Survey and questionnaires

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the Italian National Health Service (NHS) has been undergoing a structural reform shifting focus from hospital-centered care to smaller, intermediate, or primary health facilities closer to the community (e.g., community hospitals and community houses). This reorganization should include rehabilitation and physiotherapy, but the actual spread of these services is still unclear.
    OBJECTIVE: This study explored the number and characteristics of community-based physiotherapy services in the Metropolitan City of Milan (Italy).
    METHODS: Between April and May 2024, we distributed a structured, anonymous online survey about community physiotherapy services and users to all Directors of the Health and Social Care Professions Departments (DAPSS) in the Metropolitan City of Milan. We used descriptive statistics to analyze the number of community houses offering physiotherapy services, the specific intervention areas, and access modalities.
    RESULTS: Six out of seven DAPSS Directors completed the survey (87%). Thirty-seven community houses were reported in the area, with fourteen of these offering physiotherapy services. In most of them, physiotherapy was a primary reason for access following a general practitioner\'s prescription. Five out of six responders reported that rehabilitation needs were mainly assessed by specialists in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, with physiotherapists involved in the assessment process in two cases. Physiotherapists primarily handled the intervention phase, dealing mainly with orthopedic and neurological conditions. DAPSS Directors noted that additional physiotherapy initiatives focusing on prevention will be implemented.
    CONCLUSIONS: Physiotherapy services are becoming available in the Metropolitan City of Milan. However, more efforts are needed to facilitate access and ensure tailored assessment and effective interventions, particularly in preventive care. Future investigations should help to better define the number and the characteristics of the patients who can most benefit from this type of care, the number of sessions they need, and with what types of intervention; it would be also necessary to better define the communication network in the area that allows doctors, health professionals, and patients to be informed about this possibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The incidence of olfactory disorders has increased in recent years, mainly related to COVID-19 infection. In Brazil, over 37 million cases of COVID-19 have been reported, and approximately 10 % of those cases continue to experience olfactory disorders for more than one month. Despite the significant negative impact on well-being, there is currently no validated instrument to assess how olfactory disorders impact the quality of life in Brazil.
    This study aimed to validate the Questionnaire of Olfactory Disorders (QOD) for Brazilian Portuguese.
    The authors first performed translation, back-translation, expert review, pre-testing, psychometric evaluation and cultural adaptation of the English version of the questionnaire. To assure linguistic and conceptual equivalence of the translated questionnaire, 126 participants from two Brazilian states and varying degrees of olfactory loss answered the QOD and the World Health Organization Quality of Life bref (WHOQOL-bref) questionnaires. The University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT®) was used to quantify the olfactory loss. Furthermore, to evaluate the reliability of the Portuguese version a test-retest was performed on a subgroup of patients. The authors observed a high Cronbach\'s alpha (α = 0.86) for internal consistency of the quality of Life (QOD-QOL) statements.
    As expected, there was a negative correlation between QOD-QOL and UPSIT® (Spearman\'s ρ = -0.275, p = 0.002), since QOL score increases and UPSIT® score decreases with worsening of olfactory function. Correlations were moderate between QOD-QOL and WHOQOL-bref mean (Spearman\'s ρ = -0.374, p < 0.001) and weak to moderate between the QOD-QOL and Visual Analog Scale of the QOD regarding professional life, leisure, and private life (Spearman\'s ρ = -0.316, p = 0.000; Spearman\'s ρ = -0.293, p = 0.001; Spearman\'s ρ = -0.261, p = 0.004; respectively).
    In conclusion, the authors have demonstrated a high internal consistency and validity of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the QOD for evaluating the quality of life in individuals with olfactory disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Health-state utility values (HSUVs) for post-transplant refractory cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection (with or without resistance [R/R]) were determined using a time trade-off (TTO) survey completed by 1,020 members of the UK general public.
    METHODS: Existing literature and qualitative interviews with clinicians experienced in treating R/R CMV were used to develop initial draft vignettes of health states. The vignettes were refined to describe three clinical states of R/R CMV: clinically significant and symptomatic (CS-symptomatic CMV); clinically significant and asymptomatic (CS-asymptomatic CMV); and non-clinically significant (non-CS CMV). Each clinical state was valued independently and combined with three events of interest: graft-versus-host disease; kidney graft loss; and lung graft loss to generate twelve vignettes. The final vignettes were evaluated by a sample of the UK general public using an online TTO survey. Exclusion criteria were applied to the final data to ensure that responses included in the analysis met pre-defined quality control criteria.
    RESULTS: Overall, 738 participants met the inclusion criteria and were included in the analysis. The sample was representative of the UK general population in terms of age and sex. Non-CS CMV had the highest mean HSUV (95% confidence interval) (0.815 [0.791, 0.839]), followed by CS-asymptomatic CMV (0.635 [0.602, 0.669]), and CS-symptomatic CMV (0.443 [0.404, 0.482]). CS-symptomatic CMV with lung graft loss had the lowest mean HSUV (0.289), with none of the health states considered on average worse than dead.
    CONCLUSIONS: Post transplant R/R CMV has substantial impact on the health-related quality of life of patients. The utility values obtained in this study may be used to support economic evaluations of therapies for R/R CMV infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Recruiting rural-practicing clinicians is a high priority. In this study, we explored burnout and contributing work conditions among rural, urban, and family practice physicians and advanced practice clinicians (APCs) in an Upper Midwestern health care system.
    METHODS: The Mini Z burnout reduction measure was administered by anonymous electronic survey in March 2022. We conducted bivariate analyses of study variables, then assessed relationships of study variables to burnout with multivariate binary logistic regression.
    RESULTS: Of 1118 clinicians (63% response rate), 589 physicians and 496 APCs were included in this study (n = 1085). Most were female (56%), physicians (54%), and White (86%), while 21% were in family practice, 46% reported burnout, and 349 practiced rurally. Rural and urban clinician burnout rates were comparable (45% vs 47%). Part-time work protected against burnout for family practice and rural clinicians, but not urban clinicians. In multivariate models for rural clinicians, stress (OR: 8.53, 95% CI: 4.09 to 17.78, P < .001), lack of workload control (OR: 3.06, 95% CI: 1.47-6.36, P = .003), busy/chaotic environments (OR: 2.53, 95% CI: 1.29-4.99, P = .007), and intent to leave (OR: 2.18, 95% CI: 1.06-4.45, P = .033) increased burnout odds. In family practice clinicians, stress (OR: 13.43 95% CI: 4.90-36.79, P < .001) also significantly increased burnout odds.
    CONCLUSIONS: Burnout was comparable between rural and urban physicians and APCs. Part-time work was associated with decreased burnout in rural and family practice clinicians. Addressing burnout drivers (stress, workload control, chaos) may improve rural work environments, reduce turnover, and aid rural clinician recruitment. Addressing stress may be particularly impactful in family practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A holistic approach to emergency care treatment planning is needed to ensure that patients\' preferences are considered should their clinical condition deteriorate. To address this, emergency care and treatment plans (ECTPs) have been introduced. Little is known about their use in general practice.
    OBJECTIVE: To find out GPs\' experiences of, and views on, using ECTPs.
    METHODS: Online survey of GPs practising in England.
    METHODS: A total of 841 GPs were surveyed using the monthly online survey provided by medeConnect, a market research company.
    RESULTS: Forty-one per cent of responders\' practices used Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment (ReSPECT) plans for ECTP, 8% used other ECTPs, and 51% used Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) forms. GPs were the predominant professional group completing ECTPs in the community. There was broad support for a wider range of community-based health and social care professionals being able to complete ECTPs. There was no system for reviewing ECTPs in 20% of responders\' practices. When compared with using a DNACPR form, GPs using a ReSPECT form for ECTP were more comfortable having conversations about emergency care treatment with patients (odds ratio [OR] = 1.72, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.1 to 2.69) and family members (OR =1.85, 95% CI = 1.19 to 2.87).
    CONCLUSIONS: The potential benefits and challenges of widening the pool of health and social care professionals initiating and/or completing the ECTP process needs consideration. ReSPECT plans appear to make GPs more comfortable with ECTP discussions, supporting their implementation. Practice-based systems for reviewing ECTP decisions should be strengthened.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Published scales measuring medication adherence are myriad. There is a need for a tool that guides towards downstream adherence interventions.
    OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate a self-report questionnaire able to detect modifiable determinants of medication non-adherence.
    METHODS: Workshops, surveys and meetings were used to identify items. Validation was performed in French and German (Switzerland) between March and April 2022. Face validation, content validation, construct validation, internal consistency and test-retest reliability were assessed. The questionnaire was finalized in August 2022.
    RESULTS: The first draft in English included 13 items divided into four areas. Following translation, validation was performed with 144 patients (63 German-, 81 French-speaking) who were recruited in 35 community pharmacies. Acceptability was good (<5% missing data). Psychometric properties were acceptable with good content validity and moderate construct validity. Internal consistency was acceptable for the French version (Cronbach\'s alpha = 0.71 [item 1-5] - 0.61 [item 6-9]) and less acceptable for the German version (Cronbach\'s alpha = 0.43 [item 1-5] - 0.45 [item 6-9]). Test-retest was given for all items (r = 0.52 to 1.0) except item 10 in French (r = 0.25). The final instrument is a 15-item questionnaire called the 15-STARS (Screening Tool for AdheRence to medicineS) that assesses practical difficulties with medicine use, reasons for non-adherence, doses missed, and need for further help.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support the validity and clinical utility of the 15-STARS questionnaire. Reliability was inconclusive due to incoherent internal consistency, but explainable by the single-item nature of the scale. This new tool will enable the detection of patients who experience difficulties that negatively influence medication adherence. Pharmacists will be able to propose specific and tailored adherence interventions to the patients. Next steps will focus on evaluating its usefulness for developing targeted interventions that optimize medication adherence in routine care and research settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To apply videoconferencing as a new verification method prior to enrollment for an online survey-based study.
    METHODS: A prospective-observational, mixed methods, three group, repeated measures study involved recruiting a population-based sample of breastfeeding mothers and infants (N = 81). Twenty-seven mothers were recruited for each group: mothers returning to work outside of the home, mothers returning to work from home and mothers staying home with their infants full-time.
    METHODS: Data were collected at four time points, infant age 4, 12, 20 and 24 weeks, via online survey. Participating mothers received a $10 gift card for completing each survey. Social media, word of mouth and brochures promoted United States-based recruitment nationwide. A publicly available direct link to the survey was initially provided to interested mothers. After the suspicion of online fraud, videoconferencing was instituted for self-referrals and phone calls for professional referrals.
    RESULTS: The survey was invaded by response fraud 3 weeks after the initial survey deployment. Out of 109 respondents who visited the survey site during that timeframe, only eight mothers (10%) were eligible (22 June 2022 to 14 July 2022). After recruitment modification, 313 individuals emailed the study team with 65 self-referred mothers (80%) enrolled in the study via videoconferencing while eight mothers (10%) had a professional referral and enrolled via phone call (23 August 2022 to 30 March 2023).
    CONCLUSIONS: Providing a direct survey link, even with CAPTCHA-protection, evoked fraudulent responses. Videoconferencing is an emerging verification method that can be readily applied to the enrollment of breastfeeding dyads for an online study.
    CONCLUSIONS: The emergence of fraudulent respondents and internet bots threatens data quality. This study addressed the strategy of videoconferencing as a new verification method for recruitment and enrollment of breastfeeding dyads. This knowledge can be applied by researchers to secure sample validity and data integrity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the perspective of final-year medical students on the use of computed tomography (CT) in patients with sepsis.
    METHODS: A total of 207 questionnaires were distributed to final-year medical students at a large university medical center, and 113 returned questionnaires met the criteria for inclusion in the analysis. Questions referred to sepsis guidelines, CT indications, and the use of contrast agents. Control variables included a level of practical experience as a final-year student (trimester of student\'s practical year) and previous radiological experience. Statistical hypothesis tests such as the Mann-Whitney U test and chi-square test were performed.
    RESULTS: The majority of participating students, 85% (n = 91/107), considered a Systemic Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score ≥ 2 as a diagnostic criterion for sepsis. The presence of ≥ 2 positive systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) criteria was considered relevant for diagnosing sepsis by 34% (n = 34/100). Ninety-nine percent (n = 64/65) of the participants who fully agreed with a SOFA score ≥ 2 being relevant for diagnosing sepsis would also use it as an indication for a CT scan. Seventy-six percent (n = 78/103) of the students rated a known severe allergic reaction to contrast agents as an absolute contraindication for its administration. Ninety-five percent (n = 78/82) considered radiation exposure as problematic in CT examinations, especially in repeat CTs.
    CONCLUSIONS: Most final-year medical students were familiar with the sepsis criteria. Still, some referred to outdated diagnostic criteria. Participants saw the ability to plan further patient management based on CT as a major benefit. Most participants were aware of radiation as a risk of CT.
    UNASSIGNED: More detailed knowledge of CT in septic patients should be implemented in the medical curriculum. Retraining of medical students could help increase student confidence potentially improving patient care.
    CONCLUSIONS: 1. Whereas the majority of final-year medical students were familiar with sepsis criteria, some referred to outdated diagnostic criteria. 2. Participants saw the ability to plan further patient management based on CT as a major benefit. 3. Most participants were aware of radiation as a risk of CT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Interprofessional Education (IPE) prepares students to work in healthcare teams while promoting multidisciplinary learning. The Interprofessional Education Collaborative is a national organization committed to advancing interprofessional learning experiences and promoting team-based care. Previous studies of several allied health disciplines have explored faculty attitudes and beliefs about interprofessional education, but none have investigated program directors of radiologic sciences education programs. Because of their impact on radiologic sciences (technology) programs, it becomes necessary to analyze the attitudes and beliefs of program directors. To this end, this project investigated how program directors ranked the four IPE core competencies, how IPE is currently implemented in their program, and the differences between program directors who have implemented IPE in their curriculum and those that have not yet implemented IPE.
    METHODS: An online survey was distributed via email to 701 radiological science program directors of programs accredited by the JRCERT. The quantitative data was evaluated by crosstabulations, descriptive statistics, and Mann-Whitney U tests.
    RESULTS: We found most program directors believe that IPE should not be a separate accreditation standard. The majority of program directors with over five years in academia had already implemented IPE in their curricula (n = 68, 91%). Program directors with 11-15 years in academia had the highest rate of IPE implementation (n = 22, 81.48%). Approximately half of the programs without IPE in their curriculum would like to see a greater emphasis on IPE in their programs (n = 36, 55.38%). Most program directors (n = 114, 80.90%) somewhat or strongly agreed that interprofessional education will increase the student\'s ability to understand problems. Less than half of respondents agreed that their program had the resources and personnel to teach IPE (n = 59, 43.3%). Program directors ranked the IPE competency Communication (n = 42, 32.60%) first, followed by Ethics (n = 39, 30.20%), Teams and Teamwork (n = 31, 24.00%), and Roles and Responsibilities (n = 17, 13.20%).
    CONCLUSIONS: There is strong support from program directors for IPE to be implemented within radiological sciences programs. Radiologic Technology program directors reported active collaborations with other health-care related programs, similar to collaborations noted in previous research studies. Many program directors that had not yet implemented IPE reported investigating ways to incorporate an IPE activity into their curricula. However, barriers that can affect IPE implementation have been identified.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    Volunteer clinical faculty in private practice provide important clinical teaching and mentorship to dermatology residency programs. Motivations for serving as volunteer clinical faculty in specialties such as obstetrics and gynecology, emergency medicine, and family medicine have been identified; however, there is limited data on what drives private practice physicians to volunteer to teach in dermatology residency training programs. This study examined motivators, facilitators, and barriers to serving as volunteer clinical faculty using an anonymous survey of dermatologists, Mohs surgeons, and dermatopathologists affiliated with Emory University\'s dermatology residency program. Among the 38 invited participants, 26 (68%) completed the survey. The types of practices represented include general dermatology (71%), Mohs surgery (23%), cosmetic dermatology (58%), and dermatopathology (27%). Traditional lectures and impromptu teaching sessions were the most utilized teaching modalities, with 14 (54%) and 11 (42%) of respondents reporting usage, respectively. Most respondents ranked altruistic statements such as \"opportunity to be helpful to others\" (26, 100%), \"providing service to the field of dermatology\" (25, 96%), and \"enjoyment of teaching\" (25, 96%) as important motivations. In contrast, extrinsic rewards such as career advancement and increased income were rated as least important. Significant barriers included limited time for travel and teaching and credentialing. Proposed facilitators included promoting schedule flexibility, increasing teaching supplies, and streamlining credentialing. This single-center study may have limited generalizability to other residency programs with varying characteristics. The motivators, facilitators, and barriers identified by this survey can inform dermatology residency programs on how to maximize volunteer clinical faculty recruitment, retention, and engagement, thus strengthening clinical teaching and mentorship offered.





