
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While locally-acquired dengue virus (DENV) human infections occur in mainland France since 2010, data to identify the mosquito species involved and to trace the virus are frequently lacking. Supported by a local network gathering public health agencies and research laboratories, we analysed, in late summer 2023, mosquitoes from privately-owned traps within a French urban neighbourhood affected by a dengue cluster. The cluster, in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, comprised three cases, including two autochthonous ones. Upon return from a recent visit to the French Caribbean Islands, the third case had consulted healthcare because of dengue-compatible symptoms, but dengue had not been recognised. For the two autochthonous cases, DENV-specific antibodies in serum or a positive quantitative PCR for DENV confirmed DENV infection. The third case had anti-flavivirus IgMs. No DENV genetic sequences were obtained from affected individuals but Aedes albopictus mosquitoes trapped less than 200 m from the autochthonous cases\' residence contained DENV. Genetic data from the mosquito-derived DENV linked the cluster to the 2023-2024 dengue outbreak in the French Caribbean Islands. This study highlights the importance of raising mosquito-borne disease awareness among healthcare professionals. It demonstrates Ae. albopictus as a DENV vector in mainland France and the value of private mosquito traps for entomo-virological surveillance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The blood-sucking flies of the genus Stomoxys Geoffroy, 1762 (Diptera: Muscidae) are significant ectoparasites that can cause irritation and transmit pathogens to both animals and humans. Within the genus Stomoxys, two species, Stomoxys bengalensis and Stomoxys sitiens, have similar morphology and coexist in the same habitat. Accurate species identification of these flies is crucial for understanding disease vectors and implementing effective control measures. In this study, we assessed the effectiveness of outline-based geometric morphometrics (GM) by analyzing the wing cell contour of the first posterior cell (R5) to distinguish between species and sexes of S. bengalensis and S. sitiens. Our results demonstrate that the outline-based GM method is highly effective in distinguishing between species and sexes of these flies based on contour shape, with accuracy scores ranging from 90.0% to 97.5%. Therefore, outline-based GM emerges as a promising alternative to landmark-based GM or as a supplementary tool in conjunction with traditional morphology-based methods for species identification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mosquitoes and sandflies exhibit a wide range of blood feeding patterns, targeting a wide range of vertebrate species, including birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians, for proteins vital for egg development. This broad host range increases the opportunity for them to acquire pathogens of numerous debilitating-and-fatal diseases from various animal reservoirs, playing a significant role in disease crossover between animals and humans, also known as zoonotic transmission. This review focuses on the intricate blood-feeding habits of these dipteran vectors, their sensory systems and the complex dance between host and pathogen during disease transmission. We delve into the influence of blood sources on pathogen spread by examining the insect immune response and its intricate interplay with pathogens. The remarkable sense of smell guiding them towards food sources and hosts is explored, highlighting the interplay of multiple sensory cues in their navigation. Finally, we examine the challenges in mosquito control strategies and explore innovations in this field, emphasizing the need for sustainable solutions to combat this global health threat. By understanding the biology and behaviour of these insects, we can develop more effective strategies to protect ourselves and mitigate the burden of vector-borne diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are major vectors of dengue, chikungunya, and other arboviral diseases. Ae. aegypti\'s capacity to reproduce and to spread disease depends on the female mosquitoes\' ability to obtain blood meals and find water-filled containers in which to lay eggs (oviposit). While humidity sensation (hygrosensation) has been implicated in these behaviors, the specific hygrosensory pathways involved have been unclear. Here, we establish the distinct molecular requirements and anatomical locations of Ae. aegypti Dry Cells and Moist Cells and examine their contributions to behavior. We show that Dry Cell and Moist Cell responses to humidity involve different ionotropic receptor (IR) family sensory receptors, with dry air-activated Dry Cells reliant upon the IR Ir40a, and humid air-activated Moist Cells upon Ir68a. Both classes of hygrosensors innervate multiple antennal sensilla, including sensilla ampullacea near the antennal base as well as two classes of coeloconic sensilla near the tip. Dry Cells and Moist Cells each support behaviors linked to mosquito reproduction but contribute differently: Ir40a-dependent Dry Cells act in parallel with Ir68a-dependent Moist Cells to promote blood feeding, while oviposition site seeking is driven specifically by Ir68a-dependent Moist Cells. Together these findings reveal the importance of distinct hygrosensory pathways in blood feeding and oviposition site seeking and suggest Ir40a-dependent Dry Cells and Ir68a-dependent Moist Cells as potential targets for vector control strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artificial light at night (ALAN) is a common form of light pollution worldwide, and the intensity, timing, duration, and wavelength of light exposure can affect biological rhythms, which can lead to metabolic, reproductive, and immune dysfunctions and consequently, host-pathogen interactions. Insect vector-borne diseases are a global problem that needs to be addressed, and ALAN plays an important role in disease transmission by affecting the habits and physiological functions of vector organisms. In this work, we describe the mechanisms by which ALAN affects host physiology and biochemistry, host-parasite interactions, and vector-borne viruses and propose preventive measures for related infectious diseases to minimize the effects of artificial light on vector-borne diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) is transmitted by Culicoides biting midges. Studies aiming to predict the likely spread of EHDV require an understanding of the viral infection and replication kinetics within these insects, including the proportion of the insect population that are able to support virus transmission. Here, we describe methods for the infection of Culicoides with EHDV in the laboratory via oral infection using an artificial membrane system or a cotton pledget and intrathoracic (IT) inoculation. Each method can be used to explore determinants of vector competence of Culicoides species and populations for EHDV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The different technology platforms used to make poultry vaccines are reviewed. Vaccines based on classical technologies are either live attenuated or inactivated vaccines. Genetic engineering is applied to design by deletion, mutation, insertion, or chimerization, genetically modified target microorganisms that are used either as live or inactivated vaccines. Other vaccine platforms are based on one or a few genes of the target pathogen agent coding for proteins that can induce a protective immune response (\"protective genes\"). These genes can be expressed in vitro to produce subunit vaccines. Alternatively, vectors carrying these genes in their genome or nucleic acid-based vaccines will induce protection by in vivo expression of these genes in the vaccinated host. Properties of these different types of vaccines, including advantages and limitations, are reviewed, focusing mainly on vaccines targeting viral diseases and on technologies that succeeded in market authorization.
    Plataformas tecnológicas de vacunas avícolas En este artículo se revisan las diferentes plataformas tecnológicas utilizadas para elaborar vacunas avícolas. Las vacunas basadas en tecnologías clásicas son vacunas vivas atenuadas o inactivadas. La ingeniería genética se aplica al diseño mediante eliminación, mutación, inserción o quimerización de microorganismos diana genéticamente modificados que se utilizan como vacunas vivas o inactivadas. Otras plataformas de vacunas se basan en uno o varios genes del agente patógeno objetivo que codifican proteínas que pueden inducir una respuesta inmunitaria protectora (“genes protectores”). Estos genes pueden expresarse in vitro para producir vacunas de subunidades. Alternativamente, los vectores que llevan estos genes en su genoma o las vacunas basadas en ácidos nucleicos inducirán protección mediante la expresión in vivo de estos genes en el huésped vacunado. Se revisan las propiedades de estos diferentes tipos de vacunas, incluidas sus ventajas y limitaciones, centrándose principalmente en las vacunas dirigidas a enfermedades virales y en las tecnologías que lograron la autorización de comercialización.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For decades, cognitive scientists have debated what kind of representation might characterize human concepts. Whatever the format of the representation, it must allow for the computation of varied properties, including similarities, features, categories, definitions, and relations. It must also support the development of theories, ad hoc categories, and knowledge of procedures. Here, we discuss why vector-based representations provide a compelling account that can meet all these needs while being plausibly encoded into neural architectures. This view has become especially promising with recent advances in both large language models and vector symbolic architectures. These innovations show how vectors can handle many properties traditionally thought to be out of reach for neural models, including compositionality, definitions, structures, and symbolic computational processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Insect growth regulators, like S-methoprene, are heavily relied upon worldwide for larval mosquito chemical control due to their target specificity and long-lasting effects. In this study, susceptibility to S-methoprene was evaluated in Culex pipiens, a globally important vector species. Populations from 14 sites throughout the Chicago area with a long history of S-methoprene use and two sites with minimal use in Wisconsin were examined. Using a bioassay methodology and probit analyses, LC50 and LC90 values were calculated and compared to a susceptible laboratory strain to develop resistance ratios, then categorized for resistance intensity. The resistance ratios observed required the addition of another category, termed \'extreme\' resistance, indicating resistance ratios greater than 100. \'Low\' to \'extreme\' levels of resistance to S-methoprene were detected throughout Illinois populations, with resistance ratios ranging from 2.33 to 1010.52. Resistance was not detected in populations where S-methoprene pressure has been very limited. These \'extreme\' resistance ratios observed have never been documented in a wild vector species mosquito population. The relationships between historical S-methoprene use, resistance detected with laboratory bioassays, and the potential for field product failure remain unclear. However, the profound resistance detected here demonstrates a potential critical threat to protecting public health from mosquito-borne diseases.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    BACKGROUND: Bartonella quintana is a body louse-borne bacterium causing bacteremia and infective endocarditis. We aimed to describe B. quintana detection among arthropods and their hosts.
    METHODS: We searched databases in PubMed Central/MEDLINE, Scopus, Embase, and Web of Science from January 1, 1915 (the year of B. quintana discovery) to January 1, 2024, to identify publications containing specific search terms relating to B. quintana detection among arthropods. Descriptive statistics and meta-analysis of pooled prevalence using random-effects models were performed for all arthropods and body and head lice.
    RESULTS: Of 1265 records, 62 articles were included, describing 8839 body lice, 4962 head lice, and 1692 other arthropods, such as different species of fleas, bedbugs, mites, and ticks. Arthropods were collected from 37 countries, of which 28 had arthropods with B. quintana DNA. Among articles that reported B. quintana detection among individual arthropods, 1445 of 14,088 (0.1026, 95% CI [0.0976; 0.1077]) arthropods tested positive for B. quintana DNA, generating a random-effects model global prevalence of 0.0666 (95% CI [0.0426; 0.1026]). Fifty-six studies tested 8839 body lice, of which 1679 had B. quintana DNA (0.1899, 95% CI [0.1818; 0.1983]), generating a random-effects model pooled prevalence of 0.2312 (95% CI [0.1784; 0.2843]). Forty-two studies tested 4962 head lice, of which 390 head lice from 20 studies originating from 11 different countries had B. quintana DNA (0.0786, 95% CI [0.0713; 0.0864]). Eight studies detected B. quintana DNA exclusively on head lice. Five studies reported greater B. quintana detection on head lice than body lice; all originated from low-resource environments.
    CONCLUSIONS: Bartonella quintana is a vector-borne bacterium with a global distribution, disproportionately affecting marginalized populations. Bartonella quintana DNA has been detected in many different arthropod species, though not all of these arthropods meet criteria to be considered vectors for B. quintana transmission. Body lice have long been known to transmit B. quintana. A limited number of studies suggest that head lice may also act as possible vectors for B. quintana in specific low-resource contexts.





