Taxonomic concept

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Integrative modeling methods can now enable macrosystem-level understandings of biodiversity patterns, such as range changes resulting from shifts in climate or land use, by aggregating species-level data across multiple monitoring sources. This requires ensuring that taxon interpretations match up across different sources. While encouraging checklist standardization is certainly an option, coercing programs to change species lists they have used consistently for decades is rarely successful. Here we demonstrate a novel approach for tracking equivalent names and concepts, applied to a network of 10 regional programs that use the same protocols (so-called \"Pollard walks\") to monitor butterflies across America north of Mexico. Our system involves, for each monitoring program, associating the taxonomic authority (in this case one of three North American butterfly fauna treatments: Pelham, 2014; North American Butterfly Association, Inc., 2016; Opler & Warren, 2003) that shares the most similar overall taxonomic interpretation to the program\'s working species list. This allows us to define each term on each program\'s list in the context of the appropriate authority\'s species concept and curate the term alongside its authoritative concept. We then aligned the names representing equivalent taxonomic concepts among the three authorities. These stepping stones allow us to bridge a species concept from one program\'s species list to the name of the equivalent in any other program, through the intermediary scaffolding of aligned authoritative taxon concepts. Using a software tool we developed to access our curation system, a user can link equivalent species concepts between data collecting agencies with no specialized knowledge of taxonomic complexities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There are currently four world bird lists referenced by different stakeholders including governments, academic journals, museums and citizen scientists. Consolidation of these lists is a conservation and research priority. In reconciling lists, care must be taken to ensure agreement in taxonomic concepts-the actual groups of individual organisms circumscribed by a given scientific epithet. Here, we compare species-level taxonomic concepts for raptors across the four lists, highlighting areas of disagreement. Of the 665 species-level raptor taxa observed at least once among the four lists, only 453 (68%) were consistent across all four lists. The Howard and Moore Checklist of the Birds of the World contains the fewest raptor species (528), whereas the International Ornithological Community World Bird List contains the most (580) and these two lists are in the most disagreement. Of the disagreements, 67% involved owls, and Indonesia was the country containing the most disagreed upon species (169). Finally, we calculated the amount of species-level agreement across lists for each avian order and found raptor orders spread throughout the rankings of agreement. Our results emphasize the need to reconcile the four world bird lists for all avian orders, highlight broad disagreements across lists and identify hotspots of disagreement for raptors, in particular.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Contrary to the traditional claim that needs for unambiguous communication about animal and plant species are best served by a single set of names (Linnaean nomenclature) ruled by international Codes, I suggest that a more diversified system is required, especially to cope with problems emerging from aggregation of biodiversity data in large databases. Departures from Linnaean nomenclature are sometimes intentional, but there are also other, less obvious but widespread forms of not Code-compliant grey nomenclature. A first problem is due to the circumstance that the Codes are intended to rule over the way names are applied to species and other taxonomic units, whereas users of taxonomy need names to be applied to specimens. For different reasons, it is often impossible to refer a specimen with certainty to a named species, and in those cases an open nomenclature is employed. Second, molecular taxonomy leads to the discovery of clusters of gene sequence diversity not necessarily equivalent to the species recognized and named by taxonomists. Those clusters are mostly indicated with informal names or formulas that challenge comparison between different publications or databases. In several instances, it is not even clear if a formula refers to an individual voucher specimen, or is a provisional species name. The use of non-Linnaean names and formulas must be revised and strengthened by fixing standard formats for the different kinds of objects or hypotheses and providing permanent association of \'grey names\' with standardized source information such as author and year. In the context of a broad-scope revisitation of aims and scope of scientific nomenclature, it may be worth rethinking if natural objects like plant galls and lichens, although other than the \'single-entity\' objects traditionally covered by biological classifications, may nevertheless deserve taxonomic names.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many clinical concepts are standardized under a categorical and hierarchical taxonomy such as ICD-10, ATC, etc. These taxonomic clinical concepts provide insight into semantic meaning and similarity among clinical concepts and have been applied to patient similarity measures. However, the effects of diverse set sizes of taxonomic clinical concepts contributing to similarity at the patient level have not been well studied.
    In this paper the most widely used taxonomic clinical concepts system, ICD-10, was studied as a representative taxonomy. The distance between ICD-10-coded diagnosis sets is an integrated estimation of the information content of each concept, the similarity between each pairwise concepts and the similarity between the sets of concepts. We proposed a novel method at the set-level similarity to calculate the distance between sets of hierarchical taxonomic clinical concepts to measure patient similarity. A real-world clinical dataset with ICD-10 coded diagnoses and hospital length of stay (HLOS) information was used to evaluate the performance of various algorithms and their combinations in predicting whether a patient need long-term hospitalization or not. Four subpopulation prototypes that were defined based on age and HLOS with different diagnoses set sizes were used as the target for similarity analysis. The F-score was used to evaluate the performance of different algorithms by controlling other factors. We also evaluated the effect of prototype set size on prediction precision.
    The results identified the strengths and weaknesses of different algorithms to compute information content, code-level similarity and set-level similarity under different contexts, such as set size and concept set background. The minimum weighted bipartite matching approach, which has not been fully recognized previously showed unique advantages in measuring the concepts-based patient similarity.
    This study provides a systematic benchmark evaluation of previous algorithms and novel algorithms used in taxonomic concepts-based patient similarity, and it provides the basis for selecting appropriate methods under different clinical scenarios.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The scientific names of plants and animals play a major role in Life Sciences as information is indexed, integrated, and searched using scientific names. The main problem with names is their ambiguous nature, because more than one name may point to the same taxon and multiple taxa may share the same name. In addition, scientific names change over time, which makes them open to various interpretations. Applying machine-understandable semantics to these names enables efficient processing of biological content in information systems. The first step is to use unique persistent identifiers instead of name strings when referring to taxa. The most commonly used identifiers are Life Science Identifiers (LSID), which are traditionally used in relational databases, and more recently HTTP URIs, which are applied on the Semantic Web by Linked Data applications.
    RESULTS: We introduce two models for expressing taxonomic information in the form of species checklists. First, we show how species checklists are presented in a relational database system using LSIDs. Then, in order to gain a more detailed representation of taxonomic information, we introduce meta-ontology TaxMeOn to model the same content as Semantic Web ontologies where taxa are identified using HTTP URIs. We also explore how changes in scientific names can be managed over time.
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of HTTP URIs is preferable for presenting the taxonomic information of species checklists. An HTTP URI identifies a taxon and operates as a web address from which additional information about the taxon can be located, unlike LSID. This enables the integration of biological data from different sources on the web using Linked Data principles and prevents the formation of information silos. The Linked Data approach allows a user to assemble information and evaluate the complexity of taxonomical data based on conflicting views of taxonomic classifications. Using HTTP URIs and Semantic Web technologies also facilitate the representation of the semantics of biological data, and in this way, the creation of more \"intelligent\" biological applications and services.






