmental disorder defined by social communication deficits plus repetitive behaviors and restricted interests, currently affects 1/36 children in the general population. Recent advances in functional brain imaging show promise to provide useful biomarkers of ASD diagnostic likelihood, behavioral trait severity, and even response to therapeutic intervention. However, current gold-standard neuroimaging methods (e.g., functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI) are limited in naturalistic studies of brain function underlying ASD-associated behaviors due to the constrained imaging environment. Compared to fMRI, high-density diffuse optical tomography (HD-DOT), a non-invasive and minimally constraining optical neuroimaging modality, can overcome these limitations. Herein, we aimed to establish HD-DOT to evaluate brain function in autistic and non-autistic school-age children as they performed a biological motion perception task previously shown to yield results related to both ASD diagnosis and behavioral traits.
    We used HD-DOT to image brain function in 46 ASD school-age participants and 49 non-autistic individuals (NAI) as they viewed dynamic point-light displays of coherent biological and scrambled motion. We assessed group-level cortical brain function with statistical parametric mapping. Additionally, we tested for brain-behavior associations with dimensional metrics of autism traits, as measured with the Social Responsiveness Scale-2, with hierarchical regression models.
    We found that NAI participants presented stronger brain activity contrast (coherent > scrambled) than ASD children in cortical regions related to visual, motor, and social processing. Additionally, regression models revealed multiple cortical regions in autistic participants where brain function is significantly associated with dimensional measures of ASD traits.
    Optical imaging methods are limited in depth sensitivity and so cannot measure brain activity within deep subcortical regions. However, the field of view of this HD-DOT system includes multiple brain regions previously implicated in both task-based and task-free studies on autism.
    This study demonstrates that HD-DOT is sensitive to brain function that both differentiates between NAI and ASD groups and correlates with dimensional measures of ASD traits. These findings establish HD-DOT as an effective tool for investigating brain function in autistic and non-autistic children. Moreover, this study established neural correlates related to biological motion perception and its association with dimensional measures of ASD traits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human facial features (eyes, nose, and mouth) allow us to communicate with others. Observing faces triggers physiological responses, including pupil dilation. Still, the relative influence of social and motion content of a visual stimulus on pupillary reactivity has never been elucidated. 30 adults aged 18 to 33 years old were recorded with an eye tracker. We analyzed the event-related pupil dilation in response to stimuli distributed along a gradient of social salience (non-social to social, going from objects to avatars to real faces) and dynamism (static to micro to macro-motion). Pupil dilation was larger in response to social (faces and avatars) compared to non-social stimuli (objects), with surprisingly a larger response for avatars. Pupil dilation was also larger in response to macro-motion compared to static. After quantifying each stimulus\' real quantity of motion, we found that the higher the quantity of motion, the larger the pupil dilated. However, the slope of this relationship was not higher for social stimuli. Overall, pupil dilation was more sensitive to the real quantity of motion than to the social component of motion, highlighting the relevance of ecological stimulations. Physiological response to faces results from specific contributions of both motion and social processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Massive studies have explored biological motion (BM) crowds processing for their remarkable social significance, primarily focused on uniformly distributed ones. However, real-world BM crowds often exhibit hierarchical structures rather than uniform arrangements. How such structured BM crowds are processed remains a subject of inquiry. This study investigates the representation of structured BM crowds in working memory (WM), recognizing the pivotal role WM plays in our social interactions involving BM. We propose the group-based ensemble hypothesis and test it through a member identification task. Participants were required to discern whether a presented BM belonged to a prior memory display of eight BM, each with distinct walking directions. Drawing on prominent Gestalt principles as organizational cues, we constructed structured groups within BM crowds by applying proximity and similarity cues in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively. In Experiment 3, we deliberately weakened the visibility of stimuli structures by increasing the similarity between subsets, probing the robustness of results. Consistently, our findings indicate that BM aligned with the mean direction of the subsets was more likely to be recognized as part of the memory stimuli. This suggests that WM inherently organizes structured BM crowds into separate ensembles based on organizational cues. In essence, our results illuminate the simultaneous operation of grouping and ensemble encoding mechanisms for BM crowds within WM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social working memory (WM) temporarily retains and manipulates various aspects of social information. Extensive research has highlighted impaired social cognitive functions in individuals with substance addiction. However, the specific deficit in social WM within this population remains notably understudied. Bridging this gap, we investigated social WM capacity using biological motion (BM) stimuli in methamphetamine (MA) abusers compared to an inmate control group, alongside contrasting these findings with their canonical WM deficits. Across two studies, we recruited female MA abusers (N = 80) undergoing post-isolation rehabilitation within a mandatory confinement circumstance. To ensure a pertinent comparison, we recruited female inmates (N = 80) subjected to comparable confinement. Results show substantial BM WM impairment in MA abusers, yet non-BM WM remains mostly intact. These findings highlight a pronounced social WM deficit in MA abusers, surpassing their canonical WM deficit relative to inmate controls. This suggests a distinct dissociation between social and canonical WM processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biological motion, the typical movement of vertebrates, is perceptually salient for many animal species. Newly hatched domestic chicks and human newborns show a spontaneous preference for simple biological motion stimuli (point-light displays) at birth prior to any visual learning. Despite evidence of such preference at birth, neural studies performed so far have focused on a specialized neural network involving primarily cortical areas. Here, we presented newly hatched visually naïve domestic chicks to either biological or rigid motion stimuli and measured for the first time their brain activation. Immediate Early Gene (c-Fos) expression revealed selective activation in the preoptic area of the hypothalamus and the nucleus taeniae of the amygdala. These results suggest that subpallial/subcortical regions play a crucial role in biological motion perception at hatching, paving the way for future studies on adult animals, including humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) present atypical sensory processing in the perception of moving stimuli and biological motion. The present study aims to explore the performance of young adults with ASD in a time to contact (TTC) estimation task involving social and non-social stimuli. TTC estimation involves extrapolating the trajectory of a moving target concealed by an occluder, based on the visible portion of its path, to predict the target\'s arrival time at a specific position. Sixteen participants with a diagnosis of level-1 ASD (M = 19.2 years, SE = 0.54 years; 3 F, 13 M) and sixteen participants with TD (M = 22.3 years, SE = 0.44 years; 3 F, 13 M) took part in the study and underwent a TTC estimation task. The task presented two object types (a car and a point-light walker), different object speeds, occluder lengths, motion directions and motion congruency. For the car object, a larger overestimation of TTC emerged for ASDs than for TDs, whereas no difference between ASDs and TDs emerged for the point-light walker. ASDs exhibited a larger TTC overestimation for the car object than for the point-light walker, whereas no difference between object types emerged for TDs. Our results indicated an atypical TTC estimation process in young adults with ASD. Given its importance in daily life, future studies should further explore this skill. Significant effects that emerged from the analysis are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biological motion perception plays a critical role in various decisions in daily life. Failure to decide accordingly in such a perceptual task could have life-threatening consequences. Neurophysiology and computational modeling studies suggest two processes mediating perceptual decision-making. One of these signals is associated with the accumulation of sensory evidence and the other with response selection. Recent EEG studies with humans have introduced an event-related potential called Centroparietal Positive Potential (CPP) as a neural marker aligned with the sensory evidence accumulation while effectively distinguishing it from motor-related lateralized readiness potential (LRP). The present study aims to investigate the neural mechanisms of biological motion perception in the framework of perceptual decision-making, which has been overlooked before. More specifically, we examine whether CPP would track the coherence of the biological motion stimuli and could be distinguished from the LRP signal. We recorded EEG from human participants while they performed a direction discrimination task of a point-light walker stimulus embedded in various levels of noise. Our behavioral findings revealed shorter reaction times and reduced miss rates as the coherence of the stimuli increased. In addition, CPP tracked the coherence of the biological motion stimuli with a tendency to reach a common level during the response, albeit with a later onset than the previously reported results in random-dot motion paradigms. Furthermore, CPP was distinguished from the LRP signal based on its temporal profile. Overall, our results suggest that the mechanisms underlying perceptual decision-making generalize to more complex and socially significant stimuli like biological motion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Equipped with an early social predisposition immediately post-birth, humans typically form associations with mothers and other family members through exposure learning, canalized by a prenatally formed predisposition of visual preference to biological motion, face configuration, and other cues of animacy. If impaired, reduced preferences can lead to social interaction impairments such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) via misguided canalization. Despite being taxonomically distant, domestic chicks could also follow a homologous developmental trajectory toward adaptive socialization through imprinting, which is guided via predisposed preferences similar to those of humans, thereby suggesting that chicks are a valid animal model of ASD. In addition to the phenotypic similarities in predisposition with human newborns, accumulating evidence on the responsible molecular mechanisms suggests the construct validity of the chick model. Considering the recent progress in the evo-devo studies in vertebrates, we reviewed the advantages and limitations of the chick model of developmental mental diseases in humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to perceive biological motion is crucial for human survival, social interactions, and communication. Over the years, researchers have studied the mechanisms and neurobiological substrates that enable this ability. In a previous study, we proposed a descriptive Bayesian simulation model to represent the dorsal pathway of the visual system, which processes motion information. The model was inspired by recent studies that questioned the impact of dynamic form cues in biological motion perception and was trained to distinguish the direction of a soccer ball from a set of complex biological motion soccer-kick stimuli. However, the model was unable to simulate the reaction times of the athletes in a credible manner, and a few subjects could not be simulated. In this current work, we implemented a novel disremembering strategy to incorporate neural adaptation at the decision-making level, which improved the model\'s ability to simulate the athletes\' reaction times. We also introduced receptive fields to detect rotational optic flow patterns not considered in the previous model to simulate a new subject and improve the correlation between the simulation and experimental data. The findings suggest that rotational optic flow plays a critical role in the decision-making process and sheds light on how different individuals perform at different levels. The correlation analysis of human versus simulation data shows a significant, almost perfect correlation between experimental and simulated angular thresholds and slopes, respectively. The analysis also reveals a strong relation between the average reaction times of the athletes and the simulations.





