assembly mechanism

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study analyzed petroleum-contaminated soils from south and north locations in China to explore the structure, diversity, functional genes and assembly processes of microbial communities\' . Compared with soils from south locations, soils from northern regions exhibited elevated pH, total nitrogen (TN), and total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) levels. Among these, TN and TPH were the most influential on the microbial community. The dominant phyla for bacteria, archaea, and fungi were Proteobacteria, Thaumarchaeota, and Ascomycota, respectively. Among them, Proteobacteria was strongly correlated with various functional genes including alkB and many aromatics degradation and denitrification genes (r > 0.9, p < 0.01), suggesting that Proteobacteria play an important role in petroleum-contaminated soils. Metabolism in northern regions was more active than that in southern regions. The northern regions showed a pronounced tendency for denitrification, while the southern regions were characterized by acetoclastic methanogenesis. The assembly of microbial communities exhibited regional patterns, the deterministic assembly was more prominent in the northern soils, while the stochastic assembly was evident in the southern soils. Overall, these findings provide a new conceptual framework to understand the biosphere in petroleum-contaminated soil, potentially guiding improved management practices in the environmental remediation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Though sterile diet, post-transplantation surgery is a clinical strategy for patient care to prevent the infiltration of gut pathogens, less is known about its effects on the gut microbiome. Here, the gut microbiome dynamics of leukemia patients following a 120-day \"sterile-normal\" diet strategy posthematopoietic cell transplantation are examined. In contrast to the traditional idea, a sterile diet leads to the lowest gut microbiota diversity (p < 0.05) and short-chain fatty acids, promoted the proliferation of potential pathogens such as Streptococcus (up by 16.93%) and Lactobacillus (up by 40.30%), and 43.32% reduction in nodes and an 85.33% reduction in edges within the microbial interaction\'s network. Interestingly, a normal diet allows the gut microbiome recovery and significantly promotes the abundance of beneficial bacteria. These results indicate that a sterile diet leads to a collapse of the patient\'s gut microbiome and promoted the proliferation of potential pathogens. This assay is a starting point for a more sophisticated assessment of the effects of a sterile diet. The work also suggests a basic principle for the re-establishment of microbial equilibrium that supplementation of microbial taxa may be the key to the restoration of the degraded ecosystem.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in lakes have been considered as a global health threat. However, a thorough understanding of the distribution patterns and ecological processes that shape the ARGs profile in interconnected river-lake systems remains largely unexplored. In this study, we collected paired water and sediment samples from a typical interconnected river-lake system, Dongting Lake in China, during both wet and dry seasons. Using high-throughput quantitative PCR, we investigated the spatial and temporal distribution of ARGs and the factors that influence them. A total of 8 major antibiotic classes and 10 mobile genetic elements were detected across the Dongting Lake basin. The unique hydrological characteristics of this interconnected river-lake system result in a relatively stable abundance of ARGs across different seasons and interfaces. During the wet season, deterministic processes dominated the assembly of ARGs, allowing environmental factors, such as heavy metals, to serve as main driving forces of ARGs distribution. When the dry season arrived, variations in hydrological conditions and changes in ARGs sources caused stochastic processes to dominate the assembly of ARGs. Our findings provide valuable insights for understanding the ecological processes of ARGs in interconnected river-lake systems, emphasizing the necessity of upstream restoration and clarifying river-lake relationships to mitigate ARGs dissemination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Harmful algal bloom (HAB) is a rapidly expanding marine ecological hazard. Although numerous studies have been carried out about the ecological impact and the ecological mechanism of HAB outbreaks, few studies have comprehensively addressed the shifts of species composition, metabolic activity level, driving factors and community assembly mechanisms of microeukaryotic plankton in the course of the bloom event. To fill the gap of research, we conducted 18S ribosomal DNA and RNA sequencing during the initiation, development, sustenance and decline stages of a Scrippsiella acuminata (S. acuminata) bloom at the coastal sea of Fujian Province, China. We found that the bloom event caused a decrease in microeukaryotic plankton species diversity and increase in community homogeneity. Our results revealed that the RNA- and DNA-inferred communities were similar, but α-diversity was more dynamic in RNA- than in DNA-inferred communities. The main taxa with high projected metabolic activity (with RNA:DNA ratio as the proxy) during the bloom included dinoflagellates, Cercozoa, Chlorophyta, Protalveolata, and diatoms. The role of deterministic processes in microeukaryotic plankton community assembly increased during the bloom, but stochastic processes were always the dominant assembly mechanism throughout the bloom process. Our findings improve the understanding of temporal patterns, driving factors and assembly mechanisms underlying the microeukarytic plankton community in a dinoflagellate bloom.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastics are a growing concern in mangrove ecosystems; however, their effects on archaeal communities and related ecological processes remain unclear. We conducted in situ biofilm-enrichment experiments to investigate the ecological influence of polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene microplastics on archaeal communities in the sediments of mangrove ecosystems. The archaeal community present on microplastics was distinct from that of the surrounding sediments at an early stage but became increasingly similar over time. Bathyarchaeota, Thaumarchaeota, Euryarchaeota, and Asgardaeota were the most abundant phyla. Methanolobus, an archaeal biomarker, was enriched in PE biofilms, and significantly controlled by homogeneous selection in the plastisphere, indicating an increased potential risk of methane emission. The dominant archaeal assembly process in the sediments was deterministic (58.85%-70.47%), while that of the PE biofilm changed from stochastic to deterministic during the experiment. The network of PE plastispheres showed less complexity and competitive links, and higher modularity and stability than that of sediments. Functional prediction showed an increase in aerobic ammonia oxidation during the experiment, whereas methanogenesis and chemoheterotrophy were significantly higher in the plastisphere. This study provides novel insights into the impact of microplastic pollution on archaeal communities and their mediating ecological functions in mangrove ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role of environmental factors on the community structure of algae has been intensively studied, but there are few analyses on the assembly mechanism of the algal community structure. Here, changes in the community structure of algae in different seasons, the effects of environmental variables on the algal community structure, and the assembly mechanism of the algal community structure in northern and southern reservoirs were investigated in this study. The study revealed that Bacillariophyta, Cyanophyta, and Chlorophyta were the predominant algal species in the reservoirs, with Bacillariophyta and Cyanophyta exhibiting seasonal outbreaks. Compared to the northern reservoirs, the algal diversity in the southern reservoirs was greater. The diversity and algal community structure could be significantly impacted by variations in water temperature and nitrogen level. According to the ecological model, the interaction among algal communities in reservoirs was primarily cooperation. The key taxa in the northern reservoirs was Aphanizomenon sp., while the outbreak in the southern reservoirs was Coelosphaerium sp. The community formation pattern of reservoirs was stochastic, with a higher degree of explanation observed in the southern reservoirs compared to the northern reservoirs. This study preliminarily explored the assembly mechanism of the algal community, providing a theoretical basis for the control of eutrophication in drinking water reservoirs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are indispensable biotechnology facilities for modern cities and play an essential role in modern urban infrastructure by employing microorganisms to remove pollutants in wastewater, thus protecting public health and the environment. This study conducted a 13-month bacterial community survey of six full-scale WWTPs in Hong Kong with samples of influent, activated sludge (AS), and effluent to explore their synchronism and asynchronism of bacterial community. Besides, we compared AS results of six Hong Kong WWTPs with data from 1,186 AS amplicon data in 269 global WWTPs and a 9-year metagenomic sequencing survey of a Hong Kong WWTP. Our results showed the compositions of bacterial communities varied and the bacterial community structure of AS had obvious differences across Hong Kong WWTPs. The co-occurrence analysis identified 40 pairs of relationships that existed among Hong Kong WWTPs to show solid associations between two species and stochastic processes took large proportions for the bacterial community assembly of six WWTPs. The abundance and distribution of the functional bacteria in worldwide and Hong Kong WWTPs were examined and compared, and we found that ammonia-oxidizing bacteria had more diversity than nitrite-oxidizing bacteria. Besides, Hong Kong WWTPs could make great contributions to the genome mining of microbial dark matter in the global \"wanted list.\" Operational parameters had important effects on OTUs\' abundance, such as the temperature to the genera of Tetrasphaera, Gordonia and Nitrospira. All these results obtained from this study can deepen our understanding of the microbial ecology in WWTPs and provide foundations for further studies.
    OBJECTIVE: Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are an indispensable component of modern cities, as they can remove pollutants in wastewater to prevent anthropogenic activities. Activated sludge (AS) is a fundamental wastewater treatment process and it harbors a highly complex microbial community that forms the main components and contains functional groups. Unveiling \"who is there\" is a long-term goal of the research on AS microbiology. High-throughput sequencing provides insights into the inventory diversity of microbial communities to an unprecedented level of detail. At present, the analysis of communities in WWTPs usually comes from a specific WWTP and lacks comparisons and verification among different WWTPs. The wide-scale and long-term sampling project and research in this study could help us evaluate the AS community more accurately to find the similarities and different results for different WWTPs in Hong Kong and other regions of the world.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Roof-harvested rainwater stored for potable and nonpotable usages represent a clean and sustainable water supply resource. However, the microbial dynamics and mechanisms of community assembly in long-termed operated rainwater storage systems remain elusive. In this study, characteristics of microbial communities in different habitats were systematically compared within rainwater and tap-water simulated storage systems (SWSSs) constructed with different tank materials (PVC, stainless steel and cement). Distinct microbial communities were observed between rainwater and tap-water SWSSs for both water and biofilm samples (ANOSIM, p < 0.05), with lower diversity indexes noted in rainwater samples. Notably, a divergent potential pathogen profile was observed between rainwater and tap-water SWSSs, with higher relative abundances of potential pathogens noted in rainwater SWSSs. Moreover, tank materials had a notable impact on microbial communities in rainwater SWSSs (ANOSIM, p < 0.05), rather than tap-water SWSSs, illustrating the distinct interplay between water chemistry and engineering factors in shaping the SWSS microbiomes. Deterministic processes contributed predominantly to the microbial community assembly in cement rainwater SWSSs and all tap-water SWSSs, which might be ascribed to the high pH levels in cement rainwater SWSSs and low-nutrient levels in all tap-water SWSSs, respectively. However, microbial communities in the PVC and stainless-steel rainwater SWSSs were mainly driven by stochastic processes. Overall, the results provided insights to the distinct microbial assembly mechanisms and potential health risks in stored roof-harvested rainwater, highlighting the importance of developing tailored microbial management strategies for the storage and utilization of rainwater.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The exploration of short peptide-based assembly is vital for understanding protein-misfolding-associated diseases and seeking strategies to attenuate aggregate formation. While, the molecular mechanism of their structural evolution remains poorly studied in view of the dynamic and unpredictable assembly process. Herein, infrared (IR) spectroscopy, which serves as an in situ and real-time analytical technique, was intelligently employed to investigate the mechanism of phase transition and aggregate formation during the dynamic assembly process of diphenylalanine. Combined with other spectroscopy and electron microscopy technologies, three stages of gel formation and the main driving forces in different stages were revealed. A variety of stoichiometric methods such as continuous wavelet transform, principal component analysis, and two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy techniques were conducted to analyze the original time-dependent IR spectra to obtain detailed information on the changes in the amide bands and hydration layer. The microenvironment of hydrogen bonding among amide bands was significantly changed with the addition of pyridine derivatives, resulting in great differences in the properties of co-assembled gels. This work not only provides a universal analytical way to reveal the dynamic assembly process of dipeptide-based supramolecular gel but also expands their applications in supramolecular regulation and high-throughput screens in situ.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Viruses manipulate bacterial community composition and impact wastewater treatment efficiency. Some viruses pose threats to the environment and human populations through infection. Improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment and ensuring the health of the effluent and receptor pools requires an understanding of how viral communities assemble and interact with hosts in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). We used metagenomic analysis to study the distribution, assembly mechanism, and sensitive hosts for the viral communities in raw water, anaerobic tanks, and returned activated sludge units of a large-scale industrial park WWTP. Uroviricota (53.42% ± 0.14%) and Nucleocytoviricota (26.1% ± 0.19%) were dominant in all units. Viral community composition significantly differed between units, as measured by β diversity (P = 0.005). Compared to raw water, the relative viral abundance decreased by 29.8% in the anaerobic tank but increased by 9.9% in the activated sludge. Viral community assembly in raw water and anaerobic tanks was predominantly driven by deterministic processes (MST <0.5) versus stochastic processes (MST >0.5) in the activated sludge, indicating that differences in diffusion limits may fundamentally alter the assembly mechanisms of viral communities between the solid and liquid-phase environments. Acidobacteria was identified as the sensitive host contributing to viral abundance, exhibiting strong interactions and a mutual dependence (degree = 59). These results demonstrate the occurrence and prevalence of viruses in WWTPs, their different assembly mechanism, and sensitive hosts. These observations require further study of the mechanisms of viral community succession, ecological function, and roles in the successive wastewater treatment units.





