anaplastic carcinoma

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF)-producing tumors have been reported in various organs, and the prognosis of patients with G-CSF-producing pancreatic cancers is particularly dismal. In this report, we present a case of G-CSF-producing anaplastic carcinoma of the pancreas (ACP), characterized by early postoperative recurrence and rapid, uncontrolled growth.
    METHODS: A 74-year-old man presented to our hospital with complaints of abdominal fullness and pain after eating. On admission, it was observed that the peripheral leukocyte counts and serum G-CSF levels were significantly elevated (23,770/µL and 251 pg/mL, respectively). Computed tomography of the abdomen revealed a pancreatic head tumor involving the superior mesenteric vein. Pathologically, ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration confirmed ACP. Subsequently, we performed a subtotal stomach-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy with portal vein reconstruction and partial transverse colon resection. On postoperative day (POD) 7, the leukocyte count decreased from 21,180/μL to 8490/μL; moreover, computed tomography revealed liver metastasis. Therefore, mFOLFILINOX chemotherapy was initiated on POD 30. However, the tumor exhibited rapid progression, and the patient died on POD 45.
    CONCLUSIONS: G-CSF-producing ACP is rare, and the prognosis of patients is extremely poor. Basic research is required to develop effective drugs against G-CSF-producing tumors, and large-scale studies using national databases are needed to develop multidisciplinary treatment methods.






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    In this editorial we comment on the article by Pavlidis et al, published in the recent issue of the World Journal of Oncology. We focus on the recent contributions in the management of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma, highlighting the importance of surgery and radiotherapy as first line therapies in its management and the introduction of new systemic therapies beyond chemotherapy, focused on molecular alterations, an essential step in the diagnosis and included in clinical guidelines for the selection of the ideal treatment. In contrast to other neoplasms, immunotherapy, is still beginning in studies of this pathology with encouraging results. Therefore, multimodal management of the pathology together with new drugs seems to be the logical step to increase the survival of this neoplasm.






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    Thyroid carcinoma is a complex disease with several types, the most common being well-differentiated and undifferentiated. The latter, \"undifferentiated carcinoma\", also known as anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC), is a highly aggressive malignant tumor accounting for less than 0.2% of all thyroid carcinomas and carries a poor prognosis with a median survival of 5 months. BRAF gene mutations are the most common molecular factor associated with this type of thyroid carcinoma. Recent advances in targeted biological agents, immunotherapy, stem cell therapy, nanotechnology, the dabrafenib/trametinib combination therapy, immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) and artificial intelligence offer novel treatment options. The combination therapy of dabrafenib and trametinib is the current standard treatment for patients with BRAF-V600E gene mutations. Besides, the dabrafenib/trametinib combination therapy, ICI, used alone or in combination with targeted therapies have raised some hopes for improving the prognosis of this deadly disease. Younger age, earlier tumor stage and radiotherapy are all prognostic factors for improved outcomes. Ultimately, therapeutic regimens should be tailored to the individual patient based on surveillance and epidemiological data, and a multidisciplinary approach is essential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: The density of tumor-associated macrophages in the tumor microenvironment of anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) is associated with poor prognosis. However, the crosstalk between macrophages and ATC cells is poorly understood. This study aimed to examine the impact of macrophages on cancer cell phenotypes. We found a new mediator between M2 macrophages and ATC cells through proteomics analysis. Methods: The role of macrophages in proliferation, migration, and invasion of ATC cells was evaluated using coculture assay and conditioned medium (CM). Secretory factors in the CM from single or coculture were identified using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry proteomics analysis. We evaluated the role of the secretory factor in proliferation, migration, and invasion of cancer cells. In vivo xenograft model was used to evaluate the effect of the factor. Results: M2 macrophages significantly increased the proliferation, migration, and invasion of ATC cells, whereas M1 macrophages decreased the proliferation, migration, and invasion of ATC cells. Based on proteomic analysis of CM, we identify carboxypeptidase A4 (CPA4) as a mediator of the crosstalk between macrophages and ATC cells. CPA4 was only detected in the coculture media of M2 macrophage/8505C, and its expression in cancer cells increased by M2 macrophage. The expression of CPA4 protein was significantly higher in human thyroid cancers, particularly in ATCs, than normal and benign tissues. A bioinformatics analysis of public data revealed that CPA4 expression was associated with poor prognosis and dedifferentiation of thyroid cancer. Knockdown of CPA4 suppressed proliferation, colony formation, migration, and invasion of ATC cells, consistent with the decrease of STAT3, ERK, and AKT/mTOR phosphorylation and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) marker expression. In addition, the increased expression of CPA4 in cancer cells by M2 macrophage stimulation induced the polarization of macrophages to the M2 phenotype, which formed a positive feedback loop. Xenograft tumors did not develop after CPA4 knockdown. Conclusions: Our data suggest that CPA4 stimulates the progression of thyroid cancer by mediating between M2 macrophages and ATC cells. CPA4 can be a new therapeutic target for the treatment of patients with ATC.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Giant abdominopelvic tumors continue to present a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge for all surgeons despite all the advances in the world of imaging. Particularly, one of the most important challenges is to determine its probable origin for adequate surgical planning. Even though mostly all of these tumors are benign ovarian tumors, extraordinarily, malignant mural nodules may develop from the wall of these benign tumors, carrying an invariable unfavorable prognosis for the patient. This case highlights the importance of a correct diagnostic approach using ultrasound and abdominal computed tomography scans and confirming the diagnosis through a histopathologic examination. The treatment for these cases is surgical resection and posterior oncological treatment if needed. This case shows how timely treatment is one of the principal determinators of morbidity and mortality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma has a favorable prognosis with a 5-year survival rate of over 95%. However, the undifferentiated or anaplastic type accounting for < 0.2%, usually in elderly individuals, exhibits a dismal prognosis with rapid growth and disappointing outcomes. It is the most aggressive form of thyroid carcinoma, with a median survival of 5 mo and poor quality of life (airway obstruction, dysphagia, hoarseness, persistent pain). Early diagnosis and staging are crucial. Diagnostic tools include biopsy (fine needle aspiration, core needle, open surgery), high-resolution ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, [(18)F]fluoro-D-glucose positron emission tomo-graphy/computed tomography, liquid biopsy and microRNAs. The BRAF gene (BRAF-V600E and BRAF wild type) is the most often found molecular factor. Others include the genes RET, KRAS, HRAS, and NRAS. Recent management policy is based on surgery, even debulking, chemotherapy (cisplatin or doxorubicin), radiotherapy (adjuvant or definitive), targeted biological agents and immunotherapy. The last two options constitute novel hopeful management modalities improving the overall survival in these otherwise condemned patients. Anti-programmed death-ligand 1 antibody immunotherapy, stem cell targeted therapies, nanotechnology achievements and artificial intelligence imple-mentation provide novel promising alternatives. Genetic mutations determine molecular pathways, thus indicating novel treatment strategies such as anti-BRAF, anti-vascular endothelial growth factor-A, and anti-epidermal growth factor receptor. Treatment with the combination of the BRAF inhibitor dabrafenib and the MEK inhibitor trametinib has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration in cases with BRAF-V600E gene mutations and is currently the standard care. This neoadjuvant treatment followed by surgery ensures a two-year overall survival of 80%. Prognostic factors for improved outcomes have been found to be younger age, earlier tumor stage and radiation therapy. A multidisciplinary approach is necessary, and the therapeutic plan should be individualized based on surveillance and epidemiology end results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In Sudan, there is limited knowledge on the epidemiology, clinical characteristics and pathological patterns of thyroid cancer. To address this shortcoming, we studied the clinical, pathological and treatment patterns of thyroid cancer at the National Cancer Institute ‒ University of Gezira (NCI-UG), Sudan.
    METHODS: We performed a retrospective health facility-based study of patients with thyroid cancer who were treated at NCI-UG from January 2009 to December 2017.
    RESULTS: A total of 139 patients with thyroid cancer were identified during the study period. Tumors were more common among women (69%). Goiter was the main presenting symptom (85%). The most common type of thyroid cancer was follicular carcinoma (41%), followed by papillary carcinoma (24%), then anaplastic carcinoma (20%). The mean age of the women was 56.3 years (SD ± 14.7), compared to 52.5 years (SD ± 16.6) for the men. The frequencies of stage I, II, III, and IV were 17%, 22%, 16%, and 45%, respectively. Different types of thyroidectomies were performed in 79% of the cases, lobectomy in 4%, and no surgery in 17%. Only 28% of the cases received radioactive iodine. Palliative chemotherapy and radiotherapy were prescribed to 17% and 37% of the cases, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: Thyroid cancer is more prevalent among women and most patients present at later stages. The dominance of follicular type suggests that the majority of this population is iodine-deficient.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ovarian mucinous cystic tumours with mural nodules are rare tumours of the ovary that are often missed out during diagnosis. They are classified under the ovarian mucinous surface epithelial-stromal tumours. These mural nodules can be sarcoma-like (benign), anaplastic carcinoma, sarcomas, or mixed malignant (carcinosarcoma). However, very few cases of anaplastic malignant mural nodules have been reported. Here, we present a case of a borderline ovarian mucinous cystadenoma with anaplastic mural nodule that has sarcomatoid differentiation, in a 39-year-old woman who presented with a 1-year history of progressive abdominal swelling and pain. There were intraoperative findings of huge right ovarian cystic tumour with omental and umbilical deposits. Differential diagnosis of possible germ cell tumours, vascular tumours, melanoma, sarcoma and sarcoma-like nodules were ruled out with routine histology (Haematoxylin & Eosin), histochemical (reticulin) and immunohistochemical stains (CK AE1/3+, CD30+, AFP-, HCG-, EMA-, S100 protein-, CD31-, and CD34-) and the final diagnosis of a mural nodule of anaplastic carcinoma with sarcomatoid differentiation in a borderline ovarian mucinous cystadenoma established. Unfortunately, due to the aggressive nature of the tumour and disease progression, the patient passed on a few months after the surgery. This rare tumour, especially the ones with anaplastic carcinoma or mixed tumours, usually has an aggressive clinical course with most patients presenting late when the disease is advanced with poor clinical outcomes as is seen with the index patient. A high index of suspicion of this tumour with early detection and a multidisciplinary approach to its management is advised.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Undifferentiated carcinoma (UC) of the pancreas is a rare subtype of pancreatic cancer displaying no definitive direction of differentiation. UC has been reported as a highly aggressive malignant neoplasm, with a median overall survival of <1 year, except for several surgical series. On the other hand, UC tissue sometimes contains non-neoplastic osteoclast-like giant cells (OGCs), and such cases have been reported to have relatively longer survival. Thus, the World Health Organization (WHO) classification histologically distinguishes UC with OGCs (UCOGCs) from UC, and UCs were subclassified into three subtypes: anaplastic UC, sarcomatoid UC and carcinosarcoma. However, still less is known about UC due to its rarity, and such situations lead to further difficulties in treatment for UC. To date, only surgical resection can offer curative treatment for patients with UC, and no clear evidence for chemotherapy exists for them. However, a retrospective cohort study and case reports showed that relatively promising results paclitaxel-containing regimens for treatment of patients with unresectable UC. Furthermore, high programmed cell death protein 1 expression has been reported in sarcomatoid UCs and UCOGCs, and promising responses to anti-programmed death-ligand 1 therapy have been described in case reports of UCOGCs. Recent advances in chemotherapeutic agents and molecular technologies are opening up the possibilities for expanded treatments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hurthle cell (HC), anaplastic (AC), and medullary (MC) carcinomas are low frequency thyroid tumors that pose several challenges for physicians and pathologists due to the scarcity of cases, information, and histopathological images, especially in the many areas around the world in which sophisticated molecular and genetic diagnostic facilities are unavailable. It is, therefore, cogent to provide tools for microscopists to achieve accurate diagnosis, such as histopathological images with reliable biomarkers, which can help them to reach a differential diagnosis. We are investigating whether components of the chaperone system (CS), such as the molecular chaperones, can be considered dependable biomarkers, whose levels and distribution inside and outside cells in the tumor tissue could present a distinctive histopathological pattern for each tumor type. Here, we report data on the chaperones Hsp27, Hsp60, and Hsp90. They presented quantitative levels and distribution patterns that were different for each tumor and differed from those of a benign thyroid pathology, goiter (BG). Therefore, the reported methodology can be beneficial when the microscopist must differentiate between HC, AC, MC, and BG.





