
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection is non-pathogenic in naturally infected African nonhuman primate hosts, experimental or accidental infection in rhesus macaques often leads to AIDS. Baboons, widely distributed throughout Africa, do not naturally harbor SIV, and experimental infection of baboons with SIVmac results in transient low-level viral replication. Elucidation of mechanisms of natural immunity in baboons could uncover new targets of antiviral intervention. We tested the hypothesis that an SIVmac adapted to replicate in baboon primary cells will gain the capacity to establish chronic infections in vivo. Here, we generated SIVmac variants in baboon cells through serial passage in PBMC from different donors (SIVbn-PBMC s1), in PBMC from the same donors (SIVbn-PBMC s2), or in isolated CD4 cells from the same donors used for series 2 (SIVbn-CD4). While SIVbn-PBMC s1 and SIVbn-CD4 demonstrated increased replication capacity, SIVbn-PBMC s2 did not. Pharmacological blockade of CCR5 revealed SIVbn-PBMC s1 could more efficiently use available CCR5 than SIVmac, a trait we hypothesize arose to circumvent receptor occupation by chemokines. Sequencing analysis showed that all three viruses accumulated different types of mutations, and that more non-synonymous mutations became fixed in SIVbn-PBMC s1 than SIVbn-PBMC s2 and SIVbn-CD4, supporting the notion of stronger fitness pressure in PBMC from different genetic backgrounds. Testing the individual contribution of several newly fixed SIV mutations suggested that is the additive effect of these mutations in SIVbn-PBMC s1 that contributed to its enhanced fitness, as recombinant single mutant viruses showed no difference in replication capacity over the parental SIVmac239 strain. The replicative capacity of SIVbn-PBMC passage 4 (P4) s1 was tested in vivo by infecting baboons intravenously with SIVbn-PBMC P4 s1 or SIVmac251. While animals infected with SIVmac251 showed the known pattern of transient low-level viremia, animals infected with SIVbn-PBMC P4 s1 had undetectable viremia or viral DNA in lymphoid tissue. These studies suggest that adaptation of SIV to grow in baboon primary cells results in mutations that confer increased replicative capacity in the artificial environment of cell culture but make the virus unable to avoid the restrictive factors generated by a complex multicellular organism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In light of ongoing shortage of donor organs for transplantation, alternative sources for donor organ sources have been examined to address this supply-demand mismatch. Of these, xenotransplantation, or the transplantation of organs across species, has been considered, with early applications dating back to the 1600s. The purpose of this review is to summarize the early experiences of xenotransplantation, with special focus on heart xenotransplantation. It aims to highlight the important ethical concerns of animal-to-human heart xenotransplantation, identify the key immunological barriers to successful long-term xenograft survival, as well as summarize the progress made in terms of development of pharmacological and genetic engineering strategies to address these barriers. Lastly, we discuss more recent attempts of porcine-to-human heart xenotransplantation, as well as provide some commentary on the current concerns and possible applications for future clinical heart xenotransplantation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Present an approach to the safe and efficient provision of anesthesia and birth control measures to a large group of primates.
    METHODS: 98 hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas) held in a German zoological institution.
    METHODS: A group of 12 veterinarians, 2 zookeepers, and 6 volunteers anesthetized all animals within 2 days. The baboons were orally premedicated with midazolam (0.1 to 0.5 mg/kg) and anesthetized with medetomidine (40 to 60 µg/kg, IM) and ketamine (2 to 4 mg/kg, IM); isoflurane at rates of 1.5% to 2% was used for maintaining anesthesia if necessary. All animals received a physical examination, prophylactic medication, and tuberculin testing. For population management, the animals received a contraceptive implant (adult females), orchiectomy (young males), or vasectomy (breeding males). Young males received intratesticular blocks with lidocaine. All animals received atipamezole (125 to 150 µg/kg) before recovery.
    RESULTS: Premedication resulted in anxiolysis, which facilitated separating and darting. Median time from darting to access to the animal was 10 minutes. Mean anesthetic times were 25 minutes for females and 55 minutes for males. The depth of anesthesia was appropriate for the procedures. No fatalities were recorded. One animal was injured by other baboons but recovered after treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: Health management and birth control measures are necessary in baboon troops under human care. Anesthesia and/or contraception of individual animals often leads to intraspecific aggression. This case series describes how to provide anesthesia and contraception to an entire troop as an alternative approach that can be adopted to future similar interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) is a common cause of graft failure after pig-to-nonhuman primate organ transplantation, even when the graft is from a pig with multiple genetic modifications. The specific factors that initiate AMR are often uncertain. We report two cases of pig kidney transplantation into immunosuppressed baboons in which we identify novel factors associated with the initiation of AMR. In the first, membranous nephropathy was the initiating factor that was then associated with the apparent loss of the therapeutic anti-CD154 monoclonal antibody in the urine when severe proteinuria was present. This observation suggests that proteinuria may be associated with the loss of any therapeutic monoclonal antibody, for example, anti-CD154 or eculizumab, in the urine, resulting in xenograft rejection. In the second case, the sequence of events and histopathology tentatively suggested that pyelonephritis may have initiated acute-onset AMR. The association of a urinary infection with graft rejection has been well-documented in ABO-incompatible kidney allotransplantation based on the expression of an antigen on the invading microorganism shared with the kidney graft, generating an immune response to the graft. To our knowledge, these potential initiating factors of AMR in pig xenografts have not been highlighted previously.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pregnancy failure represents a major fitness cost for any mammal, particularly those with slow life histories such as primates. Here, we quantified the risk of fetal loss in wild hybrid baboons, including genetic, ecological, and demographic sources of variance. We were particularly interested in testing the hypothesis that hybridization increases fetal loss rates. Such an effect would help explain how baboons may maintain genetic and phenotypic integrity despite interspecific gene flow.
    We analyzed outcomes for 1020 pregnancies observed over 46 years in a natural yellow baboon-anubis baboon hybrid zone. Fetal losses and live births were scored based on records of female reproductive state and the appearance of live neonates. We modeled the probability of fetal loss as a function of a female\'s genetic ancestry (the proportion of her genome estimated to be descended from anubis [vs. yellow] ancestors), age, number of previous fetal losses, dominance rank, group size, climate, and habitat quality using binomial mixed effects models.
    Female genetic ancestry did not predict fetal loss. Instead, the risk of fetal loss is elevated for very young and very old females. Fetal loss is most robustly predicted by ecological factors, including poor habitat quality prior to a home range shift and extreme heat during pregnancy.
    Our results suggest that gene flow between yellow and anubis baboons is not impeded by an increased risk of fetal loss for hybrid females. Instead, ecological conditions and female age are key determinants of this component of female reproductive success.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Steady-state expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) explain only a fraction of disease-associated loci identified through genome-wide association studies (GWASs), while eQTLs involved in gene-by-environment (GxE) interactions have rarely been characterized in humans due to experimental challenges. Using a baboon model, we found hundreds of eQTLs that emerge in adipose, liver, and muscle after prolonged exposure to high dietary fat and cholesterol. Diet-responsive eQTLs exhibit genomic localization and genic features that are distinct from steady-state eQTLs. Furthermore, the human orthologs associated with diet-responsive eQTLs are enriched for GWAS genes associated with human metabolic traits, suggesting that context-responsive eQTLs with more complex regulatory effects are likely to explain GWAS hits that do not seem to overlap with standard eQTLs. Our results highlight the complexity of genetic regulatory effects and the potential of eQTLs with disease-relevant GxE interactions in enhancing the understanding of GWAS signals for human complex disease using non-human primate models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For nearly three decades, more than 80 embryonic stem cell lines and more than 100 induced pluripotent stem cell lines have been derived from New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, and great apes. In this comprehensive review, we examine these cell lines originating from marmoset, cynomolgus macaque, rhesus macaque, pig-tailed macaque, Japanese macaque, African green monkey, baboon, chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, and orangutan. We outline the methodologies implemented for their establishment, the culture protocols for their long-term maintenance, and their basic molecular characterization. Further, we spotlight any cell lines that express fluorescent reporters. Additionally, we compare these cell lines with human pluripotent stem cell lines, and we discuss cell lines reprogrammed into a pluripotent naive state, detailing the processes used to attain this. Last, we present the findings from the application of these cell lines in two emerging fields: intra- and interspecies embryonic chimeras and blastoids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Besides living as a free-ranging primate in the horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, the hamadryas baboon has an important place in zoos and can be found in biomedical research centers worldwide. To be valuable as a non-human primate laboratory model for man, its anatomy should be portrayed in detail, allowing for the correct interpretation and translation of obtained research results. Reviewing the literature on the use of the baboon in biomedical research revealed that very limited anatomical works on this species are available. Anatomical atlases are incomplete, use archaic nomenclature and fail to provide high-definition color photographs. Therefore, the skeletons of two male hamadryas baboons were prepared by manually removing as much soft tissues as possible followed by maceration in warm water to which enzyme-containing washing powder was added. The bones were bleached with hydrogen peroxide and degreased by means of methylene chloride. Photographs of the various bones were taken, and the anatomical structures were identified using the latest version of the Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria. As such, the present article shows 31 annotated multipanel figures. The skeleton of the hamadryas baboon generally parallels the human skeleton, but some remarkable differences have been noticed. If these are taken into consideration when evaluating the results of experiments using the hamadryas baboon, justified conclusions can be drawn.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Age and sex have a profound effect on cytosine methylation levels in humans and many other species. Here we analyzed DNA methylation profiles of 2400 tissues derived from 37 primate species including 11 haplorhine species (baboons, marmosets, vervets, rhesus macaque, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutan, humans) and 26 strepsirrhine species (suborders Lemuriformes and Lorisiformes). From these we present here, pan-primate epigenetic clocks which are highly accurate for all primates including humans (age correlation R = 0.98). We also carried out in-depth analysis of baboon DNA methylation profiles and generated five epigenetic clocks for baboons (Olive-yellow baboon hybrid), one of which, the pan-tissue epigenetic clock, was trained on seven tissue types (fetal cerebral cortex, adult cerebral cortex, cerebellum, adipose, heart, liver, and skeletal muscle) with ages ranging from late fetal life to 22.8 years of age. Using the primate data, we characterize the effect of age and sex on individual cytosines in highly conserved regions. We identify 11 sex-related CpGs on autosomes near genes (POU3F2, CDYL, MYCL, FBXL4, ZC3H10, ZXDC, RRAS, FAM217A, RBM39, GRIA2, UHRF2). Low overlap can be observed between age- and sex-related CpGs. Overall, this study advances our understanding of conserved age- and sex-related epigenetic changes in primates, and provides biomarkers of aging for all primates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hydrodynamics-based gene transfer has been successfully employed for in vivo gene delivery to the liver of small animals by tail vein injection and of large animals using a computer-assisted and image-guided protocol. In an effort to develop a hydrodynamic gene delivery procedure clinically applicable for gene therapy, we have evaluated the safety and effectiveness of a lobe-specific hydrodynamic delivery procedure for hepatic gene delivery in baboons. Reporter plasmid was used to assess the gene delivery efficiency of the lobe-specific hydrodynamic gene delivery, and plasmid-carrying human factor IX gene was used to examine the pattern of long-term gene expression. The results demonstrated liver lobe-specific gene delivery, therapeutic levels of human factor IX gene expression lasting for >100 days, and the efficacy of repeated hydrodynamic gene delivery into the same liver lobes. Other than a transient increase in blood concentration of liver enzymes right after the injection, no significant adverse events were observed in animals during the study period. The results obtained from this first non-human primate study support the clinical applicability of the procedure for lobe-specific hydrodynamic gene delivery to liver.





