Vaccine roll-out

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As the world becomes ever more connected, the chance of pandemics increases as well. The recent COVID-19 pandemic and the concurrent global mass vaccine roll-out provides an ideal setting to learn from and refine our understanding of infectious disease models for better future preparedness. In this review, we systematically analyze and categorize mathematical models that have been developed to design optimal vaccine prioritization strategies of an initially limited vaccine. As older individuals are disproportionately affected by COVID-19, the focus is on models that take age explicitly into account. The lower mobility and activity level of older individuals gives rise to non-trivial trade-offs. Secondary research questions concern the optimal time interval between vaccine doses and spatial vaccine distribution. This review showcases the effect of various modeling assumptions on model outcomes. A solid understanding of these relationships yields better infectious disease models and thus public health decisions during the next pandemic.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    As the world becomes ever more connected, the chance of pandemics increases as well. The recent COVID-19 pandemic and the concurrent global mass vaccine roll-out provides an ideal setting to learn from and refine our understanding of infectious disease models for better future preparedness. In this review, we systematically analyze and categorize mathematical models that have been developed to design optimal vaccine prioritization strategies of an initially limited vaccine. As older individuals are disproportionately affected by COVID-19, the focus is on models that take age explicitly into account. The lower mobility and activity level of older individuals gives rise to non-trivial trade-offs. Secondary research questions concern the optimal time interval between vaccine doses and spatial vaccine distribution. This review showcases the effect of various modeling assumptions on model outcomes. A solid understanding of these relationships yields better infectious disease models and thus public health decisions during the next pandemic.






  • 文章类型: Observational Study
    OBJECTIVE: Refugees and migrants (R&Ms) exhibited higher risk of COVID-19 infection, and higher mortality rates during the pandemic. Acknowledging these risks, R&Ms early in the pandemic were identified by WHO as a priority vaccination group in need of protection. The aim of this study was to assess the vaccination roll-out and uptake among R&Ms residing in Reception Identification Centers (RICs) and Reception Sites (RSs) in Greece, relative to the general population.
    METHODS: Nationwide observational study.
    METHODS: Retrospective analysis of national vaccination routine data and population census data, collected and triangulated from multiple official/governmental sources. Weekly vaccine roll-out and uptake were calculated for the general Greek population and the R&M population, through the first year of the vaccination programme in Greece (December 2020-December 2021).
    RESULTS: Vaccine roll-out among migrants in RICs/RSs started with a 22-week delay, compared to the general population. By the end of the first year of the vaccination programme in Greece in December 2021, the national vaccination uptake among registered R&Ms residing in official reception facilities was 27.3 % for 1st dose and 4.7 % for booster dose; considerably lower compared to the general population (69.5 % uptake for 1st dose, 64.7 % for 2nd dose, and 32.0 % for 3rd dose).
    CONCLUSIONS: Delayed vaccine roll-out and low vaccine uptake among R&Ms in Greece are signs of low prioritisation and implementation failures in the R&M vaccination strategy. In face of future public health threats, lessons should be learned, and vaccine equity should be insured for all socially vulnerable and high-risk population groups.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People are more likely to interact with other people of their ethnicity-a phenomenon known as ethnic homophily. In the United States, people of color are known to hold proportionately more high-contact jobs and are thus more at risk of virus infection. At the same time, these ethnic groups are on average younger than the rest of the population. This gives rise to interesting disease dynamics and non-trivial trade-offs that should be taken into consideration when developing prioritization strategies for future mass vaccine roll-outs. Here, we study the spread of COVID-19 through the US population, stratified by age, ethnicity, and occupation, using a detailed, previously-developed compartmental disease model. Based on historic data from the US mass COVID-19 vaccine roll-out that began in December 2020, we show, (i) how ethnic homophily affects the choice of optimal vaccine allocation strategy, (ii) that, notwithstanding potential ethical concerns, differentiating by ethnicity in these strategies can improve outcomes (e.g., fewer deaths), and (iii) that the most likely social context in the United States is very different from the standard assumptions made by models which do not account for ethnicity and this difference affects which allocation strategy is optimal. This manuscript was submitted as part of a theme issue on \"Modelling COVID-19 and Preparedness for Future Pandemics\".






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since the first COVID-19 case was reported in Nigeria in February 2020, the Country\'s effort to curb the surge in cases and protect people from the disease was undeniable, as does Cross River State (CRS). Using document revision, we illustrate the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Cross River State, Nigeria. The State recorded its first COVID-19 cases on June 29, 2020. COVID-19 vaccination commenced in the State on March 11, 2021. The pandemic response was led by the COVID -19 taskforce constituted by the Government of CRS in March 2020 to ensure effective response to effective response to the pandemic. Intensified advocacy, communication and social mobilization activities, mainly community engagement, were conducted to minimize vaccine hesitancy. A chain of responsibilities was observed in vaccine management and logistics. The State carried out a successful rollout of the first phase of COVID-19 vaccination, including refugees\' vaccination and management of AEFI. This commentary aims to share the experience and lessons learned in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine in Cross River State, Nigeria. This paper will guide policymakers in developing countries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and its spread across the world, countries have adopted containment measures to stop its transmission, limit fatalities, and relieve hospitals from straining and overwhelming conditions imposed by the virus. Many countries implemented social distancing and lockdown strategies that negatively impacted their economies and the psychological wellbeing of their citizens, even though they contributed to saving lives. Recently approved and available, COVID-19 vaccines can provide a really viable and sustainable option for controlling the pandemic. However, their uptake represents a global challenge due to vaccine hesitancy and logistic-organizational hurdles that have made its distribution stagnant in several developed countries despite several appeals by the media, policy- and decision-makers, and community leaders. Vaccine distribution is also a concern in developing countries, where there is a scarcity of doses. The objective of the present study was to set up a metric to assess vaccination uptake and identify national socio-economic factors influencing this indicator. We conducted a cross-country study. We first estimated the vaccination uptake rate across countries by fitting a logistic model to reported daily case numbers. Using the uptake rate, we estimated the vaccine roll-out index. Next, we used Random Forest, an \"off-the-shelf\" machine learning algorithm, to study the association between vaccination uptake rate and socio-economic factors. We found that the mean vaccine roll-out index is 0.016 (standard deviation 0.016), with a range between 0.0001 (Haiti) and 0.0829 (Mongolia). The top four factors associated with the vaccine roll-out index are the median per capita income, human development index, percentage of individuals who have used the internet in the last three months, and health expenditure per capita. The still-ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has shed light on the disparity in vaccine adoption across low- and high-income countries, which represents a global public health challenge. We must pave the way for universal access to vaccines and other approved treatments, regardless of demographic structures and underlying health conditions. Income disparity remains, instead, an important cause of vaccine inequity, which restricts the functioning of the global vaccine allocation framework and, thus, the ending of the pandemic. Stronger mechanisms are needed to foster countries\' political willingness to promote vaccine and drug access equity in a globalized society where future pandemics and other global health crises can be anticipated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We developed a stochastic optimization technology based on a COVID-19 transmission dynamics model to determine optimal pathways from lockdown toward reopening with different scales and speeds of mass vaccine rollout in order to maximize social economical activities while not overwhelming the health system capacity in general, hospitalization beds, and intensive care units in particular. We used the Province of Ontario, Canada as a case study to demonstrate the methodology and the optimal decision trees; but our method and algorithm are generic and can be adapted to other settings. Our model framework and optimization strategies take into account the likely range of social contacts during different phases of a gradual reopening process and consider the uncertainties of these contact rates due to variations of individual behaviors and compliance. The results show that, without a mass vaccination rollout, there would be multiple optimal pathways should this strategy be adopted right after the Province\'s lockdown and stay-at-home order; however, once reopening has started earlier than the timing determined in the optimal pathway, an optimal pathway with similar constraints no longer exists, and sub-optimal pathways with increased demand for intensive care units can be found, but the choice is limited and the pathway is narrow. We also simulated the situation when the reopening starts after the mass vaccination has been rolled out, and we concluded that optimal pathways toward near pre-pandemic activity level is feasible given an accelerated vaccination rollout plan, with the final activity level being determined by the vaccine coverage and the transmissibility of the dominating strain.






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    COVID-19 is imposing massive health, social and economic costs. While many developed countries have started vaccinating, most African nations are waiting for vaccine stocks to be allocated and are using clinical public health (CPH) strategies to control the pandemic. The emergence of variants of concern (VOC), unequal access to the vaccine supply and locally specific logistical and vaccine delivery parameters, add complexity to national CPH strategies and amplify the urgent need for effective CPH policies. Big data and artificial intelligence machine learning techniques and collaborations can be instrumental in an accurate, timely, locally nuanced analysis of multiple data sources to inform CPH decision-making, vaccination strategies and their staged roll-out. The Africa-Canada Artificial Intelligence and Data Innovation Consortium (ACADIC) has been established to develop and employ machine learning techniques to design CPH strategies in Africa, which requires ongoing collaboration, testing and development to maximize the equity and effectiveness of COVID-19-related CPH interventions.






