Veterinary pathology

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For the past two centuries, the use of traditional light microscopy to examine tissues to make diagnoses has remained relatively unchanged. While the fundamental concept of tissue slide analysis has stayed the same, our interaction with the microscope is undergoing significant changes. Digital pathology (DP) has gained momentum in veterinary science and is on the verge of becoming a vital tool in diagnostics, research and education. Many diagnostic laboratories have incorporated DP as a critical part of their workflows. Innovations in DP and whole slide image technology have made telediagnosis (the process of transmitting digital clinical data using telecommunication networks for distant diagnosis) more accessible, leading to improved patient care through streamlining of workflows and greater accessibility of second opinions. The integration of machine learning and artificial intelligence and human-in-the-loop protocols for DP workflows will further the development of computer-aided diagnosis and prognostic tools. Despite its present weaknesses, DP will progressively aid veterinary clinicians and pathologists in delivering more accurate and reliable diagnoses. Consistent incorporation of DP frontline advancements into routine veterinary diagnostic pipelines will assist in improving current tools and help prepare pathologists for the progression of digitalization in the field.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ovarian teratomas are rare neoplasms in female dogs, and they are characterised by the proliferation of tissues of embryonic origin. Most teratomas are benign, but a histological diagnosis is important for clinicians. The objective of this article is to describe a benign ovarian teratoma in a dog, which was found on the street and was appearing like pregnant. A veterinary inspection by palpation documented an enlarged abdomen with a mass of tough matter located on the right side in the abdominal-pelvic part. An ultrasound examination presumed neoplastic mass in region of ovary. A bilateral ovariohysterectomy was performed and the subsequent histological evaluation revealed a benign ovarian teratoma with a histochemically and immunohistochemically verified nervous tissue. After one year, no distant metastases were found and the dog was recognised as being clinically healthy without problems. On the basis of the ultrasonography diagnostics and histopathological analyses, we have demonstrated the occurrence of a benign ovarian teratoma in a dog.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Veterinary pathology credentials serve as a concise means attesting to educational attainments and experiences indicating a readiness for professional practice. Given the cost, time, and stress associated with obtaining different qualifications, pathologists must consider what credentials enhance their readiness. In this commentary, the authors describe how their various degrees and certifications have facilitated their individual and organizational success. The minimum credentials for proficient veterinary pathology practice are a veterinary medical degree (DVM or equivalent) and advanced pathology training (residency and/or on-the-job \"apprenticeship\") ideally culminating in board certification in pathology (American College of Veterinary Pathologists [ACVP] diplomate status or equivalent). Graduate degrees (MS, PhD, MPH, etc) and/or other qualifications in allied biomedical fields (eg, board certification in internal medicine, laboratory animal medicine, poultry medicine, preventive medicine, or toxicology) may improve employability by affirming specialty knowledge in another complementary discipline. The authors note that pathology positions may be obtained without a long list of degrees or certifications, and that more credentials may provide occupational flexibility for some employers. However, a good work ethic, experience in the field, ability to adapt to changes, job satisfaction, good attitude, and demonstrated productivity are also important, and indeed, they are often the paramount criteria for career success as a veterinary pathologist.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated technological changes in veterinary education, particularly in clinical pathology and anatomic pathology courses transitioning from traditional methods to digital pathology (DP). This study evaluates the personal effectiveness and satisfaction, as well as the advantages and disadvantages, of DP, in particular digital cytology (DC), as a teaching method among European veterinary students, both at the undergraduate and postgraduate level, who attended digital pathology courses during and before the pandemic. A further aim is to discuss the differences between the two student groups. A Google Form survey consisting of 11 multiple-choice questions was emailed to pathology teachers and distributed to their students. Results indicated that undergraduate students showed greater digital pathology training, favouring DC as the most effective learning modality. In contrast, postgraduate students reported less digital slide training, and their preference for learning cytology was split between DC alone and DC integrated with traditional microscopy. All students experienced whole slide imaging for learning cytology slides prevalently, and they stated that DC enhanced their learning experience. While DC demonstrates personal effectiveness and satisfaction as a teaching method, it is important to not replace pathology training with light microscopy completely, as almost a third of the students indicated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To expand the knowledge about common diseases in llamas and alpacas in Germany, a screening of the cases of South American camelids presented at the Clinic for Swine and Small Ruminants of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany from 2005 to the end of November 2021 was performed. A retrospective evaluation of necropsy reports from this period was conducted. Overall, necropsy reports were evaluated from 187 alpacas, 35 llamas and one vicuña (n = 223). A total of 50.2% of the dissected animals were thin or cachectic. Pathological alterations of the gastrointestinal tract were the most common findings (44.8%). In addition, liver changes were recorded, most frequently in adult animals. In contrast, diseases of the respiratory tract and the nervous system were found more frequently in juvenile animals. This study provides an overview of common pathologies in South American camelids in Germany and thus may help to recognise different disease symptoms at an early stage.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Comparative experimental pathology is a research field at the interface of human and veterinary medicine. It is focused on the comparative study of similarities and differences between spontaneous and experimentally induced diseases in animals (animal models) compared to human diseases. The use of animal models for studying human diseases is an essential component of biomedical research. Interdisciplinary teams with species-specific expertise should collaborate wherever possible and maintain close communication. Mutual openness, cooperation, and willingness to learn form the basis for a fruitful collaboration. Research projects jointly led by or involving both animal and human pathologists make a significant contribution to high-quality biomedical research. Such approaches are promising not only in oncological research, as outlined in this article, but also in other research areas where animal models are regularly used, such as infectiology, neurology, and developmental biology.
    UNASSIGNED: Die vergleichende experimentelle Pathologie („comparative experimental pathology“) ist ein Fachbereich an der Schnittstelle von Human- und Veterinärmedizin. Sie widmet sich der vergleichenden Erforschung von Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschieden von spontanen und experimentell induzierten Erkrankungen bei (Modell‑)Tieren mit Krankheiten des Menschen. Der Einsatz von Tiermodellen zur Erforschung menschlicher Erkrankungen ist ein essenzieller Bestandteil biomedizinischer Forschung. Interdisziplinäre Teams mit speziesspezifischer Expertise sollten, wo immer möglich, zusammenarbeiten und in regem Austausch stehen. Wechselseitige Offenheit, Kooperations- und Lernbereitschaft bilden hierbei die Basis für eine gewinnbringende Zusammenarbeit. Forschungsprojekte unter gemeinsamer Leitung bzw. Mitarbeit von Tier- und Humanpathologen leisten so einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu qualitativ hochwertiger biomedizinischer Forschung. Entsprechende Ansätze sind nicht nur (wie in diesem Artikel ausgeführt) in der onkologischen Forschung, sondern auch in weiteren Forschungsbereichen, in denen regelmäßig Tiermodelle angewandt werden (z. B. Infektiologie, Neurologie, Entwicklungsbiologie u. a.), Erfolg versprechend.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The expanding presence of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in urban and suburban regions could potentially lead to increased instances of human aggression towards this species. We studied 10 deceased red foxes that were submitted by law enforcement agencies in the metropolitan area of Madrid in 2014-2022 because of suspected abuse. Forensic autopsies were performed to establish the cause and manner of death. In 4 of the 10 cases, the cause of death was deemed unnatural, involving blunt-force trauma (n = 2), asphyxia resulting from hanging (n = 1), and firearm injury (n = 1). Among the remaining cases, most had succumbed to natural causes (n = 4), often marked by severe emaciation and a high burden of parasites, primarily Sarcoptes scabiei. In 2 cases, death was undetermined given the poor preservation of the carcass. The growing prevalence of wildlife species in urban areas, particularly red foxes, may require forensic veterinary investigation of deaths potentially related to abuse.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three cats, aged 2 to 11 years, presented to the University of Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory over a 3-year period following euthanasia or death due to respiratory distress. Thoracic radiographs revealed nodular, soft tissue opacities throughout the lung fields in all cases. On postmortem examination, approximately 60% to 80% of the lung parenchyma were expanded by multifocal to coalescing, well-demarcated, beige, semi-firm nodules. Histologically, large numbers of neutrophils, fewer macrophages, fibrin, and cellular and karyorrhectic debris effaced the pulmonary parenchyma. The inflammatory foci contained aggregates of gram-negative cocci. 16s rRNA Sanger sequencing and whole-genome sequencing identified the bacteria isolated from the lung of all cats under aerobic conditions as a novel Neisseria spp. Based on whole-genome sequence analysis, all 3 sequences shared 92.71% and 92.67% average nucleotide identity with closely related Neisseria animaloris NZ LR134440T and Neisseria animaloris GCA 002108605T, respectively. The in silico DNA-DNA hybridization identity compared to our isolates was 46.6% and 33.8% with strain DSM Neisseria zoodegmatis 21642 and strain DSM 21643, respectively. All 3 sequences have less than 95% average nucleotide identity and less than 70% DNA-DNA hybridization identity, suggesting that the 3 isolates are a novel species of the genus Neisseria. Infection with Neisseria spp. induces an embolic pneumonia in cats that radiographically and pathologically resembles a metastatic neoplastic process and should be considered among the etiologic differential diagnoses in cases of infectious pulmonary disease with a disseminated, nodular lung pattern.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxoplasmosis is an important zoonotic disease caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii and is especially fatal for neotropical primates. In Brazil, the Ministry of Health is responsible for national epizootic surveillance, but some diseases are still neglected. Here, we present an integrated investigation of an outbreak that occurred during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic among eleven neotropical primates housed at a primatology center in Brazil. After presenting non-specific clinical signs, all animals died within four days. A wide range of pathogens were evaluated, and we successfully identified T. gondii as the causative agent within four days after necropsies. The liver was the most affected organ, presenting hemorrhage and hepatocellular necrosis. Tachyzoites and bradyzoite cysts were observed in histological examinations and immunohistochemistry in different organs; in addition, parasitic DNA was detected through PCR in blood samples from all specimens evaluated. A high prevalence of Escherichia coli was also observed, indicating sepsis. This case highlights some of the obstacles faced by the current Brazilian surveillance system. A diagnosis was obtained through the integrated action of researchers since investigation for toxoplasmosis is currently absent in national guidelines. An interdisciplinary investigation could be a possible model for future epizootic investigations in animals.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Zoonoses are diseases and infections that can be transmitted naturally between animals and humans. Direct and indirect contact of humans with wildlife occur during hunting activities, when diseased wildlife is found and treated, and in shared fields, forests, parks, gardens, and homes. Zoonoses can only be understood and controlled when ecosystems, animals, and humans are considered holistically.
    OBJECTIVE: This paper presents important zoonotic pathogens that are currently present in wild mammals as reservoirs in Germany.
    METHODS: The literature was searched to determine the prevalence of zoonotic pathogens currently occurring in wild mammals.
    RESULTS: Viral zoonotic agents currently present in free-ranging, mammalian animals in Germany as reservoirs of natural origin are bornaviruses, lyssaviruses, hepatitis E virus genotype 3, and Puumala orthohantavirus. Bacterial zoonotic agents beyond typical wound and foodborne pathogens include Brucella suis Biovar 2, Francisella tularensis ssp. holarctica, Leptospira interrogans sensu latu, Mycobacterium caprae, and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. In particular, parasitic zoonotic agents common in wildlife are Alaria alata, Baylisascaris procyonis, Echinococcus multilocularis, Sacoptes scabei, and Trichinella spp.
    CONCLUSIONS: The presence of zoonotic infectious agents of risk groups 2 and 3 has to be regularly expected in numerous endemic wildlife species, especially canines, small bears, rodents, insectivores, and bats. Animal caretakers, hunters, veterinarians, and human health professionals should be aware of this risk and take protective measures appropriate to the situation.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Zoonosen sind Krankheiten und Infektionen, die auf natürliche Weise zwischen Tieren und Menschen übertragen werden können. Direkte und indirekte Kontakte von Menschen mit Wildtieren finden bei der Jagdausübung, beim Auffinden und Versorgen erkrankter Wildtiere und in gemeinsam genutzten Feldern, Wäldern, Parks, Gärten und Häusern statt. Zoonosen können nur bei ganzheitlicher Betrachtung von Ökosystemen, Tieren und Menschen verstanden und bekämpft werden.
    UNASSIGNED: In dieser Arbeit werden wichtige Zoonoseerreger vorgestellt, die aktuell in Deutschland in wildlebenden Säugetieren als Reservoir vorkommen.
    METHODS: Mittels Literaturrecherche wurde die Prävalenz von aktuell in wildlebenden Säugetieren vorkommenden Zoonoseerregern ermittelt.
    UNASSIGNED: Aktuell in Deutschland in Wildsäugetieren als natürlichem Reservoir vorkommende virale Zoonoseerreger sind Bornaviren, Lyssaviren, Hepatitis-E-Virus Genotyp 3 und Puumala orthohantavirus. Die über typische Wund- und Lebensmittelinfektionserreger hinausgehenden bakteriellen Zoonoseerreger beinhalten Brucella suis Biovar 2, Francisella tularensis ssp. holarctica, Leptospira interrogans sensu lato, Mycobacterium caprae und Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. Bei Wildtieren häufige parasitäre Zoonoseerreger sind insbesondere Alaria alata, Baylisascaris procyonis, Echinococcus multilocularis, Sarcoptes scabei und Trichinella spp.
    UNASSIGNED: Bei zahlreichen heimischen Wildtieren, insbesondere Hundeartigen, Kleinbären, Nagetieren, Insektenfressern und Fledertieren ist regulär mit dem Vorliegen von zoonotischen Infektionserregern der Risikogruppen 2 bis 3 zu rechnen. Tierpfleger, Jäger, Tiermediziner und Humanmediziner sollten dieses Risiko kennen und situationsgerechte Schutzmaßnahmen ergreifen.





