atomic force microscopy (AFM)

原子力显微镜 ( AFM )
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antimicrobial potential of bioactive glass (BAG) makes it promising for implant applications, specifically overcoming the toxicity concerns associated with traditional antibacterial nanoparticles. The 58S composition of BAG (with high Ca and absence of Na) has been known to exhibit excellent bioactivity and antibacterial behaviour, but the mechanisms behind have not been investigated in detail. In this pioneering study, we are using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) to gain insights into 58S BAG\'s adhesive interactions with planktonic cells of both gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and gram-negative (Escherichia coli) bacteria; along with the impact of crystallinity on antibacterial properties. We have recorded greater bacterial inhibition by amorphous BAG compared to semi-crystalline glass-ceramics and stronger effect against gram-negative bacteria via conventional long-term antibacterial tests. AFM force distance curves has illustrated substantial bonding between bacteria and BAG within the initial one second (observed at a gap of 250 ms) of contact, with multiple binding events. Further, stronger adhesion of BAG with E.coli (~ 6 nN) compared to S. aureus (~ 3 nN) has been found which can be attributed to more adhesive nano-domains (size effect) distributed uniformly on E.coli surface. This study has revealed direct evidence of impact of contact time and 58S BAG\'s crystalline phase on bacterial adhesion and antimicrobial behaviour. Current study has successfully demonstrated the mode and mechanisms of initial bacterial adhesion with 58S BAG. The outcome can pave the way towards improving the designing of implant surfaces for a range of biomedical applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SARS-CoV-2 is a highly pathogenic virus responsible for the COVID-19 disease. It belongs to the Coronaviridae family, characterized by a phospholipid envelope, which is crucial for viral entry and replication in host cells. Hypericin, a lipophilic, naturally occurring photosensitizer, was reported to effectively inactivate enveloped viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, upon light irradiation. In addition to its photodynamic activity, Hyp was found to exert an antiviral action also in the dark. This study explores the mechanical properties of heat-inactivated SARS-CoV-2 viral particles using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Results reveal a flexible structure under external stress, potentially contributing to the virus pathogenicity. Although the fixation protocol causes damage to some particles, correlation with fluorescence demonstrates colocalization of partially degraded virions with their genome. The impact of hypericin on the mechanical properties of the virus was assessed and found particularly relevant in dark conditions. These preliminary results suggest that hypericin can affect the mechanical properties of the viral envelope, an effect that warrants further investigation in the context of antiviral therapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell mechanics are a biophysical indicator of cell state, such as cancer metastasis, leukocyte activation, and cell cycle progression. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a widely used technique to measure cell mechanics, where the Young modulus of a cell is usually derived from the Hertz contact model. However, the Hertz model assumes that the cell is an elastic, isotropic, and homogeneous material and that the indentation is small compared to the cell size. These assumptions neglect the effects of the cytoskeleton, cell size and shape, and cell environment on cell deformation. In this study, we investigated the influence of cell size on the estimated Young\'s modulus using liposomes as cell models. Liposomes were prepared with different sizes and filled with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) or hyaluronic acid (HA) to mimic the cytoplasm. AFM was used to obtain the force indentation curves and fit them to the Hertz model. We found that the larger the liposome, the lower the estimated Young\'s modulus for both PBS-filled and HA-filled liposomes. This suggests that the Young modulus obtained from the Hertz model is not only a property of the cell material but also depends on the cell dimensions. Therefore, when comparing or interpreting cell mechanics using the Hertz model, it is essential to account for cell size.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The primary objective of forensic investigation of a case is to recognize, identify, locate, and examine the evidence. Microscopy is a technique that provides crucial information for resolving a case or advancing the investigation process by analyzing the evidence obtained from a crime scene. It is often used in conjunction with suitable analytical techniques. Various microscopes are employed; scanning probe microscopes are available in diverse forensic analyses and studies. Among these, the atomic force microscope (AFM) is the most commonly used scanning probe technology, offering a unique morphological and physico-chemical perspective for analyzing multiple pieces of evidence in forensic investigations. Notably, it is a non-destructive technique capable of operating in liquid or air without complex sample preparation. The article delves into a detailed exploration of the applications of AFM in the realms of nanomechanical forensics and nanoscale characterization of forensically significant samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurodegenerative diseases mainly affect the vital characteristics of neurons, including axons. The fabricated nanotopographies can cause axonal regeneration manipulating the migration and differentiation of cells. Here, we present a protocol for the fabrication of nanosubstrate incorporated with nanogroove topography with a coated layer of polyaniline-chitosan (PANI-C) nanocomposite. We describe steps for investigating differences between bulk polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) sheets and embedding sheets with nanogrooves. We then detail procedures for coating with a PANI-C nanocomposite layer on the substrate. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Afsharian et al.1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lipoproteins (LPs) are micelle-like structures with a similar size to extracellular vesicles (EVs) and are therefore often co-isolated, as intensively discussed within the EV community. LPs from human blood plasma are of particular interest as they are responsible for the deposition of cholesterol ester and other fats in the artery, causing lesions, and eventually atherosclerosis. Plasma lipoproteins can be divided according to their size, density and composition into chylomicrons (CM), very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL). Here, we use atomic force microscopy for mechanical characterization of LPs. We show that the nanoindentation approach used for EV analysis can also be used to characterize LPs, revealing specific differences between some of the particles. Comparing LPs with each other, LDL exhibit a higher bending modulus as compared to CM and VLDL, which is likely related to differences in cholesterol and apolipoproteins. Furthermore, CM typically collapse on the surface after indentation and HDL exhibit a very low height after surface adhesion both being indications for the presence of LPs in an EV sample. Our analysis provides new systematic insights into the mechanical characteristics of LPs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a kind of high-precision instrument to measure the surface morphology of various conductive or nonconductive samples. However, obtaining a high-resolution image with standard AFM scanning requires more time. Using block compressive sensing (BCS) is an effective approach to achieve rapid AFM imaging. But, the routine BCS-AFM imaging is difficult to balance the image quality of each local area. It is easy to lead to excessive sampling in some flat areas, resulting in time-consuming. At the same time, there is a lack of sampling in some areas with significant details, resulting in poor imaging quality. Thus, an innovative adaptive BCS-AFM imaging method is proposed. The overlapped block is used to eliminate blocking artifacts. Characteristic parameters (GTV, Lu, and SD) are used to predict the local morphological characteristics of the samples. Back propagation neural network is employed to acquire the appropriate sampling rate of each sub-block. Sampling points are obtained by pre-scanning and adaptive supplementary scanning. Afterward, all sub-block images are reconstructed using the TVAL3 algorithm. Each sample is capable of achieving uniform, excellent image quality. Image visual effects and evaluation indicators (PSNR and SSIM) are employed for the purpose of evaluating and analyzing the imaging effects of samples. Compared with two nonadaptive and two other adaptive imaging schemes, our proposed scheme has the characteristics of a high degree of automation, uniformly high-quality imaging, and rapid imaging speed. HIGHLIGHTS: The proposed adaptive BCS method can address the issues of uneven image quality and slow imaging speed in AFM. The appropriate sampling rate of each sub-block of the sample can be obtained by BP neural network. The introduction of GTV, Lu, and SD can effectively reveal the morphological features of AFM images. Seven samples with different morphology are used to test the performance of the proposed adaptive algorithm. Practical experiments are carried out with two samples to verify the feasibility of the proposed adaptive algorithm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are small cellular organelles involved in intracellular signaling and cell-to-cell interactions. Recent studies suggested that exosomes may have potential applications in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. In this study, extracellular vesicles of the human nonsmall cell lung cancer cell line H1299 and the unlabeled antiCD63 antibody were imaged using a new label-free terahertz chemical microscopy (TCM) technique to detect changes in the terahertz wave amplitude. To verify the high specificity of the protein biomarkers and the sensitivity of the biosensor surface, we also confirmed the selective binding of the antibody to the antigen, bovine serum albumin, and cancer cells. We also performed real-time measurements of the interaction between EVs from the H1299 cell and the antiCD63 antibody, which showed that the amount of change in the terahertz intensity increased with increasing concentration and the time to saturation decreased. Finally, to reuse the used biosensors (sensing plates), plasma-oxygen cleaning was used, and the activity of the biosensor surface was confirmed by terahertz microscopy and atomic force microscopy and was found to be reusable after less than 3 min of cleaning. Consequently, terahertz chemical microscopy was able to detect the presence or absence of antigen-antibody binding and its reaction rate and binding strength.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Macrophages are involved in every stage of the innate/inflammatory immune responses in the body tissues, including the resolution of the reaction, and they do so in close collaboration with the extracellular matrix (ECM). Simplified substrates with nanotopographical features attempt to mimic the structural properties of the ECM to clarify the functional features of the interaction of the ECM with macrophages. We still have a limited understanding of the macrophage behavior upon interaction with disordered nanotopography, especially with features smaller than 10 nm. Here, we combine atomic force microscopy (AFM), finite element modeling (FEM), and quantitative biochemical approaches in order to understand the mechanotransduction from the nanostructured surface into cellular responses. AFM experiments show a decrease of macrophage stiffness, measured with the Young\'s modulus, as a biomechanical response to a nanostructured (ns-) ZrOx surface. FEM experiments suggest that ZrOx surfaces with increasing roughness represent weaker mechanical boundary conditions. The mechanical cues from the substrate are transduced into the cell through the formation of integrin-regulated focal adhesions and cytoskeletal reorganization, which, in turn, modulate cell biomechanics by downregulating cell stiffness. Surface nanotopography and consequent biomechanical response impact the overall behavior of macrophages by increasing movement and phagocytic ability without significantly influencing their inflammatory behavior. Our study suggests a strong potential of surface nanotopography for the regulation of macrophage functions, which implies a prospective application relative to coating technology for biomedical devices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eukaryotic proteins often feature long stretches of amino acids that lack a well-defined three-dimensional structure and are referred to as intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) or regions (IDRs). Although these proteins challenge conventional structure-function paradigms, they play vital roles in cellular processes. Recent progress in experimental techniques, such as NMR spectroscopy, single molecule FRET, high speed AFM and SAXS, have provided valuable insights into the biophysical basis of IDP function. This review discusses the advancements made in these techniques particularly for the study of disordered regions in proteins. In NMR spectroscopy new strategies such as 13C detection, non-uniform sampling, segmental isotope labeling, and rapid data acquisition methods address the challenges posed by spectral overcrowding and low stability of IDPs. The importance of various NMR parameters, including chemical shifts, hydrogen exchange rates, and relaxation measurements, to reveal transient secondary structures within IDRs and IDPs are presented. Given the high flexibility of IDPs, the review outlines NMR methods for assessing their dynamics at both fast (ps-ns) and slow (μs-ms) timescales. IDPs exert their functions through interactions with other molecules such as proteins, DNA, or RNA. NMR-based titration experiments yield insights into the thermodynamics and kinetics of these interactions. Detailed study of IDPs requires multiple experimental techniques, and thus, several methods are described for studying disordered proteins, highlighting their respective advantages and limitations. The potential for integrating these complementary techniques, each offering unique perspectives, is explored to achieve a comprehensive understanding of IDPs.





