ancient wheat

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wheat allergy is a major type of food allergy with the potential for life-threatening anaphylactic reactions. Common wheat, Triticum aestivum (hexaploid, AABBDD genome), was developed using tetraploid wheat (AABB genome) and the ancient diploid wheat progenitor (DD genome)-Aegilops tauschii. The potential allergenicity of gluten from ancient diploid wheat is unknown. In this study, using a novel adjuvant-free gluten allergy mouse model, we tested the hypothesis that the glutenin extract from this ancient wheat progenitor will be intrinsically allergenic in this model. The ancient wheat was grown, and wheat berries were used to extract the glutenin for testing. A plant protein-free colony of Balb/c mice was established and used in this study. The intrinsic allergic sensitization potential of the glutenin was determined by measuring IgE response upon transdermal exposure without the use of an adjuvant. Clinical sensitization for eliciting systemic anaphylaxis (SA) was determined by quantifying the hypothermic shock response (HSR) and the mucosal mast cell response (MMCR) upon intraperitoneal injection. Glutenin extract elicited a robust and specific IgE response. Life-threatening SA associated and a significant MMCR were induced by the glutenin challenge. Furthermore, proteomic analysis of the spleen tissue revealed evidence of in vivo Th2 pathway activation. In addition, using a recently published fold-change analysis method, several immune markers positively and negatively associated with SA were identified. These results demonstrate for the first time that the glutenin from the ancient wheat progenitor is intrinsically allergenic, as it has the capacity to elicit clinical sensitization for anaphylaxis via activation of the Th2 pathway in vivo in mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spelt wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ssp. spelta Thell.) is an ancient wheat that has been widely cultivated for hundreds of years. Recently, this species has been neglected in most of Europe; however, the desire for more natural and traditional foods has driven a revival of the crop. In the current study, eighty-eight traditional spelt genotypes from Spain, together with nine common wheat cultivars and one modern spelt (cv. Anna Maria) were grown during a period of two years in Andalucia (southern Spain). In each, several traits were measured in to evaluate their milling, processing, and end-use quality (bread-making). The comparison between species suggested that, in general, spelt and common wheat showed differences for most of the measured traits; on average, spelt genotypes had softer grains, higher protein content (14.3 vs. 11.9%) and gluten extensibility (alveograph P/L 0.5 vs. 1.8), and lower gluten strength (alveograph W 187 vs. 438 × 10-4 J). In the baking test, both species showed similar values. Nevertheless, the analysis of this set of spelt genotypes showed a wide range for all measured traits, with higher values than common wheat in some spelt genotypes for some traits. This opens up the possibility of using these materials in future breeding programs, to develop either new spelt or common wheat cultivars.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this review is to provide a critical evaluation of the nutritional and sensory properties of ancient wheats (spelt, emmer, einkorn, and kamut) and the methods used to analyze them. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the main analytical methods applied to study the nutritional properties of ancient wheats. According to our findings, protein content was the most commonly studied macronutrient across all types of ancient wheat species. The article notes that einkorn bran showed the highest protein and ash content, which reveals the potential of ancient wheats to be more widely used in food products. Regarding the majority of amino acids in spelt wheat cultivars, the general trend in the data was rather consistent. This review also compares sensory evaluation methods for different wheat products made from ancient wheats, such as bread, pasta, cooked grains, porridge, snacks, and muffins. The various reported methods and panel sizes used prove that ancient wheat products have many potential sensory advantages. Overall, using ancient wheats in wheat products can enhance the nutritional benefits, increase diversity in the food systems, and may be more appealing to consumers looking for something different, thereby contributing to the development of more sustainable and locally based food systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to improve the nutritional value and functional properties of noodles with the utilization of different primitive wheat and also whole egg. For this purpose, flours of two different primitive wheat (Triticum monococcum and Triticum dicoccum) were used in noodle formulation replaced with wheat flour at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% ratio. Physical, chemical, textural, and functional properties of noodles were investigated. Noodle production was carried out with and without whole egg, and the effect of egg on noodle properties was also investigated. Noodle containing Triticum dicoccum showed higher levels of protein, fat, antioxidant activity, and total phenolic content compared to Triticum monococcum-containing samples. Whole egg usage significantly (p < 0.05) affected the ash, fat, protein content, antioxidant activity, total yellow pigment, color value (L*, a* and b*), and cooking properties of noodle samples. The increased ratio of primitive wheat flour significantly improved the overall measured chemical properties of the noodles. Sensory analysis showed that primitive wheat had closer sensory scores to each other, and their usage above 50% affected sensory parameters negatively, on the other hand, the use of egg in noodle formulation had a positive effect on all parameters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to determine the impact of ancient wheat varieties (emmer, spelt and khorasan) and spontaneous sourdough fermentation on the bioaccessibility of total phenolic content (TPC) and the DPPH antioxidant capacity evolution during breadmaking and in vitro digestion. Sourdough and yeast-fermented modern wheat breads were used as controls. After 6 h of fermentation, the total titrable acidity of the sourdough increased from 139 to 167%. The wheat variety, type of fermentation and processing affected TPC, antioxidant activity and bioaccessibility. Antioxidant activity and TPC were reduced by dough mixing, increased after sourdough fermentation and slightly decreased or remained the same after baking. Although wheat flour had the highest TPC, the modeling of TPC kinetic revealed that emmer and spelt sourdough exhibited a higher bound phenolics release rate due to the higher acidity, which contributed to increased phenolics solubility. Although wheat bread, both before and after digestion, had the lowest TPC, especially the one prepared with yeast, high TPC bioaccessibilities and antioxidant activities after the digestion suggested that, except phenolics, digestion process improved the release of additional compounds with different bioaccessibility and biological activity. The results of this study proved that the application of sourdough fermentation can increase the potential of ancient wheats in the developing of functional bakery products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wheat amylase-trypsin inhibitors (ATIs) are a family of plant defense proteins with an important role in human health for their involvement in allergies, celiac disease and non-celiac wheat sensitivity. Information about the differences in ATI activities among wheat genotypes and the influence of the growing environment is scarce. Therefore, ten selected wheat accessions with different ploidy level and year of release, previously characterized for their ATI gene sequences, were grown during three consecutive crop years at two growing areas and used for in vitro ATI activities. The contributions of the genotype and the crop year were significant for both activities. The hexaploid wheat genotypes showed the highest inhibitory activities. Einkorn had a peculiar behavior showing the lowest alpha-amylase inhibitory activity, but the highest trypsin inhibitory activity. It was not possible to observe any trend in ATI activities as a function of the release year of the wheat samples. The two inhibitory activities were differently affected by the growing conditions and were negatively correlated with the protein content. This information can be important in understanding the extent of variation of ATI inhibitory properties in relation to the wheat genotype and the growing environment and the impact of ATIs, if any, on human health and nutrition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to test the suitability of three different ancient wheat varieties (emmer, spelt and khorasan) to produce spontaneously fermented sourdough bread and to evaluate the impact on the dough rheological properties, ultrastructure and baking quality. Modern wheat sourdough bread and bakery yeast fermented bread were used as controls. Sourdoughs produced from modern and ancient wheats exerted different effects on dough viscoelastic properties, bread specific volume, texture, firming rate, colour and sensory properties, while there was no influence on bread water activity. Both khorasan sourdough, being characterised with the highest dough strength and dense gluten protein matrix, and emmer sourdough, with loose and thin gluten strands of low strength, yielded breads characterised by low specific volume and hard crumb texture. Spelt and modern wheat sourdough were characterised by foam-like dough structures with entrapped gas cells leading to breads of similar specific volume and texture. Although the yeast-fermented wheat flour exerted a higher specific volume and the lowest firmness, the sourdough wheat flour bread had a lower firming rate. A comparison of sourdough bread prepared with modern and ancient wheats revealed that breads based on ancient varieties possess a less noticeable sour taste, odour and flavour, thus contributing to more sensory-appealing sourdough bread.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ancient and old wheat grains are gaining interest as a genetic reservoir to develop improved Italian genotypes with peculiar features. In this light, the aim of this study was to assess the baking performance of two improved einkorn (Monlis and Norberto) and two improved emmer (Padre Pio and Giovanni Paolo) genotypes in comparison with two Italian landraces (Garfagnana and Cappelli) and Khorasan. This set was evaluated following a holistic approach considering the flour, dough, and bread properties. The results showed that the flour properties, dough rheology, pasting, and fermentation parameters, as well as the bread properties, significantly differed among the studied genotypes. Cappelli produced the bread with the best quality, i.e., the highest volume and lowest firmness. Despite having the same pedigrees, Giovanni Paolo and Padre Pio resulted in significantly different technological properties. Giovanni Paolo flour showed the highest protein content and provided a dough with a high gas production capacity, resulting in the bread having a similar firmness to Cappelli. Padre Pio flour provided bread having a similar volume to Cappelli but a high firmness similar to Khorasan and Garfagnana. The einkorn genotypes, Monlis and Norberto, showed poor fermentation properties and high gelatinization viscosity that resulted in bread with poor quality. Alternatively, they could be more suitable for making non-fermented flatbreads. Our results showed that the improved wheat showed a high versatility of features, which offers bakers a flexible material to make a genotype of bread types.






  • 在均衡饮食的背景下,小麦,主要用作全谷物时,是很好的营养来源,包括纤维和生物活性化合物。谷物属于禾本科科,对保持健康状态至关重要,它们的营养和化学性质。最近的研究表明,摄入全谷物和谷物产品可以降低氧化应激的风险,从而降低慢性和年龄相关疾病,比如肥胖,心血管疾病,II型糖尿病和癌症。的确,一些研究报告说,常规的全谷物消费与较低的总胆固醇和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平有关,甘油三酯,空腹血糖,血压和体重指数。此外,古老的小麦品种对人类健康越来越感兴趣,因为它们含有几种营养化合物,如维生素,矿物和其他。古代小麦中存在的众多植物化学物质(多酚,类胡萝卜素,植物甾醇和酚类化合物)提供,事实上,抗氧化性能,这对于预防各种慢性和退行性疾病至关重要。这次审查的目的是报告有关古代小麦物种的现有信息,与现代品种相比,讨论它们的成分和营养特性,并强调对人类健康的有益影响。
    In the context of a balanced diet, wheat, mainly used as whole grains, is a good source of nutrients, including fibers and bioactive compounds. Cereals belong to the Poaceae family and are crucial for maintaining a healthy status, granted by their nutritional and chemical properties. Recent studies have demonstrated that the intake of whole grains and grain-based products may reduce the risk of oxidative stress, thus lowering chronic and age-related disorders, such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, type II diabetes and cancer. Indeed, several studies report that regular whole grain consumption is associated with lower levels of total and LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, fasting glucose, blood pressure and body mass index. Moreover, ancient wheat species have become increasingly interested in human health, containing several nutraceutical compounds, such as vitamins and minerals. The numerous phytochemicals present in ancient wheat (polyphenols, carotenoids, phytosterols and phenolic compounds) provide, in fact, antioxidant properties, which are essential in the prevention of various chronic and degenerative diseases. This review aims to report information on ancient wheat species, discussing their composition and nutraceutical properties compared with modern varieties and highlighting the beneficial impact on human health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In recent years, many studies have suggested that ancient wheat products might have beneficial effects on cardiometabolic risk profile, but little is known about their effect on gut microbiota (GM). The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether a replacement diet with pasta made from ancient wheat (AD) could influence the GM composition and its metabolites\' production compared to a replacement diet with pasta made from modern wheat (CD).
    UNASSIGNED: A randomized, double-blinded crossover trial with two intervention phases was conducted on 20 clinically healthy adults (9 females; 11 males; mean age 43.1 ± 12.5 years). Study participants were assigned to consume pasta made using semi-whole flour from organic wheat that was either from ancient or modern control wheat for 8 weeks in a random order. An 8-week washout period was implemented between the interventions. Stool samples were collected from all subjects at the beginning and at the end of each intervention period. GM composition, and short- (SCFAs) and medium- chain fatty acids (MCFAs) production was evaluated.
    UNASSIGNED: Dietary interventions did not produce significant diversity in the GM composition at higher ranks (phylum, class, order and family), but only at genus level. In detail, the AD significantly (adj. p < 0.05) changed the abundance of Erysipelatoclostridium spp., Bacteroides_pectinophilus_group spp., CAG-873 spp., and Holdemanella spp. The CD significantly affected the abundance of Akkermansia spp., CAG-873 spp., Hungatella spp., Lachnospiraceae_UCG-008 spp., NK4A214_group spp., Frisingicoccus spp., Megasphaera spp., Synergistes spp., and Tyzzerella spp. Regarding the production of SCFAs and MCFAs, AD resulted in a significant increase of fecal acetic (+0.7%), isobutyric (+30.1%), 2-methylbutyric (+64.2%), and isovaleric (+22.5%) acids. On the other hand, CD resulted in increased levels of isobutyric (+71.4%), 2-methylbutyric (+116.2%), isovaleric (+99%), and valeric (+21.4%) acids, and a reduction of butyric (-31.6%) and hexanoic (-66.4%) acids.
    UNASSIGNED: A short-term replacement diet with both ancient and modern wheat pasta determined significant changes in GM composition at the genus level but notably the AD resulted in a greater beneficial impact on anti-inflammatory SCFAs.





