aging clocks

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aging clocks are predictive models of biological age derived from age-related changes, such as epigenetic changes, blood biomarkers, and, more recently, the microbiome. Gut and skin microbiota regulate more than barrier and immune function. Recent studies have shown that human microbiomes may predict aging. In this narrative review, we aim to discuss how the gut and skin microbiomes influence aging clocks as well as clarify the distinction between chronological and biological age. A literature search was performed on PubMed/MEDLINE databases with the following keywords: \"skin microbiome\" OR \"gut microbiome\" AND \"aging clock\" OR \"epigenetic\". Gut and skin microbiomes may be utilized to create aging clocks based on taxonomy, biodiversity, and functionality. The top contributing microbiota or metabolic pathways in these aging clocks may influence aging clock predictions and biological age. Furthermore, gut and skin microbiota may directly and indirectly influence aging clocks through the regulation of clock genes and the production of metabolites that serve as substrates or enzymatic regulators. Microbiome-based aging clock models may have therapeutic potential. However, more research is needed to advance our understanding of the role of microbiota in aging clocks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Late in life, the body is at war with itself. There is a program of self-destruction (phenoptosis) implemented via epigenetic and other changes. I refer to these as type (1) epigenetic changes. But the body retains a deep instinct for survival, and other epigenetic changes unfold in response to a perception of accumulated damage (type (2)). In the past decade, epigenetic clocks have promised to accelerate the search for anti-aging interventions by permitting prompt, reliable, and convenient measurement of their effects on lifespan without having to wait for trial results on mortality and morbidity. However, extant clocks do not distinguish between type (1) and type (2). Reversing type (1) changes extends lifespan, but reversing type (2) shortens lifespan. This is why all extant epigenetic clocks may be misleading. Separation of type (1) and type (2) epigenetic changes will lead to more reliable clock algorithms, but this cannot be done with statistics alone. New experiments are proposed. Epigenetic changes are the means by which the body implements phenoptosis, but they do not embody a clock mechanism, so they cannot be the body\'s primary timekeeper. The timekeeping mechanism is not yet understood, though there are hints that it may be (partially) located in the hypothalamus. For the future, we expect that the most fundamental measurement of biological age will observe this clock directly, and the most profound anti-aging interventions will manipulate it.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: There is divergence in the rate at which people age. The concept of biological age is postulated to capture this variability, and hence to better represent an individual\'s true global physiological state than chronological age. Biological age predictors are often generated based on cross-sectional data, using biochemical or molecular markers as predictor variables. It is assumed that the difference between chronological and predicted biological age is informative of one\'s chronological age-independent aging divergence ∆.
    METHODS: We investigated the statistical assumptions underlying the most popular cross-sectional biological age predictors, based on multiple linear regression, the Klemera-Doubal method or principal component analysis. We used synthetic and real data to illustrate the consequences if this assumption does not hold.
    RESULTS: The most popular cross-sectional biological age predictors all use the same strong underlying assumption, namely that a candidate marker of aging\'s association with chronological age is directly informative of its association with the aging rate ∆. We called this the identical-association assumption and proved that it is untestable in a cross-sectional setting. If this assumption does not hold, weights assigned to candidate markers of aging are uninformative, and no more signal may be captured than if markers would have been assigned weights at random.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cross-sectional methods for predicting biological age commonly use the untestable identical-association assumption, which previous literature in the field had never explicitly acknowledged. These methods have inherent limitations and may provide uninformative results, highlighting the importance of researchers exercising caution in the development and interpretation of cross-sectional biological age predictors.






  • 文章类型: Video-Audio Media
    BACKGROUND: People living with HIV (PLWH), even when viral replication is controlled through antiretroviral therapy (ART), experience persistent inflammation. This inflammation is partly attributed to intestinal microbial dysbiosis and translocation, which may lead to non-AIDS-related aging-associated comorbidities. The extent to which living with HIV - influenced by the infection itself, ART usage, sexual orientation, or other associated factors - affects the biological age of the intestines is unclear. Furthermore, the role of microbial dysbiosis and translocation in the biological aging of PLWH remains to be elucidated. To investigate these uncertainties, we used a systems biology approach, analyzing colon and ileal biopsies, blood samples, and stool specimens from PLWH on ART and people living without HIV (PLWoH) as controls.
    RESULTS: PLWH exhibit accelerated biological aging in the colon, ileum, and blood, as measured by various epigenetic aging clocks, compared to PLWoH. Investigating the relationship between microbial translocation and biological aging, PLWH had decreased levels of tight junction proteins in the intestines, along with increased microbial translocation. This intestinal permeability correlated with faster biological aging and increased inflammation. When investigating the relationship between microbial dysbiosis and biological aging, the intestines of PLWH had higher abundance of specific pro-inflammatory bacteria, such as Catenibacterium and Prevotella. These bacteria correlated with accelerated biological aging. Conversely, the intestines of PLWH had lower abundance of bacteria known for producing the anti-inflammatory short-chain fatty acids, such as Subdoligranulum and Erysipelotrichaceae, and these bacteria were associated with slower biological aging. Correlation networks revealed significant links between specific microbial genera in the colon and ileum (but not in feces), increased aging, a rise in pro-inflammatory microbe-related metabolites (e.g., those in the tryptophan metabolism pathway), and a decrease in anti-inflammatory metabolites like hippuric acid.
    CONCLUSIONS: We identified specific microbial compositions and microbiota-related metabolic pathways that are intertwined with intestinal and systemic biological aging. This microbial signature of biological aging is likely reflecting various factors including the HIV infection itself, ART usage, sexual orientation, and other aspects associated with living with HIV. A deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying these connections could offer potential strategies to mitigate accelerated aging and its associated health complications. Video Abstract.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    UNASSIGNED: People with HIV (PWH), even with controlled viral replication through antiretroviral therapy (ART), experience persistent inflammation. This is partly due to intestinal microbial dysbiosis and translocation. Such ongoing inflammation may lead to the development of non-AIDS-related aging-associated comorbidities. However, there remains uncertainty regarding whether HIV affects the biological age of the intestines and whether microbial dysbiosis and translocation influence the biological aging process in PWH on ART. To fill this knowledge gap, we utilized a systems biology approach, analyzing colon and ileal biopsies, blood samples, and stool specimens from PWH on ART and their matched HIV-negative counterparts.
    UNASSIGNED: Despite having similar chronological ages, PWH on ART exhibit accelerated biological aging in the colon, ileum, and blood, as measured by various epigenetic aging clocks, compared to HIV-negative controls. Investigating the relationship between microbial translocation and biological aging, PWH on ART had decreased levels of tight junction proteins in the colon and ileum, along with increased microbial translocation. This increased intestinal permeability correlated with faster intestinal and systemic biological aging, as well as increased systemic inflammation. When investigating the relationship between microbial dysbiosis and biological aging, the intestines of PWH on ART had higher abundance of specific pro-inflammatory bacterial genera, such as Catenibacterium and Prevotella. These bacteria significantly correlated with accelerated local and systemic biological aging. Conversely, the intestines of PWH on ART had lower abundance of bacterial genera known for producing short-chain fatty acids and exhibiting anti-inflammatory properties, such as Subdoligranulum and Erysipelotrichaceae, and these bacteria taxa were associated with slower biological aging. Correlation networks revealed significant links between specific microbial genera in the colon and ileum (but not in feces), increased aging, a rise in pro-inflammatory microbial-related metabolites (e.g., those in the tryptophan metabolism pathway), and a decrease in anti-inflammatory metabolites like hippuric acid and oleic acid.
    UNASSIGNED: We identified a specific microbial composition and microbiome-related metabolic pathways that are intertwined with both intestinal and systemic biological aging in PWH on ART. A deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying these connections could potentially offer strategies to counteract premature aging and its associated health complications in PWH.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    What is the nature of aging, and how best can we study it? Here, using a series of questions that highlight differing perspectives about the nature of aging, we ask how data from Drosophila melanogaster at the organismal, tissue, cellular, and molecular levels shed light on the complex interactions among the phenotypes associated with aging. Should aging be viewed as an individual\'s increasing probability of mortality over time or as a progression of physiological states? Are all age-correlated changes in physiology detrimental to vigor or are some compensatory changes that maintain vigor? Why do different age-correlated functions seem to change at different rates in a single individual as it ages? Should aging be considered as a single, integrated process across the scales of biological resolution, from organismal to molecular, or must we consider each level of biological scale as a separate, distinct entity? Viewing aging from these differing perspectives yields distinct but complementary interpretations about the properties and mechanisms of aging and may offer a path through the complexities related to understanding the nature of aging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epigenetic aging clocks have gained significant attention as a tool for predicting age-related health conditions in clinical and research settings. They have enabled geroscientists to study the underlying mechanisms of aging and assess the effectiveness of anti-aging therapies, including diet, exercise and environmental exposures. This review explores the effects of modifiable lifestyle factors\' on the global DNA methylation landscape, as seen by aging clocks. We also discuss the underlying mechanisms through which these factors contribute to biological aging and provide comments on what these findings mean for people willing to build an evidence-based pro-longevity lifestyle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The strong interest shown in the study of the causes of aging in recent decades has uncovered many mechanisms that could contribute to the rate of aging. These include mitochondrial ROS production, DNA modification and repair, lipid peroxidation-induced membrane fatty acid unsaturation, autophagy, telomere shortening rate, apoptosis, proteostasis, senescent cells, and most likely there are many others waiting to be discovered. However, all these well-known mechanisms work only or mainly at the cellular level. Although it is known that organs within a single individual do not age at exactly the same rate, there is a well-defined species longevity. Therefore, loose coordination of aging rate among the different cells and tissues is needed to ensure species lifespan. In this article we focus on less known extracellular, systemic, and whole organism level mechanisms that could loosely coordinate aging of the whole individual to keep it within the margins of its species longevity. We discuss heterochronic parabiosis experiments, systemic factors distributed through the vascular system like DAMPs, mitochondrial DNA and its fragments, TF-like vascular proteins, and inflammaging, as well as epigenetic and proposed aging clocks situated at different levels of organization from individual cells to the brain. These interorgan systems can help to determine species longevity as a further adaptation to the ecosystem.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aging is a gradual process that occurs over time which leads to a progressive decline of cells and tissues. Telomere shortening, genetic instability, epigenetic alteration, and the accumulation of misfolded proteins represent the main hallmarks that cause perturbed cellular functions; this occurs in conjunction with the progression of the so-called \"aging clocks\". Rejuvenation aims to influence the natural evolution of such aging clocks and to enhance regenerative capacity, thus overcoming the limitations of common anti-aging interventions. Current rejuvenation processes are based on heterochronic parabiosis, cell damage dilution through asymmetrical cell division, the excretion of extracellular vesicles, the modulation of genetic instability involving G-quadruplexes and DNA methylation, and cell reprogramming using Yamanaka factors and the actions of antioxidant species. In this context, we reviewed the most recent contributions that report on small molecules acting as senotherapeutics; these molecules act by promoting one or more of the abovementioned processes. Candidate drugs and natural compounds that are being studied as potential rejuvenation therapies act by interfering with CDGSH iron-sulfur domain 2 (CISD2) expression, G-quadruplex structures, DNA methylation, and mitochondrial decay. Moreover, direct and indirect antioxidants have been reported to counteract or revert aging through a combination of mixed mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have developed a deep learning aging clock using blood test data from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study, which has a mean absolute error of 5.68 years. We used the aging clock to demonstrate the connection between the physical and psychological aspects of aging. The clock detects accelerated aging in people with heart, liver, and lung conditions. We demonstrate that psychological factors, such as feeling unhappy or being lonely, add up to 1.65 years to one\'s biological age, and the aggregate effect exceeds the effects of biological sex, living area, marital status, and smoking status. We conclude that the psychological component should not be ignored in aging studies due to its significant impact on biological age.





