
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The first vaccine against chikungunya virus (CHIKV) was recently licensed in the U.S., Europe, and Canada (brand IXCHIQ®, referred to as VLA1553). Other pathogenic alphaviruses co-circulate with CHIKV and major questions remain regarding the potential of IXCHIQ to confer cross-protection for populations that are exposed to them. Here, we characterized the cross-neutralizing antibody (nAb) responses against heterotypic CHIKV and additional arthritogenic alphaviruses in individuals at one month, six months, and one year post-IXCHIQ vaccination. We characterized nAbs against CHIKV strains LR2006, 181/25, and a 2021 isolate from Tocantins, Brazil, as well as O\'nyong-nyong virus (ONNV), Mayaro virus (MAYV), and Ross River virus (RRV). IXCHIQ elicited 100% seroconversion to each virus, with the exception of RRV at 83.3% seroconversion of vaccinees, and cross-neutralizing antibody potency decreased with increasing genetic distance from CHIKV. We compared vaccinee responses to cross-nAbs elicited by natural CHIKV infection in individuals living in the endemic setting of Puerto Rico at 8-9 years post-infection. These data suggest that IXCHIQ efficiently and potently elicits cross-nAb breadth that extends to related alphaviruses in a manner similar to natural CHIKV infection, which may have important implications for individuals that are susceptible to alphavirus co-circulation in regions of potential vaccine rollout.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The basis for criteria of the taxonomic classification of DNA and RNA viruses based on data of the genomic sequencing are viewed in this review. The genomic sequences of viruses, which have genome represented by double-stranded DNA (orthopoxviruses as example), positive-sense single-stranded RNA (alphaviruses and flaviviruses as example), non-segmented negative-sense single-stranded RNA (filoviruses as example), segmented negative-sense single-stranded RNA (arenaviruses and phleboviruses as example) are analyzed. The levels of genetic variability that determine the assignment of compared viruses to taxa of various orders are established for each group of viruses.
    В обзоре рассмотрено обоснование критериев идентификации таксономической принадлежности некоторых групп патогенных ДНК- и РНК-содержащих вирусов на основе результатов секвенирования генома. Проанализированы данные секвенирования геномной нуклеиновой кислоты вирусов, геном которых представлен двухцепочечной ДНК (на примере ортопоксвирусов), одноцепочечной «плюс» РНК (на примере альфавирусов и флавивирусов), одноцепочечной несегментированной «минус» РНК (на примере филовирусов), одноцепочечной сегментированной «минус» РНК (на примере аренавирусов и флебовирусов). Для каждой группы вирусов установлены уровни генетической изменчивости, определяющие отнесение сравниваемых вирусов к таксонам разных порядков.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Alphavirus genus includes viruses that cause encephalitis due to neuroinvasion and viruses that cause arthritis due to acute and chronic inflammation. There is no approved therapeutic for alphavirus infections, but significant efforts are ongoing, more so in recent years, to develop vaccines and therapeutics for alphavirus infections. This review article highlights some of the major advances made so far to identify small molecules that can selectively target the structural and the nonstructural proteins in alphaviruses with the expectation that persistent investigation of an increasingly expanding chemical space through a variety of structure-based design and high-throughput screening strategies will yield candidate drugs for clinical studies. While most of the works discussed are still in the early discovery to lead optimization stages, promising avenues remain for drug development against this family of viruses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Molecular surveillance is vital for monitoring arboviruses, often employing genus-specific quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). Despite this, an overlooked chikungunya fever outbreak occurred in Yunnan province, China, in 2019 and false negatives are commonly encountered during alphaviruses screening practice, highlighting the need for improved detection methods. In this study, we developed an improved alphaviruses-specific RT-qPCR capable of detecting chikungunya virus, eastern equine encephalitis virus, western equine encephalitis virus, Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, Sindbis virus, Mayaro virus, and Ross River virus with high sensitivity and specificity. The assay identified three chikungunya virus-positive cases out of 188 sera retrospectively. Later genetic characterization suggested that imported cases from neighboring countries may be responsible for the neglected chikungunya fever outbreak of 2019 in Yunnan. Our findings underscore the value of improved alphaviruses-specific RT-qPCR in bolstering alphaviruses surveillance and informing preventive strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genomes of positive-sense (+) single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) viruses are believed to be subjected to a wide range of RNA modifications. In this study, we focused on the chikungunya virus (CHIKV) as a model (+) ssRNA virus to study the landscape of viral RNA modification in infected human cells. Among the 32 distinct RNA modifications analysed by mass spectrometry, inosine was found enriched in the genomic CHIKV RNA. However, orthogonal validation by Illumina RNA-seq analyses did not identify any inosine modification along the CHIKV RNA genome. Moreover, CHIKV infection did not alter the expression of ADAR1 isoforms, the enzymes that catalyse the adenosine to inosine conversion. Together, this study highlights the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to assess the presence of RNA modifications in viral RNA genomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Replicating RNA, including self-amplifying RNA (saRNA) and trans-amplifying RNA (taRNA), holds great potential for advancing the next generation of RNA-based vaccines. Unlike in vitro transcribed mRNA found in most current RNA vaccines, saRNA or taRNA can be massively replicated within cells in the presence of RNA-amplifying enzymes known as replicases. We recently demonstrated that this property could enhance immune responses with minimal injected RNA amounts. In saRNA-based vaccines, replicase and antigens are encoded on the same mRNA molecule, resulting in very long RNA sequences, which poses significant challenges in production, delivery, and stability. In taRNA-based vaccines, these challenges can be overcome by splitting the replication system into two parts: one that encodes replicase and the other that encodes a short antigen-encoding RNA called transreplicon. Here, we review the identification and use of transreplicon RNA in alphavirus research, with a focus on the development of novel taRNA technology as a state-of-the art vaccine platform. Additionally, we discuss remaining challenges essential to the clinical application and highlight the potential benefits related to the unique properties of this future vaccine platform.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alphaviruses can replicate in arthropods and in many vertebrate species including humankind, but only in vertebrate cells do infections with these viruses result in a strong inhibition of host translation and transcription. Translation shutoff by alphaviruses is a multifactorial process that involves both host- and virus-induced mechanisms, and some of them are not completely understood. Alphavirus genomes contain cis-acting elements (RNA structures and dinucleotide composition) and encode protein activities that promote the translational and transcriptional resistance to type I IFN-induced antiviral effectors. Among them, IFIT1, ZAP and PKR have played a relevant role in alphavirus evolution, since they have promoted the emergence of multiple viral evasion mechanisms at the translational level. In this review, we will discuss how the adaptations of alphaviruses to vertebrate hosts likely involved the acquisition of new features in viral mRNAs and proteins to overcome the effect of type I IFN.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alphaviruses pose a significant threat to public health. Capsid protein encoded in the alphaviral genomes constitutes an interesting therapy target, as it also serves as a protease (CP). Remarkably, it undergoes autoproteolysis, leading to the generation of the C-terminal tryptophan that localizes to the active pocket, deactivating the enzyme. Lack of activity hampers the viral replication cycle, as the virus is not capable of producing the infectious progeny. We investigated the structure and function of the CP encoded in the genome of O\'nyong\'nyong virus (ONNV), which has instigated outbreaks in Africa. Our research provides a high-resolution crystal structure of the ONNV CP in its active state and evaluates the enzyme\'s activity. Furthermore, we demonstrated a dose-dependent reduction in ONNV CP proteolytic activity when exposed to indole, suggesting that tryptophan analogs may be a promising basis for developing small molecule inhibitors. It\'s noteworthy that the capsid protease plays an essential role in virus assembly, binding viral glycoproteins through its glycoprotein-binding hydrophobic pocket. We showed that non-aromatic cyclic compounds like dioxane disrupt this vital interaction. Our findings provide deeper insights into ONNV\'s biology, and we believe they will prove instrumental in guiding the development of antiviral strategies against arthritogenic alphaviruses.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Madariaga virus (MADV) and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) are emerging arboviruses affecting rural and remote areas of Latin America. However, there are limited clinical and epidemiological reports available, and outbreaks are occurring at an increasing frequency. We addressed this gap by analyzing all the available clinical and epidemiological data of MADV and VEEV infections recorded since 1961 in Panama. A total of 168 of human alphavirus encephalitis cases were detected in Panama from 1961 to 2023. Here we describe the clinical signs and symptoms and epidemiological characteristics of these cases, and also explored signs and symptoms as potential predictors of encephalitic alphavirus infection when compared to those of other arbovirus infections occurring in the region. Our results highlight the challenges clinical diagnosis of alphavirus disease in endemic regions with overlapping circulation of multiple arboviruses.





