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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pulsed electron-electron double resonance (PELDOR) coupled with site-directed spin labeling is a powerful technique for the elucidation of protein or nucleic acid, macromolecular structure and interactions. The intrinsic high sensitivity of electron paramagnetic resonance enables measurement on small quantities of bio-macromolecules, however short relaxation times impose a limit on the sensitivity and size of distances that can be measured using this technique. The persistence of the electron spin-echo, in the PELDOR experiment, is one of the most crucial limitations to distance measurement. At a temperature of around 50 K one of the predominant factors affecting persistence of an echo, and as such, the sensitivity and measurable distance between spin labels, is the electron spin echo dephasing time (Tm). It has become normal practice to use deuterated solvents to extend Tm and recently it has been demonstrated that deuteration of the underlying protein significantly extends Tm. Here we examine the spatial effect of segmental deuteration of the underlying protein, and also explore the concentration and temperature dependence of highly deuterated systems.







  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    We present the results of a comparative differential calorimetric and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic study of the effect of cholesterol and five of its analogues on the thermotropic phase behaviour and organization of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer membranes. These sterols/steroids differ in both the nature and stereochemistry of the polar head group at C3 (βOH, αOH or C=O) and in the position of the double bond (C4-C5 in ring A or C5-C6 in ring B). In the three Δ(5) sterols/steroid series, the concentration of these compounds required to abolish the DPPC pretransition, inversely related to their relative ability to disorder gel state DPPC bilayers, decreases in the order βOH>αOH>C=O and these differences in concentration are significant. However, in the Δ(4) series, these concentrations are more similar, regardless of polar head group nature or stereochemistry. Similarly, the residual enthalpy of the main phase transition of DPPC at 50 mol.% sterol/steroid, which is inversely related to the miscibility of these compounds in the DPPC bilayer, also increases in the order βOH>αOH>C=O, but this effect is attenuated in the Δ(4) as opposed to the Δ(5) series. Both of these results indicate that the presence of a double bond at C4-C5 in ring A, as compared to a C5-C6 double bond in ring B, reduces the effect of variations in the structure of the polar group at C3 on the properties of the host DPPC bilayer. The movement of the double bond from C5 to C4 in the two sterol pairs results in a greater decrease in the temperature and enthalpy of both the pretransition and the main phase transition, whereas the opposite result is observed in the ketosteroid pair. Similarly, the ability of these compounds to order the DPPC hydrocarbon chains decreases in the order βOH>αOH>C=O in both series of compounds, but in the two sterol pairs, hydrocarbon chain ordering is greater for the Δ(5) than the Δ(4) sterols, whereas the opposite is the case for the steroid pair. All of these results indicate that the typical effects of sterols/steroids in increasing the packing density and thermal stability of fluid lipid bilayers are optimal when an OH group rather than C=O group is present at C3, and that this OH group is more effective in the equatorial rather than the axial orientation. We can explain all of our sterol results by noting that the shift of the double bond from Δ(5) to Δ(4) introduces of a bend in ring A, which in turn destroys the coplanarity of the steroid fused ring system and reduces the goodness of sterol packing in the host DPPC bilayer. However, this conformational change should also occur in the ketosteroid pair, yet our experimental results indicate that the presence of the Δ(4) double bond is less disruptive than a double bond at Δ(5). We suggest that the presence of keto-enol tautomerism in the conjugated Δ(4) ketosteroid, but not in the nonconjugated Δ(5) compound, may provide additional H-bonding opportunities to adjacent DPPC molecules in the bilayer, which can overcome the unfavourable conformational change in ring A induced by the Δ(4) double bond.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this work new types of hydrophobically modified maltodextrin were prepared by enzyme-catalyzed reaction of maltodextrin and three fatty acids: decanoic acid (C-10), lauric acid (C-12) and palmitic acid (C-16). Lipase obtained from Thermomyces lanuginosus was found to be a useful biocatalyst in the maltodextrin esterification. Esterified maltodextrin with a degree of substitution (DS) 0.015-0.084 was prepared at the optimum conditions of 60 °C for 4 h. The DS was found to be at its highest when maltodextrin and fatty acids were taken in the ratio 1:0.5. The functional properties of these esterified maltodextrin were investigated. All esterified maltodextrin did not completely dissolve in water. Esterified maltodextrin at a concentration of 25% (w/w) exhibited Newtonian flow behavior similar to that of native maltodextrin. Esterified maltodextrin had a higher viscosity compare to native maltodextrin. X-ray diffraction pattern of esterified maltodextrin indicated crystallization of the fatty acid side chains. The thermal stability of esterified maltodextrin was checked by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Esterified maltodextrin was then used as an emulsifier to make n-hexadecane O/W emulsions. The emulsions were characterized according to their oil droplet characteristics and emulsification index.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Congenital cataract is the leading cause of childhood blindness worldwide. Investigations of the effects of inherited mutations on protein structure and function not only help us to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying congenital hereditary cataract, but also facilitate the study of complicated cataract and non-lens abnormities caused by lens-specific genes. In this research, we studied the effects of the V187M, V187E and R188H mutations on βB2-crystallin structure and stability using a combination of biophysical, cellular and molecular dynamic simulation analysis. Both V187 and R188 are located at the last strand of βB2-crystallin Greek-key motif 4. All of the three mutations promoted βB2-crystallin aggregation in vitro and at the cellular level. These three mutations affected βB2-crystallin quite differentially: V187M influenced the hydrophobic core of the C-terminal domain, V187E was a Greek-key motif breaker with the disruption of the backbone H-bonding network, while R188H perturbed the dynamic oligomeric equilibrium by dissociating the dimer and stabilizing the tetramer. Our results highlighted the importance of the last strand in the structural integrity, folding, assembly and stability of β-crystallins. More importantly, we proposed that the perturbation of the dynamic equilibrium between β-crystallin oligomers was an important mechanism of congenital hereditary cataract. The selective stabilization of one specific high-order oligomer by mutations might also be deleterious to the stability and folding of the β-crystalllin homomers and heteromers. The long-term structural stability and functional maintenance of β-crystallins are achieved by the precisely regulated oligomeric equilibrium.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intestinal alkaline phosphatases (IAPs) are involved in the cleavage of phosphate prodrugs to liberate the drug for absorption in the intestine. To facilitate in vitro characterization of phosphate prodrugs, we have cloned, expressed, purified and characterized IAPs from rat and cynomolgus monkey (rIAP and cIAP respectively) which are important pre-clinical species for drug metabolism studies. The recombinant rat and monkey enzymes expressed in Sf9 insect cells (IAP-Ic) were found to be glycosylated and active. Expression of rat IAP in Escherichia coli (rIAP-Ec) led to ~200-fold loss of activity that was partially recovered by the addition of external Zn(2+) and Mg(2+) ions. Crystal structures of rIAP-Ec and rIAP-Ic were determined and they provide rationale for the discrepancy in enzyme activities. Rat IAP-Ic retains its activity in presence of both Zn(2+) and Mg(2+) whereas activity of most other alkaline phosphatases (APs) including the cIAP was strongly inhibited by excess Zn(2+). Based on our crystal structure, we hypothesized the residue Q317 in rIAP, present within 7 Å of the Mg(2+) at M3, to be important for this difference in activity. The Q317H rIAP and H317Q cIAP mutants showed reversal in effect of Zn(2+), corroborating the hypothesis. Further analysis of the two structures indicated a close linkage between glycosylation and crown domain stability. A triple mutant of rIAP, where all the three putative N-linked glycosylation sites were mutated showed thermal instability and reduced activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nipah virus (NiV) is a recently emerged severe human pathogen that belongs to the Henipavirus genus within the Paramyxoviridae family. The NiV genome is encapsidated by the nucleoprotein (N) within a helical nucleocapsid that is the substrate used by the polymerase for transcription and replication. The polymerase is recruited onto the nucleocapsid via its cofactor, the phosphoprotein (P). The NiV P protein has a modular organization, with alternating disordered and ordered domains. Among these latter, is the P multimerization domain (PMD) that was predicted to adopt a coiled-coil conformation. Using both biochemical and biophysical approaches, we show that NiV PMD forms a highly stable and elongated coiled-coil trimer, a finding in striking contrast with respect to the PMDs of Paramyxoviridae members investigated so far that were all found to tetramerize. The present results therefore represent the first report of a paramyxoviral P protein forming trimers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Common hop (Humulus lupulus) constitutes a source of numerous prenylated chalcones such as xanthohumol (XH) and flavanones such as 8-prenylnaringenin (8-PN) and isoxanthohumol (IXH). Range of their biological activities includes estrogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, anti-cancer, and antioxidant activities. The aim of the present work was to characterize the influence of prenylated polyphenols on model 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) membranes by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), fluorescence and attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopies. All studied compounds intercalated into DPPC bilayers and decreased its melting temperature as recorded by DSC, Laurdan and Prodan fluorescence, and ATR-FTIR. Polyphenols interacted mainly with glycerol backbone and acyl chain region of membrane. Magnitude of the induced effect correlated both with lipophilicity and molecular shape of the studied compounds. Elbow-shaped 8-PN and IXH were locked at polar-apolar region with their prenyl chains penetrating into hydrophobic part of the bilayer, while relatively planar XH molecule adopted linear shape that resulted in its deeper insertion into hydrophobic region. Additionally, by means of DSC and Laurdan fluorescence IXH was demonstrated to induce lateral phase separation in DPPC bilayers in gel-like state. It was assumed that IXH-rich and IXH-poor microdomains appeared within membrane. Present work constitutes the first experimental report describing interactions of prenylated hop polyphenols with phospholipid model membranes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS) proteins potently suppress G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signal transduction by accelerating GTP hydrolysis on activated heterotrimeric G-protein α subunits. RGS4 is enriched in the CNS and is proposed as a therapeutic target for treatment of neuropathological states including epilepsy and Parkinson\'s disease. Therefore, identification of novel RGS4 inhibitors is of interest. An HEK293-FlpIn cell-line stably expressing M3-muscarinic receptor with doxycycline-regulated RGS4 expression was employed to identify compounds that inhibit RGS4-mediated suppression of M3-muscarinic receptor signaling. Over 300,000 compounds were screened for an ability to enhance Gαq-mediated calcium signaling in the presence of RGS4. Compounds that modulated the calcium response in a counter-screen in the absence of RGS4 were not pursued. Of the 1365 RGS4-dependent primary screen hits, thirteen compounds directly target the RGS-G-protein interaction in purified systems. All thirteen compounds lose activity against an RGS4 mutant lacking cysteines, indicating that covalent modification of free thiol groups on RGS4 is a common mechanism. Four compounds produce >85% inhibition of RGS4-G-protein binding at 100μM, yet are >50% reversible within a ten-minute time frame. The four reversible compounds significantly alter the thermal melting temperature of RGS4, but not G-protein, indicating that inhibition is occurring through interaction with the RGS protein. The HEK cell-line employed for this study provides a powerful tool for efficiently identifying RGS-specific modulators within the context of a GPCR signaling pathway. As a result, several new reversible, cell-active RGS4 inhibitors have been identified for use in future biological studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The solution-state structure of 2\'-O-(2-methoxyethly) substituted dodecamer r(*CG*CGAA*U*U*CG*C)d(G), 2\'-MOE RNA, with all cytosines and uracils methylated at the C5-position has been determined by NMR spectroscopy. The chemical modifications were used to improve the oligonucleotide\'s drug-like properties. The 2\'-MOE group drives pseudorotational equilibrium of the ribofuranose moiety to the N-type conformation and supposedly results in structural preorganization leading to high affinity of a modified oligonucleotide towards its complementary biological target, improved pharmacokinetic and toxicological properties. The high melting temperature of the antiparallel duplex structure adopted by 2\'-MOE RNA was explained through the formation of a stable A-form RNA consistent with effective base-pairing and stacking interactions. The comparison of the solution-state structure with the crystal structure of a non-methylated analogue shows an increase in the stacking at the base pair steps for the C5-methylated 2\'-MOE RNA duplex. The MOE substituents adopt a well-defined structure in the minor groove with the predominant gauche conformations around the ethylene bond.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artificial spider silk proteins may form fibers with exceptional strength and elasticity. Wrapping silk, or aciniform silk, is the toughest of the spider silks, and has a very different protein composition than other spider silks. Here, we present the characterization of an aciniform protein (AcSp1) subunit named W1, consisting of one AcSp1 199 residue repeat unit from Argiope trifasciata. The structural integrity of recombinant W1 is demonstrated in a variety of buffer conditions and time points. Furthermore, we show that W1 has a high thermal stability with reversible denaturation at ∼71°C and forms self-assembled nanoparticle in near-physiological conditions. W1 therefore represents a highly stable and structurally robust module for protein-based nanoparticle formation.





