Zoonotic nematodes

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Among the species described within the Onchocercidae family, Dirofilaria immitis is regarded as the most common worldwide, causing severe and often fatal conditions in dogs, cats, and occasionally humans. Dirofilaria spp. are vectored by mosquitoes, simulids, and culicoids, with their epidemiology dependent on the geographical distribution of competent vectors. Eight species of Dirofilaria have been reported so far in Brazil, of which six parasitize non-human primates, deer, procyonids, and marsupials. Here, we investigated the occurrence of Onchocercidae in wild felids (i.e., Panthera onca, Puma concolor, Herpailurus yagouaroundi, Leopardus geoffroyi, Leopardus guttulus, Leopardus pardalis, Leopardus wiedii, Leopardus munoai) from different locations in Brazil. Overall, 82 samples (n = 63 blood; n = 19 tissues) were molecularly screened for cytochrome c oxidase subunit-1 (cox1) gene. Four (i.e., 4.8%) wild felid samples were positive, and at BLAST analysis, the obtained sequences showed varying percentage of nucleotide identity with the genera Brugia (i.e., 87-88%), Setaria (i.e., 89%), and D. immitis (i.e., 94.4%). Phylogenetic analyses clustered sequences obtained into three distinct clades, one with D. immitis and the remaining two with other Onchocercidae spp. Data herein obtained highlight the need for a more comprehensive understanding of the diversity and biology of Onchocercidae in South America in order to assess the potential impact that these species may have for domestic and wild animals, as well as humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Australia and New Zealand (NZ), snapper Chrysophrys auratus is known for delicate mild flavoured flesh and is a favoured species to serve raw as sashimi or in sushi. The diet of snapper includes a variety of intermediate hosts of larval nematodes, and as a result, snapper has potential to become highly infected with zoonotic/non-zoonotic nematodes. The aims of this study were to survey nematodes in snapper from Australia and New Zealand waters and to identify nematode species using combined morphological and molecular methods. The zoonotic potential of nematodes identified in this study are discussed. A total of 112 snapper were purchased from the Sydney fish market, New South Wales, Australia. Fish were dissected and only the visceral content and digestive tract were examined for nematode infection. Parasites were initially identified by the microscopic method as four different types belonging to the families Anisakidae (Anisakis types I & III, and Terranova type II) and Cucullanidae (Dichelyne spp.). All Anisakidae nematodes were at infective stages. Species-level identification was actualised through sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1, 5.8S, ITS-2) regions. The Anisakis types I & III were confirmed as Anisakis pegreffii and A. brevispiculata, respectively of which A. pegreffii is considered globally as a zoonotic nematode. The specific identification of Terranova type II and Dichelyne spp. was not possible as no comparable sequence data were available in GenBank. The phylogenetic tree clustered Anisakis types I & III with A. pegreffii and A. brevispiculata, respectively; Terranova type II sequences as a separate clade with previously identified larval and adult Terranova and Pseudoterranova species. Based on phylogenetic analyses the present Cucullanid specimens were assigned herein as Dichelyne cf. pleuronectidis, and an unknown species Dichelyne sp. 1. This study represents the first host record globally for zoonotic Anisakid nematodes in this popularly consumed table fish and a new region record for D. cf. pleuronectidis and Dichelyne sp. 1. Further investigation is required, using more comprehensive parasite detection and recovery methods, to assess the health risk these nematodes may pose to human and fish health in Australia/NZ.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite increases in the annual consumption of seafood in Australia, studies on the occurrence and prevalence of zoonotic parasites in fish and the risk they may pose to human health are limited. The present study was aimed at determining the occurrence of zoonotic nematodes in commonly consumed fish in New South Wales, Australia\'s most populous state. Three species of fish, including the Australian pilchard, Australian anchovy, and eastern school whiting, were purchased from a fish market and examined for the presence of nematode parasites. All Australian pilchards examined in this study were infected (100%; n = 19), followed by the eastern school whiting (70%; n = 20) and Australian anchovy (56%; n = 70). Nematodes were in the larval stage and, therefore, classified by morphotype, followed by specific identification through sequencing of their internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. Seven different larval types with zoonotic potential, belonging to the families Anisakidae (Contracaecum type II and Terranova type II) and Raphidascarididae (Hysterothylacium types IV [genotypes A and B], VIII, XIV and a novel Hysterothylacium larval type, herein assigned as type XVIII), were found. The new larval type was identified as Hysterothylacium thalassini, based on ITS sequence data. The presence of the infective stage of a range of zoonotic parasites in fish commonly consumed in New South Wales is important, particularly as, in some dishes, these fish are used whole, raw or undercooked. This study provides the basis for future research on other aspects of these parasites, in regards to public health.





