
  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Dogs with severe pulmonary stenosis (PS) are routinely treated with balloon valvuloplasty. Success and safety of these procedures require an accurate assessment of the pulmonary valve annulus (PVA) diameter for proper balloon catheter selection. PVA diameter is assessed with angiography (PVA-Ang) and transthoracic echocardiography (PVA-TTE), and both may impact procedural planning for balloon valvuloplasty. The objective of this study was to describe the relationship between PVA-Ang and PVA-TTE in dogs with PS.
    METHODS: Observational, retrospective study of 59 client-owned dogs. Medical records of dogs diagnosed with PS were reviewed. Images from selective right ventricular angiography and transthoracic echocardiography were reviewed. The PVA diameters were measured at the time of angiography (PVA-Ang) and by a single operator for this study (PVA-TTE). Image quality scores were assigned to echocardiographic images of the PVA based on visualization of PVA margins and valve leaflet hinge points.
    RESULTS: In 41/59 (70%) dogs, the diameter of the PVA-Ang was larger than the PVA-TTE, and the median absolute difference between measurements was 1.9 mm (range 0.1-8.4). With worse echocardiographic image quality, the difference in measurement between modalities increased. Dogs with poor echocardiographic image quality had greater differences (range -7.7 to 8.4 mm) between PVA-Ang and PVA-TTE compared to those with excellent image quality (range -2.2 to 3.8 mm), and the absolute differences between poor (median 2.8 mm, range 1.5-8.4 mm) and excellent (median 1.4 mm, 0.2-3.8 mm) image quality were significant (P=0.005).
    CONCLUSIONS: Diameters of PVA-Ang are greater than PVA-TTE in most dogs, and these differences are most apparent with worse echocardiographic image quality. These differences may be clinically relevant to interventional procedure planning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Perioperative management of patients on dialysis is critical for controlling bleeding and thrombotic risk, in addition to infection control. Postoperative anticoagulation is often difficult to control, and different institutions have different policies. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to investigate factors associated with postoperative bleeding events and whether warfarin (WF) therapy affects the incidence of postoperative bleeding events, total mortality, and stroke.
    METHODS: Patients who were admitted to the cardiovascular surgery department and underwent valve replacement or plasty were included, and those who underwent mechanical valve introduction were excluded. Thirty-nine patients were included in the study. The primary endpoint was to identify factors associated with the composite endpoint of postoperative bleeding events, and the secondary endpoint was to determine the effect size of WF therapy on postoperative bleeding events, all-cause mortality, and stroke and the strength of association between the crossed endpoints. The strength of the association between the crossed items was examined.
    RESULTS: Low body weight (p = 0.038) was identified as a factor associated with the primary endpoint of postoperative bleeding events. The secondary endpoint of whether or not patients received WF therapy was largely unrelated to bleeding events, all-cause mortality, and postoperative stroke up to 90 days after surgery.
    CONCLUSIONS: Preliminary studies suggest that low body weight is a risk factor for postoperative bleeding events in patients on dialysis, although further exploration of other factors will be necessary with the accumulation of similar cases.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Obstruction and/or reflux compromise during venous emptying can facilitate different pathophysiologies in chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). We present a patient with persistent lower limb CVI edema caused by post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS), who responded well to femoral vein valve therapy via axillary vein bypass after unsuccessful valvuloplasty, and led a normal life. During a 12 month observation period, bridging vessels completely restored original anatomical structures. In a literature study, no similar surgeries were reported, but we show that this operation may be feasible in selected patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    An 83-year-old man with symptomatic severe aortic valve stenosis with severe ventricular dysfunction underwent valvuloplasty with a 25-mm NuCLEUS-X balloon (B. Braun Interventional Systems) and percutaneous coronary intervention of the left main and circumflex arteries (left anterior descending artery presented a chronic total occlusion without viability of this territory) before being referred for transcatheter aortic valve replacement.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Congenital tricuspid valve stenosis is extremely rare. We describe 2 cases of patients with adult congenital heart disease with hypoplastic tricuspid valve annulus who were symptomatic from annular- and leaflet-level tricuspid stenosis. The patients underwent transcatheter balloon valvuloplasty with good clinical outcomes. An extensive literature review and analysis of various procedural strategies suggests that percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty may be a reasonable therapeutic choice as a first-line therapy or when open surgical repair is associated with prohibitively high mortality. This procedure can be performed either as a destination therapy or as a bridge to valve replacement.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Choanal atresia is a rare congenital anomaly in humans and animals, characterized by the absence of communication of one or both nasal cavities with the nasopharynx. The severity of clinical signs depends on the presence of unilateral versus bilateral stenosis as well as comorbidities. With bilateral atresia, respiration may be severely compromised particularly during sleep, as airflow can only occur when breathing through the open mouth. Various therapeutic modalities have been described in people and adopted for animals. All treatments may be associated with complications, the most important being post-therapeutic scar formation with re-stenosis. This report describes a 10-month-old British Shorthair cat with chronic unilateral serosal nasal discharge that changed to mucopurulent discharge. When acute neurological signs developed, the cat was presented to the veterinary hospital. A diagnosis of primary, membranous right sided choanal atresia was achieved via computed tomography (CT) and nasopharyngeal (posterior) rhinoscopy. Secondary changes included destructive rhinitis with progression to the CNS with a subdural empyema and meningoencephalitis. Retinal changes and aspiration bronchopneumonia were suspected additional complications. After recovery from the secondary infections, the membranous obstruction was perforated and dilated using a valvuloplasty balloon by an orthograde transnasal approach under endoscopic guidance from a retroflexed nasopharyngeal view. To prevent re-stenosis, a foley catheter was placed as a transient stent for 6 days. The cat recovered uneventfully and was asymptomatic after the stent removal. Endoscopic re-examination after 5 months confirmed a persistent opening and patency of the generated right choanal passage. The cat remains asymptomatic 10 months after the procedure. Transnasal endoscopic balloon dilation and transient stenting of choanal atresia is a minimally invasive and relatively simple procedure with potentially sustained success.
    Katze, Subdural Empyem, Ballondilatation, Nasopharynxstenose, Foley-Katheter.
    L’atrésie des choanes est une anomalie congénitale rare chez l’homme et l’animal, caractérisée par l’absence de communication d’une ou des deux cavités nasales avec le nasopharynx. La gravité des signes cliniques dépend de la présence d’une sténose unilatérale ou bilatérale, ainsi que des comorbidités. En cas d’atrésie bilatérale, la respiration peut être gravement compromise, en particulier pendant le sommeil, car l’air ne peut circuler que par la bouche ouverte. Diverses modalités thérapeutiques ont été décrites chez l’homme et adaptées pour les animaux. Tous les traitements peuvent être associés à des complications, la plus importante étant la formation de cicatrices post-thérapeutiques avec resténose. Ce rapport décrit un chat British Shorthair de 10 mois présentant un écoulement nasal séreux unilatéral chronique qui s’est finalement transformé en un écoulement muco-purulent. Lorsque des signes neurologiques aigus sont apparus, le chat a été présenté à l’hôpital vétérinaire. La tomodensitométrie (CT) et la rhinoscopie nasopharyngée (postérieure) ont permis de diagnostiquer une atrésie choanale primaire membraneuse du côté droit. Les altératiins secondaires comprenaient une rhinite destructrice avec une progression vers le SNC avec empyème sous-dural et méningo-encéphalite. Des altérations de la rétine et une bronchopneumonie par aspiration étaient des complications supplémentaires présumées. Après guérison des infections secondaires, l’obstruction membraneuse a été perforée et dilatée à l’aide d’un ballonnet de valvuloplastie par une approche transnasale orthograde sous guidage endoscopique à partir d’une vue nasopharyngée rétrofléchie. Pour éviter une nouvelle sténose, une sonde de Foley a été placée comme stent transitoire pendant 6 jours. Le chat s’est rétabli sans incident et était asymptomatique après le retrait du stent. Le réexamen endoscopique effectué 5 mois plus tard a confirmé la persistance de l’ouverture et de la perméabilité de la voie choanale droite générée. Le chat reste asymptomatique 10 mois après l’intervention. La dilatation endoscopique transnasale par ballonnet et la pose d’une endoprothèse transitoire dans le cas d’une atrésie des choanes est une procédure peu invasive et relativement simple dont le succès peut être durable.
    L’atresia coanale è una rara anomalia congenita negli esseri umani e negli animali, caratterizzata dall’assenza di comunicazione di una o entrambe le cavità nasali con la rinofaringe. La gravità dei segni clinici dipende dalla presenza di stenosi unilaterale o bilaterale, nonché dalle comorbidità. Con l’atresia bilaterale, la respirazione può essere gravemente compromessa, specialmente durante il sonno, poiché il flusso d’aria può avvenire solo respirando attraverso la bocca aperta. Sono state descritte varie modalità terapeutiche nelle persone e adattate agli animali. Tutti i trattamenti possono essere associati a complicazioni, la più importante delle quali è la formazione di cicatrici post-terapeutiche con nuove stenosi. Questo studio descrive un gatto British Shorthair di 10 mesi con scarico nasale seroso unilaterale cronico che è diventato mucopurulento. Quando si sono sviluppati segni neurologici acuti, il gatto è stato trasportato all’ospedale veterinario. Una diagnosi di atresia coanale primaria e membranosa del lato destro è stata raggiunta tramite tomografia computerizzata (TC) e rinofaringoscopia (posteriore). Le modifiche secondarie includono una rinite distruttiva con progressione al sistema nervoso centrale con un empiema subdurale e una meningoencefalite. Sono state sospettate modifiche retiniche e broncopolmonite da aspirazione come complicazioni aggiuntive. Dopo il recupero dalle infezioni secondarie, l’ostruzione membranosa è stata perforata e dilatata utilizzando un palloncino valvoloplastico con un approccio transnasale ortogonale sotto guida endoscopica da una vista retroflessa della rinofaringe. Per prevenire una nuova stenosi, è stato posizionato un catetere Foley come stent temporaneo per 6 giorni. Il gatto si è ripreso senza problemi ed è rimasto asintomatico dopo la rimozione del catetere. Un seguente esame endoscopico dopo 5 mesi ha confermato la persistenza dell’apertura e la pervietà del passaggio coanale destro generato. Il gatto è rimasto asintomatico 10 mesi dopo l’intervento. La dilatazione endoscopica con palloncino transnasale e il posizionamento temporaneo di uno stent per l’atresia coanale è una procedura minimamente invasiva e relativamente semplice con un successo tendenzialmente duraturo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the technical feasibility, operative techniques, safety, and efficacy outcomes of procedures aimed at correcting deep venous reflux, in patients with chronic venous insufficiency.
    METHODS: We performed systematic literature searches in PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science from databases\' inception to February 2022. We included systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials, and observational studies describing surgical procedures to treat patients with deep reflux due to primary and secondary incompetence, post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS). Proportion meta-analyses were performed for all the efficacy and safety outcomes.
    RESULTS: We included 57 studies in the quantitative synthesis: three randomized controlled trials including 252 patients and 54 case series including 4004 patients. Studies included a median of 38 patients, with a mean age of 51 years; 52% of them were males. Forty percent of studies included 2291 patients with primary incompetence, 29% of studies included 595 patients with PTS, and 31% of studies included 1118 patients with both diseases. As for primary incompetence, pooled estimates for all procedures showed an 89% (95% confidence interval [CI], 82%-94%) of ulcer healing, 10% (95% CI, 4%-18%) ulcer recurrence, 98% (95% CI, 93%-100%) valve patency, 84% (95% CI, 78%-90%) valve competence, 0.05% (1/1904 patients) pulmonary embolism, 1% (95% CI, 0%-3%) wound infections, 5% (95% CI, 1%-9%) hematoma, 2% (95% CI, 0%-6%) lymphocele, 2% (95% CI, 1%-4%) thrombosis, 85% (95% CI, 74%-94%) pain improvement, 89% (95% CI, 65%-100%) edema improvement, and 85% (95% CI, 73%-93%) lipodermatosclerosis improvement. Patients with PTS showed less favorable outcomes: 82% (95% CI, 71%-91%) of ulcer healing, 18% (95% CI, 5%-36%) ulcer recurrence, 88% (95% CI, 78%-96%) valve patency, 78% (95% CI, 66%-88%) valve competence, no pulmonary embolism, 6% (95% CI, 0%-22%) wound infections, 6% (95% CI, 3%-10%) hematoma, 5% (95% CI, 1%-12%) lymphocele, 7% (95% CI, 1%-16%) thrombosis, 79% (95% CI, 59%-94%) pain improvement, 75% (95% CI, 61%-88%) edema improvement, and 64% (95% CI, 9%-100%) lipodermatosclerosis improvement.
    CONCLUSIONS: The number of studies included in each meta-analysis are limited, and knowing how this element can affect the statistical power, as well as the absence of comparative control groups, it is not possible to draw definitive conclusions. Nevertheless, deep venous reconstructive surgery for reflux may increase the probability of clinical improvement in patients affected by chronic venous insufficiency. Outcomes appear to be satisfactory even if possible adjunctive procedures may be required over the course of the patient\'s lifetime. Consequently, a strict follow-up protocol is required to maintain outcomes. Further studies are required to evaluate deep venous reconstructive surgery for reflux particularly as to how it compares with the more recently introduced endovenous approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pulmonary stenosis (PS) is mainly a congenital defect that accounts for 7-12% of congenital heart diseases (CHD). It can be isolated or, more frequently, associated with other congenital defects (25-30%) involving anomalies of the pulmonary vascular tree. For the diagnosis of PS an integrated approach with echocardiography, cardiac computed tomography and cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) is of paramount importance for the planning of the interventional treatment. In recent years, transcatheter approaches for the treatment of PS have increased however, meaning surgery is a possible option for complicated cases with anatomy not suitable for percutaneous treatment. The present review aims to summarize current knowledge regarding diagnosis and treatment of PS.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pulmonary stenosis (PS) is a congenital heart diseases (CHDs) with a spectrum of stenosis. Monochorionic (MC) twins are at increased risk of CHDs, especially acquired CHDs in twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). PS/Pulmonary atresia (PA) is a rare coincidence with TTTS. MC twin pregnancies have increased in last decades due to increasing in maternal age and extensive use of assisted reproductive technologies. Therefore, attention to this group is important for heart abnormalities, especially in twins with TTTS. Multiple cardiac abnormalities in MC twins with TTTS are to be expected due to cardiac hemodynamic changes and may be eliminated by Fetoscopic laser photocoagulation treatment. Prenatal diagnosis of PS is necessary given the importance of treatment after birth.
    We here present a case of coexistence of TTTS with PS in a growth restricted recipient twin who successfully treated with balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty in neonatal period. Also, we detected infundibular PS after valvuloplasty that treated with medical therapy (propranolol).
    It is important to detect acquired cardiac abnormalities in MC twins with TTTS, and follow them up after birth to determine the need of intervention in neonatal period.





