
  • 文章类型: Editorial
    The purpose of the present study was to analyze Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly (APAQ) publications over the journal\'s fourth decade (2014-2023) and compare them with previous documentary analyses of the first 3 decades. Consistent with prior documentary analyses, publications were coded and analyzed based on the use of theory, research participants, topic, whether the study was an intervention, first-author country affiliation, and research method. The total number of published research papers increased substantially (n = 61) from the third to the fourth decade. Similar to prior documentary analyses, most of the research was quantitative (n = 140; 57.5%), followed by qualitative research (n = 96; 39.5%). There were far more qualitative-research publications in the fourth decade compared with the third decade (n = 34). This may reflect the continued acceptance and growth of qualitative research compared with 10-20 years ago. It may also reflect the value of rich in-depth exploratory research using small samples. Additional trends included more review papers and meta-analyses, possibly reflecting the increased knowledge base in particular areas requiring synthesis. The diversity of topics also increased, with papers on dignity, classification, coaching, and the Paralympics playing more prominent roles. The number of international publications also grew substantially. In brief, the current paper outlines both similarities and differences in APAQ\'s published research over the 4 decades of its existence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The frequency and richness of the theories developed, tested, and used by researchers in an academic discipline exemplify several pertinent factors, namely, the growth, the maturity, the independence, the legitimacy, and the influence of the discipline. Although organizations have been working on projects for centuries, Project Management (PM) is a considerably new academic discipline with emerging research themes, models, methodologies, frameworks, and paradigms. These PM concepts are anchored on or reinforced by new or existing theories. This exploratory study aims to add to the existing PM body of knowledge by investigating the prevalence of theory use in PM research. A systematic content analysis of 9200 PM research articles published from 2000 to 2019 (20 years) in the leading PM journals identified 248 unique theories. These results reveal that the PM discipline is increasingly embracing the use of theories with game theory, fuzzy theory, agency theory, contingency theory, and stakeholder theory emerging as the most dominant theories in the reviewed research articles. Also, although PM is developing its theories, the results revealed that PM researchers continue to heavily use theories borrowed from other academic disciplines such as psychology, sociology, mathematics, and economics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although they are not often in explicit conversation with each other, several scholarly contributions about the otherwise and grace, respectively, echo each other in striking ways. In this article, the author explores some of these echoes. Assembling theoretically various approaches to the otherwise and grace allows him to show that they both tread on similar theopolitical paths, and to identify three points on which they converge: excess, incarnation and turbulence. The article is structured around these three confluences. Each section begins with a description of a particular way of approaching the otherwise, which is then compared with a similar way of approaching grace. Each section concludes with reflections on the spaces of convergence thus identified, and it is argued that they constitute promising sites for the deployment of a \'theopolitical analytics\' in anthropology.
    Bien qu’elles ne soient pas souvent mises en conversation les unes avec les autres, de nombreuses contributions académiques traitant respectivement de l’autrement et de la grâce se font écho de façons surprenantes. Dans cet article, j’explore quelques-uns de ces échos. Ce rapprochement théorique de diverses façons de concevoir l’autrement et la grâce me permet de montrer qu’ils suivent tous deux des chemins théopolitiques similaires et d’identifier trois points vers lesquels ils convergent: l’excès, l’incarnation et la turbulence. L’article est structuré autour de ces trois confluences. Chaque section débute avec la description d’une façon particulière d’approcher l’autrement qui est par le suite comparée avec une approche similaire de la grâce. Je conclue chaque section avec des réflexions sur les espaces de convergence ainsi identifiés et soutiens qu’ils constituent des sites prometteurs pour le développement d’une analytique théopolitique en anthropologie.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flourishing refers to one kind of generalized wellbeing. Contemporary flourishing research often privileges positive emotion in the theorization and measurement of the construct, such that flourishing is frequently conceptualized as involving a predominance of positive over negative emotions. Positive emotions are thus, on some views of flourishing, seen as an essential component of \"the good life.\" This paper explores the nuanced variations in conceptions of the good life, focusing on the interplay between positive emotion and flourishing. Through an analysis of contemporary perspectives on flourishing, we underscore the diversity in conceptualizations of flourishing and the implications of this diversity for flourishing theorists. Our review reveals significant disparities in perspectives regarding the significance of positive emotion in the pursuit of a good life. Furthermore, we delineate the theoretical distinctions between objective-list approaches and functional approaches to flourishing, highlighting their respective advantages and limitations. Theoretical dissensus persists regarding whether positive emotion is a necessary constituent of the good life, thus prompting a critical examination of the justification for its inclusion in flourishing models. Finally, we emphasize the need for greater theoretical clarity in defining wellbeing to inform both research endeavors and societal discourse. We suggest that an adequate appreciation of variation in the development and maintenance of flourishing requires admitting for more complex relationships between the construct and both positive and negative emotionality, while embracing the cultural and individual variety that are unavoidable in accurate models of human life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The article is a response to Kaldybekov and his colleague\'s, 2024 paper about Foucault\'s theory on power. I argue that it is difficult to understand Foucault\'s theory of power without looking into his intellectual life and experiences, especially his war experiences. The objective of my study is to show that there is a connection between Foucault\'s ideas about power and his own lived life, and that he always has been critical of totalitarian theories although he seems influenced by Marxist theories, early in his career. In the paper I show how he deals with this dilemma by incorporating some of Nietzsche\'s ideas into his thinking. To illustrate the connection between Foucault\'s lived life and his theories about power, I take a particular point of departure in Foucault\'s lecture series on psychiatric power in the 1970s and an interview conducted by the Italian journalist Trombadori.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Given the requirement to minimize the risks and maximize the benefits of technology applications in health care provision, there is an urgent need to incorporate theory-informed health IT (HIT) evaluation frameworks into existing and emerging guidelines for the evaluation of artificial intelligence (AI). Such frameworks can help developers, implementers, and strategic decision makers to build on experience and the existing empirical evidence base. We provide a pragmatic conceptual overview of selected concrete examples of how existing theory-informed HIT evaluation frameworks may be used to inform the safe development and implementation of AI in health care settings. The list is not exhaustive and is intended to illustrate applications in line with various stakeholder requirements. Existing HIT evaluation frameworks can help to inform AI-based development and implementation by supporting developers and strategic decision makers in considering relevant technology, user, and organizational dimensions. This can facilitate the design of technologies, their implementation in user and organizational settings, and the sustainability and scalability of technologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Youth engagement in research, wherein youth are involved in the research beyond mere participation as human subjects, is growing and becoming more popular as an approach to research. However, systematic and deliberate theory-building has been limited. We conducted a systematic review to identify and synthesize theories, models and frameworks that have been applied in the engagement of youth in health research, including mental health.
    METHODS: Six academic databases (MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Embase, PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL) and the grey literature were searched for relevant studies. Citation tracking was conducted through ancestry and descendancy searches. The final search was completed on 7 February 2023. Findings were summarized in a narrative synthesis informed by principles of hermeneutic analysis and interpretation. Reporting of results is in accordance with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) 2020 Statement.
    RESULTS: Of the 1156 records identified, 16 papers were included, from which we extracted named theories (n = 6), implicit theories (n = 5) and models and frameworks (n = 20) used for youth engagement in health research. We identified theories that were explicitly stated and surfaced theories that were more implicitly suggested. Models and frameworks were organized into four categories based on their principal features: power-focused (n = 8), process-focused (n = 7), impact-focused (n = 3) and equity-focused (n = 2). Few frameworks (n = 5) were empirically tested in health-related research.
    CONCLUSIONS: The state of theoretical development in youth engagement in research is still evolving. In this systematic review, we identified theories, models and frameworks used for youth engagement in health research. Findings from this systematic review offer a range of resources to those who seek to develop and strengthen youth engagement in their own research.
    UNASSIGNED: Youth engaged as patients in the research were not involved in planning or conducting the systematic review. However, youth researchers in their early to mid-20s led the planning, implementation and interpretation of the review. As part of subsequent work, we formed a youth advisory board to develop a youth-led knowledge mobilization intended for an audience of youth with lived experience of being engaged as patients in research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Resurgence is an increase in the rate of a previously suppressed behavior that occurs when an alternative source of reinforcement is made worse in some way. The Resurgence as Choice model offers a quantitative approach to understanding resurgence that may provide important insights into the variables that affect this form of relapse in the natural environment. Bringing this model to bear on relapse following reinforcement-based interventions for alcohol and other substance use disorders, however, may not be straightforward. Laboratory work on which the Resurgence as Choice model is based has almost exclusively focused on resurgence following extinction of target behavior, but abstinence from alcohol during intervention is often voluntary: Patients may drink alcohol and forfeit therapeutic reinforcers at any time. In this article, we first will review recent data from our group that demonstrate a method for studying resurgence following voluntary abstinence from alcohol seeking in rats. In a previous experiment, we reduced rats\' alcohol-maintained lever pressing to low levels without placing it on extinction by arranging nondrug differential reinforcement of other behavior. Further, when we suspended nondrug reinforcement, resurgence of lever pressing occurred. Next, we will explore methods for modeling these outcomes using the Resurgence-as-Choice framework. We conclude that the data under consideration may not be sufficient to discriminate between candidate models of resurgence following voluntary abstinence and point to areas for future empirical and theoretical development. This work may provide a stronger bridge between preclinical and conceptual work on resurgence and clinical treatments for alcohol use disorder.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In situ Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) combined with Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) has traditionally been pivotal for understanding how material processing choices affect local structure and composition. However, the ability to monitor and respond to ultrafast transient changes, now achievable with EELS and TEM, necessitates innovative analytical frameworks. Here, we introduce a machine learning (ML) framework tailored for the real-time assessment and characterization of in operando EELS Spectrum Images (EELS-SI). We focus on 2D MXenes as the sample material system, specifically targeting the understanding and control of their atomic-scale structural transformations that critically influence their electronic and optical properties. This approach requires fewer labeled training data points than typical deep learning classification methods. By integrating computationally generated structures of MXenes and experimental datasets into a unified latent space using Variational Autoencoders (VAE) in a unique training method, our framework accurately predicts structural evolutions at latencies pertinent to closed-loop processing within the TEM. This study presents a critical advancement in enabling automated, on-the-fly synthesis and characterization, significantly enhancing capabilities for materials discovery and the precision engineering of functional materials at the atomic scale.





