
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant cell, tissue, and organ cultures (PCTOC) have been used as experimental systems in basic research, allowing gene function demonstration through gene overexpression or repression and investigating the processes involved in embryogenesis and organogenesis or those related to the potential production of secondary metabolites, among others. On the other hand, PCTOC has also been applied at the commercial level for the vegetative multiplication (micropropagation) of diverse plant species, mainly ornamentals but also horticultural crops such as potato or fruit and tree species, and to produce high-quality disease-free plants. Moreover, PCTOC protocols are important auxiliary systems in crop breeding crops to generate pure lines (homozygous) to produce hybrids for the obtention of polyploid plants with higher yields or better performance. PCTOC has been utilized to preserve and conserve the germplasm of different crops or threatened species. Plant genetic improvement through genetic engineering and genome editing has been only possible thanks to the establishment of efficient in vitro plant regeneration protocols. Different companies currently focus on commercializing plant secondary metabolites with interesting biological activities using in vitro PCTOC. The impact of omics on PCTOC is discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The strawberry genus, Fragaria, exhibits a wide range of sexual systems and natural ploidy variation. Nearly, all polyploid strawberry species exhibit separate sexes (dioecy). Research has identified the sex-determining sequences as roughly conserved but with repeatedly changed genomic locations across octoploid strawberries. However, it remains unclear whether tetraploid wild strawberries evolved dioecy independently or shared a common origin with octoploid strawberries. In this study, we investigated the sex determinants of F. moupinensis, a dioecious plant with heterogametic females (ZW). Utilizing a combination of haplotype-resolved genome sequencing of the female F. moupinensis, k-mer-based and coverage-based genome-wide association studies (GWAS), and transcriptomic analysis, we discovered a non-recombining, approximately 33.6 kb W-specific region on chromosome 2a. Within this region, only one candidate sex-determining gene (FmoAFT) was identified. Furthermore, an extensive resequencing of the entire Fragaria genus indicated that the W-specific region displays conservative female specificity across all tetraploid species. This observation suggests that dioecy evolved independently in tetraploid and octoploid strawberries. Moreover, employing virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS), we knocked down the expression of the FmoAFT homologue transcript in cultivated strawberries, revealing its potential role in promoting female functions during early carpel development. We also applied DNA affinity purification sequencing (DAP-seq) and yeast one-hybrid assays to identify potential direct targets of FmoAFT. These insights shed new light on the genetic basis and evolutionary history of sex determination in strawberries, thereby facilitating the formulation of strategies to manipulate sex determination in breeding programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Potato tubers contain biochemical compounds with antioxidant properties that benefit human health. However, the genomic basis of the production of antioxidant compounds in potatoes has largely remained unexplored. Therefore, we report the first genome-wide association study (GWAS) based on 4488 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and the phenotypic evaluation of Total Phenols Content (TPC), Ascorbic Acid Content (AAC), and Antioxidant Activity (AA) traits in 404 diverse potato genotypes (84 diploids and 320 tetraploids) conserved at the Colombian germplasm bank that administers AGROSAVIA. The concentration of antioxidant compounds correlated to the skin tuber color and ploidy level. Especially, purple-blackish tetraploid tubers had the highest TPC (2062.41 ± 547.37 mg GAE), while diploid pink-red tubers presented the highest AA (DDPH: 14967.1 ± 4687.79 μmol TE; FRAP: 2208.63 ± 797.35 mg AAE) and AAC (4.52 mg ± 0.68 AA). The index selection allowed us to choose 20 promising genotypes with the highest values for the antioxidant compounds. Genome Association mapping identified 58 SNP-Trait Associations (STAs) with single-locus models and 28 Quantitative Trait Nucleotide (QTNs) with multi-locus models associated with the evaluated traits. Among models, eight STAs/QTNs related to TPC, AAC, and AA were detected in common, flanking seven candidate genes, from which four were pleiotropic. The combination in one population of diploid and tetraploid genotypes enabled the identification of more genetic associations. However, the GWAS analysis implemented independently in populations detected some regions in common between diploids and tetraploids not detected in the mixed population. Candidate genes have molecular functions involved in phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid biosynthesis, and antioxidant responses concerning plant abiotic stress. All candidate genes identified in this study can be used for further expression analysis validation and future implementation in marker-assisted selection pre-breeding platforms targeting fortified materials. Our study further revealed the importance of potato germplasm conserved in national genebanks, such as AGROSAVIA\'s, as a valuable genetic resource to improve existing potato varieties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genomic patterns of diversity and divergence are impacted by certain life history traits, reproductive systems, and demographic history. The latter is characterized by fluctuations in population sizes over time, as well as by temporal patterns of introgression. For a given organism, identifying a demographic history that deviates from the standard neutral model allows a better understanding of its evolution but also helps to reduce the risk of false positives when screening for molecular targets of natural selection. Tetraploid organisms and beyond have demographic histories that are complicated by the mode of polyploidization, the mode of inheritance, and different scenarios of gene flow between sub-genomes and diploid parental species. Here we provide guidelines for experimenters wishing to address these issues through a flexible statistical framework: approximate Bayesian computation (ABC). The emphasis is on the general philosophy of the approach to encourage future users to exploit the enormous flexibility of ABC beyond the limitations imposed by generalist data analysis pipelines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inula racemosa, a resourceful critically endangered medicinal herb in the Himalayas is traditionally utilized to cure various human disorders. The species is a wealthy source of sesquiterpene lactones has many pharmacological properties. To quantify and identify the best genetic stocks for a maximum build-up of desired metabolites (isoalantolactone and alantolactone) among existent cytotypes in the species, LC-MS/MS analysis was made. The other comprehensive experiments carried out at present included detailed meiotic examinations of different populations collected from different areas of Kashmir Himalayas. The results presented the occurrence of variable chromosome numbers as n=10 and n=20 in different populations, but the tetraploid cytotype (n=20) is new for the species. The LC-MS/MS investigation revealed significant variability in the content of sesquiterpene lactones in different plant tissues (stem, leaf, and root). An upsurge in the quantity of isoalantolactone and alantolactone was noticed with increasing ploidy levels along the increasing altitudes. Therefore, a habit to accumulate abundant quantities of secondary metabolites and increased adaptability by species/cytotypes thriving at higher altitudes is seen among tetraploid cytotypes during the present investigation. Also, the chromosomal variations seem to enhance the flexibility of polyploid species primarily at upper elevations. Thus, the present study strongly provides quantification of elite cytotypes/chemotypes with optimum concentration of secondary metabolites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genome size (GS) is an important characteristic that may be helpful in delimitation of taxa, and multiple studies have shown correlations between intraspecific GS variation and morphological or environmental factors, as well as its geographical segregation. We estimated a relative GS (RGS) of 707 individuals from 162 populations of Dianthus sylvestris with a geographic focus on the Balkan Peninsula, but also including several populations from the European Alps. Dianthus sylvestris is morphologically variable species thriving in various habitats and six subspecies have been recognized from the Balkan Peninsula. Our RGS data backed-up with chromosome counts revealed that the majority of populations were diploid (2n = 30), but ten tetraploid populations have been recorded in D. sylvestris subsp. sylvestris from Istria (Croatia, Italy). Their monoploid RGS is significantly lower than that of the diploids, indicating genome downsizing. In addition, the tetraploids significantly differ from their diploid counterparts in an array of morphological and environmental characteristics. Within the diploid populations, the RGS is geographically and only partly taxonomically correlated, with the highest RGS inferred in the southern Balkan Peninsula and the Alps. We demonstrate greater RGS variation among the Balkan populations compared to the Alps, which is likely a result of more pronounced evolutionary differentiation within the Balkan Peninsula. In addition, a deep RGS divergence within the Alps likely points to persistence of the alpine populations in different Pleistocene refugia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of molecular markers in plant breeding has become a routine practice, but the cost per accession can be a hindrance to the routine use of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) identification in breeding programs. In this study, we demonstrate the use of targeted re-sequencing as a proof of concept of a cost-effective approach to retrieve highly informative allele information, as well as develop a bioinformatics strategy to capture the genome-specific information of a polyploid species. SNPs were identified from alignment of raw transcriptome reads (2 × 50 bp) to a synthetic tetraploid genome using BWA followed by a GATK pipeline. Regions containing high polymorphic SNPs in both A genome and B genomes were selected as targets for the resequencing study. Targets were amplified using multiplex PCR followed by sequencing on an Illumina HiSeq. Eighty-one percent of the SNP calls in diploids and 68% of the SNP calls in tetraploids were confirmed. These results were also confirmed by KASP validation. Based on this study, we find that targeted resequencing technologies have potential for obtaining maximum allele information in allopolyploids at reduced cost.







  • 文章类型: Published Erratum
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00315.].







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyploidization is a widespread mechanism of evolutionary divergence in flowering plants. Ecological divergence of polyploid lineages has been proposed as a key process shaping the distribution of cytotypes in nature (niche shift hypothesis); however, evidence for the role of niche separation in replicated diploid-polyploid species pairs is still needed. This study aimed to assess the role of abiotic factors shaping current cytotype distributions. For that, we examined the distribution and environmental niches of two varieties recognized in diploid-tetraploid Jasione maritima across the species range and within a putative contact zone on the Iberian Peninsula. We counted chromosomes, screened for ploidy across Iberian Peninsula and characterized environmental requirements using niche modeling tools. We found that J. maritima var. maritima is composed by diploids with disjunct distribution in the west coast of France and northwest Iberian Peninsula, and by tetraploids in Iberian Peninsula, while var. sabularia is tetraploid. In the Iberian Peninsula, two parapatric contact zones along a linear coastal distribution were detected, one between diploid and tetraploid var. maritima, and the other between tetraploids of the two varieties. Environmental variables of diploid populations from France are distinct from those of southern diploid populations, which are more similar to tetraploids. In general, niche modeling results are congruent with the observed distribution patterns, although the results suggest a wider contact zone between varieties and cytotypes. Tetraploids of both varieties revealed different degrees of environmental divergence in comparison with their diploid counterpart. Tetraploid var. sabularia differed environmentally from diploids suggesting niche divergence. In contrast, tetraploid var. maritima overlapped with diploid environmental niche and currently occupies its entire predicted range, whereas diploids are restricted to northern areas of their suitable environment. Differences in ecological envelopes facilitate the recognition of functional units of biodiversity within polyploid groups, allowing the study of factors related to post-polyploidization divergence. Thus, whereas changes in environmental requirements may have allowed tetraploid var. sabularia to spread in habitats not favorable to diploids, other factors are involved with the distribution of diploid and tetraploid var. maritima.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Efficient organogenesis induction in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is required for multiple in vitro culture applications. In this work, we aimed at developing a universal protocol for efficient in vitro regeneration of eggplant mainly based on the use of zeatin riboside (ZR). We evaluated the effect of seven combinations of ZR with indoleacetic acid (IAA) for organogenic regeneration in five genetically diverse S. melongena and one S. insanum L. accessions using two photoperiod conditions. In addition, the effect of six different concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA) in order to promote rooting was assessed to facilitate subsequent acclimatization of plants. The ploidy level of regenerated plants was studied.
    RESULTS: In a first experiment with accessions MEL1 and MEL3, significant (p < 0.05) differences were observed for the four factors evaluated for organogenesis from cotyledon, hypocotyl and leaf explants, with the best results obtained (9 and 11 shoots for MEL1 and MEL3, respectively) using cotyledon tissue, 16 h light / 8 h dark photoperiod conditions, and medium E6 (2 mg/L of ZR and 0 mg/L of IAA). The best combination of conditions was tested in the other four accessions and confirmed its high regeneration efficiency per explant when using both cotyledon and hypocotyl tissues. The best rooting media was R2 (1 mg/L IBA). The analysis of ploidy level revealed that between 25 and 50% of the regenerated plantlets were tetraploid.
    CONCLUSIONS: An efficient protocol for organogenesis of both cultivated and wild accessions of eggplant, based on the use of ZR, is proposed. The universal protocol developed may be useful for fostering in vitro culture applications in eggplant requiring regeneration of plants and, in addition, allows developing tetraploid plants without the need of antimitotic chemicals.






