
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: Allotetraploid wheat reflects evolutionary divergence and domestication convergence in the karyotypic and phenotypic evolution, accompanied with the transformation from r- strategy to K- strategy in reproductive fitness. Allotetraploid wheat, the progenitor of hexaploidy bread wheat, has undergone 300,000 years of natural evolution and 10,000 years of domestication. The variations in karyotype and phenotype as well as fertility fitness have not been systematically linked. Here, by combining fluorescent in situ hybridization with the quantification of phenotypic and reproductive traits, we compared the karyotype, vegetative growth phenotype and reproductive fitness among synthesized, wild and domesticated accessions of allotetraploid wheat. We detected that the wild accessions showed dramatically high frequencies of homologous recombination and copy number variations of simple sequence repeats (SSR) comparing with synthetic and domesticated accessions. The phenotypic traits reflected significant differences among the populations shaped by distinct evolutionary processes. The diversity observed in wild accessions was significantly greater than that in domesticated ones, particularly in traits associated with vegetative growth and spike morphology. We found that the active pollen of domesticated accessions exhibited greater potential of germination, despite a lower rate of active pollen compared with the wild accessions, indicating a transformation in reproductive fitness strategy for pollen development in domesticated accessions compared to the wild accessions, from r-strategy to K-strategy. Our results demonstrate the condensation of karyotype and phenotype from natural wild accessions to domesticated accessions in allotetraploid wheats. Ecological strategy transformation should be seriously considered from evolution to domestication in polyploid plants, especially crops, which may provide a perspective on the adaptive evolution of polyploid plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyploid rice and its reverted diploid show rich phenotypic variation and strong heterosis, showing great breeding value. However, the genomic differences among tetraploids, counterpart common diploids, tetraploid-revertant diploids, and hybrid descendants are unclear. In this work, we bred a new excellent two-line hybrid rice variety, Y Liang You Duo Hui 14 (HTRM12), using Haitian tetraploid self-reverted diploid (HTRM2). Furthermore, we comparatively analyzed the important agronomic traits and genome-wide variations of those closest relatives, Haitian diploid (HT2), Haitian tetraploid (HT4), HTRM2, and HTRM12 in detail, based on multiple phenotypic investigations, genome resequencing, and bioinformatics analysis. The results of agronomic traits analysis and genome-wide variation analysis of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), insertion-deletion (InDel), and copy number variation (CNV) show that HT4 and HTRM2 had abundant phenotypic and genomic variations compared to HT2. HTRM2 can inherit important traits and variations from HT4. This implies that tetraploid self-reverted diploid has high potential in creating excellent breeding materials and in breeding breakthrough hybrid rice varieties. Our study verifies the feasibility that polyploid rice could be used as a mutation carrier for creating variations and provides genomic information, new breeding materials, and a new way of application for tetraploid rice breeding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Rhododendron nivale subsp. boreale Philipson et M. N. Philipson is an alpine woody species with ornamental qualities that serve as the predominant species in mountainous scrub habitats found at an altitude of ∼4,200 m. As a high-altitude woody polyploid, this species may serve as a model to understand how plants adapt to alpine environments. Despite its ecological significance, the lack of genomic resources has hindered a comprehensive understanding of its evolutionary and adaptive characteristics in high-altitude mountainous environments.
    RESULTS: We sequenced and assembled the genome of R. nivale subsp. boreale, an assembly of the first subgenus Rhododendron and the first high-altitude woody flowering tetraploid, contributing an important genomic resource for alpine woody flora. The assembly included 52 pseudochromosomes (scaffold N50 = 42.93 Mb; BUSCO = 98.8%; QV = 45.51; S-AQI = 98.69), which belonged to 4 haplotypes, harboring 127,810 predicted protein-coding genes. Conjoint k-mer analysis, collinearity assessment, and phylogenetic investigation corroborated autotetraploid identity. Comparative genomic analysis revealed that R. nivale subsp. boreale originated as a neopolyploid of R. nivale and underwent 2 rounds of ancient polyploidy events. Transcriptional expression analysis showed that differences in expression between alleles were common and randomly distributed in the genome. We identified extended gene families and signatures of positive selection that are involved not only in adaptation to the mountaintop ecosystem (response to stress and developmental regulation) but also in autotetraploid reproduction (meiotic stabilization). Additionally, the expression levels of the (group VII ethylene response factor transcription factors) ERF VIIs were significantly higher than the mean global gene expression. We suspect that these changes have enabled the success of this species at high altitudes.
    CONCLUSIONS: We assembled the first high-altitude autopolyploid genome and achieved chromosome-level assembly within the subgenus Rhododendron. In addition, a high-altitude adaptation strategy of R. nivale subsp. boreale was reasonably speculated. This study provides valuable data for the exploration of alpine mountaintop adaptations and the correlation between extreme environments and species polyploidization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: The Ra extreme resistance against potato virus A was mapped to the upper of chromosome 4 in tetraploid potato. Potato virus A (PVA) is one of the major viruses affecting potato worldwide and can cause serious disease symptoms and yield losses. Previously, we determined that potato cultivar Barbara harbors Rysto (genotype: Ryryryry) and Ra (genotype: Rararara) that each independently confer extreme resistance to PVA. In this study, employing a combination of next-generation sequencing and bulked-segregant analysis, we further located this novel Ra on chromosome 4 using a tetraploid BC1 potato population derived from a Ry-free progeny (Rararararyryryry) of Barbara (RarararaRyryryry) × F58050 (rararararyryryry). Using 29 insertion-deletion (InDel) markers spanning chromosome 4, Ra was delimited by the InDel markers M8-83 and M10-8 within a genetic interval of 1.46 cM, corresponding to a 1.86-Mb genomic region in the potato DM reference genome. The InDel marker M10-8, which is closely linked with the resistance against PVA in the Ry-free segregating populations, was then used to screen 43 selected Rysto-free tetraploid potato breeding clones. The phenotype to PVA was significantly correlated with the present/absent of the marker, albeit with a 9.3% false positive rate and a 14.0% false negative rate. These findings are of importance in furthering the cloning of Ra and employing the marker-assisted selection for PVA resistance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is an essential crop for food security and is ranked as the third most important crop worldwide for human consumption. The Diacol Capiro cultivar holds the dominant position in Colombian cultivation, primarily catering to the food processing industry. This highly heterozygous, autotetraploid cultivar belongs to the Andigenum group and it stands out for its adaptation to a wide variety of environments spanning altitudes from 1,800 to 3,200 meters above sea level. Here, a chromosome-scale assembly, referred to as DC, is presented for this cultivar. The assembly was generated by combining circular consensus sequencing with proximity ligation Hi-C for the scaffolding and represents 2.369 Gb with 48 pseudochromosomes covering 2,091 Gb and an anchor rate of 88.26%. The reference genome metrics, including an N50 of 50.5 Mb, a BUSCO (Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologue) score of 99.38%, and an Long Terminal Repeat Assembly Index score of 13.53, collectively signal the achieved high assembly quality. A comprehensive annotation yielded a total of 154,114 genes, and the associated BUSCO score of 95.78% for the annotated sequences attests to their completeness. The number of predicted NLR (Nucleotide-Binding and Leucine-Rich-Repeat genes) was 2107 with a large representation of NBARC (for nucleotide binding domain shared by Apaf-1, certain R gene products, and CED-4) containing domains (99.85%). Further comparative analysis of the proposed annotation-based assembly with high-quality known potato genomes, showed a similar genome metrics with differences in total gene numbers related to the ploidy status. The genome assembly and annotation of DC presented in this study represent a valuable asset for comprehending potato genetics. This resource aids in targeted breeding initiatives and contributes to the creation of enhanced, resilient, and more productive potato varieties, particularly beneficial for countries in Latin America.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The domestication of crops, coupled with agroecosystem development, is associated with major environmental changes and provides an ideal model of phenotypic plasticity. Here, we examined 32 genotypes of three tetraploid wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) subspecies, wild emmer, emmer, and durum wheat, which are representative of the key stages in the domestication of tetraploid wheat. We developed a pipeline that integrates RNA-Seq data and population genomics to assess gene expression plasticity and identify selection signatures under diverse nitrogen availability conditions. Our analysis revealed differing gene expression responses to nitrogen availability across primary (wild emmer to emmer) and secondary (emmer to durum wheat) domestication. Notably, nitrogen triggered the expression of twice as many genes in durum wheat compared to that in emmer and wild emmer. Unique selection signatures were identified at each stage: primary domestication mainly influenced genes related to biotic interactions, whereas secondary domestication affected genes related to amino acid metabolism, in particular lysine. Selection signatures were found in differentially expressed genes (DEGs), notably those associated with nitrogen metabolism, such as the gene encoding glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH). Overall, our study highlights the pivotal role of nitrogen availability in the domestication and adaptive responses of a major food crop, with varying effects across different traits and growth conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In ornamental plants, artificial polyploidization has enabled the creation of new cultivars. Due to their high commercial value in the international flower market and their ornamental characteristics, such as the shape, size, color, and durability of their flower, orchids have received great attention in studies of artificial polyploidization. Here we described the protocol used for polyploid induction in Oncidium crispum, an epiphyte species native of southeastern Brazil, of great ornamental interest and widely sold in flower shops. The species stands out for having inflorescence with large flowers, brown in color with yellow spots. In addition, O. crispum has great potential for use in genetic improvement programs since the species is widely used in interspecific crosses. Closed capsules containing mature O. crispum seeds were subjected to running sterilized water for 10 min and then to a 1.5% sodium hypochlorite solution for 10 min. Small portions of seeds were introduced into 50 mL of water-soluble fertilizer with macro- and micronutrients (B>M) plus 0.7% agar. Explants originating from seeds previously in vitro germinated were submitted to 0.05% and 0.1% of colchicine for 4 days and 8 days. Flow cytometry and chromosome counts confirmed that the protocol successfully produced synthetic polyploid plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: De novo genotyping in potato using methylation-sensitive GBS discovers SNPs largely confined to genic or gene-associated regions and displays enhanced effectiveness in estimating LD decay rates, population structure and detecting GWAS associations over \'fixed\' SNP genotyping platform. Study also reports the genetic architectures including robust sequence-tagged marker-trait associations for sixteen important potato traits potentially carrying higher transferability across a wider range of germplasm. This study deploys recent advancements in polyploid analytical approaches to perform complex trait analyses in cultivated tetraploid potato. The study employs a \'fixed\' SNP Infinium array platform and a \'flexible and open\' genome complexity reduction-based sequencing method (GBS, genotyping-by-sequencing) to perform genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for several key potato traits including the assessment of population structure and linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the studied population. GBS SNPs discovered here were largely confined (~ 90%) to genic or gene-associated regions of the genome demonstrating the utility of using a methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme (PstI) for library construction. As compared to Infinium array SNPs, GBS SNPs displayed enhanced effectiveness in estimating LD decay rates and discriminating population subgroups. GWAS using a combined set of 30,363 SNPs identified 189 unique QTL marker-trait associations (QTL-MTAs) covering all studied traits. The majority of the QTL-MTAs were from GBS SNPs potentially illustrating the effectiveness of marker-dense de novo genotyping platforms in overcoming ascertainment bias and providing a more accurate correction for different levels of relatedness in GWAS models. GWAS also detected QTL \'hotspots\' for several traits at previously known as well as newly identified genomic locations. Due to the current study exploiting genome-wide genotyping and de novo SNP discovery simultaneously on a large tetraploid panel representing a greater diversity of the cultivated potato gene pool, the reported sequence-tagged MTAs are likely to have higher transferability across a wider range of potato germplasm and increased utility for expediting genomics-assisted breeding for the several complex traits studied.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyploidization plays an important role in plant evolution and biodiversity. However, intraspecific polyploidy compared to interspecific polyploidy received less attention. Clintonia udensis (Liliaceae) possess diploid (2n = 2x = 14) and autotetraploid (2n = 4x = 28) cytotypes. In the Hualongshan Mountains, the autotetraploids grew on the northern slope, while the diploids grew on the southern slopes. The clonal growth characteristics and clonal architecture were measured and analyzed by field observations and morphological methods. The diversity level and differentiation patterns for two different cytotypes were investigated using SSR markers. The results showed that the clonal growth parameters, such as the bud numbers of each rhizome node and the ratio of rhizome branches in the autotetraploids were higher than those in the diploids. Both the diploids and autotetraploids appeared phalanx clonal architectures with short internodes between ramets. However, the ramets or genets of the diploids had a relatively scattered distribution, while those of the autotetraploids were relatively clumping. The diploids and autotetraploids all allocated more biomass to their vegetative growth. The diploids had a higher allocation to reproductive organs than that of autotetraploids, which indicated that the tetraploids invested more resources in clonal reproduction than diploids. The clone diversity and genetic diversity of the autotetraploids were higher than that of the diploids. Significant genetic differentiation between two different cytotypes was observed (P < 0.01). During establishment and evolution, C. udensis autotetraploids employed more clumping phalanx clonal architecture and exhibited more genetic variation than the diploids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interspecific F1 hybrids between Asian (Oryza sativa) and African rice (Oryza glaberrima) exhibit severe sterility caused by the accumulation of hybrid sterility genes/loci at 15 or more loci. The mechanisms underlying the hybrid sterility genes are largely unknown; however, a few genes associated with the killer-protector system, which is the system most frequently associated with hybrid sterility genes, have been identified. We previously produced fertile plants as tetraploids derived from diploid interspecific F1 hybrids through anther culture; therefore, it was suggested that hybrid sterility could be overcome following tetraploidization. We investigated whether tetraploid interspecific plants produced by crossing are fertile and tested the involvement of hybrid sterility genes in the process. Fertile tetraploid interspecific F1 hybrid plants were obtained by crossing 2 tetraploids of O. sativa and O. glaberrima. To elucidate the relationships between pollen fertility and the hybrid sterility loci in the tetraploid F1 microspores, we performed genetic analyses of the tetraploid F2 hybrids and diploid plants obtained from the microspores of tetraploid interspecific hybrids by anther culture. The result suggested that the tetraploid interspecific hybrids overcame pollen and seed infertility based on the proportion of loci with the killer-protector system present in the tetraploids. The heterozygous hybrid sterility loci with the killer-protector system in the tetraploid segregate the homozygous killed allele (16.7-21.4%), with more than three-quarters of the gametes surviving. We theoretically and experimentally demonstrated that fertile rice progenies can be grown from tetraploid interspecific hybrids.





