TPM, Total particulate matter

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It has previously been found that, compared with cigarette smoke, the aerosols generated by heated tobacco products contain fewer and lower harmful and potentially harmful constituents (HPHCs) and elicit lower biological activity in in vitro models and lower smoking-related exposure biomarker levels in clinical studies. It is important to accumulate such scientific evidences for heated tobacco products with a novel heating system, because different heating system may affect the quantitative aspect of the amount of HPHCs and the qualitative aspect of the biological activity of the aerosol generated. Here, the chemical properties of, and toxicological responses to aerosols emitted by DT3.0a, a new heated tobacco product with a novel heating system, and cigarette smoke (CS) were compared, using chemical analyses, in vitro battery (standardized genotoxicity and cytotoxicity) assays, and mechanistic (ToxTracker and two-dimensional cell culture) assays. Regular- and menthol-flavored DT3.0a and standard 1R6F reference cigarettes were tested. Selected HPHC yields were lower in DT3.0a aerosol than 1R6F CS. The genotoxicity-related assays indicated that DT3.0a aerosol was not genotoxic, regardless of metabolic activation. The other biological assays indicated that less cytotoxicity induction and oxidative stress response were elicited by DT3.0a aerosol compared with 1R6F CS. Similar results were found for both regular and menthol DT3.0a. Like previous reports for heated tobacco products with other heating systems, the results of this study indicated that DT3.0a aerosols have chemical and biological properties less likely to be harmful than 1R6F CS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory autoimmune disease associated with genetic and environmental factors. Cigarette smoking is harmful to health and may be one of the risk factors for MS. However, there have been no systematic investigations under controlled experimental conditions linking cigarette smoke (CS) and MS. The present study is the first inhalation study to correlate the pre-clinical and pathological manifestations affected by different doses of CS exposure in a mouse experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) model. Female C57BL/6 mice were whole-body exposed to either fresh air (sham) or three concentrations of CS from a reference cigarette (3R4F) for 2 weeks before and 4 weeks after EAE induction. The effects of exposure on body weight, clinical symptoms, spinal cord pathology, and serum biochemicals were then assessed. Exposure to low and medium concentrations of CS exacerbated the severity of symptoms and spinal cord pathology, while the high concentration had no effect relative to sham exposure in mice with EAE. Interestingly, the clinical chemistry parameters for metabolic profile as well as liver and renal function (e.g. triglycerides and creatinine levels, alkaline phosphatase activity) were lower in these mice than in naïve controls. Although the mouse EAE model does not fully recapitulate the pathology or symptoms of MS in humans, these findings largely corroborate previous epidemiological findings that exposure to CS can worsen the symptoms and pathology of MS. Furthermore, the study newly highlights the possible correlation of clinical chemistry findings such as metabolism and liver and renal function between MS patients and EAE mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A growing number of public health bodies, regulators and governments around the world consider electronic vapor products a lower risk alternative to conventional cigarettes. Of critical importance are rapid new approach methodologies to enable the screening of next generation products (NGPs) also known as next generation tobacco and nicotine products. In this study, the activity of conventional cigarette (3R4F) smoke and a range of NGP aerosols (heated tobacco product, hybrid product and electronic vapor product) captured in phosphate buffered saline, were screened by exposing a panel of human cell-based model systems using Biologically Multiplexed Activity Profiling (BioMAP® Diversity PLUS® Panel, Eurofins Discovery). Following exposure, the biological activity for a wide range of biomarkers in the BioMAP panel were compared to determine the presence of toxicity signatures that are associated with specific clinical findings. NGP aerosols were found to be weakly active in the BioMAP Diversity PLUS Panel (≤3/148 biomarkers) whereas significant activity was observed for 3R4F (22/148 biomarkers). Toxicity associated biomarker signatures for 3R4F included immunosuppression, skin irritation and thrombosis, with no toxicity signatures seen for the NGPs. BioMAP profiling could effectively be used to differentiate between complex mixtures of cigarette smoke or NGP aerosol extracts in a panel of human primary cell-based assays. Clinical validation of these results will be critical for confirming the utility of BioMAP for screening NGPs for potential adverse human effects.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Smoking is a cause of serious diseases in smokers including chronic respiratory diseases. This study aimed to evaluate the tobacco harm reduction (THR) potential of an electronic vapor product (EVP, myblu™) compared to a Kentucky Reference Cigarette (3R4F), and assessed endpoints related to chronic respiratory diseases. Endpoints included: cytotoxicity, barrier integrity (TEER), cilia function, immunohistochemistry, and pro-inflammatory markers. In order to more closely represent the user exposure scenario, we have employed the in vitro 3D organotypic model of human airway epithelium (MucilAir™, Epithelix) for respiratory assessment. The model was repeatedly exposed to either whole aerosol of the EVP, or whole 3R4F smoke, at the air liquid interface (ALI), for 4 weeks to either 30, 60 or 90 puffs on 3-exposure-per-week basis. 3R4F smoke generation used the ISO 20778:2018 regime and EVP aerosol used the ISO 20768:2018 vaping regime. Exposure to undiluted whole EVP aerosol did not trigger any significant changes in the level of pro-inflammatory mediators, cilia beating function, barrier integrity and cytotoxicity when compared with air controls. In contrast, exposure to diluted (1:17) whole cigarette smoke caused significant changes to all the endpoints mentioned above. To our knowledge, this is the first study evaluating the effects of repeated whole cigarette smoke and whole EVP aerosol exposure to a 3D lung model at the ALI. Our results add to the growing body of scientific literature supporting the THR potential of EVPs relative to combustible cigarettes and the applicability of the 3D lung models in human-relevant product risk assessments.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The larynx is an essential organ in the respiratory tract and necessary for airway protection, respiration, and phonation. Cigarette smoking is a significant risk factor associated with benign and malignant laryngeal diseases. Despite this association, the underlying mechanisms by which cigarette smoke (CS) drives disease development are not well elucidated. In the current study, we developed a short-term murine whole body inhalation model to evaluate the first CS-induced cellular responses in the glottic [i.e. vocal fold (VF)] and subglottic regions of the larynx. Specifically, we investigated epithelial cell proliferation, cell death, surface topography, and mucus production, at various time points (1 day, 5 days, 10 days) after ∼ 2 h exposure to 3R4F cigarettes (Delivered dose: 5.6968 mg/kg per cigarette) and following cessation for 5 days after a 5 day CS exposure (CSE). CSE elevated levels of BrdU labeled proliferative cells and p63 labeled epithelial basal cells on day 1 in the VF. CSE increased proliferative cells in the subglottis at days 5, 10 and following cessation in the subglottis. Cleaved caspase-3 apoptotic activity was absent in VF at all time points and increased at day 1 in the subglottis. Evaluation of the VF surface by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed significant epithelial microprojection damage at day 10 and early signs of necrosis at days 5 and 10 post-CSE. SEM visualizations additionally indicated the presence of deformed cilia at days 5 and 10 after CSE and post-cessation in the respiratory epithelium lined subglottis. In terms of mucin content, the impact of short-term CSE was observed only at day 10, with decreasing acidic mucin levels and increasing neutral mucin levels. Overall, these findings reveal regional differences in murine laryngeal cellular responses following short-term CSE and provide insight into potential mechanisms underlying CS-induced laryngeal disease development.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The expression of some microRNAs (miRNA) is modulated in response to cigarette smoke (CS), which is a leading cause of major preventable diseases. However, whether miRNA expression is also modulated by the aerosol/extract from potentially reduced-risk products is not well studied. The present work is a meta-analysis of 12 in vitro studies in human organotypic epithelial cultures of the aerodigestive tract (buccal, gingival, bronchial, nasal, and small airway epithelia). These studies compared the effects of exposure to aerosols from electronic vapor (e-vapor) products and heated tobacco products, and to extracts from Swedish snus products (in the present work, will be referred to as reduced-risk products [RRPs]) on miRNA expression with the effects of exposure to CS or its total particulate matter fraction. This meta-analysis evaluated 12 datasets of a total of 736 detected miRNAs and 2775 exposed culture inserts. The t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding method was used to find similarities across the diversity of miRNA responses characterized by tissue type, exposure type, and product concentration. The CS-induced changes in miRNA expression in gingival cultures were close to those in buccal cultures; similarly, the alterations in miRNA expression in small airway, bronchial, and nasal tissues resembled each other. A supervised clustering was performed to identify miRNAs exhibiting particular response patterns. The analysis identified a set of miRNAs whose expression was altered in specific tissues upon exposure to CS (e.g., miR-125b-5p, miR-132-3p, miR-99a-5p, and 146a-5p). Finally, we investigated the impact of RRPs on miRNA expression in relation to that of CS by calculating the response ratio r between the RRP- and CS-induced alterations at an individual miRNA level, showing reduced alterations in miRNA expression following RRP exposure relative to CS exposure (94 % relative reduction). No specific miRNA response pattern indicating exposure to aerosols from heated tobacco products and e-vapor products, or extracts from Swedish snus was identifiable.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cigarette smoking causes major preventable diseases, morbidity, and mortality worldwide. Smoking cessation and prevention of smoking initiation are the preferred means for reducing these risks. Less harmful tobacco products, termed modified-risk tobacco products (MRTP), are being developed as a potential alternative for current adult smokers who would otherwise continue smoking. According to a regulatory framework issued by the US Food and Drug Administration, a manufacturer must provide comprehensive scientific evidence that the product significantly reduces harm and the risk of tobacco-related diseases, in order to obtain marketing authorization for a new MRTP. For new tobacco products similar to an already approved predicate product, the FDA has foreseen a simplified procedure for assessing \"substantial equivalence\". In this article, we present a use case that bridges the nonclinical evidence from previous studies demonstrating the relatively reduced harm potential of two heat-not-burn products based on different tobacco heating principles. The nonclinical evidence was collected along a \"causal chain of events leading to disease\" (CELSD) to systematically follow the consequences of reduced exposure to toxicants (relative to cigarette smoke) through increasing levels of biological complexity up to disease manifestation in animal models of human disease. This approach leverages the principles of systems biology and toxicology as a basis for further extrapolation to human studies. The experimental results demonstrate a similarly reduced impact of both products on apical and molecular endpoints, no novel effects not seen with cigarette smoke exposure, and an effect of switching from cigarettes to either MRTP that is comparable to that of complete smoking cessation. Ideally, a subset of representative assays from the presented sequence along the CELSD could be sufficient for predicting similarity or substantial equivalence in the nonclinical impact of novel products; this would require further validation, for which the present use case could serve as a starting point.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have developed a novel vaping product (NVP) IS1.0(TT), which utilises a stainless-steel mesh to transfer and vaporise the e-liquid, mitigating some of the potential sources of toxicants that can be generated using the more traditional \'wick and coil\' approach. The emissions from IS1.0(TT) have previously been found to have lower levels of toxicants overall when directly compared with a commercial wick and coil e-cig. This current study assessed the toxicological responses to aerosols from this NVP. Responses induced by IS1.0(TT)were compared to those from a 3R4F reference cigarette, using in vitro test methods which included regulatory genetic toxicological assays as well as some more contemporary screening approaches. The experimental conditions were designed to facilitate the testing of aerosol from this vaping product at doses that in most cases greatly exceeded those of the 3R4F comparator showed little to no toxicological responses and demonstrated significantly reduced effects in these in vitro assays when compared to 3R4F. Furthermore, the extreme doses tested in the present study indicate that the toxicant profile of this NVP translates to lower biological activity in vitro, and suggests that the absolute risk hazard level associated with electronic cigarettes can be reduced through continuous improvement as the technology evolves.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In vitro studies have supported the toxicological evaluation of chemicals and complex mixtures including cigarette smoke and novel tobacco and nicotine products which include tobacco heating products (THP). This new environment requires faster testing, higher throughput and appropriate in vitro studies, to support product innovation and development. In this study, total particulate matter (TPM) from a commercially available THP and a reference cigarette (3R4F) were assessed up to 500 μg/mL using two in vitro micronucleus techniques. V79 and TK6 cells were assessed using conventional OECD 487 manual scoring techniques, whereas, CHO cells were assessed using contemporary, automated high content screening approaches (Cellomics ArrayScan® VTI). V79 cells gave the most consistent response with all three treatment conditions producing a clear positive genotoxic response. Human TK6 cells only produced dose-dependent response, indicative of a weak-positive response. CHO cells demonstrated a positive response with TPM using long (24 h) -S9 conditions. All three cell lines equally demonstrated a negative response with THP TPM up to 500 μg/mL. In conclusion, THP TPM did not increase micronuclei formation above control levels even at doses far exceeding that tested with reference cigarette smoke, in most cases up to 10x the dose delivered compared to that of cigarette smoke. This study supports the growing belief that THPs are less risky than conventional cigarettes and that 21st century screening techniques can be employed to support product design and decision making, as a potential 1st screen prior to more traditional assessments.






