Synthetic polyploidy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In ornamental plants, artificial polyploidization has enabled the creation of new cultivars. Due to their high commercial value in the international flower market and their ornamental characteristics, such as the shape, size, color, and durability of their flower, orchids have received great attention in studies of artificial polyploidization. Here we described the protocol used for polyploid induction in Oncidium crispum, an epiphyte species native of southeastern Brazil, of great ornamental interest and widely sold in flower shops. The species stands out for having inflorescence with large flowers, brown in color with yellow spots. In addition, O. crispum has great potential for use in genetic improvement programs since the species is widely used in interspecific crosses. Closed capsules containing mature O. crispum seeds were subjected to running sterilized water for 10 min and then to a 1.5% sodium hypochlorite solution for 10 min. Small portions of seeds were introduced into 50 mL of water-soluble fertilizer with macro- and micronutrients (B>M) plus 0.7% agar. Explants originating from seeds previously in vitro germinated were submitted to 0.05% and 0.1% of colchicine for 4 days and 8 days. Flow cytometry and chromosome counts confirmed that the protocol successfully produced synthetic polyploid plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whole-genome duplication has long been appreciated for its role in driving phenotypic novelty in plants, often altering the way organisms interface with the abiotic environment. Only recently, however, have we begun to investigate how polyploidy influences interactions of plants with other species, despite the biotic niche being predicted as one of the main determinants of polyploid establishment. Nevertheless, we lack information about how polyploidy affects the diversity and composition of the microbial taxa that colonize plants, and whether this is genotype-dependent and repeatable across natural environments. This information is a first step towards understanding whether the microbiome contributes to polyploid establishment. We, thus, tested the immediate effect of polyploidy on the diversity and composition of the bacterial microbiome of the aquatic plant Spirodela polyrhiza using four pairs of diploids and synthetic autotetraploids. Under controlled conditions, axenic plants were inoculated with pond waters collected from 10 field sites across a broad environmental gradient. Autotetraploids hosted 4%-11% greater bacterial taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity than their diploid progenitors. Polyploidy, along with its interactions with the inoculum source and genetic lineage, collectively explained 7% of the total variation in microbiome composition. Furthermore, polyploidy broadened the core microbiome, with autotetraploids having 15 unique bacterial taxa in addition to the 55 they shared with diploids. Our results show that whole-genome duplication directly leads to novelty in the plant microbiome and importantly that the effect is dependent on the genetic ancestry of the polyploid and generalizable over many environmental contexts.





