animal behavior

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Access to independent research experiences is a persistent barrier that stifles the recruitment and retention of students from diverse backgrounds in ecology, evolution, and behavioral biology. The benefits of field experiences are not equitably available to historically excluded and minoritized students. In this article, we summarize evidence that indicates course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) provide a solution to ensure equitable access to independent research experiences in the life sciences. We draw from our own experiences of teaching CUREs in ecology, evolution, and behavioral biology and provide the complete curriculum for our effective and largely materials-free CURE in behavioral ecology (CURE-BxEco). We advocate for greater access to and synthesize the benefits of CUREs to promote inclusivity in education. The proliferation of such innovative pedagogical practices benefits science because these classroom methods are critical in recruiting and retaining historically excluded and minoritized students, who offer diverse perspectives in research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dispersal is an important life history trait that plays a crucial role in avoiding inbreeding. Uncovering the dispersal pattern of a threatened species facilitates conservation efforts. Most species of Galliformes are forest-dwelling terrestrial birds with a weak dispersal ability and high conservation priorities. However, little is known about the dispersal behavior and dispersal pattern of Galliformes species such as Reeves\'s pheasant Syrmaticus reevesii, a globally vulnerable species endemic to China. Here, we integrated behavioral and genetic analyses to investigate the dispersal pattern of Reeves\'s pheasant. Our results revealed that both females and males would disperse, although the overall dispersal pattern was more likely to be male-biased. Reeves\'s pheasant population had a low level of genetic diversity and a mild level of inbreeding. Speculation low genetic diversity was resulted from fragmented habitat, and male-biased dispersal may reduce the opportunity of inbreeding. Our research indicated that sex-biased dispersal patterns may be a behavioral mechanism adopted by wildlife to avoid inbreeding in a fragmented habitat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Absence of statistical significance (i.e., p > 0.05) in the results of a frequentist test comparing two samples is often used as evidence of absence of difference, or absence of effect of a treatment, on the measured variable. Such conclusions are often wrong because absence of significance may merely result from a sample size that is too small to reveal an effect. To conclude that there is no meaningful effect of a treatment/condition, it is necessary to use an appropriate statistical approach. For frequentist statistics, a simple tool for this goal is the \'two one-sided t-test,\' a form of equivalence test that relies on the a priori definition of a minimal difference considered to be relevant. In other words, the smallest effect size of interest should be established in advance. We present the principles of this test and give examples where it allows correct interpretation of the results of a classical t-test assuming absence of difference. Equivalence tests are also very useful in probing whether certain significant results are also biologically meaningful, because when comparing large samples it is possible to find significant results in both an equivalence test and in a two-sample t-test, assuming no difference as the null hypothesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal behavior emerges from collective dynamics of neurons, making it vulnerable to damage. Paradoxically, many organisms exhibit a remarkable ability to maintain significant behavior even after large-scale neural injury. Molecular underpinnings of this extreme robustness remain largely unknown. Here, we develop a quantitative pipeline to measure long-lasting latent states in planarian flatworm behaviors during whole-brain regeneration. By combining >20,000 animal trials with neural network modeling, we show that long-range volumetric peptidergic signals allow the planarian to rapidly restore coarse behavior output after large perturbations to the nervous system, while slow restoration of small-molecule neuromodulator functions refines precision. This relies on the different time and length scales of neuropeptide and small-molecule transmission to generate incoherent patterns of neural activity that competitively regulate behavior. Controlling behavior through opposing communication mechanisms creates a more robust system than either alone and may serve as a generalizable approach for constructing robust neural networks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Indirect methods of measuring the energy expenditure of grazing animals using heartbeat variation or accelerometers are very convenient due to their low cost and low intrusiveness, allowing animals to maintain their usual routine. In the case of accelerometers, it is possible to use them to measure activity, as well as to classify animal behavior, allowing their usage in other scenarios. Despite the obvious convenience of use, it is important to evaluate the measurement error and understand the validity of the measurement through a simplistic method. In this paper, data from accelerometers were used to classify behavior and measure animal activity, and an algorithm was developed to calculate the energy expended by sheep. The results of the energy expenditure calculations were subsequently compared with the values reported in the literature, and it was verified that the values obtained were within the reference ranges. Although it cannot be used as a real metering of energy expended, the method is promising, as it can be integrated with other complementary sources of information, such as the evolution of the animal\'s weight and ingestion time, thus providing assistance in animals\' dietary management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    All intelligent organisms presumably originally have a number of inherited behavior patterns (IBPs) that are not fine-tuned for conditions prevailing in civilized communities. Indeed, some IBPs may be highly incompatible with such conditions and have high potential to induce self-destruction. These patterns may include responses of social organisms seeking power over conspecifics in relation to harvesting and consuming energy. It is possible that all emerging civilizations could face problems associated with incompatible IBPs, which may partially explain why civilizations are apparently rare (since we have not detected any others in our galaxy).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How do we capture the breadth of behavior in animal movement, from rapid body twitches to aging? Using high-resolution videos of the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans, we show that a single dynamics connects posture-scale fluctuations with trajectory diffusion and longer-lived behavioral states. We take short posture sequences as an instantaneous behavioral measure, fixing the sequence length for maximal prediction. Within the space of posture sequences, we construct a fine-scale, maximum entropy partition so that transitions among microstates define a high-fidelity Markov model, which we also use as a means of principled coarse-graining. We translate these dynamics into movement using resistive force theory, capturing the statistical properties of foraging trajectories. Predictive across scales, we leverage the longest-lived eigenvectors of the inferred Markov chain to perform a top-down subdivision of the worm\'s foraging behavior, revealing both \"runs-and-pirouettes\" as well as previously uncharacterized finer-scale behaviors. We use our model to investigate the relevance of these fine-scale behaviors for foraging success, recovering a trade-off between local and global search strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interest in tracking and monitoring animals in livestock farming using wearable sensors has been steadily increasing. The use of these devices is particularly crucial in extensive livestock systems where direct interaction between animals and farmers is infrequent, necessitating strenuous efforts in long-distance herd monitoring. Internet of Things (IoT) technologies offer a promising solution to address the challenges posed by vast distances, enabling real-time and remote animal monitoring. In this study, an experimental trial was conducted using a custom-designed device, located in a Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) case, specifically tailored to fit onto a collar. This case incorporates an integrated SigFox communication system, i.e., a Low Power Global Positioning System (LP-GPS) omnidirectional system, and a power supply. The trial took place in two grazing areas located in different territorial zones, designated as Case Study I and II. A LP-GPS collar was provided for each selected animal, and the data were recorded at 20-min intervals for Case Study I and 10-min intervals for Case Study II. The acquired data were then imported and analysed using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) software. Information was collected through a purpose-built web application (AppWeb). The objective was to analyze those territorial areas mostly occupied by animals within the two considered grazing areas by developing a GIS-based methodology. Specifically, customized algorithms such as Heatmap and Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) plugins were employed to conduct spatial analyses. The maps obtained through Heatmap plugin, showed the temporal-spatial distribution of animals within their grazing areas. Additionally, the KDE tool was used to classify preferred territorial areas, generating tailored charts for each animal in the sample. The individual Core Areas, determined through KDE evaluation for each animal, were overlaid to provide a comprehensive analysis of the monitored animals.The results achieved applying the GIS-based methodology facilitated the identification of animal positions and could be adopted to provide insights into feeding behavior and soil erosion, thereby aiding in the prevention of environmental issues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alterations in steroid hormone regulation have been implicated in the etiology and progression of autism spectrum disorders (ASD), with the enzyme cytochrome P450 family 11 subfamily A member 1 (CYP11A1)-a key catalyst in cholesterol side-chain cleavage, prominently expressed in the adrenal glands, ovaries, testes, and placenta-standing at the forefront of these investigations. The potential link between aberrations in placental Cyp11a1 expression and the resultant neurodevelopmental disorders, along with the mechanisms underpinning such associations, remains inadequately delineated. In this study, we employed a placental trophoblast-specific Cyp11a1 Hipp11 (H11) knock-in murine model to dissect the phenotypic manifestations within the placenta and progeny, thereby elucidating the underlying mechanistic pathways. Behavioral analyses revealed a diminution in social interaction capabilities alongside an augmented anxiety phenotype, as evidenced by open field and elevated plus maze assessments; both phenotypes were ameliorated after vitamin D3 supplementation. Electrophysiological assays underscored the augmented inhibition of paired-pulse facilitation, indicating impaired neuroplasticity in Cyp11a1 H11-modified mice. An elevation in progesterone concentrations was noted, alongside a significant upregulation of Th1-related cytokines (IL-6 and TNFα) across the plasma, placental, and frontal cortex-a pathological state mitigable through vitamin D3 intervention. Western blotting revealed a vitamin D-mediated rectification of vitamin D receptor and PGC-1α expression dysregulations. Immunofluorescence assays revealed microglial activation in the knock-in model, which was reversible upon vitamin D3 treatment. In conclusion, Cyp11a1 overexpression in the placenta recapitulated an autism-like phenotype in murine models, and vitamin D3 administration effectively ameliorated the resultant neurobehavioral and neuroinflammatory derangements. This study substantiates the application of Cyp11a1 as a biomarker in prenatal diagnostics and posits that prenatal vitamin D3 supplementation is a viable prophylactic measure against perturbations in steroid hormone metabolism associated with ASD pathogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Behavior analysis is a widely used non-invasive tool in the practical production routine, as the animal acts as a biosensor capable of reflecting its degree of adaptation and discomfort to some environmental challenge. Conventional statistics use occurrence data for behavioral evaluation and well-being estimation, disregarding the temporal sequence of events. The Generalized Sequential Pattern (GSP) algorithm is a data mining method that identifies recurrent sequences that exceed a user-specified support threshold, the potential of which has not yet been investigated for broiler chickens in enriched environments. Enrichment aims to increase environmental complexity with promising effects on animal welfare, stimulating priority behaviors and potentially reducing the deleterious effects of heat stress. The objective here was to validate the application of the GSP algorithm to identify temporal correlations between heat stress and the behavior of broiler chickens in enriched environments through a proof of concept. Video image collection was carried out automatically for 48 continuous hours, analyzing a continuous period of seven hours, from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM, during two consecutive days of tests for chickens housed in enriched and non-enriched environments under comfort and stress temperatures. Chickens at the comfort temperature showed high motivation to perform the behaviors of preening (P), foraging (F), lying down (Ld), eating (E), and walking (W); the sequences <{Ld,P}>; <{Ld,F}>; <{P,F,P}>; <{Ld,P,F}>; and <{E,W,F}> were the only ones observed in both treatments. All other sequential patterns (comfort and stress) were distinct, suggesting that environmental enrichment alters the behavioral pattern of broiler chickens. Heat stress drastically reduced the sequential patterns found at the 20% threshold level in the tested environments. The behavior of lying laterally \"Ll\" is a strong indicator of heat stress in broilers and was only frequent in the non-enriched environment, which may suggest that environmental enrichment provides the animal with better opportunities to adapt to stress-inducing challenges, such as heat.





