apoyo social

Apoyo 社交
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Parkinson\'s disease (PD) affects the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social domains of people who suffer it. A good strategy for patients is to belong to an Association, using the services they offer.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to explore the experiences and perceptions of patients with PD in a Parkinson\'s Association.
    METHODS: A sample of participants with PD who met the inclusion criteria was selected through purpose and theoretical sampling. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were used to collect the data, which was analyzed by thematic phenomenological analysis. Different strategies such as triangulation between researchers were used to ensure methodological rigor.
    RESULTS: The data analyzed from 10 participants led to two themes: the context of the Association, where the importance of interdisciplinary treatments and the relationship with other patients is collected; and how they see their future, which describes the future perspectives that patients with PD have.
    CONCLUSIONS: Patients agree on the importance of belonging to the Association, feeling part of a group, while benefiting from receiving therapies from the interdisciplinary team. The Association plays a relevant role in the evolution of the disease, as it influences how patients imagine their future. Developing strategies based on a good therapeutic alliance with professionals at the service of patients promotes the empowerment, adherence and continuity of treatments at home, which results in improving the quality of life of patients with PD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Normal quality of life is an ultimate target in the therapeutic approach to inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), encompassing Crohn\'s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) in the context of which regular physical activity (PA) is often a chimeric parameter that is not standardized in terms of quality/quantity. The study aimed to profile a sample of IBD patients about the relationship between PA-partner status and social network support.
    METHODS: A post hoc analysis of the \"BE-FIT-IBD\" study was set up by stratifying the data of PA with that of partner status and the support that the patient\'s social network (i.e., relatives, friends) provided in inciting the patient to practice regular PA.
    RESULTS: In the 219 patients included, there was a greater tendency for patients with stable partners to view the risk of reactivation/worsening of IBD as a barrier to conducting regular PA (p<0.0001). Single patients considered PA more as a protective factor (p=0.045). Patients without a PA-supporting social network retained IBD-related treatment as a PA barrier (p=0.016) and PA as a risk for IBD complications (p=0.01), with less confidence that PA could improve the course of IBD (p<0.001). Rectal syndrome was an IBD-related barrier more represented in patients with PA-deterring social network (p<0.0001).
    CONCLUSIONS: These factors are potential targets for recovering the IBD patient\'s adherence to regular PA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The role of older people in today\'s society is important in supporting work-life balance and well-being. The aim of the study was to analyze the perception of the support they receive and the psychosocial well-being of people over 60years of age who take care of their grandchildren.
    METHODS: Cross-sectional descriptive observational study. A sample of people over 60years of age, who attended the pediatrics service in three health centers accompanying their grandchildren, during the first four-month period of 2018. They were administered the Duke-UNC questionnaire, with measures of social support and involvement in the care of their grandchildren.
    RESULTS: The majority cared for their grandchildren between 5 and 14hours per week, performing recreational and maintenance activities. The participants reported a significant relationship of the caregiver\'s role in their quality of life and well-being; 88% of the subjects perceived a high level of social support. Involvement in weekly caregiving hours did not correlate with worse perceived support.
    CONCLUSIONS: Older adults who care for their grandchildren and attend the primary care pediatrics service with them perceive an adequate level of social support, regardless of the number of hours spent doing so.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Experiencing sexual assault is associated with a significant increase in risk for developing posttraumatic stress disorder and related concerns (e.g. alcohol misuse). Cross-sectional and longitudinal evidence suggests that social support may be both broadly protective against and eroded by posttraumatic stress symptoms. However, little is known about how different aspects of social support and posttraumatic stress symptoms influence each other in the weeks and months immediately following sexual assault, when posttraumatic stress (PTS) symptoms first emerge.Objective: The present study assessed the day-to-day relationship between social support and PTS in a sample of distressed, alcohol-using, recently-assaulted female survivors participating in a clinical trial of an app-based intervention (N = 41).Method: Participants completed 3 weeks of daily diaries starting within 10 weeks of sexual assault. Mixed-effects models were used to examine prior-day and same-day relationships between PTS and four social support constructs (social contact, emotional support, pleasantness of social interactions, and talking about sexual assault).Results: Results indicate that higher quantity and pleasantness of social interactions over the full sampling period was associated with lower PTS symptoms on any given day. Experiencing better-than-typical social interactions on one day was associated with lower than typical PTS symptoms on that day and the next day. On days when participants discussed their sexual assault with others, they tended to be having higher than usual PTS symptoms.Conclusions: Findings suggest that increasing the quantity and pleasantness of social interactions soon after sexual assault might protect against worsening posttraumatic stress symptoms.Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT03703258.
    In N = 41 distressed and alcohol-using female survivors of recent sexual assault, having a higher quantity of social interactions and more pleasant social interactions within 10 weeks of assault was associated with lower posttraumatic stress symptoms.When survivors’ social interactions were more pleasant than average on one day, their posttraumatic stress symptoms tended to be lower than average the next day, and recent survivors were more likely to talk about sexual assault on days when their posttraumatic stress symptoms were higher than usual.Interventionists should take note that increasing the quantity and pleasantness of social interactions soon after sexual assault might protect against worsening posttraumatic stress symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Childhood maltreatment profoundly influences social and emotional development, increasing psychiatric risk. Alterations in the implicit processing of threat-related cues following early abuse and neglect represent a marker of mental health vulnerability. Less is known about how early adversity influences the perception of positive social cues, despite their central role in establishing and maintaining social interactions and their association with better mental health outcomes.Methods: The sample consisted of 42 children and adolescents with substantiated childhood maltreatment experiences and 32 peers (mean age 13.3), matched on age, pubertal status, gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and cognitive ability. A computerised experimental task assessed the perceived emotional intensity of positive (happy) and negative (fearful) facial expressions. Mental health symptoms were measured via self- and parental reports, and perceived social support was self-reported.Results: The experience of abuse and neglect was associated with heightened perceived intensity of positive facial cues. Cross-sectional post-hoc moderation and mediation analyses, employing a model-building approach, revealed that in maltreatment-exposed participants: (i) their increased response to positive facial cues was associated with lower symptoms; (ii) the presence of social support accounted for their heightened perceived intensity of positive facial cues; (iii) the presence of social support putatively contributed to lower symptoms by increasing the perceived intensity of positive facial cues. No group differences in perceived intensity of negative expressions were observed.Conclusions: These findings provide fresh insight into how positive faces are processed following maltreatment experience in childhood. Maltreatment experience was found to be associated with heightened perceived intensity of happy faces, which in turn was associated with better mental health and greater levels of social support. This suggests that heightened saliency of positive emotions acts protectively in children with maltreatment experience.
    The impact of childhood maltreatment on perceiving positive social cues, especially explicit emotional intensity appraisal, is less understood compared to the extensive focus on its role in processing threat-related cues and psychiatric risk.In this study, we found that maltreatment experience was associated with heightened perceived intensity of happy faces, which in turn was associated with better mental health and greater levels of social support.These findings suggest that heightened saliency of positive emotions may act protectively in children with maltreatment experience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Young adult sexual minority women (SMW) are at elevated risk for sexual assault (SA), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and inadequate social support. While SA and PTSD can lead to reductions in social support from close significant others, the impact of SA and PTSD on SMWs\' social support has not previously been assessed.Objective: This study examined the associations of past year SA and PTSD with SMW\'s social support from intimate partners, family, and friends. It was hypothesized that SA and PTSD would be negatively associated with support from partners, family and friends, and that PTSD would moderate the effect of SA on support in early adulthood.Method: Young adult SMW in the United States (N = 235) who were M = 23.93 (SD = 2.15) years old, primarily lesbian or bisexual (n = 186, 79.1%) and White (n = 176, 74.9%) completed measures on past year exposure to SA and non-SA trauma, PTSD, and social support from intimate partners, family and friends.Results: PTSD was associated with less social support from partners, (b = -0.06, SE = 0.02, p = .010, R2change = .02), family, (b = -0.06, SE = 0.03, p = .025, R2change = .02), and friends, (b = -0.07, SE = 0.02, p = .008, R2change = .02). There was a significant interaction between PTSD and SA on social support from partners (b = -0.01, SE = 0.01, p = .047, R2change = .01). Neither non-SA nor SA trauma was associated with support from family or friends.Conclusions: Results underscore the potential impact of recent SA on intimate partnerships for young adult SMW with more severe PTSD. Future work should explore how addressing PTSD and improving social support quality may help SMW recover from traumatic experiences and ameliorate the effects of SA on intimate partnerships.
    We examined the associations of past-year sexual and non-sexual assault trauma and PTSD with sexual minority women’s social support from close significant others.Higher PTSD was associated with lower social support from partners, family and friends.In intimate partnerships, sexual assault was only associated with less social support when PTSD symptoms were more severe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pregnant individuals and parents have experienced elevated mental health problems and stress during COVID-19. Stress during pregnancy can be harmful to the fetus and detrimental to the parent-child relationship. However, social support is known to act as a protective factor, buffering against the adverse effects of stress. The present study examined whether (1) prenatal stress during COVID-19 was associated with parent-infant closeness at 6 months postpartum, and (2) social support moderated the effect of prenatal stress on the parent-infant relationship. In total, 181 participants completed questionnaires during pregnancy and at 6 months postpartum. A hierarchical linear regression analysis was conducted to assess whether social support moderated the effect of stress during pregnancy on parent-infant closeness at 6 months postpartum. Results indicated a significant interaction between prenatal stress and social support on parents\' perceptions of closeness with their infants at 6 months postpartum (β = .805, p = .029); parents who experienced high prenatal stress with high social support reported greater parent-infant closeness, compared to those who reported high levels of stress and low social support. Findings underscore the importance of social support in protecting the parent-infant relationship, particularly in times of high stress, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Individuos y progenitores en estado de embarazo experimentan elevados problemas de salud mental y estrés durante el COVID‐19. El estrés durante el embarazo puede ser dañino para el feto y perjudicial para la relación progenitor‐niño. Sin embargo, es sabido que el apoyo social actúa como un factor de protección, sirviendo como agente amortiguador contra los adversos efectos del estrés. El presente estudio longitudinal examinó si 1) el estrés prenatal durante el COVID‐19 se asociaba con la cercanía madre‐infante a los seis meses después del parto, y 2) el apoyo social moderaba el efecto del estrés prenatal en la relación madre‐infante. Un total de 181 participantes completaron cuestionarios durante el embarazo y a los seis meses después del parto. Un análisis de regresión lineal jerárquico se llevó a cabo para evaluar si el apoyo social moderaba el efecto del estrés durante el embarazo en cuanto a la cercanía progenitor‐infante a los seis meses después del parto. Los resultados indicaron una interacción significativa entre el estrés prenatal y el apoyo social sobre las percepciones que los progenitores tenían de la cercanía con sus infantes a los seis meses después del parto (β = .805, p = .029); los progenitores que experimentaron un alto estrés prenatal con un alto apoyo social reportaron una mayor cercanía progenitor‐infante, comparados con aquellos que reportaron altos niveles de estrés y bajo apoyo social. Los resultados subrayan la importancia del apoyo social para proteger la relación progenitor‐infante, particularmente en épocas de alto estés, tal como durante la pandemia del COVID‐19.
    Les personnes enceintes et les parents font l\'expérience de plus grands problèmes de santé mentale et de plus de stress durant la crise du COVID‐19. Le stress durant la grossesse peut être néfaste pour le foetus et vient au détriment de la relation parent‐enfant. Cependant l\'on sait que le soutien social est un facteur de protection, faisant tampon face aux effets adverses du stress. Cette étude longitudinale a examiné si 1) le stress prénatal durant le COVID‐19 était lié à la proximité mère‐nourrisson à six mois postpartum, et 2) le soutien social a modéré l\'effet du stress prénatale sur la relation mère‐nourrisson. En tout 181 participants ont rempli des questionnaires durant la grossesse et à sic mois postpartum. Une analyse de régression linéaire hiérarchique a été faite pour évaluer si le soutien social a modéré l\'effet du stress durant la grossesse sur la proximité parent‐nourrisson à six mois postpartum. Les résultats ont indiqué une interaction importante entre le stress prénatal et le soutien social sur les perceptions des parents de la proximité avec leurs nourrissons à six mois postpartum (β = ,805, p = ,029); les parents qui ont fait l\'expérience d\'un stress prénatal élevé avec un soutien social élevé ont signalé une plus grande proximité parent‐nourrisson, comparé à ceux ayant signalé des niveaux de stress élevés et un faible soutien social. Les résultats soulignent l\'importance du soutien social dans la protection de la relation parent‐nourrisson, particulièrement en temps de stress élevé, comme durant la pandémie de COVID‐19.
    Soziale Unterstützung federt die Auswirkung von Schwangerschaftsstress auf die Wahrnehmung der Nähe zwischen Eltern und Kind während der COVID‐19‐Pandemie ab Schwangere und Eltern leiden während COVID‐19 unter erhöhten psychischen Problemen und Stress. Stress während der Schwangerschaft kann für den Fötus schädlich sein und die Eltern‐Kind‐Beziehung beeinträchtigen. Es ist jedoch bekannt, dass soziale Unterstützung als Schutzfaktor wirkt und die negativen Auswirkungen von Stress abfedert. In der vorliegenden Längsschnittstudie wurde untersucht, ob 1) pränataler Stress während COVID‐19 sechs Monate nach der Geburt mit der Nähe zwischen Mutter und Kind zusammenhängt und 2) ob soziale Unterstützung den Effekt pränatalen Stresses auf die Mutter‐Kind‐Beziehung moderiert. Insgesamt füllten während der Schwangerschaft und sechs Monate nach der Geburt 181 Teilnehmerinnen Fragebögen aus. Es wurde eine hierarchische lineare Regressionsanalyse durchgeführt, um festzustellen, ob soziale Unterstützung den Effekt von Stress während der Schwangerschaft auf die Nähe zwischen Mutter und Kind sechs Monate nach der Geburt moderiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine signifikante Interaktion zwischen pränatalem Stress und sozialer Unterstützung auf die Wahrnehmung der Eltern von Nähe zu ihren Kindern sechs Monate nach der Geburt (β = .805, p = .029); Eltern, die hohen pränatalen Stress mit hoher sozialer Unterstützung erlebten, berichteten von größerer Eltern‐Kind‐Nähe im Vergleich zu denen, die ein hohes Stressniveau und geringe soziale Unterstützung berichteten. Die Ergebnisse unterstreichen die Bedeutung sozialer Unterstützung für den Schutz der Eltern‐Kind‐Beziehung, insbesondere in Zeiten hohen Stresses, wie z. B. während der COVID‐19‐Pandemie.
    流行期における親子間の親密さの認知に対する妊娠ストレスの影響の社会的支援による緩衝 COVID‐19の流行中、妊娠中の個人と親は、精神衛生上の問題とストレスの高まりを経験している。妊娠中のストレスは胎児に有害であり、親子関係にも悪影響を及ぼす可能性がある。しかし、社会的支援は保護因子として作用し、ストレスの悪影響を緩衝することが知られている。今回の縦断研究では、1)COVID‐19中の出生前ストレスが産後6ヵ月の母子密着度と関連するかどうか、2)社会的支援が出生前ストレスの母子関係への影響を緩和するかどうかを検討した。合計181名の参加者が、妊娠中と産後6ヶ月の時点でアンケートに回答した。社会的支援が妊娠中のストレスが産後6ヶ月の親子関係に及ぼす影響を緩和するかどうかを評価するために、階層的線形回帰分析を行った。その結果、出生前ストレスと社会的支援との間に、産後6ヵ月における両親の乳児との親密さの認識に対する有意な相互作用が示された(β = 0.805、p = 0.029);出生前ストレスが高く社会的支援が高いと報告された両親は、ストレスが高く社会的支援が低いと報告された両親に比べ、乳児との親密さが高いと報告された。特にCOVID‐19パンデミックのような高ストレス時には、親子関係を保護する社会的支援の重要性が強調された。.
    在COVID‐19期间, 孕妇和父母会面临严重的心理健康问题和压力。 孕期压力可能对胎儿有害, 也不利于亲子关系。然而, 社会支持被认为是一种保护因素, 可以缓解压力带来的负面影响。这项纵向研究旨在探究以下两个问题:1)COVID‐19期间孕期压力是否与产后六个月母婴亲密程度存在关联, 2)社会支持是否调节了孕期压力对母婴关系的影响。总共有181名参与者完成了孕期和产后六个月的问卷调查。我们进行了分层线性回归分析, 以评估社会支持是否调节了孕期压力对产后六个月亲子亲密程度的影响。结果显示, 孕期压力和社会支持之间存在显著交互作用, 对父母在孩子六个月时感受到的亲密程度产生影响(β = .805, p = .029);与经历高压力但社会支持较低的父母相比, 经历高压力且拥有高社会支持的父母报告了更高的亲子亲密程度。研究结果强调了社会支持在保护亲子关系方面的重要性, 特别是在高压时期, 例如在COVID‐19大流行期间。.
    دور الدعم الاجتماعي الوقائي في تخفيف أثر ضغوط الحمل على تصورات التقارب بين الوالدين والرضيع أثناء جائحة كوفيد‐19 يعاني الحوامل والآباء من مشاكل صحية نفسية مرتفعة وضغط نفسي خلال فترة انتشار فيروس كورونا. ويمكن أن يكون الإجهاد أثناء الحمل ضاراً بالجنين ويضر بالعلاقة بين الوالدين والطفل. ومع ذلك، من المعروف أن الدعم الاجتماعي يعمل كعامل وقائي، حيث يحمي من الآثار الضارة للتوتر. تناولت الدراسة الطولية الحالية ما إذا كان 1) الإجهاد العصبي والتوتر قبل الولادة أثناء كوفيد‐19 مرتبطاً بالتقارب بين الأم والرضيع بعد ستة أشهر من الولادة، و2) الدعم الاجتماعي يخفف من تأثير الإجهاد العصبي قبل الولادة على العلاقة بين الأم والرضيع. أكملت 181 مشاركة الاستبيانات أثناء الحمل وبعد ستة أشهر من الولادة. وتم إجراء تحليل الانحدار الخطي الهرمي لتقييم ما إذا كان الدعم الاجتماعي يخفف من تأثير الإجهاد أثناء الحمل على التقارب بين الوالدين والرضيع بعد ستة أشهر من الولادة. أشارت النتائج إلى وجود تفاعل كبير بين الإجهاد السابق للولادة والدعم الاجتماعي على تصورات الوالدين حول التقارب مع أطفالهم الرضع بعد ستة أشهر من الولادة p = .029)(β = .805, ؛ وأفاد الآباء الذين عانوا من ضغوط عالية قبل الولادة مع دعم اجتماعي مرتفع عن تقارب أكبر بين الوالدين والرضيع، مقارنة بأولئك الذين أبلغوا عن مستويات عالية من التوتر وانخفاض الدعم الاجتماعي. تؤكد النتائج على أهمية الدعم الاجتماعي في حماية العلاقة بين الوالدين والرضيع، خاصة في أوقات التوتر الشديد، مثل جائحة كوفيد‐19.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Experience of childhood adversity is associated with greater anger as an adult, particularly in men. Soldiers and veterans report higher incidence of adverse childhood experiences, many of whom also experience elevated rates of PTSD and anger. However, little is known about factors which may protect against the development of anger after experiencing childhood adversity.Objective: This study aims to assess the potential protective aspects of perceived social support in military veterans.Methods: Data from the Northern Ireland Veterans\' Health and Wellbeing Study (N = 590, Mage = 56) was utilised in regression models to examine perceived social support (family, friend, partner; MSPSS) as a moderator of the association between adverse childhood experiences (ACEQ-10) and anger (DAR-7). This sample comprised men who were UK Armed Forces veterans residing in Northern Ireland.Results: Significant interaction effects, visualised using interaction plots, were found between perceived friend support and both child abuse and household challenge. When men perceived high friend support, there was no association between child abuse or household challenge and anger. For veteran men who perceived the maximum amount of partner support, there was no association between child abuse and anger. Family support did not change the positive association between child abuse, child neglect or household challenge and future anger.Conclusions: This study indicates that it is especially important to foster supportive and empathetic friendships for men that have experienced adversity as a child, perhaps through programmes such as Men\'s Sheds, as these friendships may alleviate the negative influences of child abuse and household challenge on anger.
    Perceived friend and partner support were protective factors against the development of anger for veterans that experienced child abuse or household challenge.Child neglect had the strongest association with adult anger, unchanged by any type of perceived support.Programmes which foster friendships may be particularly beneficial for veterans transitioning out of the military.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Although child maltreatment (CM) has been linked to health problems and poor psychosocial functioning, not all individuals exposed to CM develop or experience negative consequences later in life. This suggests that some individuals show resilience after being exposed to CM. However, conclusions have been limited by inconsistent findings across different CM subtypes and resilience domains.Objective: To develop a protocol for conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis to quantify associations between CM (overall and its subtypes) and resilience (global and its multiple domains) in adulthood, and to examine moderators and mediators of these associations.Method: PubMed, PsycINFO, Embase, Scopus, and Web of Science will be searched to identify relevant studies on the association between CM (exposure) and resilience (outcome) in adults (≥ 18 years). Data will be screened and extracted by at least two independent reviewers. The methodological quality of the included studies will be independently assessed with a modified version of the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS). If deemed viable, a meta-analysis will be conducted using a random effects model. Heterogeneity of evidence will be estimated with the I2 statistic, and publication bias will be assessed. The effects of potential moderators (e.g. timing and severity of CM, age, sex, family cohesion, socio-economic status, country/region) will be analysed using meta-regression and subgroup analyses, and meta-analytical structural equation modelling will be employed to synthesise indirect mediation effects. Candidate moderators and mediators (e.g. genetic factors, brain functioning, attachment style, personality traits, physical activity, and social support) will be also examined qualitatively.Conclusions: This protocol will facilitate a systematic review and meta-analysis that has the potential to enhance our knowledge about the association between CM exposure in early life and resilience in adulthood. Understanding associations and underlying mechanisms between CM and resilience is potentially important in informing prevention and interventions to sustain health and improve outcomes among adults with a history of CM.PROSPERO registration: CRD42023394120.
    In this study protocol, we propose to quantitatively summarise the existing literature on the relationship between child maltreatment and resilience with regard to mental health consequences and psychosocial functioning later in life.This preregistered systematic review and meta-analysis will establish the procedures to investigate associations between an overall classification of child maltreatment and its different associated subtypes, and a global/trait classification of resilience and its different domains in adults.This protocol will further determine the analytical approach to explore and summarise effect moderators and mediators of the association between child maltreatment and resilience in adulthood.The resulting synthesis, that will be based on this protocol, could enhance our understanding of the strength of the association between child maltreatment and resilience and inform prevention strategies and clinical interventions to improve health and psychosocial functioning in adult survivors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Social support is an important feature in understanding posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its treatment. Non-clinical research has identified distinct profiles of culturally appropriate social support. Despite this, little research has examined cultural influences on social support in the context of PTSD.Objective: This study examined cultural differences in the associations between social support and symptoms of PTSD.Method: The study employed a cross-sectional design. Australian (n = 91) and Malaysian (n = 91) trauma survivors completed an online survey assessing PTSD symptomatology and social support (explicit and implicit social support, perceived helpfulness of support provider, attitudes towards professional help-seeking). A quasi-experimental paradigm assessed the influence of mutual (i.e. the sharing of support between relationship partners) and non-mutual support (i.e. where one person constantly receives support, while the other person constantly provides support) on negative emotion and subjective distress.Results: First, explicit social support was negatively associated with PTSD symptoms for the Australian group but not the Malaysian group. Second, perceived helpfulness of support from family was negatively associated with PTSD symptoms for the Malaysian group but not the Australian group. Third, the Malaysian group reported significantly greater distress for non-mutual support and significantly fewer negative emotions and distress for mutual support than the Australian group. Fourth, the Malaysian group reported that they were significantly more open to acknowledging psychological problems and the possibility of seeking professional help for these problems than the Australian group.Conclusions: As the PTSD social support literature continues to evolve, it is essential that cultural influences are considered given the important theoretical and clinical implications.
    Social support is an important feature in understanding posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). While non-clinical research has identified distinct profiles of culturally appropriate social support, little research has examined cultural influences on social support in the context of posttraumatic stress disorder.Disclosing the trauma to others and explicating requesting assistance was negatively associated with PTSD symptoms for the Australian group but not the Malaysian group. Support from family was negatively associated with PTSD symptoms for the Malaysian group but not the Australian group. The Malaysian group reported significantly greater distress for non-mutual support and significantly less negative affect and distress for mutual support than the Australian group.As the psychotraumatology literature continues to evolve, it is essential that cultural influences on social support are considered given the important theoretical and clinical implications.





