Tissue morphogenesis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Collectively migrating Xenopus mesendoderm cells are arranged into leader and follower rows with distinct adhesive properties and protrusive behaviors. In vivo, leading row mesendoderm cells extend polarized protrusions and migrate along a fibronectin matrix assembled by blastocoel roof cells. Traction stresses generated at the leading row result in the pulling forward of attached follower row cells. Mesendoderm explants removed from embryos provide an experimentally tractable system for characterizing collective cell movements and behaviors, yet the cellular mechanisms responsible for this mode of migration remain elusive. We introduce a novel agent-based computational model of migrating mesendoderm in the Cellular-Potts computational framework to investigate the respective contributions of multiple parameters specific to the behaviors of leader and follower row cells. Sensitivity analyses identify cohesotaxis, tissue geometry, and cell intercalation as key parameters affecting the migration velocity of collectively migrating cells. The model predicts that cohesotaxis and tissue geometry in combination promote cooperative migration of leader cells resulting in increased migration velocity of the collective. Radial intercalation of cells towards the substrate is an additional mechanism contributing to an increase in migratory speed of the tissue. Model outcomes are validated experimentally using mesendoderm tissue explants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Shroom (Shrm) family of actin-binding proteins has a unique and highly conserved Apx/Shrm Domain 2 (ASD2) motif. Shroom protein directs the subcellular localization of Rho-associated kinase (ROCK), which remodels the actomyosin cytoskeleton and changes cellular morphology via its ability to phosphorylate and activate non-muscle myosin II. Therefore, the Shrm-ROCK complex is critical for the cellular shape and the development of many tissues, including the neural tube, eye, intestines, heart, and vasculature system. Importantly, the structure and expression of Shrm proteins are also associated with neural tube defects, chronic kidney disease, metastasis of carcinoma, and X-link mental retardation. Therefore, a better understanding of Shrm-mediated signaling transduction pathways is essential for the development of new therapeutic strategies to minimize damage resulting in abnormal Shrm proteins. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the various Shrm proteins and their roles in morphogenesis and disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The planar cell polarity (PCP) system is essential for positioning cells in 3D networks to establish the proper morphogenesis, structure, and function of organs during embryonic development. The PCP system uses inter- and intracellular feedback interactions between components of the core PCP, characterized by coordinated planar polarization and asymmetric distribution of cell populations inside the cells. PCP signaling connects the anterior-posterior to left-right embryonic plane polarity through the polarization of cilia in the Kupffer\'s vesicle/node in vertebrates. Experimental investigations on various genetic ablation-based models demonstrated the functions of PCP in planar polarization and associated genetic disorders. This review paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of PCP signaling history, core components of the PCP signaling pathway, molecular mechanisms underlying PCP signaling, interactions with other signaling pathways, and the role of PCP in organ and embryonic development. Moreover, we will delve into the negative feedback regulation of PCP to maintain polarity, human genetic disorders associated with PCP defects, as well as challenges associated with PCP.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    During inner ear semicircular canal morphogenesis in zebrafish, patterned canal-genesis zones express genes for extracellular matrix component synthesis. These include hyaluronan and the hyaluronan-binding chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan Versican, which are abundant in the matrices of many developing organs. Charged hyaluronate polymers play a key role in canal morphogenesis through osmotic swelling. However, the developmental factor(s) that control the synthesis of the matrix components and regulation of hyaluronate density and swelling are unknown. Here, we identify the transcription factor, Lmx1b, as a positive transcriptional regulator of hyaluronan, Versican, and chondroitin synthesis genes crucial for canal morphogenesis. We show that Versican regulates hyaluronan density through its protein core, whereas the charged chondroitin side chains contribute to the osmotic swelling of hyaluronate. Versican-tuned properties of hyaluronate matrices may be a broadly used mechanism in morphogenesis with important implications for understanding diseases where these matrices are impaired, and for hydrogel engineering for tissue regeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Systematic functional profiling of the gene set that directs embryonic development is an important challenge. To tackle this challenge, we used 4D imaging of C. elegans embryogenesis to capture the effects of 500 gene knockdowns and developed an automated approach to compare developmental phenotypes. The automated approach quantifies features-including germ layer cell numbers, tissue position, and tissue shape-to generate temporal curves whose parameterization yields numerical phenotypic signatures. In conjunction with a new similarity metric that operates across phenotypic space, these signatures enabled the generation of ranked lists of genes predicted to have similar functions, accessible in the PhenoBank web portal, for ∼25% of essential development genes. The approach identified new gene and pathway relationships in cell fate specification and morphogenesis and highlighted the utilization of specialized energy generation pathways during embryogenesis. Collectively, the effort establishes the foundation for comprehensive analysis of the gene set that builds a multicellular organism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Geometric criteria can be used to assess whether cell intercalation is active or passive during the convergent extension of tissue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A conserved process of early embryonic development in metazoans is the reductive cell divisions following oocyte fertilization, termed cell cleavages. Cell cleavage cycles usually start synchronously, lengthen differentially between the embryonic cells becoming asynchronous, and cease before major morphogenetic events, such as germ layer formation and gastrulation. Despite exhibiting species-specific characteristics, the regulation of cell cleavage dynamics comes down to common controllers acting mostly at the single cell/nucleus level, such as nucleus-to-cytoplasmic ratio and zygotic genome activation. Remarkably, recent work has linked cell cleavage dynamics to the emergence of collective behavior during embryogenesis, including pattern formation and changes in embryo-scale mechanics, raising the question how single-cell controllers coordinate embryo-scale processes. In this review, we summarize studies across species where an association between cell cleavages and collective behavior was made, discuss the underlying mechanisms, and propose that cell-to-cell variability in cell cleavage dynamics can serve as a mechanism of long-range coordination in developing embryos.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mammographic density is a well-established risk factor for breast cancer. In a recent study, Northey et al. reveal that the associated increase in tissue stiffness elevates extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activity, promoting progesterone receptor-dependent receptor activator of nuclear factor κβ (RANK) signaling. Thus, stiffness alters the context of hormonal signaling and increases mammary stem cells. This mechanism suggests potential treatments for breast cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a highly complex structure through which biochemical and mechanical signals are transmitted. In processes of cell migration, the ECM also acts as a scaffold, providing structural support to cells as well as points of potential attachment. Although the ECM is a well-studied structure, its role in many biological processes remains difficult to investigate comprehensively due to its complexity and structural variation within an organism. In tandem with experiments, mathematical models are helpful in refining and testing hypotheses, generating predictions, and exploring conditions outside the scope of experiments. Such models can be combined and calibrated with in vivo and in vitro data to identify critical cell-ECM interactions that drive developmental and homeostatic processes, or the progression of diseases. In this review, we focus on mathematical and computational models of the ECM in processes such as cell migration including cancer metastasis, and in tissue structure and morphogenesis. By highlighting the predictive power of these models, we aim to help bridge the gap between experimental and computational approaches to studying the ECM and to provide guidance on selecting an appropriate model framework to complement corresponding experimental studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spheroidal shape of the eye lens is crucial for precise light focusing onto the retina. This shape is determined by concentrically aligned, convexly elongated lens fiber cells along the anterior and posterior axis of the lens. Upon differentiation at the lens equator, the fiber cells increase in height as their apical and basal tips migrate towards the anterior and posterior poles, respectively. The forces driving this elongation and migration remain unclear. We found that, in the mouse lens, membrane protrusions or lamellipodia are observed only in the maturing fibers undergoing cell curve conversion, indicating that lamellipodium formation is not the primary driver of earlier fiber migration. We demonstrated that elevated levels of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) suppressed the extension of Rac-dependent protrusions, suggesting changes in the activity of FGF controlling Rac activity, switching to lamellipodium-driven migration. Inhibitors of ROCK, myosin and actin reduced the height of both early and later fibers, indicating that elongation of these fibers relies on actomyosin contractility. Consistent with this, active RhoA was detected throughout these fibers. Given that FGF promotes fiber elongation, we propose that it does so through regulation of Rho activity.





