Team-based learning

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Assigning students to work in permanent teams is a design principle in Team-based learning (TBL). It has been assumed that a stable team composition supports the emergence of collaborative problem-solving and learning: when students became more familiar with each other, they shared more information and resolved discrepancies together, which in turn stimulated knowledge acquisition and comprehension. However, this assumption had not been probed by a randomized controlled trial with performance assessment as an outcome. In an online course for second term medical students, 50% of the students were reassigned to new teams for each of the 24 problems to be solved during four classes, thus precluding familiarity. The learning outcome was assessed shortly after the third of four classes by a domain knowledge test. Whether TBL teams were permanent or temporary did not affect the score of a domain knowledge test. As expected, participation in online TBL improved the domain knowledge test results. Overall, the permanent team seems to be less important for cognitive learning outcomes than previously assumed, but this may depend on the specific educational setting. However, team familiarity may still be important for team decision-making. As clinical reasoning in the medical workplace often involves collaborating in changing teams, future research on TBL should focus on how to utilize this format to prepare medical students for decision-making and optimal learning outcomes under these conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Poor nutrition is a leading cause of preventable death, but is inconsistently taught in medical education and inadequately discussed in medical care. To overcome this problem, we developed a hybrid nutrition team-based learning/culinary medicine approach to integrate practical nutrition knowledge and basic cooking skills into the training of future health professionals.
    METHODS: Nutrition was integrated into the systems-based courses at a college of osteopathic medicine, complemented by culinary medicine sessions based on the Health meets Food curriculum (HmF; Students participated in the program for one year and two cohorts of students were included in this analysis. Outcomes were measured via online food frequency questionnaire (FFQ, Vioscreen, Viocare, Inc) and surveys administered via Qualtrics online survey software. Diet quality was measured using the Healthy Eating Index (HEI)-2015. Data were analyzed using SAS 9.4.
    RESULTS: One hundred and ninety-five first year students completed a baseline FFQ (97.5% response rate). Mean age of students was 26 years, 47% were female (n = 92/195). The average BMI of participants was 24.8 kg/m2 (range 17-45.4) and the majority of participants reported being active. Seventy-five students (38%) completed an end of year FFQ. Diet quality was poor among students at baseline (n = 195; 67.59 (SD 10.54)) and improved slightly but significantly at the end of year 1 (n = 75, 69.63 (SD: 12.42), p = 0.04). The survey was administered to the second cohort only; 63 students responded (53% response rate). Talking to patients about nutrition was seen as more relevant to future practice among respondents than talking to patients about safe sex, weight, tobacco, alcohol, other substance abuse and domestic violence.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study evaluated the nutrition and culinary medicine curriculum at a new college of osteopathic medicine. Students rated the program highly and attendance was excellent, even though not required. Student diet quality did not decline over the first year of medical school. Students rated talking to patients about nutrition as highly relevant, providing encouragement that they will do so in future practice. We believe our work shows that nutrition can be integrated into the training of future physicians and that it may pay dividends, particularly with the increasing awareness of the importance of preventive care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Clinical practitioners think of frequent causes of diseases first rather than expending resources searching for rare conditions. However, it is important to continue investigating when all common illnesses have been discarded. Undergraduate medical students must acquire skills to listen and ask relevant questions when seeking a potential diagnosis.
    METHODS: Our objective was to determine whether team-based learning (TBL) focused on clinical reasoning in the context of rare diseases combined with video vignettes (intervention) improved the clinical and generic skills of students compared with TBL alone (comparator). We followed a single-center quasi-experimental posttest-only design involving fifth-year medical students.
    RESULTS: The intervention group (n = 178) had a significantly higher mean overall score on the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) (12.04 ± 2.54 vs. 11.27 ± 3.16; P = 0.021) and a higher mean percentage score in clinical skills (47.63% vs. 44.63%; P = 0.025) and generic skills (42.99% vs. 40.33%; P = 0.027) than the comparator group (n = 118). Success on the OSCE examination was significantly associated with the intervention (P = 0.002).
    CONCLUSIONS: The TBL with video vignettes curriculum was associated with better performance of medical students on the OSCE. The concept presented here may be beneficial to other teaching institutions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Science and health outreach activities are aimed at motivating and sparking interest among prospective students to pursue careers in these fields; however, research studies supporting this hypothesis are limited.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to organize an integrated Anatomy and Physiology outreach to examine preuniversity students\' learning experiences (learning tools, activities, and facilitators) and motivation to pursue a career in health care and to gather evidence on their attitudes and perceptions of such activities.
    METHODS: A 2-day course on cardiorespiratory and gastrointestinal anatomical systems was presented at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine in Singapore using its key pedagogies, that is, multimodal practical and team-based learning. Ninety preuniversity students from 21 preuniversity institutions in Singapore participated in this 2-day course, and their experiences were evaluated using a 4-point Likert scale and open-ended survey questions. Free-text comments were analyzed using inductive thematic analysis.
    RESULTS: The survey using the 4-point Likert scale was completed by 81 (92%) of the 88 participants. Most students felt that the course materials were adequate (mean 3.57, SD 0.57) and met the learning objectives (mean 3.73, SD 0.52). The students felt that the instructors were clear (mean 3.73, SD 0.52) and effective (mean 3.70, SD 0.53). They liked the organization of the outreach session (mean 3.64, SD 0.48) and were highly motivated to study medicine or allied/biomedical sciences (mean 3.69, SD 0.54). Practical and team-based learning were regarded as exceedingly satisfactory (mean 3.63, SD 0.53 and mean 3.58, SD 0.54, respectively). All the respondents said that they would recommend this course to peers. Thematic analysis revealed that the participants gained a new perspective of the human body structure and function, they liked the unique learning settings, they were motivated to pursue a career in health care, they were satisfied with the sessions, and interactions with the facilitators increased their understanding of the human anatomy and physiology.
    CONCLUSIONS: Structured health outreach activities provide students with unique opportunities to experience a preclinical learning environment in a medical school, deepen their understanding of human body structure and function, and increase their motivation and interest in science. Further, outreach programs may lay the foundations for potential students aiming to pursue health profession education.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Trauma is one of the most important issues and problems considered in most countries in today\'s modern and industrial society. Since pre-hospital care is the first component of a trauma care system, if done properly, it can reduce the problems associated with long-term disability and death due to trauma. Therefore, the present study was conducted to determine the impact of training based on a modified team-based learning (TBL) method on the skills of medical emergency personnel in managing trauma patients in 2022.
    UNASSIGNED: The present study was a two-group clinical before/after study in which 96 technicians were selected using a stratified random sampling method. The sample members were randomly divided into an intervention group and a control group. In the intervention group, skills for dealing with trauma patients were taught through a modified team-based learning method. The results were analyzed using SPSS software version 21.
    UNASSIGNED: The results of the repeated measures analysis of variance showed a significant difference between the intervention and control groups in learning skills for dealing with trauma patients (P<0.001), which were determined by examining the effect of test repetition and the effect of interaction. The changes in the studied variables in the TBL groups were significantly greater than those in the control group (P<0.001).
    UNASSIGNED: The results indicate that training based on the modified team-based learning method is effective for the management of trauma patients by medical emergency personnel and improves the readiness of personnel in this field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Benjamin Bloom published his Taxonomy of Educational Objectives in 1956 [1] to help educators develop learning objectives for teaching. Since then, several modifications have been made to adapt Bloom\'s taxonomy to various uses and disciplines [2-4]. Introduction of the idea: As social constructivist educators, the authors of this article felt the need to adjust Bloom\'s taxonomy to match the unique characteristics of team-based learning (TBL) in physiology courses. Outcomes: Here, we are introducing the use of TBL for teaching physiology in undergraduate physiology courses that could be easily translated into other disciplines. Additionally, we are introducing the Diamond Framework for TBL, a modified Bloom\'s taxonomy to guide the writing of measurable learning outcomes and create assignments to help students apply their new knowledge and skills.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Collaborative methods for learning such as team-based learning, case-based learning, and problem-based learning have become leading methods for active learning within the field of health professions education. Critical thinking and exposure to diverse perspectives within a group are highlighted as important benefits of team-based learning. However, without consideration of the potential socioemotional, behavioral, and team dynamic challenges associated with this format of learning, the tenets which support a welcoming learning community can begin to deteriorate. In this essay, authors highlight the core concepts of growth mindset, psychological safety, and culturally responsive pedagogy within a framework of 1) what learners should know and 2) what educators can do, to co-create an inclusive collaborative learning experience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Team-based learning (TBL) is a widely recognized instructional approach in medical education blending direct instruction with active-cooperative learning in small groups. While TBL is known to enhance knowledge acquisition, its impact on student motivation, particularly through situational interest, remains underexplored. This study aimed to investigate the development of situational interest across the distinct phases of TBL, focusing on how each phase (individual readiness assurance test; iRAT, team readiness assurance test; tRAT, and application exercise; AE) influences students\' situational interest. The study sought to provide insights into the motivational dynamics underpinning TBL in a medical education setting.
    METHODS: A total of 88 medical students participated in a TBL session on \"Bleeding during Pregnancy.\" Situational interest was measured after each TBL phase. A one-way repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to assess the fluctuation of situational interest throughout the session.
    RESULTS: The analysis revealed significant variations in situational interest across different TBL stages. There was a significant increase in situational interest following the tRAT (p = .001). Post-tRAT, situational interest significantly decreased after the AE (p = .007), returning to levels observed at the session\'s start. Post hoc correlation analysis suggested a negative association between tRAT performance and situational interest, indicating heightened interest in response to awareness of knowledge gaps during the tRAT.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study may challenge the traditional view of TBL, suggesting a more integrated and dynamic interplay between knowledge acquisition and application phases. The results highlight the importance of the AE phase in clinical education and suggest that situational interest is one key driver in the learning process within TBL. Future research should focus on replicating these findings and comparing situational interest development between pre-clinical and clinical student cohorts to further understand the effects of situational interest on TBL in medical education.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Team-based learning (TBL) is a student-centered method where learning can be promoted and facilitated by changing the traditional teaching lecture into an active, dynamic, and more engaging problem-solving process. The present study evaluated the student\'s learning experience and satisfaction using a TBL method in a preclinical oral surgery course.
    UNASSIGNED: Twelve TBL sessions were designed for second-year dental students. Six 3-h and 2-h sessions with various preclinical topics were conducted in academic Terms 1 and 2, respectively. Teaching activities such as tests and group discussions were included in the sessions. The last post-session questionnaire sought students\' feedback and satisfaction to assess four parameters related to students\' knowledge acquirement, interpersonal skills enhancement, learning environment, and teacher-student relationships.
    UNASSIGNED: Most average scores of the responses agreed with the related statements in the four parameters. The results of the Pearson\'s correlation test revealed that there was a significant relationship (r = 0.735; P < 0.05) between the parameters of the 3-h and 2-h sessions.
    UNASSIGNED: The TBL method yielded positive and high levels of satisfaction, which may be attributed to the proper implementation of TBL methodology by the teacher and students.
    UNASSIGNED: التعلم القائم على الفريق هو طريقة تركز على الطالب حيث يمكن تعزيز وتسهيل التعلم من خلال تحويل المحاضرة التقليدية إلى عملية حل مشكلات نشطة وديناميكية وأكثر جاذبية. هدفت الدراسة الحالية إلى تقييم تجربة التعلم ورضا الطلاب باستخدام طريقة التعلم القائم على الفريق في دورة جراحة الفم قبل السريرية.
    UNASSIGNED: تم تصميم اثنتي عشرة جلسة تعلم قائمة على الفريق لطلاب السنة الثانية في طب الأسنان. تم إجراء ست جلسات من ثلاث ساعات في الفصل الدراسي الأول وست جلسات من ساعتين في الفصل الدراسي الثاني مع مواضيع مختلفة قبل السريرية. تم تضمين أنشطة تعليمية مثل الاختبارات والمناقشات الجماعية في الجلسات. استهدفت الاستبانة التي تم توزيعها بعد الجلسة الأخيرة معرفة آراء الطلاب ورضاهم لتقييم أربعة معايير تتعلق باكتساب المعرفة، وتعزيز المهارات الشخصية، وبيئة التعلم، وعلاقات المعلم بالطالب.
    UNASSIGNED: توافق معظم متوسطات الدرجات الخاصة بالردود مع العبارات المتعلقة بالمعايير الأربعة. كشفت نتائج اختبار ارتباط بيرسون عن وجود علاقة ذات دلالة إحصائية (معامل الارتباط يساوي 0.735 وقيمة الاحتمال أقل من 0.05) بين معايير الجلسات التي استمرت لثلاث ساعات وتلك التي استمرت لساعتين.
    UNASSIGNED: أظهرت طريقة التعلم القائم على الفريق مستويات عالية من الرضا، والتي قد تعزى إلى التنفيذ السليم لمنهجية التعلم القائم على الفريق من قبل المعلم والطلاب.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Self-directed learning ability is crucial for lifelong learning. The inadequate self-directed learning ability of nursing students in China may be due to their deficiency in self-management or learning initiative.
    OBJECTIVE: To explore the effect of online learning platform (Tronclass) combined with team-based learning on nursing students\' self-directed learning and academic performance.
    METHODS: Pretest-posttest design.
    METHODS: From March to July 2023, 69 undergraduate third-year nursing students from a university in Hunan Province were selected through a whole-group sampling method.
    METHODS: This study used Tronclass to carry out team-based learning in the teaching process of pediatric nursing courses. It compared the self-directed learning ability nursing students before and after courses, and juxtaposed their academic performance with those of their counterparts who graduated in previous years.
    RESULTS: When comparing compare motivation, self-management, teamwork and information literacy, which are four subscale aspects of the self-directed Learning Ability Scale, the post-survey scores for these four dimensions are greater than the pre-survey results. The results of the study showed a statistically significant difference (P < 0.05), in the students who engaged in Tronclass combined with team-based learning. Specifically, these students received higher midterm and final grades than to those who had already graduated and did not participate in these activities. (P < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: Combining Tronclass with team-based learning enhances nursing students\' ability to engage in self-directed learning and improves their performance in midterms and finals, thereby fostering the development of comprehensive competence.





