
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Elevated temperature suppresses the plant defence hormone salicylic acid (SA) by downregulating the expression of master immune regulatory genes CALMODULIN BINDING PROTEIN 60-LIKE G (CBP60g) and SYSTEMIC ACQUIRED RESISTANCE DEFICIENT1 (SARD1). However, previous studies in Arabidopsis thaliana plants have primarily focused on the accession Columbia-0 (Col-0), while the genetic determinants of intraspecific variation in Arabidopsis immunity under elevated temperature remain unknown. Here we show that BASIC HELIX LOOP HELIX 059 (bHLH059), a thermosensitive SA regulator at nonstress temperatures, does not regulate immune suppression under warmer temperatures. In agreement, temperature-resilient and -sensitive Arabidopsis accessions based on disease resistance to the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) DC3000 did not correlate with bHLH059 polymorphisms. Instead, we found that temperature-resilient accessions exhibit varying CBP60g and SARD1 expression profiles, potentially revealing CBP60g/SARD1-dependent and independent mechanisms of immune resilience to warming temperature. We identified thermoresilient accessions that exhibited either temperature-sensitive or -insensitive induction of the SA biosynthetic gene ICS1 (direct target gene of CBP60g and SARD1) and SA hormone levels. Collectively, this study has unveiled the intraspecific diversity of Arabidopsis immune responses under warm temperatures, which could aid in predicting plant responses to climate change and provide foundational knowledge for climate-resilient crop engineering.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Medical evaluation for military applicants is an intricate process that requires an understanding of the terminology, standards, and guidelines. Allergy providers are often called to provide medical evaluations for patients who desire to join the military services. Without understanding the complexities and nuances of military medical evaluations, a provider may delay or not be able to assist their patient in obtaining the desired goal of joining the services. This article reviews the terminology of military medical evaluations and the guidelines and processes for these evaluations. We also focus our discussion on common allergic conditions that may be disqualifying for service and provide expert opinions of the subtleties of these conditions to provide the allergist with a practical approach to medical evaluations. Finally, we provide a list of resources that are accessible to any provider engaged in military medical evaluations for accessions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Solanum anguivi Lam. fruits (SALF) possess bioactive compounds, such as phenolics, alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, and vitamin C, that are beneficial for preventing oxidative stress-related diseases. It has been documented that ripeness stage influences the nutritional quality of fruits. However, there is limited information on the effect of the ripeness stages (unripe, yellow, orange and red) on the bioactive compounds\' contents (BCC) and antioxidant activity (AA) of SALF. We investigated the effect of ripening on the BCC and AA of different SALF accessions. Spectrophotometry was used to determine SALF\'s total contents of phenolics, flavonoids, saponins, vitamin C, and AA and gravimetry for total alkaloids. The AA was determined as free radical scavenging activity (FRSC) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC). The total phenolics (7.6-22.6 mg gallic acid equivalent/g DW), flavonoids (1.3-4.1 mg quercetin equivalent (QE)/g DW), saponins (44.8-152.5 mg diosgenin equivalent/g DW), vitamin C (2.2-6.4 mg ascorbic acid equivalent/g DW), alkaloids (141.2-296.9 mg/g DW), FRSC (1.5-66.2 %) and TAC (0.1-14.2 mg QE/g DW) significantly differed among the ripeness stages. Fruits in the unripe stage were rich in phenolics, flavonoids, and AA; in the red stage in alkaloids and vitamin C; and in the orange stage, in saponins and flavonoids. The AA had strong positive correlations with total flavonoids and phenolics (r = 0.72 and 0.81, respectively) and a moderate negative correlation with total alkaloids (r = -0.67). Overall, unripe stage fruits had the highest AA and total phenolics and thus may have the highest health-promoting properties. Botanists and farmers may, therefore, focus on harvesting and trading SALF to markets/consumers while still unripe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-density single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most abundant and robust form of genetic variants and hence make highly favorable markers to determine the genetic diversity and relationship, enhancing the selection of breeding materials and the discovery of novel genes associated with economically important traits. In this study, a total of 105 barley genotypes were sampled from various agro-ecologies of Ethiopia and genotyped using 10 K single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. The refined dataset was used to assess genetic diversity and population structure.
    The average gene diversity was 0.253, polymorphism information content (PIC) of 0.216, and minor allelic frequency (MAF) of 0.118 this revealed a high genetic variation in barley genotypes. The genetic differentiation also showed the existence of variations, ranging from 0.019 to 0.117, indicating moderate genetic differentiation between barley populations. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that 46.43% and 52.85% of the total genetic variation occurred within the accessions and populations, respectively. The heat map, principal components and population structure analysis further confirm the presence of four distinct clusters.
    This study confirmed that there is substantial genetic variation among the different barley genotypes. This information is useful in genomics, genetics and barley breeding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Agromorphological characterization of cacao accessions in Peru is currently an important tool in the conservation and genetic improvement of cacao germplasm. The objective of this study was to carry out the morphological and agronomic characterization of 113 cacao accessions from the Huarangopampa germplasm bank. Tree, leaf, flower, fruit and seed descriptors were used. The data collected were processed by descriptive statistics using multivariate techniques. Five groups were formed according to similar characteristics. The accessions of group 1 are vigorous trees with an pod index of 19.27 pods/kg of seeds; the groups that presented better differential characteristics were group 2 with erect tree architecture, intermediate vigorousness, purple seed color and pod index of 20.07 pods/kg of seeds and group 3, which had the highest number of accessions with the lowest pod index of 18.77 pods/kg of seeds, besides being vigorous trees and having purple seeds. On the other hand, group 4 presented a particular characteristic of white seed color and high pod indexes with 22.11 pods/kg of seeds. Finally, group 5 accessions were characterized by intermediate tree architecture and vigor with an pod index of 21.3 pods/kg of seeds. The morphoagronomic characterization constitutes a first advance in the identification of cacaos with potential for genetic improvement and advances in the Peruvian chocolate industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cold acclimation process is regulated by many factors like ambient temperature, day length, light intensity, or hormonal status. Experiments with plants grown under different light quality conditions indicate that the plant response to cold is also a light-quality-dependent process. Here, the role of light quality in the cold response was studied in 1-month-old Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) plants exposed for 1 week to 4°C at short-day conditions under white (100 and 20 μmol m-2s-1), blue, or red (20 μmol m-2s-1) light conditions. An upregulated expression of CBF1, inhibition of photosynthesis, and an increase in membrane damage showed that blue light enhanced the effect of low temperature. Interestingly, cold-treated plants under blue and red light showed only limited freezing tolerance compared to white light cold-treated plants. Next, the specificity of the light quality signal in cold response was evaluated in Arabidopsis accessions originating from different and contrasting latitudes. In all but one Arabidopsis accession, blue light increased the effect of cold on photosynthetic parameters and electrolyte leakage. This effect was not found for Ws-0, which lacks functional CRY2 protein, indicating its role in the cold response. Proteomics data confirmed significant differences between red and blue light-treated plants at low temperatures and showed that the cold response is highly accession-specific. In general, blue light increased mainly the cold-stress-related proteins and red light-induced higher expression of chloroplast-related proteins, which correlated with higher photosynthetic parameters in red light cold-treated plants. Altogether, our data suggest that light modulates two distinct mechanisms during the cold treatment - red light-driven cell function maintaining program and blue light-activated specific cold response. The importance of mutual complementarity of these mechanisms was demonstrated by significantly higher freezing tolerance of cold-treated plants under white light.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study evaluated the relationship of secondary bioactive plant metabolite ion-features (MIFs) of Moringa oleifera accessions with antimethanogenesis to identify potential MIFs that were responsible for high and low methane inhibition from ruminants. Plant extracts from 12 Moringa accessions were evaluated at a 50 mg/kg DM feed for gas production and methane inhibition. Subsequently, the accessions were classified into low and high enteric methane inhibition groups. Four of twelve accessions (two the lowest and two the highest methane inhibitors), were used to characterize them in terms of MIFs. A total of 24 samples (12 from lower and 12 from higher methane inhibitors) were selected according to their methane inhibition potential, which ranged from 18% to 29%. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS) and untargeted metabolomics with univariate and multivariate statistical analysis with MetaboAnalyst were used in the study. Although 86 MIFs showed (p < 0.05) variation between higher and lower methane inhibition groups and lay within the detection ranges of the UPLC-MS column, only 14 were significant with the volcano plot. However, Bonferroni correction reduced the candidate MIFs to 10, and their R2-value with methane production ranged from 0.39 to 0.64. Eventually, MIFs 4.44_609.1462 and MIF 4.53_433.1112 were identified as bioactive MIFs associated with higher methane inhibition, whereas MIF 9.06_443.2317 and 15.00_487.2319 were associated with lower methane inhibition with no significant effect on in vitro organic matter digestibility of the feed. These MIFs could be used by plant breeders as potential markers to develop new M. oleifera varieties with high methane inhibition characteristics. However, further investigation on identifying the name, structure, and detailed biological activities of these bioactive metabolites needs to be carried out for future standardization, commercialization, and application as dietary methane mitigation additives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leafy vegetable crops are considered as a natural source of mineral nutrients that could decrease the risk factor of many growth issues in children and adults. Spinach is globally considered as the most desirable leafy crop, due to its taste and nutrient richness along with greater nitrate contents and better nitrogen use efficiency. To evaluate the mineral nutrient efficiency of this crop, thirty genetically diverse spinach accessions were analyzed through nutritional and functional marker strategies. The accession 163,310 from Pakistan was found to be rich in minerals (sodium, calcium, potassium, zinc, and manganese) and nitrates. However, the oxalate contents were lesser in the accessions that had greater quantity of nutrients. These represented a negative correlation between mineral availability and oxalate accumulation in the leaves. To study the relationship of oxalates and minerals in the accessions, a functional marker analysis was performed, based on the genes involved in oxalate metabolism and disease resistance in spinach. High level of genetic polymorphism was observed among the accessions represented with 115 polymorphic bands out of 130 bands. Heat map clustering represented the accessions from Asian countries (Pakistan, India, China, and Iran) as the most adaptable accessions to the local environment. The correlation between nutritional and genetic analysis also revealed the nutrient richness of these accessions along with good oxalate metabolism and disease resistance. Hence, these accessions could be considered as useful genotypes in future breeding programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biological collections preserve our past, while helping protect our future and increase future knowledge. Plant bacterial culture collections are our security for domestic and global biosecurity. This feature article will provide an introduction to the global position of plant bacterial collections. The role of collections in monitoring plant pathogenic bacteria will be explored through the presentation of five cases studies. These case studies demonstrate why culture collections were imperative for the outcome in each situation. We discuss what we believe should be the best practices to improve microbial preservation and accessioning rates, and why plant bacterial culture collections must increase deposits to be prepared for future emerging pathogens. This is not only the case for global culture collections, but on a much bigger scale, our future scientific successes, our biosecurity decisions and responses, and our knowledge are contingent upon preserving our valuable bacterial strains. It is hoped that once you read this article, you will see the need to deposit your strains in registered public collections and make a concerted effort to build better bacterial culture collections with us.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Identification of the right parental combinations to maximize heterosis is the major goal of hybrid breeding, which could be achieved through identification of heterotic groups. The main objective of this study was to identify promising heterotic groups for future rice breeding programs. A collection of 359 rice genotypes of diverse origins of China and abroad, composed of inbreds, maintainers, restorers, and temperature-sensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) lines were genotyped using 10K SNP chips. The SNP data set was subjected to genomic analyses for estimation of genetic divergence and diversity. Significant variations were observed in the germplasm with the identification of six different genetic groups. These lines were assigned to the genetic groups independent of their origin. Taking an account of commercially used heterotic groups present in each cluster, three cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines and 14 inbred and restorer lines with moderate to high genetic distances selected from five heterotic patterns were crossed and obtained 42 F1 hybrids. A total of 14 hybrids were found with significant maximum mid- and better-parent heterosis, namely, TaifengA × Guang122, TaifengA × Wushansimiao, and TaifengA × Minghui63 for earliness; Guang8A × Huazhan for dwarf stature; and Guang8A × Huanghuzhan-1, TaifengA × Yuexiangzhan, Guang8A × Minhui3301, TianfengA × Guang122, Guang8A × Yahui2115, TianfengA × Huanghuazhan, TianfengA × Minghui63, TianfengA × Minhui3301, TaifengA × Gui99, and Guang8A × Yuenongsimiao for yield and yield-related traits. Mid-parent and better-parent heterotic F1 hybrids were in positive correlation with the genetic distances as that manifested by commercially used heterotic groups, encouraging the use of genotypic data for identification of heterotic groups. Our study provides an informative strategy for the development of early maturing, lodging resistant and high-yielding commercial hybrids and cultivars in future heterosis breeding programs.





