Vertex component analysis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hyperspectral Raman imaging not only offers spectroscopic fingerprints but also reveals morphological information such as spatial distributions in an analytical sample. However, the spectrum-per-pixel nature of hyperspectral imaging (HSI) results in a vast amount of data. Furthermore, HSI often requires pre- and post-processing steps to extract valuable chemical information. To derive pure spectral signatures and concentration abundance maps of the active spectroscopic compounds, both endmember extraction (EX) and Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR) techniques are widely employed. The objective of this study is to carry out a systematic investigation based on Raman mapping datasets to highlight the similarities and differences between these two approaches in retrieving pure variables, and ultimately provide guidelines for pure variable extraction. Numerical simulations and Raman mapping experiments on a mixture of pharmaceutical powders and on a layered plastic foil sample were conducted to underscore the distinctions between MCR and EX algorithms (in particular Vertex Component Analysis, VCA) and their outputs. Both methods were found to perform well if the dataset contains pure pixels for each of the individual components. However, in cases where such pure pixels do not exist, only MCR was found to be capable of extracting the pure component spectra.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental monitoring of pesticide residues in crops is essential for both food safety and environmental protection. Traditional methodologies face challenges due to the interference of endogenous compounds in peel and pulp tissues, often being invasive, labor-intensive, and inadequate for real-time observation of hazardous substance distribution. In this study, dynamic borohydride-reduced nanoparticles were employed as enhanced substrates. For the first time, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) imaging was harnessed to enable whole-process visual detection of pesticide residues. The developed method is both stable and sensitive, boasting a detection lower limit below 1 pg/mL, coupled with robust quantitative analytical capabilities. This technique was successfully employed to detect residue signals across various crops and fruit juices. Furthermore, SERS imaging was utilized to map the distribution of pesticide residues from the exterior to the interior of fruits and vegetables. Vertex component analysis further refined the process by mitigating interference from plant autofluorescence. Collectively, this innovative strategy facilitates comprehensive pesticide residue monitoring, offering a potent tool for controlling hazardous substances in crops. Its potential applications extend beyond food safety, holding significant promise for sustainable agricultural production and enhanced environmental safeguarding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The egg production of laying hens is crucial to breeding enterprises in the laying hen breeding industry. However, there is currently no systematic or accurate method to identify low-egg-production-laying hens in commercial farms, and the majority of these hens are identified by breeders based on their experience. In order to address this issue, we propose a method that is widely applicable and highly precise. First, breeders themselves separate low-egg-production-laying hens and normal-laying hens. Then, under a halogen lamp, hyperspectral images of the two different types of hens are captured via hyperspectral imaging equipment. The vertex component analysis (VCA) algorithm is used to extract the cockscomb end member spectrum to obtain the cockscomb spectral feature curves of low-egg-production-laying hens and normal ones. Next, fast continuous wavelet transform (FCWT) is employed to analyze the data of the feature curves in order to obtain the two-dimensional spectral feature image dataset. Finally, referring to the two-dimensional spectral image dataset of the low-egg-production-laying hens and normal ones, we developed a deep learning model based on a convolutional neural network (CNN). When we tested the model\'s accuracy by using the prepared dataset, we found that it was 0.975 percent accurate. This outcome demonstrates our identification method, which combines hyperspectral imaging technology, an FCWT data analysis method, and a CNN deep learning model, and is highly effective and precise in laying-hen breeding plants. Furthermore, the attempt to use FCWT for the analysis and processing of hyperspectral data will have a significant impact on the research and application of hyperspectral technology in other fields due to its high efficiency and resolution characteristics for data signal analysis and processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Raman imaging is a microspectroscopic approach revealing the chemistry and structure of plant cell walls in situ on the micro- and nanoscale. The method is based on the Raman effect (inelastic scattering) that takes place when monochromatic laser light interacts with matter. The scattered light conveys a change in energy that is inherent of the involved molecule vibrations. The Raman spectra are thus characteristic for the chemical structure of the molecules and can be recorded spatially ordered with a lateral resolution of about 300 nm. Based on thousands of acquired Raman spectra, images can be assessed using univariate as well as multivariate data analysis approaches. One advantage compared to staining or labeling techniques is that not only one image is obtained as a result but different components and characteristics can be displayed in several images. Furthermore, as every pixel corresponds to a Raman spectrum, which is a kind of \"molecular fingerprint,\" the imaging results should always be evaluated and further details revealed by analysis (e.g., band assignment) of extracted spectra. In this chapter, the basic theoretical background of the technique and instrumentation are described together with sample preparation requirements and tips for high-quality plant tissue sections and successful Raman measurements. Typical Raman spectra of the different plant cell wall components are shown as well as an exemplified analysis of Raman data acquired on the model plant Arabidopsis. Important preprocessing methods of the spectra are included as well as single component image generation (univariate) and spectral unmixing by means of multivariate approaches (e.g., vertex component analysis).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Plant cell walls are nanocomposites based on cellulose microfibrils embedded in a matrix of polysaccharides and aromatic polymers. They are optimized for different functions (e.g. mechanical stability) by changing cell form, cell wall thickness and composition. To reveal the composition of plant tissues in a non-destructive way on the microscale, Raman imaging has become an important tool. Thousands of Raman spectra are acquired, each one being a spatially resolved molecular fingerprint of the plant cell wall. Nevertheless, due to the multicomponent nature of plant cell walls, many bands are overlapping and classical band integration approaches often not suitable for imaging. Multivariate data analysing approaches have a high potential as the whole wavenumber region of all thousands of spectra is analysed at once.
    RESULTS: Three multivariate unmixing algorithms, vertex component analysis, non-negative matrix factorization and multivariate curve resolution-alternating least squares were applied to find the purest components within datasets acquired from micro-sections of spruce wood and Arabidopsis. With all three approaches different cell wall layers (including tiny S1 and S3 with 0.09-0.14 µm thickness) and cell contents were distinguished and endmember spectra with a good signal to noise ratio extracted. Baseline correction influences the results obtained in all methods as well as the way in which algorithm extracts components, i.e. prioritizing the extraction of positive endmembers by sequential orthogonal projections in VCA or performing a simultaneous extraction of non-negative components aiming at explaining the maximum variance in NMF and MCR-ALS. Other constraints applied (e.g. closure in VCA) or a previous principal component analysis filtering step in MCR-ALS also contribute to the differences obtained.
    CONCLUSIONS: VCA is recommended as a good preliminary approach, since it is fast, does not require setting many input parameters and the endmember spectra result in good approximations of the raw data. Yet the endmember spectra are more correlated and mixed than those retrieved by NMF and MCR-ALS methods. The latter two give the best model statistics (with lower lack of fit in the models), but care has to be taken about overestimating the rank as it can lead to artificial shapes due to peak splitting or inverted bands.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The stratum corneum is a strong barrier that must be overcome to achieve successful transdermal delivery of a pharmaceutical agent. Many strategies have been developed to enhance the permeation through this barrier. Traditionally, drug penetration through the stratum corneum is evaluated by employing tape-stripping protocols and measuring the content of the analyte. Although effective, this method cannot provide a detailed information regarding the penetration pathways. To address this issue various microscopic techniques have been employed. Raman microscopy offers the advantage of label free imaging and provides spectral information regarding the chemical integrity of the drug as well as the tissue. In this paper we present a relatively simple method to obtain XZ-Raman profiles of human stratum corneum using confocal Raman microscopy on intact full thickness skin biopsies. The spectral datasets were analysed using a spectral unmixing algorithm. The spectral information obtained, highlights the different components of the tissue and the presence of drug. We present Raman images of untreated skin and diffusion patterns for deuterated water and beta-carotene after Franz-cell diffusion experiment.





