avian disease

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Fowl adenovirus (FAdV) is a significant pathogen in poultry, causing various diseases such as hepatitis-hydropericardium, inclusion body hepatitis, and gizzard erosion. Different serotypes of FAdV are associated with specific conditions, highlighting the need for targeted prevention strategies. Given the rising prevalence of FAdV-related diseases globally, effective vaccination and biosecurity measures are crucial. In this study, we explore the potential of structural proteins to design a multi-epitope vaccine targeting FAdV.
    UNASSIGNED: We employed an in silico approach to design the multi-epitope vaccine. Essential viral structural proteins, including hexon, penton, and fiber protein, were selected as vaccine targets. T-cell and B-cell epitopes binding to MHC-I and MHC-II molecules were predicted using computational methods. Molecular docking studies were conducted to validate the interaction of the multi-epitope vaccine candidate with chicken Toll-like receptors 2 and 5.
    UNASSIGNED: Our in silico methodology successfully identified potential T-cell and B-cell epitopes within the selected viral structural proteins. Molecular docking studies revealed strong interactions between the multi-epitope vaccine candidate and chicken Toll-like receptors 2 and 5, indicating the structural integrity and immunogenic potential of the designed vaccine.
    UNASSIGNED: The designed multi-epitope vaccine presents a promising approach for combating FAdV infections in chickens. By targeting essential viral structural proteins, the vaccine is expected to induce a robust immunological response. The in silico methodology utilized in this study provides a rapid and cost-effective means of vaccine design, offering insights into potential vaccine candidates before experimental validation. Future studies should focus on in vitro and in vivo evaluations to further assess the efficacy and safety of the proposed vaccine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emergence of several zoonotic mosquito-borne pathogens in Europe, including West Nile virus, Sindbis virus and Usutu virus, has emphasised the importance of consistent surveillance. Considerable fieldwork effort is usually needed to detect low-prevalence pathogens in mosquitoes and screening vertebrate hosts and reservoirs is rarely done simultaneously with mosquito sampling. Zoological gardens offer an opportunity for the surveillance of pathogens, mosquitoes, hosts, and reservoirs concurrently; thus, the aim of this study was undertaking integrated surveillance for mosquito-borne pathogens of wild birds and mosquitoes in Chester Zoo (Cheshire) in the United Kingdom. Mosquitoes were collected in September 2020 and tested for zoonotic bird-hosted arboviruses (i.e., West Nile virus, Usutu virus and Sindbis virus) using RT-qPCRs. Of the 3316 mosquitoes trapped, 98% were identified as Culex spp. The average minimum prevalence of the viruses found in the literature was used to calculate the sample size needed for detecting these viruses with 99% confidence. The testing of 2878 Culex females found no evidence of presence of the three viruses. Significant differences were found in mosquito abundance per sampling site and collection date; furthermore, important sources of immature and resting mosquitoes were found near aviaries. Eighteen wild birds belonging to 11 species were found dead in the zoo from May to December 2020 and were RT-qPCR tested for West Nile virus and Usutu virus; all samples resulted negative for viral infection. It is unlikely that these viruses were present in the zoo during the sampling period; however, since they circulate in Europe and Usutu virus has been isolated in the United Kingdom and may overwinter here, continued monitoring of mosquitoes and wild birds is recommended as virus introduction and dissemination are possible. This study highlights the importance of regular and integrated arboviral surveillance of zoonotic pathogens in zoos providing baseline information to that end.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Host sex is an important source of heterogeneity in the severity of epidemics. Pinpointing the mechanisms causing this heterogeneity can be difficult because differences in behaviour among sexes (e.g. greater territorial aggression in males) can bias exposure risk, obfuscating the role of immune function, which can lead to differences in pathology, in driving differential susceptibility between sexes. Thus, sex-biased transmission driven by differences in immune function independent of behaviour is poorly understood, especially in non-mammalian systems. Here we examine the previously unexplored potential for male-biased pathology to affect transmission using an avian host-pathogen system. We employ a sex-dependent multistate transmission model parameterized with isolated, individual-based experimental exposures of domestic canaries and experimental transmission data of house finches. The experiment revealed that male birds have shorter incubation periods, longer recovery periods, higher pathogen burdens and greater disease pathology than females. Our model revealed that male-biased pathology led to epidemic size rapidly increasing with the proportion of male birds, with a nearly 10-fold increase in total epidemic size from an all-female to an all-male simulation. Our results demonstrate that female-biased resistance, independent of male behaviour, can drive sex-dependent transmission in wildlife, indicating that sex-based differences in immune function, not just differences in exposure risk, can shape epidemic dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An exceptional highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreak due to H5N1 virus genotypes belonging to clade has been affecting birds worldwide since autumn 2021.1,2,3 Mortality caused by viral infection has been well documented in poultry and more recently in wild birds, especially in seabird-breeding colonies.4,5,6 However, there is a critical lack of knowledge about how terrestrial birds deal with HPAI virus infections in terms of behavior and space use, especially during the breeding season.7,8,9 Understanding how birds move when they are infected could help evaluate the risk of spreading the virus at a distance among other populations of wild or domestic birds, this latter risk being especially important for commensal bird species. Through long-term GPS tracking, we described the changes in daily movement patterns of 31 adult griffon vultures Gyps fulvus in two French sites in 2022 compared with 3 previous years. In spring 2022, 21 vultures at both sites showed periods of immobility at the nest, during 5.6 days on average. Positive serological status of 2 individuals confirmed that they had been infected by HPAI viruses. Death was recorded for 3 of the 31 tracked individuals, whereas all others recovered and returned quickly to their foraging routine, although at least 9 birds failed breeding. Such immobility patterns and death rates were never observed in previous years and were not related to weather conditions. The high immobility behavior of infected birds could reduce the risks of transmission. The observed vulnerability to HPAI viruses questions the resistance of endangered vulture species worldwide if infected.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-invasive measures have a critical role in precision livestock and poultry farming as they can reduce animal stress and provide continuous monitoring. Animal activity can reflect physical and mental states as well as health conditions. If any problems are detected, an early warning will be provided for necessary actions. The objective of this study was to identify avian diseases by using thermal-image processing and machine learning. Four groups of 14-day-old Ross 308 Broilers (20 birds per group) were used. Two groups were infected with one of the following diseases: Newcastle Disease (ND) and Avian Influenza (AI), and the other two were considered control groups. Thermal images were captured every 8 h and processed with MATLAB. After de-noising and removing the background, 23 statistical features were extracted, and the best features were selected using the improved distance evaluation method. Support vector machine (SVM) and artificial neural networks (ANN) were developed as classifiers. Results indicated that the former classifier outperformed the latter for disease classification. The Dempster-Shafer evidence theory was used as the data fusion stage if neither ANN nor SVM detected the diseases with acceptable accuracy. The final SVM-based framework achieved 97.2% and 100% accuracy for classifying AI and ND, respectively, within 24 h after virus infection. The proposed method is an innovative procedure for the timely identification of avian diseases to support early intervention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tracheal luminal stenosis can cause clinical respiratory distress in wild birds. We describe a case of tracheal stenosis due to diffuse ossification with osteopetrosis of tracheal rings in a yellow-crowned parrot (Amazona ochrocephala) with a history of chronic respiratory distress and death after development of marked dyspnoea. An ante-mortem radiographic examination revealed that the tracheal rings were radiopaque and that there were multiple areas of osteopenic change in long bones. At necropsy, there was stenosis of the tracheal rings characterized by complete replacement of cartilage by thickened compact bone with osteopetrosis and bone necrosis. The clinical respiratory distress and death of the parrot were associated with tracheal luminal stenosis due to thickening of the tracheal rings by diffuse ossification with osteopetrosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Yellow-eyed penguins (Megadyptes antipodes), or hoiho in te reo Māori, are predicted to become extinct on mainland Aotearoa New Zealand in the next few decades, with infectious disease a significant contributor to their decline. A recent disease phenomenon termed respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) causing lung pathology has been identified in very young chicks. To date, no causative pathogens for RDS have been identified. In 2020 and 2021, the number of chick deaths from suspected RDS increased four- and five-fold, respectively, causing mass mortality with an estimated mortality rate of >90%. We aimed to identify possible pathogens responsible for RDS disease impacting these critically endangered yellow-eyed penguins. Total RNA was extracted from tissue samples collected during post-mortem of 43 dead chicks and subject to metatranscriptomic sequencing and histological examination. From these data we identified a novel and highly abundant gyrovirus (Anelloviridae) in 80% of tissue samples. This virus was most closely related to Gyrovirus 8 discovered in a diseased seabird, while other members of the genus Gyrovirus include Chicken anaemia virus, which causes severe disease in juvenile chickens. No other exogenous viral transcripts were identified in these tissues. Due to the high relative abundance of viral reads and its high prevalence in diseased animals, it is likely that this novel gyrovirus is associated with RDS in yellow-eyed penguin chicks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infecting large portions of the global poultry populations, the avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) remains a major economic burden in North America. With more than 30 serotypes globally distributed, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, and Massachusetts are among the most predominant serotypes in the United States. Even though vaccination is widely used, the high mutation rate exhibited by IBV is continuously triggering the emergence of new viral strains and hindering control and prevention measures. For that reason, targeted strategies based on constantly updated information on the IBV circulation are necessary. Here, we sampled IBV-infected farms from one US state and collected and analyzed 65 genetic sequences coming from three different lineages along with the immunization information of each sampled farm. Phylodynamic analyses showed that IBV dispersal velocity was 12.3 km/year. The majority of IBV infections appeared to have derived from the introduction of the Arkansas DPI serotype, and the Arkansas DPI and Georgia 13 were the predominant serotypes. When analyzed against IBV sequences collected across the United States and deposited in the GenBank database, the most likely viral origin of our sequences was from the states of Alabama, Georgia, and Delaware. Information about vaccination showed that the MILDVAC-MASS+ARK vaccine was applied on 26% of the farms. Using a publicly accessible open-source tool for real-time interactive tracking of pathogen spread and evolution, we analyzed the spatiotemporal spread of IBV and developed an online reporting dashboard. Overall, our work demonstrates how the combination of genetic and spatial information could be used to track the spread and evolution of poultry diseases, providing timely information to the industry. Our results could allow producers and veterinarians to monitor in near-real time the current IBV strain circulating, making it more informative, for example, in vaccination-related decisions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) are one of the most common tumors of the tegument that can have a misdiagnosis of chronic skin wounds. An adult captive crowned solitary eagle presented an indolent wound-like ulcer on the footpad and a fatal outcome. An infiltrating tumoral mass in the foot and multiple tumoral metastatic nodules in visceral organs were detected. The neoplasm was composed of atypical squamous cells with strong positivity for cytokeratin, \"keratin pearl\" structures, and marked invasion of tissues confirming a diagnosis of metastatic SCC. This might be the first report of an SSC with metastasis on the footpad in a captive Chaco eagle, which is one of the endangered species of birds of prey.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2017, we isolated and identified West Nile virus (WNV) lineage 2 from two dead captive goshawks (Accipiter gentilis), for the first time in the Czech Republic. Goshawk might serve as an early indicator species for the ongoing WNV emergence in several European countries.





