Systems chemistry

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The overwhelming majority of artificial chemical reaction networks respond to stimuli by relaxing towards an equilibrium state. The opposite response - moving away from equilibrium - can afford the endergonic synthesis of molecules, of which only rare examples have been reported. Here, we report six examples of Diels-Alder adducts accumulated in an endergonic process and use this strategy to realize their stepwise accumulation. Indeed, systems respond to repeated occurrences of the same stimulus by increasing the amount of adduct formed, with the final network distribution depending on the number of stimuli received. Our findings indicate how endergonic processes can contribute to the transition from responsive to adaptive systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutualisms are interactions that benefit all species involved. It has been widely investigated in neighbouring subjects, such as biology, ecology, sociology, and economics. However, such a reciprocal relationship in synthetic chemical systems has rarely been studied. Here, we demonstrate a mutualistic synthesis where byproducts from two orthogonal chemical reactions aid each other\'s production. Disulfide exchange and hydrazone exchange were chosen to generate two dynamic combinatorial libraries. A minor tetrameric macrocycle from the active disulfide library was quantitatively amplified in the presence of the hydrazone library. This incorporation also turned on the previously inert hydrazone reaction, producing a linear species that formed a \"handcuffs\" catenane with the disulfide tetramer. These findings not only lend robust support to the hypothesis of \"RNA-peptide coevolution\" for the origin of life but also broaden the scope of synthetic chemistry, highlighting the untapped potential of minor products from different reactions. Additionally, the co-self-assembly of these mutualistic entities to form supramolecular structures opens new avenues for future development of composite nanosystems with synergistic properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quorum sensing enables unicellular organisms to probe their population density and perform behavior that exclusively occurs above a critical density. Quorum sensing is established in emulsion droplet swarms that float at a water surface and cluster above a critical density. The design involves competition between 1) a surface tension gradient that is generated upon release of a surfactant from the oil droplets, and thereby drives their mutual repulsion, and 2) the release of a surfactant precursor from the droplets, that forms a strong imine surfactant which suppresses the surface tension gradient and thereby causes droplet clustering upon capillary (Cheerios) attraction. The production of the imine-surfactant depends on the population density of the droplets releasing the precursor so that the clustering only occurs above a critical population density. The pH-dependence of the imine-surfactant formation is exploited to trigger quorum sensing upon a base stimulus: dynamic droplet swarms are generated that cluster and spread upon spatiotemporally varying acid and base conditions. Next, the clustering of two droplet subpopulations is coupled to a chemical reaction that generates a fluorescent signal. It is foreseen that quorum sensing enables control mechanisms in droplet-based systems that display collective responses in contexts of, e.g., sensing, optics, or dynamically controlled droplet-reactors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Molecular building blocks, capable of adopting several strongly deviating conformations, are of particular interest in the development of stimuli-responsive self-assemblies. The pronounced structural flexibility of a short acridone-based bridging ligand, equipped with two monodentate isoquinoline donors, is herein exploited to assemble a surprisingly diverse series of coordination-driven Pd(II) architectures. First, it can form a highly twisted Pd2L4 helicate, transformable into the corresponding mesocate, controlled by temperature, counter anion and choice of solvent. Second, it also allows the formation of heteroleptic cages, either from a mix of ligands with Pd(II) cations or by cage-to-cage transformation from homoleptic assemblies. Here, the acridone-based ligand tolerates counter ligands that carry their donors either in a diverging or converging arrangement, as it can rotate its own coordination sites by 90° and structurally adapt to both situations via shape complementarity. Third, by a near 180° rotation of only one of its arms, the ligand can adopt an S-shape conformation and form an unprecedented C6h-symmetric Pd6L12 saw-toothed six-membered ring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The coupling between energy-consuming molecular processes and the macroscopic dimension plays an important role in nature and in the development of active matter. Here, we study the temporal evolution of a macroscopic system upon the local activation of a dissipative self-assembly process. Injection of surfactant molecules in a substrate-containing hydrogel results in the local substrate-templated formation of assemblies, which are catalysts for the conversion of substrate into waste. We show that the system develops into a macroscopic (pseudo-)non-equilibrium steady state (NESS) characterized by the local presence of energy-dissipating assemblies and persistent substrate and waste concentration gradients. For elevated substrate concentrations, this state can be maintained for more than 4 days. The studies reveal an interdependence between the dissipative assemblies and the concentration gradients: catalytic activity by the assemblies results in sustained concentration gradients and, vice versa, continuous diffusion of substrate to the assemblies stabilizes their size. The possibility to activate dissipative processes with spatial control and create long lasting non-equilibrium steady states enables dissipative structures to be studied in the space-time domain, which is of relevance for understanding biological systems and for the development of active matter.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite great progress in the construction of non-equilibrium systems, most approaches do not consider the structure of the fuel as a critical element to control the processes. Herein, we show that the amino acid side chains (A, F, Nal) in the structure of abiotic phosphates can direct assembly and reactivity during transient structure formation. The fuels bind covalently to substrates and subsequently influence the structures in the assembly process. We focus on the ways in which the phosphate esters guide structure formation and how structures and reactivity cross regulate when constructing assemblies. Through the chemical functionalization of energy-rich aminoacyl phosphate esters, we are able to control the yield of esters and thioesters upon adding dipeptides containing tyrosine or cysteine residues. The structural elements around the phosphate esters guide the lifetime of the structures formed and their supramolecular assemblies. These properties can be further influenced by the peptide sequence of substrates, incorporating anionic, aliphatic and aromatic residues. Furthermore, we illustrate that oligomerization of esters can be initiated from a single aminoacyl phosphate ester incorporating a tyrosine residue (Y). These findings suggest that activated amino acids with varying reactivity and energy contents can pave the way for designing and fabricating structured fuels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A well-behaved dynamic library composed of two imines and corresponding amines was subjected to the action of an activated carboxylic acid (ACA), whose decarboxylation is known to be base promoted, in different solvents, namely CD2Cl2, CD3CN, and mixtures of them. Two non-equilibrium systems are consequently obtained: i) a dissipative (CD2Cl2) and ii) an out-of-equilibrium (CD3CN) dynamic library whose composition goes back to equilibrium after a given time. In the former case, the library is fully coupled with the decarboxylation of the ACA, while in the latter, an energy ratchet operates. In the mixed solvents, the library exhibits a mediated behavior. Interestingly, in the presence of an excess of added ACA, the different behavior of the imine library in the two solvents is expected to manifest only when the excess acid is consumed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The construction of gels from low molecular weight gelators (LMWG) has been extensively studied in the fields of bio-nanotechnology and other fields. However, the understanding gaps still prevent the prediction of LMWG from the full design of those gel systems. Gels with multicomponent become even more complicated because of the multiple interference effects coexist in the composite gel systems.
    OBJECTIVE: This review emphasizes systems view on the understanding of multicomponent low molecular weight gels (MLMWGs), and summarizes recent progress on the construction of desired networks of MLMWGs, including self-sorting and co-assembly, as well as the challenges and approaches to understanding MLMWGs, with the hope that the opportunities from natural products and peptides can speed up the understanding process and close the gaps between the design and prediction of structures.
    UNASSIGNED: This review is focused on three key concepts. Firstly, understanding the complicated multicomponent gels systems requires a systems perspective on MLMWGs. Secondly, several protocols can be applied to control self-sorting and co-assembly behaviors in those multicomponent gels system, including the certain complementary structures, chirality inducing and dynamic control. Thirdly, the discussion is anchored in challenges and strategies of understanding MLMWGs, and some examples are provided for the understanding of multicomponent gels constructed from small natural products and subtle designed short peptides.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of synthetic active matter requires the ability to design materials capable of harnessing energy from a source to carry out work. Nature achieves this using chemical reaction cycles in which energy released from an exergonic chemical reaction is used to drive biochemical processes. Although many chemically fuelled synthetic reaction cycles that control transient responses, such as self-assembly, have been reported, the generally high complexity of the reported systems hampers a full understanding of how the available chemical energy is actually exploited by these systems. This lack of understanding is a limiting factor in the design of chemically fuelled active matter. Here, we report a minimalistic synthetic responsive reaction cycle in which adenosine diphosphate (ADP) triggers the formation of a catalyst for its own hydrolysis. This establishes an interdependence between the concentrations of the network components resulting in the transient formation of the catalyst. The network is sufficiently simple that all kinetic and thermodynamic parameters governing its behaviour can be characterised, allowing kinetic models to be built that simulate the progress of reactions within the network. While the current network does not enable the ADP-hydrolysis reaction to populate a non-equilibrium composition, these models provide insight into the way the network dissipates energy. Furthermore, essential design principles are revealed for constructing driven systems, in which the network composition is driven away from equilibrium through the consumption of chemical energy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Darwinian evolution, including the selection of the fittest species under given environmental conditions, is a major milestone in the development of synthetic living systems. In this regard, generalist or specialist behavior (the ability to replicate in a broader or narrower, more specific food environment) are of importance. Here we demonstrate generalist and specialist behavior in dynamic combinatorial libraries composed of a peptide-based and an oligo(ethylene glycol) based building block. Three different sets of macrocyclic replicators could be distinguished based on their supramolecular organization: two prepared from a single building block as well as one prepared from an equimolar mixture of them. Peptide-containing hexamer replicators were found to be generalists, i. e. they could replicate in a broad range of food niches, whereas the octamer peptide-based replicator and hexameric ethyleneoxide-based replicator were proven to be specialists, i. e. they only replicate in very specific food niches that correspond to their composition. However, sequence specificity cannot be demonstrated for either of the generalist replicators. The generalist versus specialist nature of these replicators was linked to their supramolecular organization. Assembly modes that accommodate structurally different building blocks lead to generalist replicators, while assembly modes that are more restrictive yield specialist replicators.





