Visual processing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Balancing plasticity and stability in neural circuits is essential for an animal\'s ability to learn from its environment while preserving proper processing and perception of sensory information. However, unlike the mechanisms that drive plasticity in neural circuits, the activity-induced molecular mechanisms that convey functional stability remain poorly understood. Focusing on the visual cortex of adult mice and combining transcriptomics, electrophysiology, and in vivo calcium imaging, we find that the daily appearance of light induces, in excitatory neurons, a large gene program along with rapid and transient increases in the ratio of excitation and inhibition (E/I ratio) and neural activity. Furthermore, we find that the light-induced transcription factor NPAS4 drives these daily normalizations of the E/I ratio and neural activity rates and that it stabilizes the neurons\' response properties. These findings indicate that daily sensory-induced transcription normalizes the E/I ratio and drives downward firing rate homeostasis to maintain proper sensory processing and perception.






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    The issue of potentially harmful effects of neurotoxicity or anaesthesia management on children undergoing general anaesthesia is still not resolved. Studies have so far been limited by methodological problems. In a retrospective cohort study, a new noninvasive method was used to demonstrate visual processing changes in children with a single previous exposure to anaesthesia. We need new noninvasive methods that can be used before and after exposure to anaesthesia and surgery to detemine possible effects on long-term neurodevelopment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Different studies have tried to establish a relationship between dyslexia and the vestibular system function. Subjective Visual Vertical/Horizontal (SVV and SVH) and Video Head Impulse Test (VHIT) are useful for studying the vestibular system and can be easily performed in children. Our aim was to evaluate the vestibular function in dyslexic children by SVV/SVH and VHIT. We enrolled 18 dyslexic children (10M/8F; mean age 10.7 ± 2.3 years; range 7-14 years) and 18 age-matched children with typical development of learning abilities. All children performed VHIT, SVV and SVH. We found normal gain and symmetry of vestibulo-ocular-reflex both in dyslexic and typically developing children. Fifteen out of 18 dyslexic children (83.3%) showed a difference of at least one amongst SVV or SVH. The mean value of SVV was 2.3° and the mean value of SVH was 2.6°. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference between typically developing and dyslexic children for both SVV and SVH. We confirm a relationship between dyslexia and the alteration of SVV and SVH. Our results could be related to the pathogenetic hypothesis of a visual processing impairment related to a dysfunction of the magnocellular pathway or to a general deficit related to a multimodal cortical network.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visual recognition of three-dimensional signals, such as faces, is challenging because the signals appear different from different viewpoints. A flexible but cognitively challenging solution is viewpoint-independent recognition, where receivers identify signals from novel viewing angles. Here, we used same/different concept learning to test viewpoint-independent face recognition in Polistes fuscatus, a wasp that uses facial patterns to individually identify conspecifics. We found that wasps use extrapolation to identify novel views of conspecific faces. For example, wasps identify a pair of pictures of the same wasp as the \'same\', even if the pictures are taken from different views (e.g. one face 0 deg rotation, one face 60 deg rotation). This result is notable because it provides the first evidence of view-invariant recognition via extrapolation in an invertebrate. The results suggest that viewpoint-independent recognition via extrapolation may be a widespread strategy to facilitate individual face recognition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Developmental dyslexia (DD) is one of the most common learning disorders, affecting millions of children and adults worldwide. To date, scientific research has attempted to explain DD primarily based on pathophysiological alterations in the cerebral cortex. In contrast, several decades ago, pioneering research on five post-mortem human brains suggested that a core characteristic of DD might be morphological alterations in a specific subdivision of the visual thalamus - the magnocellular LGN (M-LGN). However, due to considerable technical challenges in investigating LGN subdivisions non-invasively in humans, this finding was never confirmed in-vivo, and its relevance for DD pathology remained highly controversial. Here, we leveraged recent advances in high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at high field strength (7 Tesla) to investigate the M-LGN in DD in-vivo. Using a case-control design, we acquired data from a large sample of young adults with DD (n = 26; age 28 ± 7 years; 13 females) and matched control participants (n = 28; age 27 ± 6 years; 15 females). Each participant completed a comprehensive diagnostic behavioral test battery and participated in two MRI sessions, including three functional MRI experiments and one structural MRI acquisition. We measured blood-oxygen-level-dependent responses and longitudinal relaxation rates to compare both groups on LGN subdivision function and myelination. Based on previous research, we hypothesized that the M-LGN is altered in DD and that these alterations are associated with a key DD diagnostic score, i.e., rapid letter and number naming (RANln). The results showed aberrant responses of the M-LGN in DD compared to controls, which was reflected in a different functional lateralization of this subdivision between groups. These alterations were associated with RANln performance, specifically in male DD. We also found lateralization differences in the longitudinal relaxation rates of the M-LGN in DD relative to controls. Conversely, the other main subdivision of the LGN, the parvocellular LGN (P-LGN), showed comparable blood-oxygen-level-dependent responses and longitudinal relaxation rates between groups. The present study is the first to unequivocally show that M-LGN alterations are a hallmark of DD, affecting both the function and microstructure of this subdivision. It further provides a first functional interpretation of M-LGN alterations and a basis for a better understanding of sex-specific differences in DD with implications for prospective diagnostic and treatment strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic stress is well known to erode cognitive functions. Yet, our understanding of how repeated stress exposure impacts one of the fundamental bases of cognition: sensory processing, remains limited. The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is a high order visual region, known for its role in visually guided decision making, multimodal integration, attention, and working memory. Here, we used functional measures to determine how repeated exposure to multiple concurrent stressors (RMS) affects sensory processing in the PPC in adult male mice. A longitudinal experimental design, repeatedly surveying the same population of neurons using in vivo two-photon imaging, revealed that RMS disrupts the balanced turnover of visually responsive cells in layer 2/3 of the PPC. Across the population, RMS-induced changes in visual responsiveness followed a bimodal distribution suggesting idiosyncratic stress effects. In cells that maintained their responsiveness across recording sessions, we found that stress reduced visual response magnitudes and feature selectivity. While we did not observe stress-induced elimination of excitatory synapses, noise correlation statistics indicated that RMS altered visual input to the neuronal population. The impact of RMS was restricted to visually evoked responses and was not evident in neuronal activity associated with locomotion onset. Together, our results indicate that despite no apparent synaptic reorganization, stress exposure in adulthood can disrupt sensory processing in the PPC, with the effects showing remarkable individual variation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hurrying and turning are each associated with falls in older adults. Losing balance sideways when turning increases the likelihood of hip fracture. Yet 99 % of failures when turning unexpectedly have been traced to an inability to curb forward momentum regardless of age.
    OBJECTIVE: Do age-based differences exist in spatial-temporal gait adaptations related to medial-lateral (M-L) balance and posterior-anterior (P-A) propulsion upon approach of turns relative to continuing straight, across walking speeds and whether direction is known in advance?
    METHODS: Healthy young (n=10) and older adults (n = 10) walked at preferred and fast test speeds while randomly cued for direction either early upon initiating gait or late 1-2 steps before entering a spatially defined turning area. An instrumented 4.6 m carpet recorded spatial-temporal changes up to the penultimate footfall prior to turning 900 or continuing straight.
    RESULTS: When approaching the turning zone across interactions of walking test speed, cue time and direction, other than stride-length being shorter in older adults, both age-groups showed similar adjustments in gait speed and stride-length in managing P-A deceleration perturbations, and similar adaptations in right and left heel-to-heel base of support (BOS) in managing M-L balance destabilizing forces. A three-way interaction (p<.027) suggests a similar foot strategy of BOS narrowing may be used approaching turns relative to straight walks when direction is cued early walking fast (p<.020) and late walking preferred speed (p<.014).
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings were interpreted within the context of regulating center of mass acceleration and processing environmental regulatory conditions to maintain a personal space safety margin. The study supports that in otherwise healthy older adults, gait training for turns include practice to not only manage perturbations which accelerate the body sideways but also those which decelerate forward progression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Electroencephalography (EEG) measures of visual evoked potentials (VEPs) provide a targeted approach for investigating neural circuit dynamics. This study separately analyses phase-locked (evoked) and non-phase-locked (induced) gamma responses within the VEP to comprehensively investigate circuit differences in autism.
    METHODS: We analyzed VEP data from 237 autistic and 114 typically developing (TD) children aged 6-11, collected through the Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials (ABC-CT). Evoked and induced gamma (30-90 Hz) responses were separately quantified using a wavelet-based time-frequency analysis, and group differences were evaluated using a permutation-based clustering procedure.
    RESULTS: Autistic children exhibited reduced evoked gamma power but increased induced gamma power compared to TD peers. Group differences in induced responses showed the most prominent effect size and remained statistically significant after excluding outliers.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study corroborates recent research indicating diminished evoked gamma responses in children with autism. Additionally, we observed a pronounced increase in induced power. Building upon existing ABC-CT findings, these results highlight the potential to detect variations in gamma-related neural activity, despite the absence of significant group differences in time-domain VEP components.
    CONCLUSIONS: The contrasting patterns of decreased evoked and increased induced gamma activity in autistic children suggest that a combination of different EEG metrics may provide a clearer characterization of autism-related circuitry than individual markers alone.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    初级视觉皮层(V1)中的神经元在其接受区域内对其首选视觉特征的翻译的反应中表现出一定范围的敏感性:从高特异性到精确位置,再到完全不变性。这种视觉特征选择性和不变性通常通过对输入图像应用线性空间滤波器的选择来建模。定义特征选择性,后跟一个结合滤波器输出的非线性函数,定义了不变性,来预测神经反应。我们比较了两类这样的模型,既受欢迎又吝啬,通过将它们应用于来自猫初级视觉皮层的多电极记录的数据,以响应空间白高斯噪声:广义二次模型(GQM)和非线性输入模型(NIM)。这两类模型的区别主要在于NIM可以以非线性的形式容纳更大的多样性,该非线性应用于滤波器的输出。在将这两类模型拟合到342个单个单元的数据库之后,我们分析了两种模型在视觉特征处理方面的定性和定量差异及其预测神经反应的能力。我们发现,NIM至少可以预测保留数据的响应率以及95%的单个单位的GQM。优越的性能主要出现在那些具有高于平均峰值速率的单元中,这在很大程度上是由于NIM能够捕获GQM无法捕获的模型非线性函数方面,而不是两个不同模型处理的视觉特征的差异。 .
    Objective: Neurons in primary visual cortex (V1) display a range of sensitivity in their response to translations of their preferred visual features within their receptive field: from high specificity to a precise position through to complete invariance. This visual feature selectivity and invariance is frequently modeled by applying a selection of linear spatial filters to the input image, that define the feature selectivity, followed by a nonlinear function that combines the filter outputs, that defines the invariance, to predict the neural response. We compare two such classes of model, that are both popular and parsimonious, the generalized quadratic model (GQM) and the nonlinear input model (NIM). These two classes of model differ primarily in that the NIM can accommodate a greater diversity in the form of nonlinearity that is applied to the outputs of the filters.Approach: We compare the two model types by applying them to data from multielectrode recordings from cat primary visual cortex in response to spatially white Gaussian noise After fitting both classes of model to a database of 342 single units (SUs), we analyze the qualitative and quantitative differences in the visual feature processing performed by the two models and their ability to predict neural response.Main results: We find that the NIM predicts response rates on a held-out data at least as well as the GQM for 95% of SUs. Superior performance occurs predominantly for those units with above average spike rates and is largely due to the NIMs ability to capture aspects of the model\'s nonlinear function cannot be captured with the GQM rather than differences in the visual features being processed by the two different models.Significance: These results can help guide model choice for data-driven receptive field modelling.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    To understand the visual preponderance of perceived flaws in appearance in body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), the study of visual processing has been growing. Studies have focused on facial and other basic visual stimuli. The current literature does not provide evidence of consistent behavioural patterns, lacking an overarching body of work describing visual processing in BDD. This systematic review aims to characterise behavioural outcomes of visual processing anomalies and/or deficits in BDD. Articles were collected through online databases MEDLINE and PubMed, and were included if they comprised a clinical BDD group, and were published after 1990. Results indicate that individuals with BDD demonstrate deficits in emotional face processing, a possible overreliance on detail processing, aberrant eye-scanning behaviours, and a tendency to overvalue attractiveness. While findings consistently signal towards visual deficits in BDD, there is lack of clarity as to the type. This inconsistency may be attributed to heterogeneity within BDD samples and differences in experimental design (i.e., stimuli, tasks, conditions). There are difficulties distinguishing between BDD-associated deficits and those associated with OCD or eating disorders. A coherent framework, including sample characterisation and task design will seek to generate clear and consistent behavioural patterns to guide future treatments.





