anticoagulant oral direct

  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) are tending to supplant antivitamin K inhibitors (VKAs) in their common indications, dominated in elderly patients by atrial fibrillation and venous thromboembolism. Nevertheless, it remains necessary to know how best to use VKAs for which there are still indications. It is also important not to assume that AODs can be prescribed without risk, while ignoring certain particularities in their handling, particularly in the most fragile patients with co-morbidities and multiple medications.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) are recommended as first-line therapy for treatment and prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) and prevention of stroke related to nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Recent publications have suggested incorporating DOAC monitoring into anticoagulant management clinics. The Eastern Health Adult Outpatient Thrombosis Service (Newfoundland and Labrador) includes a pharmacist-led DOAC monitoring clinic that uses standardized evidence-based care processes.
    UNASSIGNED: To describe a new pharmacist-led DOAC monitoring clinic and to assess patients\' adherence to medication therapy, adherence to guideline-recommended frequencies for blood work, and adverse and non-adverse events.
    UNASSIGNED: This retrospective chart review involved patients who attended their first visit to the DOAC clinic between October 10, 2017, and May 31, 2018. Patients were followed until November 30, 2018. Data were abstracted from electronic hospital records and the provincial pharmacy network. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data: categorical variables were presented as frequencies and percentages; continuous variables were analyzed and presented as means with standard deviations and, where applicable, as medians with interquartile ranges.
    UNASSIGNED: Forty-seven patients, who attended a total of 74 clinic visits, were included. Twenty-eight patients (60%) were adherent to their DOAC therapy. All patients had blood work completed before each clinic appointment. The mean time between the first and second sets of blood tests was 6.2 (standard deviation [SD] 1.4) months and between the second and third sets of blood tests was 5.1 (SD 1.0) months. There were no episodes of VTE or major bleeding. There was 1 cerebrovascular accident (3.2 events per 100 person-years, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.2-15.7) and 5 episodes of clinically relevant non-major bleeding (12.8 events per 100 person-years, 95% CI 4.1-30.1). Pharmacists identified 51 issues at the clinic appointments, of which 48 were medication-related. Referral to the Thrombosis Service physician was required to resolve 8 (16%) of the issues identified. A brief discussion between the Thrombosis Service physician and pharmacist was required to resolve 30 (59%) of the issues, with 13 (25%) resolved by the pharmacist alone.
    UNASSIGNED: This study described the implementation and outcomes of a novel pharmacist-led DOAC clinic. Clinic patients underwent blood work at recommended intervals and received guidance on adherence and adverse events; as such, patients had follow-up that aligned with guideline recommendations.
    UNASSIGNED: Les anticoagulants oraux directs (AOD) sont recommandés comme thérapie de première ligne pour le traitement et la prévention de la thromboembolie veineuse (TEV) et la prévention des AVC liés à la fibrillation auriculaire non valvulaire. Des publications récentes ont proposé d’incorporer le contrôle des AOD dans les cliniques des anticoagulants. L’Eastern Health Adult Outpatient Thrombosis Service (St John’s, Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador) comprend une clinique de surveillance des AOD, dirigée par des pharmaciens qui utilisent des processus de soins standardisés basés sur des éléments de preuve.
    UNASSIGNED: Décrire une nouvelle clinique de surveillance des AOD dirigée par des pharmaciens et évaluer l’adhésion des patients à la pharmacothérapie, le respect de la fréquence des analyses sanguines recommandées dans les lignes directrices ainsi que les effets indésirables et ceux qui ne le sont pas.
    UNASSIGNED: Cet examen rétrospectif des dossiers impliquait des patients ayant effectué leur première visite à la clinique AOD entre le 10 octobre 2017 et le 31 mai 2018. Les patients étaient suivis jusqu’au 30 novembre 2018. Les données analysées provenaient de dossiers d’hospitalisation électroniques et du réseau des pharmacies provinciales. Des statistiques descriptives ont servi à analyser les données : les variables catégorielles ont été présentées sous forme de fréquences et de pourcentages; les variables continues ont été analysées et présentées sous forme de moyennes avec les écarts-types et, le cas échéant, sous forme de moyennes avec les écarts interquartiles.
    UNASSIGNED: Quarante-sept patients, ayant effectué 74 visites en clinique, ont participé à l’étude. Vingt-huit patients (60 %) se conformaient à leur thérapie AOD. Les analyses sanguines de tous les patients ont été effectuées avant chaque rendez-vous en clinique. Le temps moyen entre le premier et le deuxième ensemble de tests sanguins était de 6,2 mois (écart-type standard [ET] 1,4), et de 5,1 mois (ET 1) entre le deuxième et le troisième. Aucun épisode de TEV ou d’hémorragie importante n’a eu lieu. Il y a eu un accident cérébrovasculaire (3,2 événements par 100 années-personnes; intervalle de confiance [IC] à 95 % 0,2–15,7) et 5 épisodes de saignements non majeurs et cliniquement pertinents (12,8 événements par 100 années-personnes, IC 95 % 4,1–30,1). Les pharmaciens ont décelé 51 problèmes lors des rendez-vous en clinique; parmi ceux-ci, 48 étaient liés aux médicaments. Il a fallu faire appel au médecin du service des thromboses pour résoudre 8 (16 %) problèmes. Une brève discussion entre ce médecin et le pharmacien a été nécessaire pour résoudre 30 (59 %) problèmes et 13 (25 %) ont été réglés uniquement par le pharmacien.
    UNASSIGNED: Cette étude décrivait la mise en place et les résultats d’une nouvelle clinique AOD dirigée par les pharmaciens. Les patients de la clinique ont subi une analyse sanguine aux intervalles recommandés et ont reçu des conseils sur l’adhésion et les effets indésirables; les patients ont donc bénéficié d’un suivi conforme aux lignes directrices.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    The Multimorbid Patient: Use of New Oral Anticoagulants in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Abstract. Increasing life expectancy in Western countries is associated with a high prevalence of multiple chronic diseases which is defined by the term \"multimorbidity\". Many of these patients suffer from chronic kidney disease (CKD) and thrombogenic comorbidities such as atrial fibrillation with the need for oral anticoagulation. For decades vitamin K antagonists have been exclusively prescribed for oral anticoagulation. However, due to altered pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of these drugs in CKD, a significant risk of bleeding exists. The introduction of direct oral anticoagulants as a new and promising alternative to vitamin K antagonists was -especially for CKD patients - highly anticipated. However, data from randomized studies are missing for older patients with advanced CKD. Consequently, a careful evaluation of the risk-benefit ratio is recommended for this sensitive patient population.
    Zusammenfassung. Die zunehmende Lebenserwartung in den westlichen Ländern führt zu einer gleichzeitigen Zunahme chronischer Krankheiten, was mit «Multimorbidität» bezeichnet wird. Viele dieser Patienten leiden an chronischer Niereninsuffizienz (CKD) sowie thrombogenen Komorbiditäten wie z.B. Vorhofflimmern, weshalb eine orale Antikoagulation indiziert ist. Für lange Zeit standen lediglich die Vitamin-K-Antagonisten zur Verfügung. Aufgrund der unter anderem veränderten Pharmakokinetik sowie Bioverfügbarkeit dieser Medikamente bei CKD besteht jedoch gleichzeitig ein deutlich erhöhtes Blutungsrisiko. Die Einführung der direkten oralen Antikoagulanzien als neue und vielversprechende Alternative zu Vitamin-K-Antagonisten wurde daher insbesondere für die Population der CKD-Patienten mit grosser Spannung erwartet. Aufgrund der noch nicht ausreichenden Datenlage insbesondere bei älteren Patienten mit fortgeschrittener Niereninsuffizienz sollte das Risiko-Nutzen-Verhältnis vor Therapiebeginn sorgfältig evaluiert werden.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2008, we decided to enter the era of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACS). Was that the right decision to make? The answer will depend on how well we meet the conditions of proper use. This means avoiding underdosing and overdosing as well as understanding how DOACS were validated so that our prescriptions fulfill their role in the management of thrombotic disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Patient\'s knowledge about their treatment is poor, generally speaking. New oral anticoagulants are easier to use compared to antivitamin K, and they are going to increase. This simplification can underestimate their high potential risk. We have assessed patient\'s knowledge about their direct oral anticoagulants.
    METHODS: It was a quantitative, observational, multicentric, prospective study, on 50 patients on Direct Oral Anticoagulants. They have been included from November 2015 to February 2017, in Île-de-France. They were needed to be aged more than 18years old, whatever was: the reason of this treatment, the beginning of it, the molecule, the existence or not of antivitamin K before. Their knowledge was assessed by a survey, realised by a unique investigator. The primary outcome was to reach more than 80% good answers to the survey. Secondary outcomes were to identify factors than can influence knowledge.
    RESULTS: Among fifty patients, nine (18%) reached a goal over or equal to 80%. They knew the name of their medicament in 58% of cases, and the indication in 72% of cases. They could identify hemorragic signs in more than 70% of cases. In case of hemorragic sign, 94% of them were going to see a doctor. Thrombosis signs were less knew. None of the factors, excepted their profession, was different in the two populations (P=0,01).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study showed the few rate of patient knowing their oral anticoagulants treatment perfectly, and their need to improve it. It could make professional healthcare aware to this problematic.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Vitamin K antagonists (VKA) and direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) are now in competition. The companies are trying to replace VKA by DOACs, totally or at least greatly VKA should VKA disappear in favor of DOACs? There are still many questions about DOACs. The purpose of this article is to make a well-considered decision in this area. The aim is not to denigrate one or the other but to share things between these two families of anticoagulants. Physicians using these drugs must have a full knowledge about compared efficacy and safety. We feel necessary to increase distance between effective results of the clinical trials and industrial communication around DOACs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) are recommended for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation and for the treatment of venous thromboembolism. However, they are associated with hemorrhagic complications. Management of DOAC-induced bleeding remains challenging. Activated or non-activated prothrombin concentrates are proposed, although their efficacy to reverse DOAC is uncertain. Therapeutic options also include antidotes: idarucizumab, antidote for dabigatran, has been approved for use whereas andexanet alpha, antidote for anti-Xa agents, and aripazine, antidote for all DOAC, are under development. Other options include hemodialysis for the treatment of dabigatran-associated bleeding and administration of oral charcoal if recent DOAC ingestion. DOAC plasma concentration measurement is necessary to guide DOAC reversal. We propose an update on DOAC-associated bleeding, integrating the availability of dabigatran antidote and the critical place of DOAC concentration measurements.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Direct oral anticoagulants are a recent alternative to vitamin K antagonists but there is a lack of data regarding patients receiving these new types of treatment. The aim of the study was to identify and describe patients receiving direct oral anticoagulants admitted to an emergency unit.
    METHODS: All the patients taking direct oral anticoagulants, admitted to the emergency room of the Clermont-Ferrand Hospital from January to August 2013, were included in this retrospective and descriptive study.
    RESULTS: Among the 73 patients included, 47.9% were treated with dabigatran and 52.1% with rivaroxaban. The indication was stroke prevention in 62 patients with atrial fibrillation whose average CHADS2 score was 2.6 [2.3-3](IC95%). The average age was 76.4 years [73.7-79.1](IC95%). Twenty-nine patients (39.7%) had at least one drug association known for increasing the risk of bleeding. Average scores for bleeding risk were: HAS-BLED 3.1 [2.9-3.3](IC95%) and Beyth 1.5 [1.3-1.6](IC95%). Bleeding patients included a higher percentage of men (68.8 vs. 38.2%, P=0.032). Creatinine clearance was lower in patients with major bleeding (45.2% vs. 68.8 mL/min, P=0.002). The Beyth score was highest in both sub-groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: In our study, we have found that the bleeding risk factors were: male gender, a high Beyth score, and a lowered creatinine clearance. Overall, patients treated with direct oral anticoagulants admitted to the emergency room were old with many co-morbidities, especially cardiovascular conditions; polymedication was frequent.





