Temporal expectations

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this chapter is to give an overview of how the perception of rhythmic temporal regularity such as a regular beat in music can be studied in human adults, human newborns, and nonhuman primates using event-related brain potentials (ERPs). First, we discuss different aspects of temporal structure in general, and musical rhythm in particular, and we discuss the possible mechanisms underlying the perception of regularity (e.g., a beat) in rhythm. Additionally, we highlight the importance of dissociating beat perception from the perception of other types of structure in rhythm, such as predictable sequences of temporal intervals, ordinal structure, and rhythmic grouping. In the second section of the chapter, we start with a discussion of auditory ERPs elicited by infrequent and frequent sounds: ERP responses to regularity violations, such as mismatch negativity (MMN), N2b, and P3, as well as early sensory responses to sounds, such as P1 and N1, have been shown to be instrumental in probing beat perception. Subsequently, we discuss how beat perception can be probed by comparing ERP responses to sounds in regular and irregular sequences, and by comparing ERP responses to sounds in different metrical positions in a rhythm, such as on and off the beat or on strong and weak beats. Finally, we will discuss previous research that has used the aforementioned ERPs and paradigms to study beat perception in human adults, human newborns, and nonhuman primates. In doing so, we consider the possible pitfalls and prospects of the technique, as well as future perspectives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The temporal regularities in our environments support the proactive dynamic anticipation of relevant events. In visual attention, one important outstanding question is whether temporal predictions must be linked to predictions about spatial locations or motor plans to facilitate behaviour. To test this, we developed a task for manipulating temporal expectations and task relevance of visual stimuli appearing within rapidly presented streams, while stimulus location and responding hand remained uncertain. Differently coloured stimuli appeared in one of two concurrent (left and right) streams with distinct temporal probability structures. Targets were defined by colour on a trial-by-trial basis and appeared equiprobably in either stream, requiring a localisation response. Across two experiments, participants were faster and more accurate at detecting temporally predictable targets compared to temporally unpredictable targets. We conclude that temporal expectations learned incidentally from temporal regularities can be called upon flexibly in a goal-driven manner to guide behaviour. Moreover, we show that visual temporal attention can facilitate performance in the absence of concomitant spatial or motor expectations in dynamically unfolding contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People often quit waiting for delayed rewards when the exact timing of those rewards is uncertain. This behavior often has been attributed to self-control failure. Another possibility is that quitting is the result of a rational decision-making process in the face of uncertainty, based on the decision-maker\'s expectations about the possible arrival times of the awaited reward. There are forms of temporal expectations (e.g., heavy-tailed) under which the expected time remaining until a reward arrives actually increases as time elapses. In those cases, the rational strategy is to quit waiting when the expected reward is no longer worth the expected time remaining. To arbitrate between the \"limited self-control\" and \"temporal expectations\" accounts of persistence, we measured pupil diameter during a persistence task, as a physiological marker of surprise (phasic responses) and effort (pre-decision diameter). Phasic pupil responses were elevated in response to reward receipt. Critically, the extent to which pupils dilated following rewards depended on the delay: people showed larger pupillary surprise responses the more delayed the reward was. This result suggests that people expect the reward less the longer they wait for it-a form of temporal expectations under which limiting persistence is rational. Moreover, predecision pupil diameter before quit events was not associated with how long the participant had been waiting, but rather, depended on how atypical the quit decision was compared with the participant\'s usual behavior. These data provide physiological evidence for a temporal expectations account of persistence under temporal uncertainty.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our eyes move in response to stimulus statistics, reacting to surprising events, and adapting to predictable ones. Cortical and subcortical pathways contribute to generating context-specific eye-movement dynamics, and oculomotor dysfunction is recognized as one the early clinical markers of Parkinson\'s disease (PD). We asked if covert computations of environmental statistics generating temporal expectations for a potential target are registered by eye movements, and if so, assuming that temporal expectations rely on motor system efficiency, whether they are impaired in PD. We used a repeating tone sequence, which generates a hazard rate distribution of target probability, and analyzed the distribution of blinks when participants were waiting for the target, but the target did not appear. Results show that, although PD participants tend to produce fewer and less temporally organized blink events relative to healthy controls, in both groups blinks became more suppressed with increasing target probability, leading to a hazard rate of oculomotor inhibition effects. The covert generation of temporal predictions may reflect a key feature of cognitive resilience in Parkinson\'s Disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Maintaining adequate levels of arousal is essential for sustaining performance on extended tasks. To investigate arousal in prolonged tasks such as driving studies have traditionally used monotonous task designs. Both ecological and experimental settings often contain embedded temporal regularities, but it is unknown whether these enable adaptive modulation of arousal. We explored whether temporal predictability can modulate arousal according to the timing of anticipated relevant events. In two experiments, we manipulated the temporal predictability of events to test for behavioural benefits and arousal modulation, using pupillometry as a proxy measure. High temporal predictability significantly lowered the tonic level of arousal briefly increased arousal in anticipation of upcoming stimuli, whereas low temporal predictability resulted in tonically elevated arousal. These novel findings suggest that arousal levels flexibly adapt to the temporal structures of events and bring about energy efficiencies in the context of high levels of behavioural performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Entrainment depends on sequential neural phase reset by regular stimulus onset, a temporal parameter. Entraining to sequences of identical stimuli also entails stimulus feature predictability, but this component is not readily separable from temporal regularity. To test if spectral regularities concur with temporal regularities in determining the strength of auditory entrainment, we devised sound sequences that varied in conditional perceptual inferences based on deviant sound repetition probability: strong inference (100% repetition probability: If a deviant appears, then it will repeat), weak inference (75% repetition probability) and no inference (50%: A deviant may or may not repeat with equal probability). We recorded EEG data from 15 young human participants pre-attentively listening to the experimental sound sequences delivered either isochronously or anisochronously (±20% jitter), at both delta (1.67 Hz) and theta (6.67 Hz) stimulation rates. Strong perceptual inferences significantly enhanced entrainment at either stimulation rate and determined positive correlations between precision in phase distribution at the onset of deviant trials and entrained power. We conclude that both spectral predictability and temporal regularity govern entrainment via neural phase control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temporal structures in the environment can shape temporal expectations (TE); and previous studies demonstrated that TEs interact with multisensory interplay (MSI) when multisensory stimuli are presented synchronously. Here, we tested whether other types of MSI - evoked by asynchronous yet temporally flanking irrelevant stimuli - result in similar performance patterns. To this end, we presented sequences of 12 stimuli (10 Hz) which consisted of auditory (A), visual (V) or alternating auditory-visual stimuli (e.g. A-V-A-V-…) with either auditory or visual targets (Exp. 1). Participants discriminated target frequencies (auditory pitch or visual spatial frequency) embedded in these sequences. To test effects of TE, the proportion of early and late temporal target positions was manipulated run-wise. Performance for unisensory targets was affected by temporally flanking distractors, with auditory temporal flankers selectively improving visual target perception (Exp. 1). However, no effect of temporal expectation was observed. Control experiments (Exp. 2-3) tested whether this lack of TE effect was due to the higher presentation frequency in Exp. 1 relative to previous experiments. Importantly, even at higher stimulation frequencies redundant multisensory targets (Exp. 2-3) reliably modulated TEs. Together, our results indicate that visual target detection was enhanced by MSI. However, this cross-modal enhancement - in contrast to the redundant target effect - was still insufficient to generate TEs. We posit that unisensory target representations were either instable or insufficient for the generation of TEs while less demanding MSI still occurred; highlighting the need for robust stimulus representations when generating temporal expectations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While temporal expectations (TE) generally improve reactions to temporally predictable events, it remains unknown how the learning of temporal regularities (one time point more likely than another time point) and explicit knowledge about temporal regularities contribute to performance improvements; and whether any contributions generalise across modalities. Here, participants discriminated the frequency of diverging auditory, visual or audio-visual targets embedded in auditory, visual or audio-visual distractor sequences. Temporal regularities were manipulated run-wise (early vs. late target within sequence). Behavioural performance (accuracy, RT) plus measures from a computational learning model all suggest that learning of temporal regularities occurred but did not generalise across modalities, and that dynamics of learning (size of TE effect across runs) and explicit knowledge have little to no effect on the strength of TE. Remarkably, explicit knowledge affects performance-if at all-in a context-dependent manner: Only under complex task regimes (here, unknown target modality) might it partially help to resolve response conflict while it is lowering performance in less complex environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temporal expectations critically influence perception and action. Previous research reports contradictory results in children\'s ability to endogenously orient attention in time as well as the developmental course. To reconcile this seemingly conflicting evidence, we put forward the hypothesis that expectancy violations-through the use of invalid trials-are the source of the mixed evidence reported in the literature. With the aim of offering new results that could reconcile previous findings, we tested a group of young children (4- to 7-year-olds), an older group (8- to 12-year-olds), and a group of adults. Temporal cues provided expectations about target onset time, and invalid trials were used such that the target appeared at the unexpected time in 25% of the trials. In both experiments, the younger children responded faster in valid trials than in invalid trials, showing that they benefited from the temporal cue. These results show that young children rely on temporal expectations to orient attention in time endogenously. Importantly, younger children exhibited greater validity effects than older children and adults, and these effects correlated positively with participants\' performance in the invalid (unexpected) trials. We interpret the reduction of validity effects with age as an index of better adaptation to the invalid (unexpected) condition. By using invalid trials and testing three age groups, we demonstrate that previous findings are not inconsistent. Rather, evidence converges when considering the presence of expectancy violations that require executive control mechanisms, which develop progressively during childhood. We propose a distinction between rigid and flexible mechanisms of temporal orienting to accommodate all findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the most important sources of predictability that human beings can exploit to create an internal representation of the external environment is the ability to implicitly build up subjective statistics of events\' temporal structure and, consequently, use this knowledge to prepare for future actions. Stimulus expectancy can be subjectively shaped by hierarchically nested sources of prediction, capitalizing on either local or global probabilistic rules. In order to better understand the nature of local-global proactive motor control in Down Syndrome, in the present study a group of participants with Down Syndrome (DS group; n = 28; mean age 29.5 ± 13 years; range 10-54) and a group of typically developing participants matched by either gender or mental age (TD-MA group; n = 28; 5.6 ± 1 years; range 4-8) were administered a novel motor preparation task, defined as the Dynamic Temporal Prediction (DTP) task. In the DTP, the temporal preparation to imperative stimuli is implicitly shaped by the local increase of expectancy. This is manipulated trial-by-trial as a function of the preparatory foreperiod interval (Stimulus-Onset Asynchrony or SOA). In addition, temporal preparation can be also implicitly adjusted as a function of global predictive context, so that a block-wise SOA-distribution bias toward a given preparatory interval might determine a high-order source of expectancy, with functional consequences on proactive motor control adjustment. Results showed that in both groups motor preparation was biased by temporal expectancy when this was locally manipulated within-trials. By contrast, only the TD-MA group was sensitive to global rule changes: only in this cohort was behavioral performance overall impacted by the SOA probabilistic distribution manipulated between-blocks. The evidence of a local-global dissociation in DS suggests that the use of flexible cognitive mechanisms to implicitly extract high-order probabilistic rules in order to build-up an internal model of the temporal properties of events is disrupted in this developmental disorder. Moreover, since the content of the information to be processed in the DTP task was neither verbal nor spatial, we suggest that atypical global processing in Down Syndrome is a domain-general rather than specific aspect characterizing the cognitive profile of this population.






