
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Federal data indicate that assaults on transit workers resulting in fatalities or hospitalizations tripled between 2008 and 2022. The data indicated a peri-pandemic surge of assault-related fatalities and hospitalizations, but assaults with less dire outcomes were not recorded. In collaboration with the Transport Workers Union, Local 100, we conducted an online survey in late 2023 through early 2024 of New York City public-facing bus and subway workers that focused on their work experiences during the 2020-2023 period of the COVID-19 pandemic. Items for this analysis on victimization included measures of physical and sexual assault/harassment, verbal harassment/intimidation, theft, and demographic characteristics (e.g., sex, race, work division). We estimated separate modified Poisson models for each of the four outcomes, yielding prevalence ratios (PRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Potential interactions between variables with strong main effects in the adjusted model were further examined using product terms. Among 1297 respondents, 89.0% reported any victimization; respondents also reported physical assault (48.6%), sexual assault/harassment (6.3%), verbal harassment/intimidation (48.7%), and theft on the transit system (20.6%). Physical assault was significantly more common among women in the bus division compared to female subway workers, male bus workers, and male subway workers (adjusted PR (aPR) = 3.54; reference = male subway workers; Wald test p < .001). With the same reference group, sexual assault/harassment was more frequently reported among female subway workers (aPR = 5.15; Wald test, p < .001), but verbal assault/intimidation and experiencing theft were least common among women in the bus division (aPR = 0.22 and 0.13, respectively; Wald tests, p < .001). These data point to the need for greater attention to record and report on victimization against workers in both buses and subway.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brazil is one of the most unequal democracies in the world. Although the number of homeless individuals in our country has increased due to the reproduction of people living in extreme poverty, little has been discussed about their welfare and rights. In the present study, we provide analysis with a theoretical-methodological approach directed at homeless people living in the wealthy neoliberal middle-sized southeast city of São Paulo, Brazil\'s richest state. Data was acquired from police reports with prior permission from the Civil Police of São Paulo and the São Paulo Interior Judiciary Police Department. Our results illustrate that the homelessness phenomenon in Franca appears to be comparable to that of other large urban cities, where Blacks, a minority of the population, make up the bulk of homeless individuals. It also denies that homeless activity increases criminality, emphasizes the difference between Blacks and Whites drug users\' criminal behavior, with Whites being more active in theft and robbery and Blacks in trafficking, and extends the idea that drug use by homeless people is stress-related and hence an indicator of a health condition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Public tolerance for corruption within a society significantly influences the prevalence of corrupt practices, but less is known about how this tolerance evolves with social norms. This paper presents experimental evidences demonstrating that the descriptive social norm indicating widespread corruption can lead to increased tolerance for corruptive acts. We introduce an asymmetric information ultimatum game to simulate the interactions between embezzlers and citizens. Game theoretical analysis reveals that victims anticipating corruption will exhibit greater compliance with embezzlement when the offers are evaluated based on descriptive norms. To test the hypothesis, we employ a framing effect to induce variations in descriptive norms within a behavioral experiment. Although the treatment effect is significant only in the subgroup of student cadres, this subgroup demonstrated increased beliefs about embezzlement, greater tolerance for corruption, and a heightened propensity to embezzle when exposed to framings with hierarchical implications. This paper contributes to the corruption literature by examining the effects of descriptive norms on victims\' responses to embezzlement. It offers a more comprehensive perspective on how social standards shape public opinions and corrupt actions, enhancing our understanding of the self-reinforcing nature of corruption.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although most people have heard the terms \'souvenirs\', \'trophies\', and \'mementos\', discussed in books and movies on the true crimes of sexual murderers, limited research has delved into the phenomenon of theft in sexual homicide (SH). Using a sample of 762 SH cases coming from the Sexual Homicide International Database, the current study examines the crime-commission process of the pre-crime, crime, and post-crime phases of sexual homicide offenders (SHOs) who engaged in theft during a SH. Additionally, this study seeks to determine if a specific type of SHO engages in this behaviour over others. Results from the sequential logistic regression indicate that victims who are 16 years or older, were strangers to the SHO, and were sex workers were more likely to be victims of theft. Additionally, results indicate that the presence of sadism made it more likely the SHO would engage in theft from the victim and/or crime scene. Findings suggest there is a group of SHOs who engage in theft not for monetary purposes but due to the paraphilia of the offender. These findings can inform the police investigation of these crimes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Using a virtual reality social experiment, participants (N = 154) experienced being at the table during a decision-making meeting and identified the best solutions generated. During the meeting, one meeting participant repeated another participant\'s idea, presenting it as his own. Although this idea stealing was clearly visible and audible, only 30% of participants correctly identified who shared the idea first. Subsequent analyses suggest that the social environment affected this novel form of inattentional blindness. Although there was no experimental effect of team diversity on noticing, there was correlational evidence of an indirect effect of perceived team status on noticing via attentional engagement. In sum, this paper extends the inattentional blindness phenomenon to a realistic professional interaction and demonstrates how features of the social environment can reduce social inattention.






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    文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: About 15% of the world\'s population has some degree of disability. Violence and crime primarily affect the Latin American region, especially Peru. This study aimed to determine the association between disability status and robbery victimization in Peruvian villagers in 2017.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study of secondary data analysis from the National Specialized Victimization Survey (ENEVIC) 2017 was conducted. The independent variable was disability status, and the dependent variable was robbery victimization; in addition, confounding variables were included. Poisson regression was performed to demonstrate the association, and prevalence ratios (PR) with their 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were calculated.
    RESULTS: Records of 32,199 Peruvians aged 18 years or older were included. People with disabilities were 24% less likely to be robbery victims than people without disabilities (PR=0.76; 95%CI: 0.61-0.95), adjusted for confounding variables. However, this association was only statistically significant in women, older adults, and the high socioeconomic stratum.
    CONCLUSIONS: In Peru, people with disabilities are less likely to be robbery victims than people without disabilities. However, only if they are women, older adults, and come from a high socioeconomic level. In the other population groups, the probabilities of suffering this victimization would be similar between people with and without disabilities.
    OBJECTIVE: Alrededor del 15% de la población mundial tiene algún grado de discapacidad. La violencia y el crimen afectan primordialmente a la región de América Latina, especialmente a Perú. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la asociación entre la condición de discapacidad y la victimización por robo en pobladores peruanos durante 2017.
    METHODS: Se realizó un estudio transversal de análisis secundario de datos de la Encuesta Nacional Especializada sobre Victimización (ENEVIC) 2017. La variable independiente fue la condición de discapacidad y la variable dependiente fue la victimización por robo; además, se incluyeron variables de confusión. Para demostrar la asociación se realizó una regresión de Poisson y se calcularon razones de prevalencia (RP) con sus intervalos de confianza al 95% (IC95%).
    RESULTS: Se incluyeron los registros de 32.199 peruanos de dieciocho o más años. Las personas con discapacidad tuvieron un 24% menos probabilidad de ser víctimas de robo que las personas sin discapacidad (RP=0,76; IC95%: 0,61-0,95), ajustado por las variables de confusión. Sin embargo, esta asociación solo fue estadísticamente significativa en las mujeres, adultos mayores y en el estrato socioeconómico alto.
    CONCLUSIONS: En Perú, las personas con discapacidad tienen menor probabilidad de ser víctimas de robo que las personas sin discapacidad, aunque solamente si son mujeres, adultos mayores y provienen de un nivel socioeconómico alto. En los demás grupos poblacionales, las probabilidades de sufrir de este hecho de victimización serían semejantes entre las personas con y sin discapacidad.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tracking and detection have brought great challenges to network security. Therefore, this paper proposes a monitoring method of stealthy complex network attacks considering security situation awareness. By constructing a tracking model of invisible complex network attacks, public monitoring nodes are selected for monitoring. The cost of a single monitoring node is calculated by the algorithm, and the monitoring node is determined by the monitoring node algorithm, so as to reduce the resource occupancy rate of the monitoring node and improve the monitoring accuracy. The simulation results show that this method is stable in the range of 1000 to 4000 nodes, and can effectively monitor the complex network attacks of stealing secrets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For decades, the evolution of cooperation has piqued interest in numerous academic disciplines, such as game theory, economics, biology, and computer science. In this work, we demonstrate the emergence of a novel and effective resource exchange protocol formed by dropping and picking up resources in a foraging environment. This form of cooperation is made possible by the introduction of a campfire, which adds an extended period of congregation and downtime for agents to explore otherwise unlikely interactions. We find that the agents learn to avoid getting cheated by their exchange partners, but not always from a third party. We also observe the emergence of behavior analogous to tolerated theft, despite the lack of any punishment, combat, or larceny mechanism in the environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Empirical investigations into eyewitness identification accuracy typically necessitate the creation of novel stimulus materials, which can be a challenging and time-consuming task. To facilitate this process and promote further research in this domain, we introduce the new Jena Eyewitness Research Stimuli (JERS). They comprise six video sequences depicting a mock theft committed by two different perpetrators, available in both two-dimensional (2D) and 360° format, combined with the corresponding lineup images presented in 2D or three-dimensional (3D) format. Images of one suspect and eight fillers are available for each lineup. We evaluated lineup fairness by using mock eyewitness paradigm and noted a Tredoux\'s E of 4.687 for Perpetrator 1 and 5.406 for Perpetrator 2. Moreover, no bias towards the perpetrators was observed in the lineups. We incorporated 360° videos and 3D lineup images to encourage the adoption of innovative data formats in experimental investigations of eyewitness accuracy. In particular, compatibility with Virtual Reality (VR) makes JERS a promising tool for advancing eyewitness research by enabling researchers to construct controlled environments that offer observers an immersive experience. JERS is freely accessible for the use of academic purposes via the Open Science Framework (OSF).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, we have developed a database based on almost real-life theft incidents with due diligence using isolated subjects over a period of time at a government hospital under the plea of free health checkup. The experiment has been conducted at Midnapore Medical College and Hospital, West Bengal, India, with proper ethical committee approval. The participants are selected at the behest of the police department with habitual crime records. Most of them have been repeatedly charged with petty crimes of pick-pocketing and stealing. They are invited individually at different instances of time under the plea of medical checkup where they have been enticed to steal cash. It is followed by a two-stage process, a friendly interaction followed by a slightly tougher interrogation. Facial thermal imaging could be more effective as it is noninvasive and could be a stealth method of tracking the facial blood flow and temperature patterns.





